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The price of achieving our dreams


Generally the books on how to realize or achieve our dreams highlight the methods to make them come true and the satisfaction of their achievement. Everyone who has experienced a dream knows that theory is one thing and practice another. First you have to dream it, since they are usually just wishes, and in reality you have no idea what you want or it is very general complicating our decision to go after them.

To give an example if you climb a mountain from where you can see a whole forest and we are asked to contemplate it for a few minutes and then describe it in detail. We would realize that we would omit various details, not including noise and weather; and even more difficult would be to remember it a week later. This gives us an idea of ​​what happens in real life with our dreams. Where it is not enough to sit and be calm for dreams to come to our head. Few are lucky enough to know exactly what they want; so time and dedication are required to define what we really want.

It takes time to understand that achieving a dream is not getting a social position, but a transformation of who we are today. We are not usually willing to achieve our dreams because we prefer safe paths and dedicate the best years of our lives to jobs that we do not like and doing what others want. In order to receive money to maintain our comfort zone. We delay our plans thinking that we still do not have enough experience, security, support or definition to do what we want. But the question is, when will we have it all? For many, never. It is difficult to get out of our comfort zone because deep down we know that our security does not come from within us, but from a social position.Sometimes when we think aloud to tell family and friends we do not receive support, but rather questions and doubts. Then we understand that there is a high price to realize our dreams and not everyone is willing to pay it.

One of the most difficult stages to overcome is the fact that the path is lonely, perhaps some people have been able to achieve it with the help of others, although we sincerely hear more about problems between partners than successes between two or more people, but why Is it so difficult to do it with the help of others? Firstly, because only some have well defined what they want to achieve and secondly, the dream is unique. It is unlikely that two or more people can coincide in a dream, of course someone could say that there are hundreds of cases in the story about shared dreams that took place, the only problem is that we are more than 6,000 million on this planet and only some manage to find another's dream that completely satisfies them. Furthermore, life dreams are comprehensive and do not involve only one facet. Hence they are unique.So if someone decides to follow in the footsteps of a dream, they will have to accept that much of the way will have to be done alone and this is a price that will have to be paid.

Do I ever listen? "That it is not so important how fast we move forward, but rather that we know in which direction we are going." For many, the direction is not as clear as moving forward. But why? Simple because we have been educated to advance on safe, proven paths that are likely to lead us to a success that is recognized by most people. Few are prepared to move forward slowly, while most friends and family seem to be moving faster, leaving us behind on a lonely and uncertain path, without any sign that tells us that we are going well or badly. Perhaps over time, if we do not give up before, fate rewards us with a more sensitive ear that can listen to our hearts and that we have been avoiding listening for many years.A voice that tells us that the path is lonely because the transformation is not group; but individual and that it is necessary that it be so to be able to face what is coming.

Listening to our hearts, we are asked for another payment: "Overcome fear." We fear going where no one dares and doing things that seem impossible. To overcome fear we will have to change our way of being and measure success; since the triumph does not mean having money, or a good position or material goods. The true triumph is to transform ourselves into what we want to be. It is scary to listen to the heart because it reminds us of who we really are.

By overcoming fear we do not necessarily guarantee a goal, but once overcome there is no going back, it would be something like in the Matrix movie, once we get out of it, returning would be a difficult lie to continue. The transformation has begun is painful and its completion depends on how many we cling to our past, for some it can be a lifetime, for others a moment of decision would be enough. Being realistic it will take us some time because only in movies or books can you see people who achieve everything in a matter of days.

The wise know that the objective or goal is not as important as the process. From the process lies the true realization, although it is easier said than accepted. When we understand our destiny we realize that the objective is not to achieve something; but live it.

The path of fulfillment is comprehensive and slowly strengthens the different environments of our life. Its acceleration is useless because most of us human beings live in societies focused on control and our release from conditioning is slow. Nor does working 80 hours a week on our life mission bring us closer to our dream. No one can play a role 24 hours a day, it is necessary to stop being the mask to renew ourselves and be able to continuously reinvent ourselves. Some suggestions for those who want or have started to follow their dreams are the following:

• First of all, there are no magic recipes, books, or gurus that tell us exactly what is needed for a personal purpose. They can help you, but life will take care of reminding you that long-term solutions are in you.

• We have to accept that the change of "being" is a slow and painful process for many because we are conditioned by the education of our parents and the society in which we live. There are people who are able to free themselves from conditioning, but few who do it in a short time. Hence the reason that only some dare to follow their own path.

• We must not try to change our loved ones or convince them that our path is the best and that for this reason they have to follow it or support us unconditionally. If your partner, family or friends have not started on the path to their dream, it is because they are not ready and forcing them will be counterproductive. Instead of trying to change them, it would be better to analyze how the realization of our dreams will affect their lives.

• The change brings resistance and once started comes the inner struggle between principles, values, habits and conditioning. It would be unwise to add other people to the fight. Preferably we should talk to those close to us about our dream and how it could benefit them not only monetarily. We must also mention the possibility of a better connection and coupling in the relationship.

• You must remember that the important thing is not to achieve the dream, but to live it. That is why it is important to enjoy all the activities you do even if many of them are not satisfactory or do not bring the expected results. Something that can help you with the above is to carry out the activities with the perfection that is possible at that moment.

• Don't plan too much, live and correct on the go.

• Do not expect recognition or monetary benefits in the short term, although they are important in this society, it is not everything. The safest thing is that we first have to transform ourselves into what we want to be so that the superficial benefits come to us.

• Repetitive thinking is said to make our wishes come true; but the question is why doesn't it work for everyone? The answer is because we do not believe it in the long term, perhaps at times, but it is not something we create naturally. The heart plays an important role at this point because it can help us overcome our insecurity and believe in ourselves.

• The answers do not come from outside; but from within and are capable of changing our lives by helping us combat addictions, conditioning, and providing us with the necessary strength to continue.

To conclude, it could be said that at first the fight will be intense and its duration proportional to the time that we resist forgetting our conditioning, complaints and pessimism. This article called the price of the things we had to do to achieve our dream, but when we stop feeling that it is a price; and we believe that it is a gift for our life so our path will be guided by the heart and fear will tend to disappear.

The price of achieving our dreams