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Personal growth and the culture of entrepreneurship


What you achieve when you reach your destination is never as important as what you become trying to achieve.

Personal growth is one of the most impressive results of the culture of entrepreneurship. The person who comes to online business for the first time does so initially out of curiosity, surely moved by an advertisement he saw on the computer while surfing the web, but with a great deal of skepticism about the challenge that this unknown world represented.

And that was how one day he was encouraged, took action and downloaded a free mini-course offered by an advertiser to the computer, he studied it, applied it and realized that it was necessary to acquire more courses and so he spent a good time trying here and there with free courses Until he became fully convinced that the free courses and subscriptions only took him to a certain point, and if he really wanted to have personal growth in this area, it was essential to be willing to invest money and time in his training.

That was how he decided to buy a course that cost just over US $ 100 and decided to pass the litmus test by leaving all his personal data, along with his credit card, on a form and then downloaded the course that he a few minutes earlier he bought. The difference in the content of this course inspired him. When reviewing the credit card account, he saw that the debit was exactly the agreed value and then he became convinced that who really wants personal growth in online business, must put aside false fears and decide to invest in their own training. and accept that the culture of entrepreneurship requires a great effort to succeed.

Later, he realized that what he started out of curiosity took more time, on several occasions the boss caught his attention when he realized that on the computer screen, there were things different from those of the work routine, but the bent In personal growth in internet business, he bought more courses, received more information, made several mistakes when buying courses that turned out to be rubbish, until when he was going to complete the first year of starting the adventure, he registered on Ebay and started to earn some dollars selling products.

Those first earnings filled him with encouragement, calmed the anxiety produced by the poor results, for all the effort he made, and despite this, he was encouraged with all the tools he had to make his first electronic book, he worked hard after leaving from work until late at night for more than three months but finally Eureka, his first infoproduct was ready to go on the market.

He had come a long way, he felt that he was someone else, that his personal growth had been immense, that he had very special knowledge that opened the doors to a new career, in short, no matter what happened with the sale of his e- book, with patience, persistence and perseverance, would allow internet businesses to give you financial freedom.

He put the e-book up for sale online, sent information to the list of prospects that he had at that time about 490 and I hope, he campaigned on pay-per-click adwords and continued waiting, and sales were nothing that started in earnest.. One morning before leaving for work and after a month of waiting, when he entered his email he found that 3 sales had been made, and his Paypal account showed an income of US $ 141.00, jumping from happiness and gave a shout of joy with which the wife and the two children woke up scared and when I explained the reason they surrounded him and filled him with congratulatory kisses.

The encouragement and optimism lasted a week because sales stopped, he recalled then that he had heard somewhere that for personal growth, in internet business it was convenient to have a counselor or tutor. He decided then to ask for advice, he was advised by a professional who had bought one of the courses he had to take, who gladly offered to serve as a tutor or counselor. They reviewed the e-book and the counselor told him that the content was very good but that the title was weak, that if he changed it things could improve.

And said and done, he changed the title of the book, did another launch and another ad campaign and sales began to arrive in abundance, at the end of the first week the first thousand dollars were in his account and from then on it was like a miracle He never imagined that a title would be so important for a book, so he decided to be very careful from now on with the titles he made and with the subjects in the emails he sent. He partnered with other marketers to offer his product to their lists and to offer his list to theirs. Among his colleagues' infoproducts was one on personal growth that produced a good amount of commissions.

Before completing two years of starting their online businesses, he realized that his Paypal and Ckickbank accounts (the latter had to be opened at the request of some of his clients) were receiving more money month by month than he received in his job., He told his wife and between the two they decided that the long-awaited moment to fire the boss had arrived, he presented his irrevocable resignation to the job and the following week, the whole family went to Disney World to enjoy the dream they always had when their children They were smaller, they left for a month with the certainty that their income would not be affected because sales would continue automatically.

It is possible that you are bored at this moment with the economic situation that you live, the money is not enough to cover the needs of the home, the complaints of the wife and children are continuous and you do not know what to do. Look in Internet business is your opportunity if you really want your situation to change, remember that by doing the same thing you have always done you will always get the same results, so for you, for your personal growth, for your family, you have to Turn your life around, look for your opportunity in internet business.

Personal growth and the culture of entrepreneurship