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The character. test


Before starting to address this topic, it is necessary to analyze a bit the origin and meaning of this word.

The Greeks called the act of imprinting a mark with a red-hot iron on cattle "karacthein".

The Serbian grammarians and Diomedes used it to denote "the form of a poem." In the historical evolution of the word in our language, this meaning was kept in the name of the letters printed by modern printers, while in Cicero's literary style it became “a set of qualities or circumstances proper to a thing, a person or a community that distinguishes them by their way of being an act, from others.

The word character has the meaning of being a person and this word comes from the Latin charácter. (REA).

The word character comes from the Greek term χαρακτή ρ, which is pronounced kharakte. Set of qualities or traits that distinguish a person from others, mainly in regard to their way of being and reacting to different circumstances.

The Character not only indicates what the person is, but also what he lacks, a sign of the effort of transcendence towards values: character is a fundamental existential situation (Vico).

Character is what man is. It is the sum of the attributes of the mind, body and spirit of man. Character is the set of man's inner and invisible virtues. It is the skeleton of its spirit and its moral appearance. It is the seal, the background and the traces of his being.

I would go so far as to say that each individual has a different character that distinguishes him in society, some have a nice and pleasant character to others, others are lousy or do not like the people around us, perhaps that is why we lack friends, because few understand us.

Character is unique to man. The irrational animal cannot possess character because it supposes irrationality. It is a developed will and a conquest. It has a character that has formed the habit of living on principle. In the daily choice of doing what is right and just, character is formed. That is why character is said to be the supreme conquest of freedom. The prize and the glory of life is character.

That is why the transformation of the same must be constant and must be based mainly on the good principles of morality. This begins at birth and extends throughout our lives, we acquire our character since we are children and as we are related either in school, family, and society.

How is character formed?

Several significant qualities combine: moral principles, integrity, self-discipline, determination, responsibility, trustworthiness and motivation, as well as a sense of justice and mercy that makes them take into account the rights and feelings of others.

Basic categories of character:

  1. Good or strong character: they are what manifest qualities in which the character is formed most of the time. Bad or weak character: they are those who rarely manifest those qualities. Mediocre character: they are those who lack those qualities part of the time.

Have you ever wondered what is the true success of geniuses? Character, in the long run, is the deciding factor in a life of success, which is why we call it the third law of success. The character of what I am doing now proclaims who I am today and what can be expected of me. Success in life corresponds to those who are men and women of character and great workers. Many people buy success with another kind of currency, but now you can buy it with the only currency that is easy to acquire in the market of honest success: work and character is available to everyone.

Perhaps each individual struggles day by day to shape the character in order to succeed in life. Perhaps we cannot do it alone, but let us take strength in Christ our Lord who has given us the assurance that it will not be an easy matter to achieve the perfection of character. A noble, thorough character is not inherited. We obtain it through individual efforts, made by the merits and grace of Christ. God gives us the talents, the mental faculties; we form the character. We develop it by holding tough and severe battles against the self. Conflict after conflict must be sustained against inherited tendencies. We will have to criticize ourselves severely and not allow a single unfavorable trait to remain uncorrected.

Each individual has a different character, I do not know if it is good and pleasant to other people or on the contrary unpleasant, but we must each reflect on whether this character that we possess will lead us to success and thus succeed in life or distance us from the triumphs of life. lifetime.

Dear reader, that is why today I invite you to analyze what your character is, if it pleases or not the people around you, if they like you well, and if it is the opposite, you still have time to make a radical change In your character, I know it is not easy, but if we set our mind to it we can achieve it, it will never be too late to make a change in life, let us remember that wanting is power.

Finally I conclude with this thought:

Sow a thought and you will reap an action, sow an action and you will reap a habit, sow a habit and you will reap a character, and sow a character and you will reap a destiny.


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The character. test