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The electronic book versus the traditional book

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Nowadays, with the great advances in technology, a topic has arisen that for many librarians and readers has caused controversy; It is about the traditional book disappearing due to the appearance of the electronic book.

That is why having the advantages and disadvantages of both types of books very clear, we will realize which of the two are beneficial and whether or not the traditional one will disappear over time.

We agree that we are at the moment that technologies are part of complementary support to the traditional.


Today with the great advances in technology has emerged a theme for many librarians and readers have caused controversy, it is about the traditional book will disappear by the emergence of the electronic book.

That's why we have clear advantages and disadvantages to both types of books, we will consider which of the two is beneficial and whether traditional or not going to disappear over time.

We agree that we are at the moment the technologies we are part of complementary support to the traditional.

Digital book vs. traditional book, with it the controversy arises from the fact that it is rumored that the traditional book will tend to disappear since new information users turn more to digital books. This creates a question that could not be easily answered. Will the digital book replace the paper book?

Answering this question at this time is very difficult for me, because for this you have to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each type of book. A point of comparison is the speed and accessibility of reading a book.

One of the most recent studies in this direction was carried out by Jakob Nielsen (2010), one of the founders of the Nielsen Group, who compared the speed with which people read through digital media versus those who did it on paper. The study found that reading in e-books is slower: those who read on an iPad did so at a rate 6.2% lower than a traditional book, while those who used the Kindle did so at 10.7 % slower.

To this study I say that it is true since I have read in both ways and I have verified that the same reading I have read electronically and physically, I have been late in the electronic form, since in a physical book I managed to read it in three days, and The electronic one took me a week, since to read it electronically requires a computer or other electronic means and I had to wait to be at home and be able to read that book, while the physical one, could be in the bus on the way to school and reading a part of it and being in free time took the opportunity to read the next page and so on.

In this case it can be said that the physical book has a point in its favor. Another point of comparison is about how many books can be loaded from one place to another. In this it can be said that digital has a point, since there are many storage devices in which you can carry up to several libraries in a single moment, instead physically you could load a maximum of 10 books and it would be somewhat uncomfortable.

Right now there is a tie between these books, another point of comparison is about the reliability of the data. Vaca & Hernández (2006) mention that electronic books allow self-publishing, or the author's own editing, without the need for a publisher. Thus, the author can publish his book by posting it on an Internet portal or on his personal blog. The advantage of “home edited” electronic books is a prerogative that traditional paper books do not have, which require a lot of hard editing, and which is usually quite expensive. However, it should be noted that the quality of desktop publishing would not be the same.

But despite the fact that this is an advantage to keep the editions updated, not only the author will be able to edit it, but also any reader will be able to modify it and in some cases carry out plagiarism of the document, and from starting as an advantage it becomes a disadvantage since the Reliability of the data would be difficult to verify and, on the other hand, in a physical book it is not modified, it is maintained and in this case the physical book gets a point in favor.

The next point of comparison is about users, it is compared in two ways: number of readers at the same time and the type of reader. I will tell you about my experience, reading a traditional or electronic book aloud allows other users to be attentive to what is being read, it influences their socialization more easily at the end of the reading since they will be able to comment on what they thought was This, on the other hand, a reading in a low voice in the traditional way can be seen by one person, and in electronic form it can be seen by many people at the same time if it is projected in person, but also a physical book can only have one person at a time and an e-book if it is online can be seen by several people in different places at the same time.To this it can be said that there is a point in the electronic book, but since it also compares the types of users and for this the traditional book wins, since in a traditional book it is only required to have knowledge of reading and writing and instead an electronic one is required to know, apart from reading and writing, the use of the devices that allow the electronic book to be read, the formats that exist, use of the internet, among others. Looking at it in this way, the traditional book has more users and is easier to read, so at these points it is said that there is a tie.since in a traditional book it is only required to have knowledge of reading and writing and instead an electronic one is required to know, apart from reading and writing, the use of the devices that allow reading the electronic book, the formats that exist, use of the internet, among others. Looking at it in this way, the traditional book has more users and is easier to read, so at these points it is said that there is a tie.since in a traditional book it is only required to have knowledge of reading and writing and instead an electronic one is required to know, apart from reading and writing, the use of the devices that allow reading the electronic book, the formats that exist, use of the internet, among others. Looking at it in this way, the traditional book has more users and is easier to read, so at these points it is said that there is a tie.

As I mentioned earlier the formats that a book can have, in a traditional way it can only be on paper and different sizes, but electronically it can be in a wide variety of formats that will allow other devices to recognize that book and thus be able to read it, It may seem beneficial at one point, but if the technology is unknown, the user will not be able to read that book.

At this moment the traditional book brings a point of advantage to the electronic book, and when they comment that the traditional book will disappear, I wonder why a book with so many advantages should disappear? I still do not understand why they want to make it disappear, The other advantages in favor of a traditional book are that they are available at a lower cost, you can read it before making the purchase and above all the comfort to read it is much greater than that of an electronic one and this happens because to read an electronic one requires a device that needs batteries, overheats, damages the light, in some cases it is very heavy to keep holding it in your hand, this type of characteristics are what makes a traditional book have points in favor so that users continue to use them.

I have seen on the internet several blogs that have sparked the debate on the subject of paper vs. electronic and many have expressed their preferences for each book, many opined that when learning about electronic books, they left physical books aside as the storage comfort for them was much better, and it was what I mentioned in favor of the electronic, another point in favor that they mentioned was that the electronic was in favor of ecology since it caused less trees to be cut down to perform the role, and I think that despite the fact that fewer trees are cut down, having a computer is a sign of spending more electrical energy, it damages the eyes and the back due to the discomfort of reading. But there was something that caught my attention from various opinions, and they explained why they kept a physical book current,They agreed that they preferred paper, because they loved having the hands to turn the pages and smell it, and that in an electronic book you couldn't do that. On these comparisons and opinions of other people, he still does not answer 100% to the question that has been causing much controversy, this because both books benefit depending on each type of reader, there is a slight tie in preferences, and in my house too I find it hard to decide which of the two books seems better to me, since both are needed, both have their advantages and I think that both could be maintained for many years, because in this way, all kinds of readers will be attracted.On these comparisons and opinions of other people, he still does not answer 100% to the question that has been causing much controversy, this because both books benefit depending on each type of reader, there is a slight tie in preferences, and in my house too I find it hard to decide which of the two books seems better to me, since both are needed, both have their advantages and I think that both could be maintained for many years, because in this way, all kinds of readers will be attracted.On these comparisons and opinions of other people, he still does not answer 100% to the question that has been causing much controversy, this because both books benefit depending on each type of reader, there is a slight tie in preferences, and in my house too I find it hard to decide which of the two books seems better to me, since both are needed, both have their advantages and I think that both could be maintained for many years, because in this way, all kinds of readers will be attracted.both have their advantages and I think that both could be maintained for many years, because in these two ways all types of readers will be attracted.both have their advantages and I think that both could be maintained for many years, because in these two ways all types of readers will be attracted.

In conclusion, I can express my opinion and answer that the physical book has been undergoing a transformation just as the tablets, parchments, papyri and codices did, but that this time the paper will not disappear, but will have a technological ally that will allow the paper remains in effect for many years to come.


  • Blog. Debate. Retrieved from http: //www.rnovelaromantica.comNielsen, J. (2010). Comparative study of reading speed between iPad, electronic book and printed book. Vaca, J. and Hernández, D. (2006). Paper texts vs. electronic texts: new readings ?. Recovered from
The electronic book versus the traditional book