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Pain in disguise of pleasure

Table of contents:


To begin to address the themes of this writing, we must analyze, to today's society, the legacy of the past and what kind of society we are contributing to the future, both collectively and individually.

We face complex socio-family systems that, for various reasons, generate autopoietic systems, the quality of a system capable of producing and maintaining itself (according to the concept of the Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela) in which they are preserved and they normalize living conditions, in this case they generate anguish, but they are able to maintain themselves by delivering, satisfying basic needs quickly, feeling momentary pleasure and income destined to satisfying addictions, especially drugs and alcohol. The cost of this is the permanent emotional, social, family damage and self-destruction generated by people, who are inside these systems.

We will also consider the double bond existing in societies, raised by the English anthropologist, Gregory Beteson, especially at the family level, many positive things are transmitted verbally, but with non-verbal language and actions, harm is being inflicted, with negative connotations.

We can extrapolate this, to the negative contribution of the media and social networks, in which positive messages are transmitted, but which have a negative background, an example of this is the high sexual content and vulgar language of current television programs.. Let's consider that this is language and language has the ability to create realities, as Rafael Echeverría puts it, in his writing the ontology of language.

Another aspect to mention is the inability of governments to create public policies, aimed at the maintenance of the family, viewing these as the first control unit, ”since outside of this, there are the traffickers, the pimps, hitmen, alcohol, drugs, etc "(of course, family systems also fail in the double bond).

Despite this governmental failure, many times his campaign speeches are based on families. Finally, in this variable, the inability that we have had as a civil society, be it on the front that we are: community, territorial and functional organizations, non-governmental organizations, churches, among others and of the simply personal, to contradict with our actions, constantly our speeches and excluding, the people in whom, the decision and the pain has taken hold of their lives and their being. Creating ourselves a worse future society.

The topic addressed is female prostitution. As this is a complex and socially frowned upon issue, we will approach it from the rights perspective, in which the rights of people must be sought, promoted, protected and guaranteed, the importance of this is that we are all people, imperfect, with vulnerabilities.

We must take into account that reality is a social construction, and that we are the reflection of our, spaces where we have had to socialize, as the authors, Berger and Luckmann suggest, however lapidary this may seem, there are always spaces for socialization where people can resignify their realities and change to satisfactory states, not forgetting resilience, as an important motivator in people.

This should focus on what to do in the social sciences and in a very particular way Social Work, "profession of the undersigned".

It is essential not to stop commenting, that we are increasingly in a more consumerist society, where money is endorsed, and the acquisition of goods and services, this is privileged, over the family, social and cultural, in the words of the Chilean sociologist, Tomas Moulian, consumption has the ability to consume people, generating slavery, to obtain these goods and services and degenerating society, since the spaces of basic interaction are lost, especially in the family, this based on other actors who profit from prostitution.

Finally, as methodological tools, for this writing, in-depth interviews were used, (including life stories), ethnography, through the space and actions of the people who were interviewed and a deep observation of the environment that surrounds them, this being writing the analysis of these instruments.

Many questions arise from this, such as:

Are the existing public policies effective in generating spaces of family control?

Are there public and social policies aimed at reducing and preventing the exercise of the sex trade?

Are the programmatic offers of the state capable of integrating, with a transformative approach, people who practice prostitution?

From civil society, is the phenomenon of sex trade viewed as effects of violations provided by the environment, or is it just assumed to be prejudice?

Towards a typical profile of people who practice prostitution.

Taking into account that prostitution is a heterogeneous female population, which encompasses different age ranges, social status (in terms of greater and lesser, exclusivity), associated with purchasing power, an increase in this phenomenon due to immigration, covering different social sectors. Without prejudice to this, we can unify the profile, based on certain factors captured in reality, which are confluent between the heterogeneity that makes up this world of exchange of realities and transactions, both symbolic and concrete.

Context Family partner

As we mentioned, in the introductory part, when we talk about systems reproduction, but with negative links, which are seen as normal, and from the social construction of realities, today it is reflected, the sex trade as something almost normalized, and It does not reflect on the emotional damage caused to people, the constant consumption situation, by those who are inside it, in the same way as normalized and not as what, in reality, a self-flagellating element happens, that it has the ability to create new family nuclei, once again reproducing dysfunctionality and little or no containment, (it should be mentioned that many of the people who are in prostitution are wives and mothers), where situations of abuse and violence continue to be replicated,and addictions but viewed as part of the everyday and normal by those who experience it and with little or no social intervention.

From the point of view of self-realization not achieved.

If we take into account what has been stated, by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, in his pyramid of human needs, in which human beings, we must go supplying, needs, from the physiological ones, which are not fully reached by these, people, they cannot have a good rest, often poor nutrition, risk of sexually transmitted diseases and the obvious damage caused by additions (up to risk of death from overdose and attacks by those who frequent them), and vulnerable to physical and psychological attacks, needs of security, which clearly is not reached, since they are exposed to any type of risk and aggression, with fatal consequences, nor are they covered by health systems and social welfare, being completely on the fringes of society.

As this is an exercise outside of the social, it is extremely complex to meet the needs of social acceptance, making it impossible for them to reach more satisfactory states of interaction, and as we have already seen, the self-esteem is not reached, regarding the inherited damage and replica of this same. Therefore, in these people there is no self-realization, if self-destruction is evidenced and mentioned with full responsibility, often hidden by the unconscious of the people.

The communicative distortion, through language in double bond

When we talk about communication in a basic way, we can define it as an exchange of information between people, if we take it from the Lhumanian complexity, only one consciousness can think, but it cannot think with its own thoughts within another consciousness, only society can communicate and in both cases, these are operations typical of an operationally closed system, determined by the structure.

We understand then, the spaces of interaction where prostitution is practiced, as a semi society, where there are many consciences, but communication occurs through this society which is a closed system 2, so that its elements (people within the social system), lack others, spaces that provide information and re-significance of their realities, always being imprisoned within the same environment, in this case harmful; this product of the already mentioned, that this works outside the social.

Of course, communication must be expressed within a certain language, language is constituted when it is incorporated into our life as a way of living, this is a going from behavioral coordinations to behavioral coordinations that arise in coexistence as a result of it. That is, when the behavioral coordinations are consensual.

All interaction implies a structural encounter between those who interact. And every structural encounter results in the triggering or triggering of a structural change among the participants of the meeting (Humberto Maturana), what Maturana expressed, language is the way we naturalize communication and we can coordinate them, that is, make agreements, but this is for execute a certain behavior dune, with other people, which is generating change in the social structure.

Prostitution has a series of communication codes, in which the provider and the person who requires the benefit must make an agreement, or several agreements, that lead to sexual behavior, therefore, a change in the mental constructs of both parties, as we said in chapter previous naturalizing the non-normal, as happens with many scourges, the most common being gender-based violence against women.

The role of technology and social networks.

Where the sexual offer is expressed, most often it is through social networks, where women commonly offer themselves, with a striking message, commonly highlighting physical qualities and sexual behaviors, who are able to practice 3, prices and locations, contacts Afterwards, clients contact them and make appointments and practices.

If we take that a social network, a web page are easily accessible to anyone, even children and that many times, it is clear that there is a double link, in what is ethically correct, negative and positive advertising is transmitted, again the non-normal is normalized. This is clearly given by the consumer element, since carrying out this type of advertising generates monetary profits for website administrators, regardless of the communication damage, we can also criticize the lack of legal regulation for this type of advertising.

  • In that there is no feedback from other spaces of interaction, according to the general theory of system What they commonly call services

The scourge and the self-scourge.

If we take into account the principle of human dignity “inherent value of the human being, by the simple fact of being, in terms of being rational endowed with freedom. It is not a quality endowed by anyone, but inherent to the human being ", clearly there is an ignorance of human dignity, in parts and there is a constant scourge, in causing damage (in the story of a person in prostitution)…" you must consume cocaine, because if the client wants, he pays for company and you must do it, you cannot refuse ”, it cannot be neglected to mention that machismo and gender violence are present here, regarding the level of submission, the that people in prostitution are vulnerable. (in the story of the same person)… ”This is exercising violence against yourself, against the client and the client against you, the client against him,because it is a world of lies and harm ”. In another story, "sometimes you must submit" But as we see, all this occurs through communicative contexts and distorted language with a double bond, capable of generating distressing, flagelling but existing realities in our society. Of course, this is given by social constructions, which are highly necessary to resignify.

The universe of transactions

The entire context in which prostitution takes place is low, multiple systems of transactions, both concrete or material and symbolic, that converge all the time in language exchange, as we have already said in double connection. In analysis carried out on this exchange system, it is clearly from the stories and what was captured through observation.

Symbolic transaction

Language markets are called interaction markets, in which there is a flow of language capital (Borduiu). Although what the French sociologist said is based on the economic systems of societies, in this context it is easy to extrapolate. In that the person who practices prostitution must convince among so much competition, the so-called client of his attributes, sympathy, acts to be practiced, so that he prefers it… ”They are common faces, like treatment of girlfriendor girlfriend, kind treatment, respect for time, in promotion and others specific to female genitality and sexual practices ”. So the symbolic transaction has to do with the capacity of the sender to convince the receiver and occurs through language, (a person who practices prostitution, convincing the so-called client), this exchange based on stories, is sometimes used to maintain the Man visits, with phrases that can be sweet to the ear, but as we have analyzed bring double links, therefore, emotionally damaging. On another occasion the reality that is manifested is not consistent, with what is offered and disappointed for the man, this can cause severe problems such as assaults.

Addiction transaction

“An addiction, addition, is a physical and psychoemotional illness, which creates a dependency or need, towards a substance, active or relationship. A drug is any substance that, when introduced into the living organism, can modify one or more of its functions, altering thoughts, emotions, perceptions and behavior, in a relationship that may make it desirable to repeat the experience, and may promote a mechanism of tolerance and dependency ”(WHO).

The drugs displayed in this environment range from tobacco. Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, base paste, ecstasy, and in general of all kinds of hard drugs, it is still worrying, the level of vulnerability these people are under the effects of these substances from: abuse, assaults, no have control of their actions and remain in full subjection of the man who owns them, in the same way, risk of possible diseases, such as vascular, cancer, among others.

All of these are known phenomena at the health level as a result of drug abuse, not to mention risk of death, from overdose or cardiac arrest. But there are also known consequences of loss and impairment of social, family life and economic damage, since dependency makes it necessary for each person to consume in greater quantity 5 or stronger substances of greater cost. All this damage is widely proven and demonstrable by various studies.

The transactional exchange here, as we already mentioned this type of substances, generate dependency, in the request that the woman in prostitution makes to the so-called client, at the time of agreeing the meeting, to bring him drugs, considering that many, of whom, frequent these women are also addicts and from the symbolic, an imagination of a better time to enjoy is built.

Another aspect as this transaction manifests, is when the client carries addictive substances or drugs and under the mental construct of submission, as mentioned in the previous chapter, the woman agrees to consume, thinking that because the man puts the money, he has the right to violate it and the client violate his will, again we make references to social constructions, with gender violence, necessary to seek professionally to resignify not only in this context.

The economic transaction

This is the best known, from what we have previously analyzed, perhaps not the most common and has to do with the economic exchange of men with women, for sexual relations of various kinds. The only thing possible to comment on is that this is the core of the practice of prostitution, so, although it is logical, clarity is mentioned, that no matter how much the symbolic transaction is verbalized, attractive phrases, beauty, affection, quality, passion, etc., this is in the double bond or false, the final means being obtaining money, or in many occasions to carry out an addictive transaction.

Other indirect beneficiaries of transactions

From this universe of transactions, there are other beneficiaries, as we have already said the administrators of web pages or social networks, hotel and cabin owners, who are hired to practice prostitution, a taxi driver or people who work in transportation, bringing men to women for commission and of course micro and drug traffickers.

Looking at it from an ecological perspective, there is one less end to the human right to life, liberty and security. With a few indirect beneficiaries being those with the highest economic gain, at the cost of the scourge of other people. What is consistent with the thesis of the aforementioned Sociologist takes Mullían that consumption can do anything, to generate money, even work based on denigrating the dignity of other people.

It is here that one finds meaning, not in a moralistic or religious way, but ethically, to the biblical proverb the root of all evil is the love of money. From an ecological point of view, damage is created to the environment where these transactions occur. It is not possible to fail to mention that, on a large number of occasions, those who have the least economic gain are the women who scourge their bodies, if not the other beneficiaries of this system of transactions, as it is logical to deduce, those who profit the most are those who market with drugs and alcohol.

The predominance of the patriarchal system

In our Chilean society, even culturally it is very patriarchal; a system in which, in the social organization, the authority is exercised by the male, just by observing the news we realize that there is a considerable cup of femicides, those of us who work in social programs are witnesses to the various forms of violence and submission, to which women are exposed. It is for this reason that various feminist demonstrations and movements have grown strongly, seeking to empower themselves and generate changes in our culture.

Based on the spirit of this writing, we would say that these changes have to occur through communication, in order to break an unsatisfactory cultural autopietic system and install another satisfactory autopoietic system, break the double bond of saying I love you, after an aggression of any kind, so that fairer realities are created and not a reality in which even the victims themselves justify and naturalize the violence

The naturalization of violence against women in the sex trade.

We spoke in previous chapters about how what we communicate and express create realities capable of reproducing themselves over time, in the opening paragraph of this chapter we talked about how these realities naturalize violence, in the practice of prostitution we can say that it is a means that validates the unjust patriarchal system, as we said previously, the non-normal is normalized.

Here it is visualized by the women themselves, the man as the one who can bring money, provide the drugs that are consumed; Although it appears to be a use of man, it is the woman who is exposed to the wishes of man through the entire system of transactions, in simple terms she loses power and must submit, to whom she brings the resources, it being necessary that in what she does should please the man, being seriously exposed to assaults, verbal abuse, other conditions such as poor hygiene, men with violent character for drug or alcohol consumption, taking into account Borudieu, there is a clear way of symbolic violence, to through internalized habitus,but already naturalized as normal… in words said with the anguish and rage of a person who practices prostitution "here many think that they can take you as they want, turn you where they want", we could give the example given above, of who said that if the man offered her cocaine, she had to accept, because that's why she paid.

From the point of view of man, his patriarchal position is validated by feeling empowered, the same power that our current macho society grants him, where he feels entitled, to take on a woman, due to his condition as a working man, who has money, which he deserves, where in simple terms he feels like a king, just because he is male, to clearly conclude this chapter, in the female sex trade machismo prevails.

The basic profile of men who frequent the sex trade.

Product that in the investigative period focused more on capturing, in depth the perceptions and the environment in which the sex trade turns towards women and interviews with them and spaces were given to them, the analysis of the so-called clients, is also given by what has been contributed with them, therefore, it is possible to mention some tips:

  1. In the same way that the women who practice prostitution, several of these people are subject to drug and alcohol addictions that do not allow them to lead a functional family life, looking from their perspective for a space that allows them to satisfy all their needs, including their needs. addictions.Influenced by the environment and the patriarchal and macho culture, where they know that they can be satisfied, regardless of the condition in which it occurs, many times some attend after having attended what is commonly called reel, knowing that by the transaction that manifests, they can exercise dominion. In this variable we also highlight, many times that it is the parents, siblings or friends who urge young people who reach the age of majority to frequent a prostitute (the common saying goes up to a man) Influenced by the distorted communication in double bonds, which is mainly expressed in Social networks, by images and written form, verbally when making the telephone agreement. In this variable, we can fit people who may be going through periods of loneliness, sexual dissatisfaction in marriage, it is easier to be influenced by distorted communication, mistakenly thinking that they will also be satisfied emotionally.

As you can see so many women who engage in sex trade and men who frequent it are in a constant state of self-flagellation and the variables that surround them have a clear similarity.


From what is expressed in this writing, it is understood that the sex trade is a closed social system, in which violence against women is normalized, the patriarchal system is perfected, which is made up of people who throughout their social and family history they have suffered different violations, based on this they have built their reality in which they are immersed; to which addictions to drugs and alcohol are manifested. Even though there is a constant flow of money, we cannot mention this as a jobTaking into account Max Weber's thesis, in the simplest possible terms, he argued towards favorable social relations, involves different knowledge of people, adequate use of technology and above all, its purpose is to provide both social and personal well-being.

In this circuit of transactions, welfare is not generated for anyone involved. It is difficult to find people who engage in sex trade, with a stable economic situation, with their own home, car, even difficult to find a good food diet, this product of what was discussed in chapter three of transaction systems, product of additions and others Variables many times it is not the same women who have the highest profit, generally traffickers, it is not brazen to mention that there are those who pay for drugs.

Another variable is the patriarchal macho culture and the total lack of protection to which they are exposed, to the constant verbal abuse, in some cases physical, in those cases that the woman must wake up at any time and consume whatever, because the client demand, the risks I think said metaphorically are written alone, as they are so unprotected and there are so many people in our society psychically disturbed: it is not unusual for homicides, kidnappings, beatings, rapes 11 and other violations to occur here.

From the point of view of health, it is not necessary to dedicate yourself to medicine to say that the additions themselves are already diseases and that, as a future consequence, they will bring other diseases since they gradually damage health, there is a risk of loss due to poly consumption of drugs and alcohol, also risks of venereal diseases, it is worth mentioning that AIDS or HIV today is something common, although it is true there is condom use, it can be mentioned as a hypothesis, that these risks are in the practice of oral sex, in some consensual transaction for the non-use of condoms, the some relationship forced by the man and at some point as a result of the consumption, the woman is not in her full use of reason.

If it is also taken into account that they do not have a social and health provision system, which allows them to address future health situations, (taking into account the precarious public health), it is not necessary to be from the health area to know that the same continuous sexual activity can also cause future harm. From the point of view of mental health below the level of violation, it is established that, since they are exposed, it is impossible for them to have good mental health, it is here that the aforementioned Maslow pyramid makes sense.

To answer the questions we asked ourselves at the beginning:

Public policies in Chile have failed to generate a good system of social control, a clear example is the crisis experienced by the National Service for Minors (SENAME), in residences of this or families set up by it, various kinds of abuse have been perpetrated and sometimes this has been an open door for prostitution, as it has been known from professionals that girls residing in homes begin at an early age with consumption of drugs, alcohol, and engaging in the sex trade, as a result of which the residences and associated programs do not satisfy the needs and care well and have not been able to transfer knowledge and skills, in which skills are highlighted and promoted, which allow the empowerment of people, who due to adverse causes have had to be users of this institution (some quantitative study on how many people who practice prostitution have been SENAME users would be appropriate).Of course, the designations of resources for family care from early childhood are deficient, despite having made concrete progress in recent decades.

To answer the following question, if there are social public policies aimed at addressing the issue of female sex trade, the truth is that there are none that seem to be a marginal sector of society, but that they are allowed to operate and promote themselves freely.

The truth is that public policies are fed by social research, which is also lacking, it would be interesting, research: for example, quantifying venereal disease relationship with prostitution, drug addition and prostitution. Other qualitative research that investigates in depth social and family contexts of origins of people who engage in sex trade, other studies of risk factors of sex trade, to give a few examples, that require governments to generate public policies to address the phenomenon of prostitution.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, one cannot fail to mention the responsibility, of the governments being the guarantor of the well-being of all their citizens, owing to control the spaces where prostitution is practiced and where it is promoted, and through coercive actions such as detention and police investigation and through the courts to develop a system of sanctions, in their protective role in society, especially investigations into the abuses suffered by these women in their practice and from families and those who profit indirectly.

As there are no public and social policy stocks, there is no adequate programmatic offer to get people to leave their unsatisfactory reality for another satisfactory one. This does not mean in any way that professionals from the various disciplines involved cannot create small spaces through the adaptation of existing programs, competitive funds, links with other organizations.

Social Work is one of the disciplines that must take initiative in this, since its very foundation seeks social change. Spaces of approach to these people must be generated, far from all prejudice, discover their abilities and show other realities, the risks exposed. Train and promote the use of potentialities of people, for healthy interaction in satisfactory spaces. It is also all in liaison and multidisciplinary referral, according to the need that people are in.

Perhaps the most serious is the perception of civil society, on the one hand, a more selfish and disinterested consumerist society on the other. On the other, a prejudiced society that would never approach these people. And what is worse, a society that by the influence of distorted communication already visualizes this phenomenon as something normal.

It is not possible to analyze that, after this, there are people suffering, self-flagellation, with a dramatic social and family history, what is expected of certain organizations, is the support of social control such as: sports institutions, neighborhood councils, mutual support organizations, also churches, become discrimination units.

It is necessary to replant them as a society, educate them more, generate non-distorted and above all inclusive communication processes, to avoid falling into what seems like pleasure, but ends up bringing pain.

Verbally you can express phrases of affection, but in actions some type of abuse is being committed.

Similar to a person, with whom you have a relationship or partner. 5 Review climbing theory.

Referred to vaginal, oral, anal sex and any other sexual practice, by which additional money can be obtained.

Urie Bronfenbrenner's theory.

Taking into account that to a lesser degree there is male prostitution, where it would be interesting to study its variables in the future.

In Chile to name parties, dances or any fun event

Do not give a derogatory way, if not analyzing the work in a technical way.

11 In this case speaking of sex not agreed upon by any transaction

Institution in charge of protecting childhood and adolescence in Chile, which has residences and programs, in which the respective Family Courts refer children and adolescents as a result of violations of law in their family nucleus.

Pain in disguise of pleasure