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The democratic state governed by the rule of law in Brazil

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With the consolidation of the new constitutional order erected by the Federal Constitution of 1988, it was the democratic state based on the rule of law in Brazil, enshrining in its article 1, the fundamental principles such as sovereignty, citizenship, and the dignity of human person, the social values ​​of work and freedom of initiative and political pluralism. The democratic principle was born when the democratic principle was born in this way, saying that "all power emanates from the people, who exercise it through their elected representatives or directly, in terms of this Constitution."

The Democratic Rule of Law, which in turn means not only for the application of the principles of the Rule of Law and the democratic State, but also the achievement of a concept that describes the condition of "democratic", radiating this value throughout the structure of the organization of beings the Brazilian federation, on the legal system and, to the extent of the popular, ex vi the first article of the constitution, which proclaims the Democratic State of Law, founded on popular sovereignty, citizenship, the dignity of the human person and of political pluralism.

For Dimoulis: The concept of the rule of law is very useful if it is understood in the formal sense of the limitation of the State through the law. From this perspective, the concept allows evaluating the performance of the state apparatus remains within the framework defined by the regulations in force. This does not guarantee the impartial nature of the legal system, but it preserves legal security, that is, the predictability of state decisions. The concept of the rule of law is, on the contrary, problematic. Attempts to "enrich" the concept, in order to study the form of the rule of law only land that meets the demands of justice, are doomed to failure, since it does not seem possible to define what a just state is.

The democratic principle, below, is related to the right to vote, and this is in line with the principles of universality (in relation to voting and eligibility), imediaticidade (the citizen gives the first and last word), the freedom to vote (which is also the principle of secret voting), equality of vote (same weight and value of the result), frequency and originality.

José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho already says that: «As a constitutive element of the rule of law, fundamental rights are the basic element for the realization of the democratic principle. More specifically: fundamental rights have a democratic function since the democratic exercise of power:

  1. Significa que la contribución de todos los ciudadanos para su ejercicio (derecho de igualdad y participación política).Requiere participación libre basada en importantes garantías para la libertad de este ejercicio (el derecho de asociación, la creación de partidos políticos, la libertad de expresión, son, por ejemplo, derechos constitutivos de su propio principio democrático.Tiene que ver con la apertura del proceso político hacia la creación de los derechos sociales, económicos y culturales, a través de la incorporación de una democracia económica, social y cultural. Destacar esta dinámica dialéctica entre los derechos fundamentales y el principio democrático. Para asumir la igualdad de participación de los ciudadanos, el principio democrático se entrelaza con los derechos subjetivos de participación y de asociación, que por lo tanto son funcionales bases de la democracia.

In this sense, the Democratic State of Law, among other issues that may arise, adds to the concepts related to the formulation of a modern State a new space: a space necessary for constructivist interpretations in a legal context. While in Brazil, with the introduction of the concept of the Democratic State of Law, in the form of the Spanish and French Constitutions, on which the rule of law is based, social justice must also respect the plurality of people, from economic, social and cultural freedoms, the Democratic State of Law acquires normative density compared to current trends in constitutional law. The first of them refers to the very concept of the Constitution. While the State as the maximum reference of the fundamental law,the concept would be: «… the organization of its essential elements: a system of legal norms, written or customary, that regulates the way in which the State, the form of its government, the mode of acquisition and the exercise of power, the creation of its organs and the limits of its action.


The rule of law today has a broader meaning and of fundamental importance for the development of societies, as a pillar of respecting the law. It is an important paradigm for the foundations of Western democracy. The new substantive parameters that permeate the conformation of the democratic State of contemporary law reestablish the account of the objectives and values ​​that society and the State must promote the good of society.


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The democratic state governed by the rule of law in Brazil