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The psychological expertise?


For some time I wanted to write about the importance of evaluating the mental composition of individuals. Listening to my beloved colleague Rosa Cifuentes Castañeda, a renowned emotional intelligence consultant and writer, a few days ago on a television program, I understood that this matter is more pressing than imagined.

We live in eras filled with tensions and defined by the scarce capacity of introspection and criticism of the human being. These are times when technology, available to all of us, influences the decrease in our preparation to interact, communicate, live together and promote our sociability.

We are so stunned and, moreover, resigned to accept the psychic and psychic characteristics of our fellow human beings - as if they were habitual - that we avoided facing the transcendence of their psychological structure. For these considerations, I will share my disorderly deliberations with you directly.

Psychological expertise is a tool that could be implemented more widely in order to carry out, through interviews and tests, an exhaustive exploration, evaluation and diagnosis of relationships, attitudes, patterns of interaction, nuances of personality, reasoning, aptitudes and other areas of the subject.

It is essential to persuade of their invaluable contribution to know more rigorously the profiles of the beings with whom, for some reason, we alternate. In my opinion, it is vital to take a sharp look at this subject, understand its scope and omit the well-known caricature comments commonly perceived.

I have heard statements such as "he has been like this all his life", "you are not going to change him", "be careful with someone who is half violent, but good people", "this is her, something strange and nothing more ” Simplistic qualifications to justify pre-determined ways of proceeding that we refuse to examine and, therefore, alert to its probable consequences. Behind supposed peculiarities, real "time bombs" may be present in our neighbors. Let's not underestimate what this reality implies.

When I look at those who are going to be parents for the first time in repeated moments I have asked myself in the privacy of my reflections: How can those who are immersed in trauma, open wounds and emotionally damaging events bring to the world?

Instead of so many domestic preparations for the baby shower or the name of the future first-born, it would be convenient to know, process and calculate on the possible negative charges that will affect the formation of that new being. However, I hear in endless opportunities mediocre expressions like "nobody learned to be a father" or "don't be a perfectionist". A correct and ancient statement says well: "Ignorance enters, where prudence stops."

There is visible self-sufficiency and ignorance in believing that anyone meets the minimum psychological standards for parenthood. Nothing more inaccurate. It is incumbent on parents to intuit that their task goes beyond attending to the basic deprivations of their descendants and also consists of covering their affective and emotional requirements that they cannot always satisfy. Here a new vicious circle begins.

If we do not manage to form benign human beings in the family environment, how can we be so naive in believing that they will end up being optimal in the labor field. They are like the wheels of a car, they have to work all four to make the vehicle walk. You cannot ride with two or three tires. Let's try, as my documented colleague and expert in Gestalt therapy issues Ana Medina Mendoza affirms: “First, we must mold good people, and then secure good professionals. We see things as we are and not necessarily as things are. "

In the same way, there are companies that refuse to carry out a “psychological expertise”, to their applicants and collaborators, aimed at knowing self-esteem, temperament, intrapersonal lucidity, empathy, among other pieces of their emotional organization and thus foreseeing their contribution to work environment, dealing with other associates, ability to resolve stressful situations, etc.

How often do we observe managers or business leaders who neglect to maintain an emotional reaction consistent with their hierarchy or training? The same is true of customer service managers and even teachers whose performance is impressive. All this can represent an economic loss for the institution and a deterioration in its internal atmosphere. In this regard, I insist on the urgent demand to create areas of psychological counseling and / or to hire consultants to follow up on these details. The well-being and fidelity of the human resource will always be the most invaluable in an entity.

We avoid going to the extreme of thinking that only the bipolar, manic-depressive, schizophrenic or disordered co-worker constitutes a danger. The "psychological expertise" makes it feasible to recognize irrefutable predispositions that, without being at the extreme of a psychiatric illness, deserve attention. For example: What do we do when the man or woman with whom we share responsibilities shows mistrust, low self-esteem, inability to coordinate as a team and poor interpersonal expertise? How to respond to the realization of a manipulating and powerless boss due to her low self-esteem? And so a formidable list of questions directed at taking this matter into account in corporations could follow without detracting from its apparent costs.

The spiritual dimension explains our biography and envisions the path that we will walk in our lives. Let us remember: nothing happens by chance and from the most adverse and uncomfortable experiences, it behooves us to obtain the wise lessons it offers us. Our emotional existence is the radiography of the soul and a bridge of coexistence and integration with the world.

(*) Teacher, consultant in event organization, protocol, professional image and social etiquette.

The psychological expertise?