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Pessimism and the subject's behavior

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One day the pessimists decided to hold a convention, of course it was a failure, nobody attended, because everyone thought it was not going to be…


Schopenhauer's thought exerted a remarkable influence on the last generation of German Romantics. Wagner assimilated his theory to his musical production and Nietzsche, who would later attack him, was also inspired by him in his early writings. In general terms, Schopenhauer can be said to initiate the vitalist and irrationalist currents that would appear later.

Schopenhauer modifies the phenomenon-number distinction: the 'phenomenon' is a 'representation' but not in the Kantian sense, it is considered an illusion or dream (the veil of 'Maya' according to the conception of Indian philosophy.) What Hiding behind is the infinite and blind, that is, irrational 'will'. Schopenhauer, who deeply knew the philosophy of India, reinterprets it from a romantic and pessimistic perspective.

Contrary to Hegel, Schopenhauer will not see in reality the manifestation of reason but that of an infinite blind outside that gradually multiplies in the individuals of the illusory world of representation (space and time are the 'principle of individuation') the way images would multiply on the faces of a crystal.

But that will is always misery and pain as a consequence of an always unfulfilled desire. For this reason it is that man, as he is conscious individuation of this infinite will, is destined to suffer. Every positive feeling, even pleasure, is the absence of pain. There is no liberation other than the annulment of the will to live and of the self.

Art, particularly tragedy and music, provide a first liberation since it annuls the self and fuses it with the universal will, in collective eternal pain. But true liberation is achieved through the path of ethics (ethics of compassion, joining the pain of others) and the Buddhist-inspired asceticism (nirvana) that involves annulling oneself to merge with cosmic unity.

The conduct

Human behavior shows us that external and internal factors come together in it. If we think about the behaviors of animals, they are practically instinctive, with individual differences not usually prevailing (in similar situations, animals act quite similarly).

On the other hand, in man, although there is a drive pattern, individual differences are marked, even within the same individual (according to trends, aptitudes, faculties, motivations, etc.), taking variables, time, space, groups and social facts.

These human tendencies are acquired and innate. In such a case the tendency is not equal to the behavior (action) in which several tendencies are associated that are related to the person's bio-psycho-social reality and external conditions, although to a certain extent independently of them. Therefore, each aspect influences behavior, but none absolutely determines it.

Many of the human behaviors are observable, developing in different areas: biological, psychological, spiritual and social.

Within the psychological, not directly observable, we find a characteristic and exclusive of people: thought.

Pessimism and Conduct

It can be said that there are two types of people in the world, pessimists and optimists. Both groups are right from their own point of view, the difference is that the pessimist gradually damages himself, by mentally poisoning himself with his harmful and destructive thoughts, on the contrary, the optimist strengthens and vitalizes himself with his positive and beneficial ideas.

The pessimist only perceives the errors, the deficiencies, the flaws, everything that in some way or another is not working properly, complains about everything, criticizes and sometimes judges very negatively those he knows, above all he suffers unnecessarily, since when viewing life from this perspective, his perceptions are like blocked, preventing him from enjoying everything good and beautiful that may exist in his own life and that of others.

The pessimist enjoys life less, lives sicker, fails more often, has more problems at work or in his studies, suffers more, has fewer friends, his emotional life is diminished or distorted, his thoughts are not clear or precise, his will is weak.

One day the pessimists decided to hold a convention, of course it was a failure, nobody attended, because everyone thought it was not going to be…

This is how pessimism works, you are defeated before you start trying.


For all the above it is much better to be balanced optimists, it is not difficult to be part of the optimists, the first thing that is required is the desire to belong to this group, and secondly to begin to think, feel and act in a positive way. That's it… Try it!


1. Pérez Gonzales Carina Isabel. Pessimistic theory and the behavior of the subject. Geopolis.com. Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas. 2009. http://www.gestiopolis.com/teoria-pesimista-y-la-conducta-del-sujeto/

2. Website specialized in the life and works of Arthur Schopenhauer. http://www.schopenhauer-web.org/obras.html

3. Watson and the behavioral school.

4. Universal New Millennium Encyclopedic Dictionary. Editorial team theme. Spain. 2002.

Pessimism and the subject's behavior