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The curriculum by competences and the integral formation of the university student

  1. Operate control systems to maintain the fluidity of the process and maintain the product according to specifications. Maintain order, safety and hygiene, according to current regulations.

Once the elements of competition have been determined, they must be specified in terms of: the quality with which they must be achieved; the evidence that they were obtained; the field of application; and the required knowledge..

The performance criteria describe the quality requirements in the work exercise and allow establishing whether or not the worker achieves the result described in the element of competence. When delimiting the performance criteria, the expected result is referred to as the element of competence, the evaluative statement of quality and the essential aspects of competition that express the characteristics of the results described in the element of competence. To be verified, they must have the following conditions:

  1. Define the acceptable level of performance required for the element of competence Identify only the essential aspects of performance Express a critical result, through an evaluation statement Form a precise basis for the design of evaluation systems and materials Express yourself in such a way that performance evaluations can be carried out together with the participants. Be as precise as possible to minimize subjective judgments Describe observable results, and not processes such as review, or thought processes such as "appreciate", "understand" or "know how" Incorporate aspects of work organization (punctuality, optimization resources, contingency management) and interactive work behaviors

Performance criteria are the basis for the tutor to judge whether or not a student is proficient. This is the basis for the preparation of the evaluation material that allows us to specify what was done and the quality with which it was carried out.

  • Methodological strategies

In our days, competition is a relevant concept; implies a greater integration between strategy, study system, work and organizational culture, together with the management of information and knowledge; provides potentiality in people and their development. Performance management, by competencies, focuses on development and looks for what people will be able to do in the future.

The knowledge society leads us to guide the educational process towards active and permanent learning, and requires the student to investigate, observe, discover, solve problems and communicate. This way of approaching learning requires developing informational skills and competencies to learn to learn and incorporate key elements for accessing, selecting, and using information sources and resources; as well as information and communication technologies.

Thus, the student is the center of learning; It looks for how to learn without neglecting what to learn, how to solve problems, assuming awareness, self-evaluating, co-evaluating and working multidisciplinary in integrated modules.

  • Learning process

Through "the learning processes, the experiences of the students are enriched, competencies are strengthened and developed that allow them to transfer knowledge to any situation", the knowledge schemes are reconstructed.

The “principles of the learning / teaching process of the competences are:

  1. Meaning: from real situations and close to the students Construction: from previous knowledge Alternation: global / specific / global Application: to “do”, you learn by doing Globalization: analysis from the competence as a whole Iteration: repeat the same several times task in the same situationCoherence: between teaching, learning and evaluation of the competenceDistinction: between contents and processIntegration: of the elements or components among themselves and in the competencesTransference: from a task-source to a task-goal, between situations ”.

Competency-based learning demands comprehensive training focused on learning; diversifies learning possibilities; recognizes practice as a resource to consolidate what is known, to put into action what is known and to learn more; recognizes the person as capable of self-directing and organizing their learning; it specifies different ways to learn, since the classroom is not the only place of learning; the learning (generic and specific competences) must be applied in different situations and problems (transferability); it implies intentional actions that take into account the different contexts and cultures in which they are carried out (multi-referentiality); emphasizes actual practice as the basis of theory; requires active and reflective processes

  • Evaluation process

The evaluation is the transparent and equitable process that tries to determine, systematically and objectively, the relevance, effectiveness and impact of the activities carried out to achieve the proposed competences. It must be “an appreciative, systematic, permanent, global and integrating feedback process that allows:

  1. Identify achievements and the factors contributing to alcanzarlosDetectar learning difficulties when they occur, determine their causes and take rectifying measures derived therefrom, treating all students with criteria of equity and adecuaciónTomar into account fully the capacities and skills sought, according to the target profiles (indicators and development processes) of each educational level and modality, as well as the cultural particularities of the subjects Be present in all phases of the learning process and the academic cycle, through their cumulative diagnostic and training components ”.

There is no single method that examines all areas of competition, nor is there a single method that meets all needs, as open or closed book exams do not change their validity or reliability. What changes are the skills that are being assessed. The validity and reliability of the assessment instruments depend on their structure.

It starts from the integral conception of evaluation that considers general and particular elements; the units of competence are broken down into performance indicators or criteria; the performance indicators or criteria refer to the evaluation criteria; evaluation practices are modified (without discarding some traditional forms) making them more consistent and demanding

Appealing to the creativity of each teacher, it is possible to use questions to evaluate the evidence of knowledge: What do you know ?, what do you understand ?, how do you analyze ?; the evidence of performance: What does it do ?, how does it do it ?, where does it do it ?, with what does it do it ?; the evidence of the product: What did it do ?, how did it turn out ?. And the instruments could be: the portfolio, oral presentation, written or oral questionnaire, guided interview, checklist, grading scale, writing a topic, solving a problem, ordering test, among others.

Among the processes to evaluate learning by competences, we can mention: a) Self-evaluation; b) Peer evaluation; c) Co-evaluation; d) Learning Outcomes; e) Carrying out Activities; f) Execution Tests; g) Observation scales; h) Portfolio; i) Objective and Structured Clinical Evaluations (ECOE); j) Reflective journal…

Compared to traditional evaluation, evaluation by competences is characterized because it is defined as a process with several major steps: a) definition of objectives; b) collection of evidence; c) comparison of evidence with the objectives, and d) formation of a judgment (competent or not yet competent). It is “characterized because:

  1. It focuses on performance results. Time not determined. Personalized. Not associated with a course or study program. Does not compare different people. Does not use scoring scales. Its result is competent or not yet competent.

Being the purpose of the training, based on Competencies, to structure flexible and diversified learning programs and processes, with relevant and significant content referring to the conditions of reality; with theoretical / practical / technical knowledge that involves content, skills, aptitudes, attitudes and values; with programs that articulate the identified problem and that fulfill an integrating function between theory and practice; We ratify our hypothesis by concluding that a competency curriculum promotes intentional learning and a responsible, ethical, critical, participatory, creative and supportive personality with the ability to recognize and interact in their environment,building their cultural identity and achieving comprehensive training that overcomes the divorce between the socio / professional reality and higher education.


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The curriculum by competences and the integral formation of the university student