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The Power of Beliefs and Increased Self-Esteem

Table of contents:


Replace limiting beliefs with beliefs that lead us to the achievement of our goals.

A belief is an idea or a thought that is believed to be true or certain.

The reality is that most beliefs are not true. But, beliefs are thoughts and thoughts can be changed.

You have to ask yourself the following question:

What are some of the beliefs that I need to change in order to achieve my goals?

Change begins with words and your actions. Change your story and you will change your life.

Use the power of positive affirmations to change your limiting beliefs.

The power of beliefs

What is a belief?

A belief is an idea or a thought that is believed to be true or certain.

The reality is that most beliefs are not true.

The reality is that most beliefs are not true.

So you may have the false belief that you are not a good mom or dad.

So you may have the false belief that you are not good at selling.

So you may have the false belief that you are not good at recruiting.

So you may have the false belief that you are not good at prospecting.

But, I want to tell you that you have the power to change your beliefs.

Because beliefs are thoughts and thoughts can be changed.

And thoughts are ideas and ideas can be changed.

So if your mental image is that you are not good at selling, you are going to act and behave like a seller who is not good at selling.

I want you to know that this can be changed. Because you have the power to change, you have the power to decide and right now you can decide how your life is going to be different from here on out.

Today may be the first day of your new life, if you so choose. Because you have the power to decide.

You have the power to change. You have the power to change your beliefs.

So, I want you to ask yourself the following questions:

What are some beliefs that I need to change?

What are some of the beliefs that I need to change in order to achieve my goals?

Or rather, what kind of person do I have to become in order to achieve my goals?

I want to tell you that you can change in a faster way, if you work with a coach, if you work with a family counselor or with a psychologist.

My vision for you is that you can change, that you are more talented, that you are stronger and that you have more abilities than you think you have.

Change begins with words and your actions. Change your story and you will change your life.

Instead of saying I'm not good at selling, I better say every day I learn new ideas to sell better.

Instead of saying I'm not good on the phone, I better say every day I learn new ideas to be more effective on the phone.

Instead of saying I'm not good at recruiting, I better say every day I learn new ideas to recruit better.

Change begins with your words and your actions. Change your story and you will change your life.

Use the power of positive affirmations to improve your self-esteem.

Use the power of positive affirmations to re-program your subconscious mind.

Use the power of positive affirmations to change your limiting beliefs.

Did you know that it takes an average of 21 days of practice and repetition for a new habit to form.

Because 21 days is the time it takes for the subconscious mind to accept new orders, new affirmations, and new mental images as new operating instructions.

The law of belief says that whatever you are repeating to yourself over and over, whether it is false or true, you will eventually believe it.

So I want you to use positive affirmations starting today.

I want you to go directly to the mirror every morning when you wake up and repeat yourself 3 times out loud: "I believe in myself and I am valuable", "I believe in myself and I am valuable", "I believe in myself and I am valuable".

Or as one of my mentors Earl Nightingale said,

"You are or will become what you are thinking about all the time."

So from today I want you to use positive affirmations and repeat to yourself:

"I am a sales expert",

"I am an expert on the phone",

"I am an expert in recruiting people for my business".

I want to tell you that you are a sales champion. That you were born to succeed.

That you have the necessary power to eliminate those limiting beliefs that are stopping you from bringing out the greatness that you have within you.

The Power of Beliefs and Increased Self-Esteem