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The big business of selling ethically

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The world's best-selling companies are the most ethical. If you want to lose credibility, commit to something you know you are not going to accomplish.

It is definitive that the client of our times has other characteristics, with respect to the clients of fifteen or twenty years ago and this in turn has others that are very different from the client of the next generations. But what has never changed and will never change is the backbone that has been present in the most successful companies: ethics. Ethics in sales, ethics in distribution, ethics in advertising, ethics in the treatment of its personnel, ethics in paying taxes, ethics in product quality, etc. These are the companies that survived the crisis, survived the recession, and were not discouraged by terrorism, without breaking the commitment to their staff, their clients and the country.

When you play with ethics

A cereal sales company was delivering a gift, inside the product box that sold two little dolls from the Dragon Ball cartoon series, the curious thing was that when a child collector and fan of that cartoon realized that in the box that he had bought, he had only touched a doll, very sadly he asked the owner of the store for explanations, to which the smiling man expressed his disinterest.

- Hey sir. The boy said to him, I bought him this cereal box because he knew that they were going to give me two little dolls and I only got one.

-Look son, he mockingly replied, I would gladly change it for you, but unfortunately the box is already open, so there is no place to complain. Also I'm not a fortune teller to know that one of these boxes was missing a damn doll. So if you want to complain, do it to the company that sells these cereals.

- Naively the boy asks him, do you think they will give me my little Dragon Ball doll?

- Ha ha ha, the owner laughed.

The boy takes the box, finds the address, takes a bus and heads to the company. He arrives after half an hour, talks to the security guard and asks him: "Is there the man who sells these boxes?"

- The surprised security asks him why?

- I just want my doll back.

- What little doll?

- The one missing from my box.

- Hey kid don't bother and go to your parents who must be worried.

- I'm not leaving until they give me my doll.

- Filled with impatience, the guard takes him by the arm, away from the door.

Suddenly a huge limousine appears, it was the owner, who was very curious about the struggle that was taking place. He approaches where they were struggling, immediately the vigilante gets back into a position of attention and greets the owner.

- Can you explain what is happening here, why are you kicking this child out?

- The boy interrupts and asks him: Are you the one who makes these cereal boxes?

- Yes, the owner replies, oh with which you are the liar, the one who cheats children by saying that he is going to give us two Dragon Ball dolls, when he only gives us one.

- What are you talking about son?

- Do not call me son, because I already have my dad, also he is not a liar like you.

The owner then calls the production manager.

- Yes sir, what can I do for you?

- This boy is telling me that only one doll came in one of our cereal boxes when the order was two.

- Ah don't worry sir, in the last production one of our employees mistakenly put a doll instead of two.

- But if the last production we had made a thousand boxes of cereals replied the owner; That means a thousand children must be disappointed right now.

- But don't take it tragically sir, no one will notice.

- Nobody and this child what, why was I not notified before?

- Something so insignificant, I didn't think it was going to be of your concern, sir.

- Listen to me, said the owner to the manager, when you think you know what is or is not important to me, I will call you to replace my wife, do you understand me?

And right now I want four dolls to be introduced in the next production and not two, in addition to a letter apologizing to our clients.

When ethics transcends responsibilities

They say that in a well-supplied supermarket in the city there was a vendor who talked a lot with his customers; but this guy liked to talk about God; One day talking to a client, he confessed that he did not believe in God, saying:

- «Look out the window, you see that malnourished and dirty child asking for alms, if there were a God he would not allow it, you look further, you see that mutilated guy with the right leg, dirty and he is telling everyone that he has AIDS, she cries to be given some coins, the truth is that I don't believe that God exists ».

The client who only listened to him pays and leaves the supermarket. Ten minutes later he returns and looks for the seller and says:

- "Friend, do you believe that supermarkets exist?"

- But my lord, you are inside one, it is obvious.

- Well I inform you that at the door there is a creature that you see that has not eaten for days, imploring mercy and fighting with the security to enter for a little food.

Winston Churchill said: the English citizen who complies with his taxes, who knows how to honor the name of his homeland, but does nothing to improve English society, will be a thief of his time.

There is no doubt that when the company does not transcend the person and only sees him as another client, he is condemned to dive into the sea of ​​mediocrity and non-commitment that will bind him to the absence of ideals that has been the most marked characteristic of companies that have failed, long before the end of the last century, as well as those that could not pass through the second one of the new millennium.

They say they were in need of a general manager to take over the administration of heaven. Several years ago since hell had rebounded, managing to get more militants.

God wondered for the reasons that led many people to choose to give their souls to hell for an eternity. Very concerned, he calls for a contest.

Two businessmen appear, one ethical and the other corrupt. The corrupt businessman goes ahead and finds two gentlemen standing at the door of heaven. Astute this businessman tells him that here is the place where his soul will rest, he will also direct heaven to a successful company, like the one he had on earth.

One of the guys who was guarding the door asks him:

- "What was your town like? Where did you come from?"

- I come from a horrible place where men hate each other, where the bribery prevails over effort, where children are raped, that is, from a place of perdition.

- Then why do you want to enter this world if it is the same as where you came from..

The ethical businessman approaches and asks the doorman for permission to enter heaven, he also asks the same question:

- Where you come from?", - The businessman responds: "I come from a beautiful place, where men make mistakes but claim their rights, where man makes a remarkable effort and does his things with passion, where people are waiting to be taught to love, because he does want to give all his feelings to his neighbor. "

- What a coincidence, the doorman replies, people here are also like those of your town, you have come to the right place. Enters.

The other guy who was also guarding the door surprised asks him:

- Why did you tell the opposite to the first one?

- Understand, they both come from the same town, what makes a bad or good town are the same people and God wants the most capable.

The big business of selling ethically