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Sport as a lifestyle

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The analysis of the concept of lifestyle and the factors that influence it, has led to the coexistence of at least two concepts that imply different ways of acting.

Firstly, referring to the free choice of behavior; in which actions must be aimed at avoiding unhealthy habits, thus placing full responsibility on the individual.

Secondly, maintaining that health depends on a general way of life, determined by the interrelation between living conditions and behavior patterns that in turn depend on socio-educational and personal characteristics.

Healthy lifestyle is a set of behavior patterns related to health and sports, determined by the choices people make from the options available according to the opportunities offered by their own lives.

In this way, lifestyle can be understood as consistent health-related behavior (such as the habitual practice of physical activities), which is made possible or limited by a person's social situation and living conditions.

To lead a healthy lifestyle, one of the most important factors that must be taken into account is that of physical activity, since it favors the general state of health of people and provides very beneficial effects.

People could hardly lead a full and healthy life without any possibility of movement and interaction with the world, which is why physical activity becomes a very important factor when it comes to talking about a healthy life, as it provides better quality of life and greater well-being.

People's perception of physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being depends largely on their values ​​and beliefs and on the cultural context.

On the other hand, each of us has different dreams, but every day millions of children, adolescents and adults dream of being professional athletes.

Many times they are not met, but for some they are, and it is here when sport transforms their lives that they turn out to have the talent and character that is required to be a professional.

Continuing with the theme of lifestyle but aimed at athletes and specifically on their financial situation; This essay aims to establish an analytical alternative that allows the phenomenon of broken banking to be interpreted in some of the athletes.

With this, an exit door is sought that does not imply the empirical division of reality into small behaviors; but if it allows an approximation to their specific forms of manifestation in reality, the ultimate purpose is to seek improvements so that athletes are more successful throughout their lives.

On the other hand, understanding the sport in different ways, it can be enjoyed in two ways, either passively as a spectator or actively, as a practitioner. As for the latter, 3 types of practice are distinguished: elite, federated and amateur sportsmen.

Defining them in the first place, the elite athlete is mainly directed towards entertainment, reaching high levels of income (that is why the State sees the need to control this activity by subjecting sports clubs to legal commercial and labor regulations. Currently they are directed and cared for by technicians or coaches who help them break their marks or beat their rivals, forming in them a competitive spirit.

Second is the federated athlete. These athletes practice sport less systematically and exhaustively than elite athletes, but they are also conditioned by a series of limitations, such as institutions or calendars, that condition their sports activity.

And finally; fans. These are subject to fewer limitations than the two types of practitioners previously mentioned, since they appear more hidden than the others and are more difficult to locate and account for. They practice their sport as a hobby, so it is purely fun. The motivations are social, work commitments or health issues.

When introducing and analyzing the different types, it can be seen that the times and the way of thinking change from day to day; For example, previously, sport was considered far from any possibility framed within the economic world; the conception of the sports organization as such limited the economic valuation, and until the beginning of the eighties it was frowned upon, and even prohibited, to earn money from sports. For example, Jim Thorpe lost the gold medal he had won at the 1912 Olympics, having received money for a baseball game. Another example, when the brand of the sponsor could be distinguished on the shirt of a soccer star, it had to be changed before the TV connection, in order to avoid static advertising.

On the contrary, nowadays all men and women who practice some sport seek to reach the highest level, since these are the ones who can reach a high level of lifestyle.

These types of athletes are mainly directed towards the show, achieving high levels of income, due to its wide dissemination through the mass media and advertising brands.

Taking up the type of elite athlete, unlike other athletes, their lives, either individually or as a team, are made up of a great diversity of values ​​such as discipline, perseverance, work and perseverance; That is why on many occasions there are amateur or confederate athletes who cannot become an elite or high-performance athlete.

The problem of the elite athlete is that they do not have enough mental maturity, so they are dazzled by the inflows of money, fame and success. Throughout their careers they do nothing but spend their fortunes on bad investments, overspending, divorces, lawsuits and / or addictions; And all this for not knowing how to manage their money, for spending more than they have or for a total lack of financial education and mismanagement.

This makes it necessary to support the elite athlete so that at the end of his professional life he does not end in ruin. That is why some leagues or sports organizations begin to implement financial education programs for their newbies and in other cases to start their own business that helps them to survive on their own, all this is so that athletes take into account that their financial situation only it is a consequence of their personal decisions and that they reflect on their future.

Analyzing the careers of some famous athletes it can be found that many of them have become millionaires and end up losing everything, "from glory to ruin", for example the case of Jason Caffey, former player of the Michael Jordan Bulls, is The subject of a search and arrest warrant, because he owes an ex-girlfriend $ 200,000 for the support of his son, a case for which he was already arrested in 2007.

Also continuing with the NBA, another very famous case of a bankrupt player is Scottie Pippen, Caffey's partner in the 90s, one of the 50 best players in history, but he lost almost everything.

Clear examples such as Players who went through the CBA like John Williams (he even went to jail for not paying child support) or Kenny Green also buried all his earnings.

On the other hand, in MLB baseball, Jack Clark, the star of the Boston Red Sox in the early 90's, was ruined while still active, in 1992 he owed almost seven million for a series of bad financial decisions.

In other sports there are also a multitude of bankrupt; Snooker player (a variety of billiards) Jimmy White spent five million pounds for his drug problems and gambling addiction, in 1994, the money he had earned as world runner-up (more than 100,000 pounds) gave it to him to his bookmaker and he lost it.

Boxing is a clear example of bankruptcy, since boxers are the most outstanding when they waste their profits. Countless examples can be cited, including the great icons of the 80s and 90s, Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield, who ended up ruined.

But these are just some examples of cases that unfortunately are not at all unusual, that many athletes become billionaires but their bad decisions lead them to lose everything, even sometimes, to life.

About 60% of athletes will have lost their money five years after retiring; all for leading a disorderly life and wasting money, leaving them in an economic ruin.

However, and with all this, as a final idea, it is more the positive aspects than the negative ones that make the Olympic world a booty for financial, economic and social investment, yearned for the development of any country in our dynamic world.

But in order to maintain a good financial situation and knowing the needs, many training programs must be implemented for athletes so that they are able to maintain their status throughout their lives, because it is useless one day to be successful and have a good position and everything desired, if the next day everything built is thrown overboard just for not knowing how to handle and manage money.

To avoid falling into this problem, some solutions are proposed that could be put into practice for all types of athletes who at any given moment conclude their profession.

The first of them must be carried out from the moment the athlete begins; This could be, firstly, giving them all the motivation they need for their workouts, improving recovery after the efforts they make, giving them good support to advance in their sporting challenges and adding enough tools to reduce and work with stressful moments that limit or make planning both training and competition difficult.

Another solution could be that when an athlete retires, they are offered jobs as assistants or physical trainers of basic forces, and thus in this way both the athlete and the club would be earning, since in this way many benefits can be obtained; because on the one hand, young people are developing alongside a very large motivation such as a famous figure and if seen from another point of view, even as an idol, at the same time that in the retired player their self-esteem is not affected, but on the contrary feel useful and proud of what is and was.

On the other hand, speaking of sports with more risk or extremes, life insurance could be considered both outside and inside the sport, since many times accidents occur to them while outside their sports activity, and with this type of insurance they would not have than worry about your future.

Finally, these are some considerations that could be taken into account so that athletes throughout both their careers and their personal lives can maintain star status. But something certain is that the sooner the sport begins to be promoted hand in hand with education, the more apt and trained the new athletes will develop and there would be more possibilities to enrich and promote their sports mentality; for their benefit and that of the country, which would have worthy representatives and a clear example to emulate.


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Sport as a lifestyle