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Psychological crime


Today's world is a complex and dynamic system, marked by speed, competitiveness and a technological "boom" that changes the system of personal relationships. There is more globality, but individuality is greater, and the breakdown of moral values ​​is already a worrying and obvious issue. Talking about respect, compassion, or charity can be out of focus or even funny. However, violence, evil and crime are seen as normal behavior styles. This dehumanization is in the media, the company, the school and even in the family. We attempt against our emotional stability, against our well-being in life, and we overlook the issue without realizing that we are facing what I have called: a psychological crime.

A psychological crime is an act through which one person hurts another emotionally or morally, through injuries to their psychological integrity. The psychological criminals serve to achieve their goals of various types of weapons, manipulative strategies aimed to "the other" humbles inhibited, annul, hide, shut up, flee, ask for forgiveness, delivered, give up or change your way of thinking, feeling or acting in favor of the manipulator.

To achieve this, the victimizer stimulates or induces negative and limiting feelings in his victim, so that he feels inadequate, inferior, incapable, insufficient, little, less, nobody… nothing. The goal is, ultimately, to affect the mental balance of others, in order to control their will.

Among the most common methods these mental attackers use are: indifference, screaming, threats and blaming. This type of crime can be done consciously, or without us having the slightest idea of ​​what we are doing and causing.

In some cases, psychological crime is committed by one against oneself, using for it painful memories or threatening concerns that destabilize the psyche and produce somatic responses in the form of disease.

As for harming others, doctors commit psychological crimes that destroy the hopes of their patients by closing all possibilities of recovery, with disintegrating words such as "incurable", "impossible", "never" or "always", in frank demonstration of ignorance and insensitivity. Supported by a changing and inexact science, they nullify the power of love and faith.

Lawyers committing to destroy can commit psychological crimes, being able to negotiate, as well as "fee-based" judges who deprive many of their liberty, illegally and cruelly.

Parents commit psychological crimes that instead of caressing, flattering and respecting their children, they scold, humiliate, compare, criticize and mistreat them, more out of habit or outburst, than out of justice or disciplinary requirement. Many parents are dangerous criminals, attacking their children on a daily basis, who are in a weak and dependent position. Countless traumas are brewing in the home of which there is neither evidence nor punishment.

Journalists who terrorize the population with alarming information, exposed without consideration or professionalism, commit psychological crimes, seeking to generate a premeditated impact, at personal convenience or in follow-up to an editorial line that aspires to obtain juicy economic income and relies on it in yellowing and lying.

Similar mentality is that of some media managers, whose decisions put on the screen deforming contents of individual consciousness, making it prone to mistrust, evil, violence and widespread dehumanization, under the pragmatic and hackneyed pretext, that this is what people want to see.

Others who appear on the list of psychological criminals, are some callous teachers, who demoralize their students making them doubt the value of their potential. Likewise, abusive priests who control their parishioners with guilt, fear and a distorted religious history, and obedient to ecclesiastical powers that in many cases manifest frankly dubious integrity.

Experts in this type of invisible crime are politicians, leaders in unfulfilled promises, omissions and falsifications. Champions and causes of disappointment and frustration for millions of people.

In the intimate world there is also psychological crime. In couples, disqualification, abuse, neglect, financial manipulation, unhealthy jealousy, indiscriminate offense, invasion of personal space or unjustified abandonment are frequent.

What to do about all this? Let us begin by not practicing or justifying these forms of attack on our fellow men, in any of their manifestations or contexts. If we discover ourselves in it, it is our duty to rectify and avoid recidivism.

Also, we could help others to realize situations that are habitual, regularly unnoticed. It is possible to promote coexistence based on more positive values, and report abuse attempts when they occur. Each one who does his own and evil will find a brake. The rest is up to God. Thanks for reading me. www.laexcelencia.com.

Psychological crime