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The power of action to face problems


It can be said in general terms that the vast majority of people have the intention to succeed, to be successful, to achieve significant goals and objectives that benefit them in many ways. To achieve that success, many paths have been established, ranging from logical management to spiritual faith. In all cases, however, an ingredient is mentioned as a common denominator that is essential to get where it is desired: that ingredient is action, a factor that we will define in very simple terms, as any perceptible activity carried out by any subject.

Action appears, on the subject of achievement, as the most fundamental element; as a key piece for the concretion or crystallization of desires. It is not possible to achieve something without action, because we are inhabitants of the body, and what we call experience has to do with what the body feels, with movement… with action.

Despite the proven importance of acting, it is common that we tend to postpone important actions, in most cases for fear of being wrong, failing or being disapproved. We must remember that fear (worry and concern), or its higher phase, fear (notable defensive psychophysical alteration), arise in the body as self-protection mechanisms against what we consider threatening, unknown or uncontrollable. In these cases, our most typical but limiting responses are: paralyze ourselves, deny discomfort, or attack the stimulus that we see as a threat.

You can speak of temporary or permanent inaction. One is fleeting, the other, a frequent trend. The transit through bad times such as accidents, dismissal from work or loss of loved ones, can plunge some into low emotional states. And it is understood that since depression, moving is not our favorite decision. However, millions of beings "stay in the apparatus", as an existential attitude. They expect things to "fall from the sky", to "God provide." Thus, then, dependency, laziness, easyness, are attitudes associated with inaction. The attitude of the maintained, the pimp, the recumbent, is well known to all.

Fortunately, fear of action can be defeated and replaced by determination and intelligent execution of productive actions. To make this leap in quality of life, we can rely on attitudinal allies such as: trust, responsibility, will, creativity and faith.

Confidence is required to move, to move forward, to take risks. If I think I can win I try, if I don't, why try? Trust is believing that you have the potential or the resources to get what you want.

Responsibility is a crucial trigger, because if I do not take control of my life, then I hope someone else controls, proposes and decides. Who vouches for you? lifetime? Who decides for you? Who assumes the risks and consequences of your actions?

As for the will, we will say that it is a cornerstone, since it represents the ability to insist on action until the proposed is achieved. Many do not start, others start and leave halfway, and then blame themselves or others. To have will is to be able to combine patience with perseverance, it is to insist and wait; it is not giving up in the face of obstacles that arise when traveling the road.

Creativity is a master key, as it leads us to the most appropriate and intelligent actions. From creativity we avoid routine and inefficient actions. When action is creative, it becomes adaptable, flexible, adequate, intelligent. Being creative is painting the same picture with different colors.

And it remains for us to review the metaphysical ingredient of action: faith. When we lack reasons to trust; when we see too many risks or do not see the road or the end of the road; When the confidence to move weakens, it is time to turn to heaven, to open the soul and support the logic with the certainty that life, God, Providence, the Universe or whatever you call it, will support you positively in critical moments..

So, in short: life is movement, it is action. It is not possible to achieve anything consistent or durable without concrete and appropriate actions. We tend to freeze, deny, evade or attack, out of fear, comfort, or negligence. It is possible to learn to be more active by relying on trust, responsibility, will, creativity and faith.

It remains for us to ask ourselves if it is time to stay or act; what are the areas in which we are "asleep" and require awakening activity; to value everything that we could achieve, learn or advance if we overcome inaction, resignation, and apathy. You can do it; you must do it. It is your duty with life. Do it even if it is in gratitude for the gifts received.

The power of action to face problems