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The transcript as an accounting tool

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Information, valuation and control of a large number of stocks have always been a problem for companies. To solve this problem and achieve effective warehouse management, the transcript has been created (in the public sector of Peru it is known as Valued Warehouse Stock), which is a card where it is registered, based on the corresponding documentation, the movement of the incoming and outgoing goods that will help us to immediately obtain their physical balance, as well as their respective value. It is recommended that it be carried in an area other than the warehouse, which could be Accounting. In these technological times the transcript has been computerized leaving aside the manual aspect and the physical card, specialized software has now been created or one can be created with Excel,but this is not why its fundamentals should not be ignored.

It is actually simple, but its usefulness is enormous, it accurately reports, at any date, the quantity and value of the stock, as long as the income given is correct. The mathematics used is arithmetic, the only problem that can arise is when a new batch of merchandise arrives at a different cost price than what was had. Example: the balance of a good X as of June 9 is 4,000 kilograms (kgs.) To S /. 11.00 each kilo, which gives a total of S /. 44,000. On July 20, a new order of 6,000 kgs., But at a new price of S /. 12.00 the kilo.

There are various methods for its valuation, the most used are:

  1. FIFO or FIFO method, first in, first out. UEPS or LIFO method, last in, first out. Price Average or Weighted Average.

Methods a) and c) are accepted by the tax authority, method b) has been repealed.

  1. FIFO method (first in, first out) or FIFO (First In, First Out), is a method that is based on the logical criterion that indicates that what has entered first should leave to avoid obsolescence or deterioration LIFO method (Last In, First Out) or LIFO (Last In, First Out) method, the last to arrive will be the first to leave, that is, a delivery of merchandise contrary to the previous method. This method is considered too conservative because it keeps assets low, consequently determining lower profits and lower taxes. Average Price Method (Weighted Average), there is a constant update of prices after each acquisition. Its formula is equal to:

Average Price Method (Weighted Average), Exercise for the reader. The balance of an XYZ good as of September 20 is 8,200 pounds at S /. 3.00 each pound, which gives a total of S /. …………….…. A week later, 1,800 pounds more of the product enters the warehouse, but at a price of S /. 4.00 a pound. Find the average price and the new balance.

Exercise solution: the average price is S /. 3.18 and the new balance is 10,000 pounds.

Transcript card: Practical case. We are going to treat the transcript as it is used in the public sector, including its format that can be seen at the bottom. Column 3 refers to physical amounts and column 6 refers to monetary amounts. Let us suppose that the police buy for their male staff (after tender) pants that will be distributed immediately. The following operations are carried out:

  1. With the Purchase Order (O / C) 138 of February 11, 2013, in favor of the Galia company, 1,200 blue-green pants for men are purchased at S /. 18.00 each. With PECOSA (PCS) 41 of 02/20/13, the VIII-DIRTEPOL was attended with 80 pants. With PECOSA 56 of 02/25/13, DIRGEN was attended with 150 pants. With PECOSA 65 on 03/02/13, FOVIPOL was seen with 12 pants, with PECOSA 66 on 03/02/13, DIRECFIN was seen with 224 pants, with PECOSA 78 on 03/14/13, DIRBIE was served with 125 pants. With PECOSA 85 from 03/15/13, the X-DIRTEPOL was attended with 146 pants. With PECOSA 90 from 03/21/13, the SOT1.PNP was attended. AYALA VIVANCO Luis, with 2 pants.With PECOSA 93 of 03/25/13, the VII-DIRTEPOL was attended with 458 pants.With PECOSA 96 of 03/28/13, DIRLOG security personnel were attended with 3 pants.

Operation 1 is the entry of the good to the warehouse through the document called Purchase Order, the rest of the operations are exits through the Order-Proof of Exit document (Pecosa). As all the goods have been distributed in the end the balance will be zero. Bear in mind that the Purchase Order is formulated by the entity's procurement unit, while the Freckled Order is formulated by the warehouse.

one two 3 4 5 6
02/11/2013 O / C 138 1,200 1,200 18.00 21,600.00 21,600.00
02/20/2013 PCS 41 80 1,120 18.00 1,440.00 20,160.00
02/25/2013 PCS 56 150 970 18.00 2,700.00 17,460.00
03/02/2013 PCS 65 12 958 18.00 216.00 17,244.00
03/02/2013 PCS 66 224 734 18.00 4,032.00 13,212.00
03/14/2013 PCS 78 125 609 18.00 2,250.00 10,962.00
03/15/2013 PCS 85 146 463 18.00 2,628.00 8,334.00
03/21/2013 PCS 90 two 461 18.00 36.00 8,298.00
03/25/2013 PCS 93 458 3 18.00 8,244.00 54.00
03/28/2013 PCS 96 3 0 18.00 54.00 0.00


  1. How many pants were there on 03/14/13? Answer.- 609 pants. How much was the monetary balance of 03/21/13? Answers/. 8,298.00 On what date were there 970 pants? Answer.- On 02/25/13 How much is the amount of 224 pants? Answers/. 4,032.


For the reader, this exercise is left to him, in this case for a matter of decimals the price of the good will have two prices, differentiated from each other by just one cent. If you can't figure it out, on the next page is the solution. Do not forget that the final balance will be zero.

    1. A public entity wants to renew its desks, so it acquires 445 metal desks at a price of S /. 216,271.00, including taxes. The winner of the tender is the company Inversiones Sur Pacífico, therefore, Purchase Order No. 101 of February 15, 2013 is formulated. The company complies with placing the desks in the warehouse ready to be distributed. In the Transcript Section, the corresponding calculations are made establishing that 325 desks have a price of S /. 486.00 each and 120 desks are priced at S /. 486.01 each. With PECOSA 120 from 02/20/13, the Lima headquarters were served with 90 desks. With PECOSA 145 from 02/25/13, the Ica headquarters were served with 23 desks. With PECOSA 151 from 03/02/13, the Tumbes headquarters were attended with 12 desks, with PECOSA 168 of 03/10/13,The Puno headquarters were served with 41 desks With PECOSA 172 of 03/14/13, the Loreto headquarters were served with 25 desks With PECOSA 173 of 03/15/13, the Ancash headquarters were served with 45 desks. With PECOSA 189 of 03/21/13, the Madre de Dios headquarters were served with 30 desks. With PECOSA 197 of 03/25/13, the Junín headquarters were served with 42 desks. With PECOSA 210 On 03/28/13, the Piura headquarters were attended with 17 desks With PECOSA 216 on 03/30/13, the Cajamarca headquarters were attended with 23 desks With PECOSA 218 on 04/02/13, attended the La Libertad headquarters with 22 desks With PECOSA 223 from 04/05/13, the Cusco headquarters were attended with 20 desks With PECOSA 235 from 04/10/13, the Arequipa headquarters were attended with 30 desks With PECOSA 247 dated 04/14/13, the Pasco headquarters were served with 15 desks.With PECOSA 258 dated 04/20/13, the Tacna headquarters were served with 10 desks.
one two 3 4 5 6

Solution to exercise

      1. A public entity wants to renew its desks, so it acquires 445 metal desks at a price of S /. 216,271.00, including taxes. The winner of the tender is the company Inversiones Sur Pacífico, therefore, Purchase Order No. 101 of February 15, 2013 is formulated. The company complies with placing the desks in the warehouse ready to be distributed. In the Transcript Section, the corresponding calculations are made establishing that 325 desks have a price of S /. 486.00 each and 120 desks are priced at S /. 486.01 each. With PECOSA 120 from 02/20/13, the Lima headquarters were served with 90 desks. With PECOSA 145 from 02/25/13, the Ica headquarters were served with 23 desks. With PECOSA 151 from 03/02/13, the Tumbes headquarters were attended with 12 desks, with PECOSA 168 of 03/10/13,The Puno headquarters were served with 41 desks With PECOSA 172 of 03/14/13, the Loreto headquarters were served with 25 desks With PECOSA 173 of 03/15/13, the Ancash headquarters were served with 45 desks. With PECOSA 189 of 03/21/13, the Madre de Dios headquarters were served with 30 desks. With PECOSA 197 of 03/25/13, the Junín headquarters were served with 42 desks. With PECOSA 210 On 03/28/13, the Piura headquarters were attended with 17 desks With PECOSA 216 on 03/30/13, the Cajamarca headquarters were attended with 23 desks With PECOSA 218 on 04/02/13, attended the La Libertad headquarters with 22 desks With PECOSA 223 from 04/05/13, the Cusco headquarters were attended with 20 desks With PECOSA 235 from 04/10/13, the Arequipa headquarters were attended with 30 desks With PECOSA 247 dated 04/14/13, the Pasco headquarters were served with 15 desks.With PECOSA 258 dated 04/20/13, the Tacna headquarters were served with 10 desks.
one two 3 4 5 6
02/15/2013 O / C 101 325 325 486.00 157,950.00 157,950.00
02/15/2013 O / C 101 120 445 486.01 58,321.20 216,271.20
02/20/2013 PCS 120 90 355 486.00 43,740.00 172,531.20
02/25/2013 PCS 145 2. 3 332 486.00 11,178.00 161,353.20
03/02/2013 PCS 151 12 320 486.00 5,832.00 155,521.20
03/10/2013 PCS 168 41 279 486.00 19,926.00 135,595.20
03/14/2013 PCS 172 25 254 486.00 12,150.00 123,445.20
03/15/2013 PCS 173 Four. Five 209 486.00 21,870.00 101,575.20
03/21/2013 PCS 189 30 179 486.00 14,580.00 86,995.20
03/25/2013 PCS 197 42 137 486.00 20,412.00 66,583.20
03/28/2013 PCS 210 17 120 486.00 8,262.00 58,321.20
03/30/2013 PCS 216 2. 3 97 486.01 11,178.23 47,142.97
04/02/2013 PCS 218 22 75 486.01 10,692.22 36,450.75
04/05/2013 PCS 223 twenty 55 486.01 9,720.20 26,730.55
04/10/2013 PCS 235 30 25 486.01 14,580.30 12,150.25
04/14/2013 PCS 247 fifteen 10 486.01 7,290.15 4,860.10
04/20/2013 PCS 258 10 0 486.01 4,860.10 0.00


    1. Maria Vildoso Picón. General Accounting and Companies. Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University. Lima, 1998, Jorge Dias Mosto. General Accounting (Commercial). Editorial Universo. Lima, 1979, Roberto Salazar Guzmán. Storage Techniques and Inventories subject, class notes. Lima, 2012.
The transcript as an accounting tool