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The cost of having a demotivated team


The only objective of this article is to make a reflection that many times we do not make ourselves and it is an element that has great importance in the income statement: the team's commitment.

The other day I met the CEO of a company that operates in a highly regulated sector and he said to me, "I don't understand, we are a very regulated distribution company (with very standardized processes and information systems), so I don't understand how the income statement and customer satisfaction is much worse than that of our competitors when our processes and information systems are very similar to those of our competitors.

Hearing this statement, we immediately thought about the following cause-effect relationship:

Where it is observed how customer satisfaction will always impact our income statement. So the next question is:

Why do we have low customer satisfaction? In a sector as regulated as the one we are talking about, supposedly well-defined and homogeneous products / services we could maintain the hypothesis that the cause of low customer satisfaction may be the low satisfaction of our people.

In fact, all the studies carried out for this purpose show a clear correlation between both variables.

To check it, we did an analysis of the culture and the climate and the company and BINGO!… They had a climate well below the average for their sector and a culture that was not very customer-oriented and the results. the cause-effect relationship that we had previously indicated.

It was really very interesting to identify what were the levers (personnel policies) that we could use to improve the climate and the impact that they would have on the income statement in both the expenses and income items, but I do not want to go deeper because it is not the objective from the article.

If someone wants more information, I remain at your disposal as always.

What this example is useful for is to reflect on the statement of this mini-article. How much does it cost us to have a team without motivation? Surely much more than you imagine.

Are you encouraged to make numbers on how much it costs for my company's customer satisfaction to be 10 percentage points lower than that of my competitors? Surely we are talking about several million euros in a company that invoices the tens of millions of euros of turnover.

It seems like a figure important enough to take that into account, don't you think?

The cost of having a demotivated team