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The contextual professional. responsible, consistent and with correspondence


The Contextual Professional is a concept that serves to define the characteristics that people must have today to interact and intervene in organizations within a framework of coherence and correspondence.

As you can see in these first words, I cannot avoid being faithful to that principle that says that business or corporate responsibility is built on our responsibility, if the people who make up organizations do not act responsibly, the companies themselves cannot be neither fairer, nor more ethical, nor more responsible.

This article seeks to describe only the general characteristics that this organizational actor cultivates in him, which differs from the rest by giving superlative value to -responsibility from the context of application and implications-. The Contextual Professional builds on this approach his actions and intervention in organizations, whether public, private or academic.

The attributes that he seeks to cultivate in him are related to the particular way he has of seeing and acting in companies or organizations, his institutional intervention is modeled in an approach that we could sinter as follows:

  • Its actions are free from corruption, it proclaims the practice and not only the discourse on commitment, ethics and social responsibility. It considers people as facilitators and protagonists of change in organizations and, in turn, institutions as facilitators of social change. It considers that today's professional is called to be responsible, ethical, competent, creative and conceptual.He understands that solidarity and commitment to the other is the key to achieving sustainability in any organization; he knows how to apologize and learn from his mistakes. He understands that mistakes and failures are part of the professional construction process; his best method is the one that allows him to interact with the actors in the context, through which different groups of people construct and re-construct their perceptions of institutional reality. Cultivates in him a communicative and interactive rationality as a solid but not infallible foundation in organizational construction. He is above all a facilitator, who understands organizational facilitation as the stimulation of people through interactive processes that mobilize imagination, capacity, respect, commitment and discovery learning.Understand organizational development as something - singular-, almost never universal. It states that the results obtained by a method, model, or system in one organization will not necessarily be replicated in other institutions. Understands and practices organizational development as something contextual It states that plans, programs and projects should develop organizations instead of being reduced to simple developments in it It states that organizational reality cannot be transformed with answers, it thinks that above all it is transform with questions. Understand that experts and consultants who know - how to do - do not have the right to define alone - everything that should be done in organizations. See in the commitment and participation of the actors of the organizational context the key to a real transformation.He knows that the context in which organizations develop and their reality are generally changing and uncertain, the product of human interactions. Look at institutions as a great web of relationships and meanings.It proposes that the organizational and social reality is a collective construction that can be transformed through the interaction of its actors.. In its action, any solution requires human interaction, responsible negotiation, the construction and (re) validation of meanings. It knows that innovation can become possible through a logical design or by interpreting the signals that the market gives but on all innovation arises from the complex and dynamic processes of interaction between people. Understand that a sustainable organization is one that adapts to the changing context and has the gaps between internal coherence and organizational correspondence under control. problems it can be useful to apply instruments or incentives, but above all it is necessary to resort to the interaction of the actors with power and decision over it.

A contextual professional is above all a professional who knows that the context is always uncertain and changing at this time, but through his commitment, responsibility and ability to act in a network has hope that another reality is possible.

The contextual professional. responsible, consistent and with correspondence