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Entering the social sciences in times of change and transformation

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Historically, in the traditional sciences, reality and knowledge are considered true if, in an experiment, the hypotheses coincide with the objectives of the current power devices. If we manage to deconstruct the relationship that exists between truth and power, we will find that knowledge in most cases is at the service of the dominance of the researcher and not of the

"Disinterested common good". In the world of traditional sciences, scientific or philosophical programs are considered successful, to the extent that the power that the era signifies, these programs obtain their social credibility and institutional legitimation. Consequently, the traditional sciences propose an epistemology with broad spectrum in social politics, supported in a theoretical-elite framework, where only robotic thinking from people, laboratories, institutions and universities recognized by the so-called first world or developed world is considered, without taking into account the momentary reality in knowledge is generated, much less the impact on humans. In this theoretical approach to Invivir the social sciences, being prevails over power,the true reality before the reality induced or created in the laboratory, where the individual lives and coexists within him the existing reality of his environment, as well as the changes and transformations that he as an individual and the collective in general give to reality momentary, that is, the introvival of its reality. This research has been carried out by visualizing the social side of science, without allowing it to extinguish in it, this I have achieved by analyzing some methodological validations taken at random from research that rests in the library of the University of Carabobo and comparing it with reality. momentary, this has generated in me a beautiful experience, starting from a conjunctural moment that I had with the inhabitants of the Altagracia de la Montaña Parish, located in the Municipality of Guaicaipuro, Miranda State,where I wanted to arbitrarily impose a managerial model, obtaining as an immediate response the rejection of the collective, where I lived firsthand, the struggle waged by hard or traditional science and with the socio-cultural power that collectives have in defense of their own common interests.

Key Words: Truth, Power, Traditional Sciences, Social Sciences, Reality, Live, Coexist, Introvivir.


Historically in traditional science and knowledge of reality is considered true if the hypothesis is an experiment match the objectives of the existing power devices. If we deconstruct the relationship between truth and power, find that knowledge in most cases this service to the domination of the researcher and not the «common good selfless». In the world of traditional science scientific or philosophical programs are considered successful to the extent that the power that mark the time, these programs get their social credibility and institutional legitimacy, therefore, the traditional sciences, to propose an epistemology broad social spectrum in politics, supported by a theoretical framework elitist, where only considered robotic thinking from people, laboratories,universities and institutions recognized by the so-called first world or developed world, regardless of the reality that momentual knowledge is generated, let alone the impact humans. In this theoretical approach Introvivir social sciences, being imposed by the power, the true reality before reality induced or created in the laboratory, where the individual lives and lives within the existing reality of their environment, as well as, changes and transformations that he as an individual and the collective in general give momentary to reality, introvive your reality. The research I have done shows the social side of science, without allowing this extinguished in it,that I've managed to analyze some methodological validations randomly taken from research that rest in the library of the University of Carabobo and compare it with reality momentual, this has resulted in my beautiful experience, from a moment I had with the inhabitants of the Parish Altagracia of the Mountain, located in the Municipality Guaicaipuro, Miranda State, where I wanted to arbitrarily impose a managerial model, obtaining as immediate response rejection group, where I lived firsthand the struggle waged by the hard science or traditional and socio-cultural power with the collective defense of its own interests.where I wanted to arbitrarily impose a managerial model, obtaining as immediate response rejection group, where I lived firsthand the struggle waged by the hard science or traditional and socio-cultural power with the collective defense of its own interests.where I wanted to arbitrarily impose a managerial model, obtaining as immediate response rejection group, where I lived firsthand the struggle waged by the hard science or traditional and socio-cultural power with the collective defense of its own interests.

Keywords: Truth, Power, Traditional Sciences, Social Sciences, Reality, Living, Living with, Livingselft.


By stopping for a moment and putting into practice the Thinking, we find, for example, that at the beginning of the creation of man on earth, in the 5th century BC, Leucippus imagined the universe as something infinite and that it was composed of matter and empty, he imagined the presence of indivisible elements that, when united, resulted in reality and, when separated, destroyed it, we are, therefore, in the presence of the first theoretical approximation of the Atom. However, Democritus, a student and follower of the theory of Leucippus, in his desire to perfect the theoretical contribution, found a solution to the enigma of being and becoming and to the controversy that existed between the position of Parmenides, who considered the rational need for the immobile. and that of Heraclitus, who on the contrary maintained the theory that the world was in permanent change.

Staying in the Impensar when moving to our time, we will be able to find, on the one hand, that the thought of Parmenides is still present in the traditional sciences, due to its immutability and, on the other hand, the thought of

Heraclitus is present in the conjuncture, in the contingency and in the instability of the phenomena indispensable for the confrontation of hypotheses during an experiment, that is, the constant change and transformation of reality.

When analyzing Democritus' atomic theory, we find that he considers the atom as an indivisible, immutable element, in constant motion that makes it change its trajectory and its position. This fact transcends from physical reality to a total conception of the world, putting ethics as the operative of transforming reality.

For Dreyfus, taken from Rabinow, (1982), the Greek philosophers considered that in order to access knowledge, certain requirements of a moral nature must be met. But ethics, at least among those who were rectors of the later western culture, constituted one more branch of philosophy, in the style of logic or aesthetics. However, in the beginning of modernity, the fields of scientific truth and ethical reflection are going to be strongly divided.

Despite the rupture or divorce between basic research and the moral responsibility of the scientist, an epistemic model is produced from Descartes; from rational thought, however, in classical Greece, the separation of spirit and ethos was already perceived, a rupture that was crystallized in the modern age under a supposed ethical neutrality of classical research. Today classical epistemologists still defend their position in reference to the moral neutrality of science.

The reasons stated above, open up the emergence of Introvival as an axiological reflection of the scientific process, in this sense, I share the position of the sophists and of the philosophers such as Leucippus, Democritus, and Lucretius, as well as that of the Stoics and epicureans, who, despite the fact that official academic philosophy calls them minor philosophers, for my part, they provided a valuable contribution to what we know today as Social Sciences, for example, Epicurus conceived reality as a stratified and hierarchical order, whose irreducible principles are the four elements: water, fire, air and earth, and approximates that nature tends and is perfection, in contradiction to the Aristotelian and Platonic conception, which referred to nature and human beings as subordinate to ideas superior directors.

Epicurus introduces the element of chance into the reality-generating atomic process, according to his world view, atoms scamper among us, they are in us, they constitute us and they are our environment. Chance for him can be compared to freedom, where freedom and chance build, deconstruct and rebuild the daily events of this hectic life we ​​live, that is, our reality.

The Platonic and Aristotelian hegemony lasted for almost two thousand years, however, after long millennia intentionally forgotten, the ancient atomic theory, could re-emerge at the end of the 19th century and return from the lethargy product of the short diffusion for evaluative reasons and disorder of power, and like Comte, illustrated “knowing to foresee and foreseeing to be able. Power that, before Christ, was exercised by scientists and owners of a supposed truth, which they used to manipulate and manage social groups as objects of study.

It becomes evident, then, that the exclusion of the knowledge and knowledge emerged from the Garden of Epicurus, where there were philosophers and philosophers, is because it went against Platonic and Aristotelian thought and they did not respond to the hierarchical order and logical needs that the hegemonic powers they required, that is, there were too many transgressions to the political-social order of the time.

Plato's and Aristotle's theories, for having a political and social structure immobile to change, without their imagining their impact on the collective, served as a fundamental basis for the theories of imperialism, colonialism, capitalism and neoliberalism, allowing it hegemonic power and manipulation of social networks.

With the emergence of the Social Sciences, an affinity with theoretical conceptions such as atomic, non-deterministic and microphysical, which although they were not proposed, are aligned, with the validation of tolerances, respect for differences and the plural, democratic and changing powers, objects that are subjects of studies in the Social Sciences, where one coexists and lives with the reality of the subject.

This case that we have just appreciated shows us the practice of Thinking as a technique to travel through time from our real position and locate ourselves in time and space when analyzing the real context that we draw daily and that we approach when doing research.

The idea of ​​a knowledge or spíteme as a disinterested and collective social knowledge, had its origin in classical Antiquity. It emerged from the need to counter power as the dominant source of thought for those who ruled.

The solid position of the different thinkers for the imposition of their theory when referring to reality, is a necessary condition to guide the path of imposition but it is not decisive to achieve it.

Thought is hegemonized when thinkers from their theory respond to the theoretical foundations of those who have power, or simply the answer is framed within the imaginary of the collective with the emergence of the interaction between powers and social practices according to their reality. momentary.


Before Christ, between the sophists and the philosophers, battles of ideas were fought, oriented to satisfy the truth of the human being. Each of these two sectors needed to find the reason for things, however, the sophists had the greatest weakness that since the times of creation humans have had power, but not the philosophers who were in everything moment close to power, for example Plato, who was always in the vicinity of power and thus strengthened his doctrine by developing restorative concepts of lost unity. Plato has been one of the most illustrious and successful thinkers in the West, although Plato did not write, he was able to build within himself an imaginary or simulated world, a world full of transcendent ideas, which no one sees, hears, nor touches, nor smells, nor taste,which by its force and power of conviction was accepted by the lords of power of the time, thus becoming a doctrine.

This doctrine had its moments of political glory in Greece and when it began to lose strength, a current emerged that allowed it to resurface, as is the current of triumphant Christianity. The Church, who claims to be called to this day Christian, took advantage of the situation to take possession and seize Platonic and Aristotelian theories, to the point of Beatifying Plato.

For his part, Aristotle, as a good disciple of Plato, gives "academic seriousness" to the thought of his teacher, however, he gives it his own style by expressing it as an uprooted thought of poetic metaphors, of love for beautiful bodies and From the appeals to myth, with which they still allowed themselves to delight in Plato's Academy, that is, with Aristotle, the last vestiges of desire, body and love are erased from the scene of Western thought, since it reifies them by classifying and scientifically typify them until they become disembodied, since for Aristotle, the purpose of science is to reveal the causes of entities, for him there is no chance or chance in nature, but order and regularity. Aristotle incorporates by then,the variable time and defines it as an accident of circumstance.

According to Venant, (1984), the influence of rationalism is so strong that Aristotle left it in our espíteme that although we currently consider that reason is a historical construction, from being so exalted and praised, we almost forgot that it was conceived from the speeches and the social practices. Some do not hesitate to affirm that reason is the human essence.

To the organicist and teleological Aristotelian notion of nature, there corresponds an ethical notion of the same sense. Everything that man does on the moral plane he does because he considers it a good and if he makes a mistake evil emerges but with a sense that he emerged from the idea of ​​doing good, from this the concept of happiness follows, which does not it is another thing that the concretion of the good.

The acceptance of his theory as a foundation of power and his triumphant return to the western spirit corresponds to the time when the political, religious and social domain was under the tutelage of the power of a single man who some of his followers called Emperor, others God, feudal lord, abbot or father of a family.

After a successful epoch, Aristotelian theory lost strength in the West, so much was the decline and rejection of its currents, that until Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century, was about to be excommunicated for the sole fact of exhuming Aristotle's teachings.


With the passage of time, many currents of thought emerged, According to Echeverría, E. (1995), from Kant's philosophy, it is when the social sciences are given a maximum level, trying to consolidate them with the rigor of their thinking. Kant, on the one hand, marks the need and the universality of natural laws, sovereign and absolute laws that sustain particular and contingent phenomena, and on the other hand, stipulates that time is not a thing in itself, but a pure form of understanding.

This second and fundamental characteristic denies the thesis of Newton, who considered time as a subsisting reality, it is for this reason that it is more coherent to understand that time is not something in itself, but a pure form of understanding.

This new conception of modern philosophical scientific vision of nature is analogous in the ethical field, that is, just as in traditional science it seeks to rationally base knowledge, in ethics it will seek to rationally base morality.

In his book, Critique of Pure Reason, Kant, when referring to the subject, describes it as an a priori constitution in which the conditions of possibility of knowledge exist. In the same way, it expresses that in moral reflection, for ethical principles to aspire to have need and validity, they have to be independent of experience, at the same time, it expresses that the principles must be rational, because their compliance depends of the will and this is a faculty of reason. In the realm of nature everything is conditioned according to causal laws, on the other hand that in the realm of morality, on the other hand, it is governed by freedom, but its laws as in nature are universal. In summary, just as in nature laws are fulfilled in a factual way, that is, with facts during the development of phenomena,in morality, the laws are fulfilled when the behaviors of the being respond to duty.

This ethical scientific vision is aligned with the social imaginary of the modernity collective, where the elite levels, through the power they represent in society, try to hide and exclude reality, imposing an absolute order and submission to the masses.


In remote times this term of post-science was unthinkable, in the middle of the 16th century, in the medieval era, thinkers arose who dared to challenge the dogmatic contents established by Plato and Aristotle and were branded as crazy revolutionaries. Thinkers like Kepler, Copernicus, Bruno, and Galileo convulsed accepted knowledge by lining up their artillery in marginal practices and speeches, in opposition to official truths.

In the same order of ideas was Newton, who from the physical-mathematical knowledge, managed to displace the Aristotelian and Platonian paradigm, taking a position of power and dominance when his epistemic production was officially recognized, transcending from his speech to an ideological power of epoch.

Over time, the immutable and universal scientific laws from the traditional sciences, intended to continue with the hegemony of a timeless objectivity, however, it was not until the beginning of the 20th century, when the social sciences managed to take part of the terrain that occupied in its entirety the traditional sciences and possessed part of its knowledge and knowledge in humanity, causing favorably, the acceptance by the traditional sciences of some epistemic elements that since before Christ, were intended to possess by the epicurists, such as: instability, chance, indeterminacy, irreversible processes, expansion of the universe, discontinuity, evolution of species, catastrophes, chaos,as well as the rigorous study of symbolic systems, the unconscious and human exchanges.

Doing a little memory and reviewing the events of the 19th century, we can find that in France, specifically in 1811, the mathematical physicist Jean-Joseph Fourier enunciated the Law of Conservation of Heat, better known as the First Law of Thermodynamics. This fact is unprecedented in the history of science, as it was the first irreversible process that its mathematical formulation had achieved. With this Law already accepted in the scientific world, the Newtonian principles that were derived from the conservative, reversible and deterministic laws are displaced, where the past and the future were contained in today. After that event and to date they became a conceptual and technical benchmark in scientific work and were no longer considered absolute laws.

Aware of the importance and impact of his research, Fourier continues the search and manages to find, his second principle of thermodynamics and then converted into law, he discovered that the energy of a body, although it remains constant, will always be affected by entropy, that is, that energy tends to degradation, lack of communication and disorder.

In the past 20th century, these principles became an object and subject of study by the scientist Ilia Prigogine, who in 1977 with his research in reference to Dissipative Structures, managed to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Dissipative Structures refer to an analysis model, which can be applied in different disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, biology, social sciences, among others, and represents an optimistic scientific perspective, since, for example If a reality of chaos emerges in the factuality of a phenomenon, it can be changed and transformed through the unpredictable behavior of one or more of the elements that make up the system in crisis, reorienting its course in an evolutionary way in the direction of communication and communication. establishment of a new emerging order.The degradation of reality today does not lead to the extermination of the event, but changes it, transforms it and redirects it to a new reality, this action could, in some cases, become cyclical.

Prigogine's experience served to take for granted the conceptualization of time, which as I wrote earlier, extracted from an imaginary thought by Laplace, who saw how by having mastery of time, this “could go back all the past and predict the future ”, as you will see, this is an absurd vision, because as Prigogine explains, in natural events time runs in a single dimension and direction. Human beings can remember the past but they will never remember the future.

This knowledge means that today's researchers and scientists are and remain located at all times in time and space, just like the study that is being carried out, this makes the research increasingly closer to the momentary reality that it lives., the researcher and the co-researchers coexist and live together, where the scientist and the researcher, starting from their position in the cosmo, can dialogue with nature instead of destroying and exhausting it.

Human beings, pushed by the different emergencies and needs of the being, make up movements, changes and transformations of their reality, which managed to penetrate and infect the traditional sciences with their same synergy, this resulted in an increase in science studies formal, achieving the emergence of new branches of science, where one of those branches is computer science.

Thus, the first computers in development of the Second World War emerged, where unfortunately for humanity, computing was put at the command of the violence of war, using the first prototype, called ENIAC, to speed up the calculation of projectiles and in the atomic bomb manufacturing project. This fact marked the historical moment where technology left the cinderella of traditional sciences to become an essential part of the development of humanity.

As in other times, history repeats itself, with the hijacking of technologies by the world's dominating empires, born at this time along with development, capitalism, liberalism and neoliberalism. Technology is taken as a means to dominate a large part of the population and broaden the spectrum of dependency, now in addition to economic, political and social dependence, another sphere is added, such as technological dependence that countries have of the misnamed third world with first world countries. Far from approaching the human being as technology is currently sold, it has impressively distanced him, isolating him: locally, regionally and globally, for example, in the urbanization where I live, the tradition of games has been lost. that our ancestors taught us:thief and police, the ere, fusilao, spinning top, among others, now children and young people gather in a house, in a corner, to the point of not meeting and playing from each of their houses through an electronic game via the Internet, which is generally warlike, this apart from breaking with the tradition and culture of a country, forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of family values ​​by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.shot, spinning top, among others, now children and young people gather in a house, in a corner, until the height of not meeting and playing from each of their houses through an electronic game via the Internet, which is generally war, this apart from breaking with the tradition and culture of a country, forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of family values ​​by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.shot, spinning top, among others, now children and young people gather in a house, in a corner, until the height of not meeting and playing from each of their houses through an electronic game via the Internet, which is generally war, this apart from breaking with the tradition and culture of a country, forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of family values ​​by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.now children and young people gather in a house, in a corner, to the point of not meeting and playing from each of their houses through an electronic game via the Internet, which is generally warlike, this apart from breaking with the tradition and culture of a country, it forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of family values ​​by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.now children and young people gather in a house, in a corner, to the point of not meeting and playing from each of their houses through an electronic game via the Internet, which is generally warlike, this apart from breaking with the tradition and culture of a country, it forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of family values ​​by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.to the height of not meeting and playing from each of their houses through an electronic game via the Internet, which is generally warlike, this apart from breaking with the tradition and culture of a country, forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of family values ​​by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.to the height of not meeting and playing from each of their houses through an electronic game via the Internet, which is generally warlike, this apart from breaking with the tradition and culture of a country, forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of family values ​​by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.it forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of values ​​in the family by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.it forms the criminal character, isolation in interpersonal communication and the loss of values ​​in the family by this emerging youth. Instead of reacting with more active behavior, parents become complicit in the reality seen and even contribute to buying their children the latest generation product that is on the market, stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among its population for not being updated with technology.stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among his population for not being updated with technology.stimulating consumerism, otherwise the young person would feel excluded among his population for not being updated with technology.

However, there are technological advances that go hand in hand with the accelerated development of the human being and partially satisfy their needs, the only thing that not all people can see their insufficiencies satisfied, in view of the high cost of technology, enter here because economic hegemony, there is the case of a person who suffers from a chronic disease and who depends on a machine to carry out his analyzes and treatments, if this person does not have the available financial resources he dies, it is that simple.

Every day, technology places itself at the order of the objectification and invisibility of the human being by the power groups that dominate the world.

For Girón, W (2010), the only conception and worldview that the masters of power have had since the creation of the human being, is that through the economy the necessary profits are reproduced to consolidate and compete in those who have more money Or it is richer worldwide, in the sciences and technologies, the atomic and biological molecules are reproduced, and in ethics, the moral or rather immoral codes are reproduced.

In this sense, Rifkin, J. (1999), p.156, expresses that:

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Entering the social sciences in times of change and transformation