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The role of organizations in the Colombian post-conflict


For the first time in 50 years, an agreement with one of the groups that has marked the history of our country seems possible, perhaps with memories and experiences that nobody wants to repeat.

Finally, it seems that a light wants to cross the dark path that until now has been traveled after many attempts, where the search for an agreement has been dressed in terms whose meaning is sometimes confused and in others they are intertwined such as dialogue and negotiation, among others, which have led to the signing of multiple promises that seek to make the utopia of a peace achieved as a necessity of life a reality for a nation whose recent history still recalls the pain that it means to make the blues or the reds, of the right or from the left an excuse to continue to avenge what must be forgiven.

This historical moment that the country is experiencing, with friends and detractors, with promoters and snipers, with allies and opponents is leading us to identify that whatever happens at the end of the process we will have to recognize ourselves as part of it on one of the banks, it is We may no longer be able to camouflage the indifference and we must assume a leading role in the construction of the social realities that await us.

The legacy that the undeclared war has left between armed groups that believe they are right, and the response of the institutional forces, have led to situations that have managed to cross the borders of fear to sow death, displacement and pain in all those who have They had to emigrate from their realities, either in the country or the city, or they had to take responsibility for their opinions in hostile environments and therefore became migrants even to their own thinking.

Many have abandoned their lands, others have deserted the groups in which they were militants and many more are trying to rebuild the meaning of life, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the governments in power or the institutions that support the reconciliation processes. Weaving life again can take time, but more important is that this route is not traveled alone, it is necessary that the threads of respect and love re-intertwine hope so that the smile is not an occasion but the option to generate social identity.

Estas notas nacen de la reflexión necesaria para quienes vemos que se aproximan los tiempos, tantas veces soñados, de una reconciliación posible, de procesos de transición que obligan a imaginar escenarios donde la paz dejará de ser un eslogan, una bandera y una oración para convertirse en la cotidiana experiencia de la reconciliación que toca todas las puertas y ventanas de la realidad nacional.

Social inclusion in companies, as a strategy to close the emotional and economic gaps of those who have suffered the rigor of violence, forces the establishment of management models aimed at interpreting productivity from a much more participatory and inclusive approach where concepts leave the ground definitions and go beyond the border of good wishes expressed in documents, forums and other events that will finally make disappear the epistemological and legal gadgets that made it difficult to build real job opportunities for those trying to enter or return to the cause of the world business.

One of the natural consequences of understanding the new scenarios of social responsibility in companies has to do with including the Development Programs for Peace (PDP) that are already part of the dynamics and methodology in civil society, generating reconciliation processes. and that they must now have a place in the daily life of organizations through the implementation of methodological models that allow the organization and its collaborators to structure and implement a new business culture that is more inclusive and related to the purpose of generating superior performances aligned to the Triple the bill of building financially sustainable, socially responsible and environmentally friendly organizations.

Entrepreneurs recognize (and some are already doing so) that they must move from discourse to action, to look sympathetically at the reconciliation processes and generate real alternatives for linking the entire population that for different reasons, voluntary or not, ended up being protagonists of a story that should never have been written.

For some time now, many companies have financially supported the initiatives of the PDPs and are attentive to offering support to the communities that are part of their organizational context, however the approaching requirement may include the invitation to break the paradigm of being just Participate in these processes and invite them to commit themselves to the dynamics of making a management system a reality that includes making cultural and social diversity an experience that cannot be manufactured or anticipated in the offices of directors and managers.

The time is approaching when the "peace laboratories" cease to be an experimental space to become a real proposal that includes the social and business agendas that allow national history to be built from the factory, industry and all productive sectors of the economy.

Special mention deserves the initiative led by the NIR (Swedish International Industry Council, ANDI (National Association of Industrialists) and FIP (Ideas for Peace Foundation) between 2009 and 2013 whose main objective indicated the route for the “construction of a concrete agenda and strategy for building peace from the business sector in Colombia… ”that places us on the path of hope and where the utopia of peace goes beyond laws and decrees and acquires a face and a history in which The ability of a nation to recognize as its own those who have long had to endure as a stigma to be "actors in the conflict" to become "protagonists of the new reality" will be reflected.

Organizations will prepare to welcome a population that will contribute significantly to productivity, to welcome the talent that will demonstrate with their management that they are much more than a tax opportunity for companies.

It is time to start rewriting the script within the human management areas on recruitment, selection and hiring policies. The difficult task of attracting, retaining and developing talent in organizations must now include the ability to strengthen relational aspects that go beyond the thematic development of trainable content for the operation of a machine or process.

It is possible that taking significant steps in this direction may generate fear, not only for employers, but also for those who will have to share daily work with those who are marked with labels such as "victims" "displaced" "reinserted", etc., and for this reason the leading role of the areas of human management is framed in the ability to develop and put into practice strategies that ensure healthy, non-discriminatory work environments and at the same time allow all employees to feel treated in an equitable way and with the same opportunities when participating in business growth processes.

Are we ready to take this step? Is the question that continues to hang around in the meetings of the boards of partners and management teams, and it is possible that the answer will be required sooner rather than later.

I hope that these brief reflections allow us to consider the importance of our work, as leaders in human management, in preparing work scenarios where talent is more important than the past and the future is a reality that has its opportunity in the present.


The role of organizations in the Colombian post-conflict