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The educational project as an organizational form of education in values

Table of contents:


This work deals with the design and implementation of the strategy for the educational work of a group in the Sixth Year of the Law Degree, based on the completion of the personalized psychopedagogical diagnosis and taking into account the diversity in the characteristics of the students and sources of income from, using as a starting point the educational project as the main tool where the educational influences of the cloister converge, to transform the way of acting of the students. This strategy is based on a system of actions in its three dimensions: Curricular, extensionist and sociopolitical, with collective actions based on individual commitments in life projects.It is also reflected how the educational work group influences the fulfillment and control of these actions, taking as a reference the work with the values ​​of dignity and responsibility, since they have been the most affected in the diagnosis. Empirical methods such as observation and techniques such as surveys and interviews were used. The application of the strategy has had a positive influence on the modes of action of the students with evident results from the 9th semester, integration with the territory with greater participation in impact tasks has been strengthened, reducing passive enrollment.The application of the strategy has had a positive influence on the modes of action of the students with evident results from the IX semester, integration with the territory with greater participation in impact tasks has been promoted, reducing passive enrollment.The application of the strategy has had a positive influence on the modes of action of the students with evident results from the IX semester, integration with the territory with greater participation in impact tasks has been promoted, reducing passive enrollment.The strategy conceived from the work system shows that the formation of values ​​is not just another content of the study plan but a conception that must be present in all processes through the three dimensions.


The educational project is the organizational form of education in values, it formulates the educational purposes to be achieved; it must be endowed with coherence and its own personality associated with groups and individual students; where all members of the pedagogical collective must participate in its preparation.

Indigenous values ​​favor the formation of the feeling and self-awareness of belonging and national identity based on the traditions and historical-social and cultural values ​​of the country.

According to Miranda, O. 2000, among these values, love for the country, the struggle for independence, social justice, truth, beauty, dignity, honesty, kindness, solidarity, among others, stand out.

The construction of a qualitatively fuller and just society is one of the highest goals of our country, and in which the revolution has put all its efforts, even in the worst circumstances. This has made it necessary to systematically worry and deal with the formation and consolidation of values ​​as a way of guaranteeing the conservation and continuity of the revolutionary process, especially if we take into account the historical moment in which we find ourselves and the particularities of the social environment. both national and international that undoubtedly affect the training and performance of individuals.

Interest is growing at all levels of social organization to contribute to the formation of truly human citizens for themselves and for society, allowing them, not only to coexist in today's world, but to commit to its transformation, based on their growth. as more capable and integral beings.

The Cuban revolutionary project is essentially humanist, which means that man is its fundamental premise. Their actions must be characterized by matching their actions with the best human values.

Values ​​are an expression of culture and components of ideology. Thus, the political-ideological educational work is also the responsibility of the teachers and has as its central purpose: to contribute to educating in values ​​and to form civic, patriotic and revolutionary convictions. Values ​​are complex formations and constitute a system since they are related to each other, as well as to aspects of the personality, such as feelings, attitudes, qualities, interests or personal motivations.

With the development achieved by the Revolution, with the level of instruction and education achieved by our people and especially by our young people, proposing the noble purpose of educating in values ​​requires a high level of preparation, a broad level of information and the ability to direct the educational teaching activity, through cultured and convincing ways of saying and doing, of dialoguing, arguing, explaining, verifying the ideological, political, moral, and civic development achieved by the students.

Values ​​are conceptions, principles and norms that men assume to guide their lives and their relationships with other men, they have a social significance.

They constitute the set of precepts, norms, political, moral and social patterns that characterize the organizational culture and that condition or guide the behaviors of individuals, which are shared, consciously or unconsciously, by all members of the organization.

Taking into account the elements raised above, we propose in this work to answer the following question: Insufficient precision of the strategies of the Educational Projects as organizational forms of education in values ​​in the New Cuban University and their contribution to the educational institution in the locality jobabense.

For this reason, we set the following objective: To assess the insufficient strategies of the Educational Project as an organizational form of education in values ​​in the new Cuban University.

To carry out this research we rely on the following methods:

From the theoretical level

The Logical History: it points out important peculiarities of the development process and also the relationships between the logical development of thought and the history of the object, it shows how a phenomenon, the stages, steps and history passes; the historical expresses structured and functional processes of the emergence of the given object. A phenomenon cannot be understood if it is not studied from its historical evolution. To understand it is to reflect the history of its appearance and its becoming. This method facilitates the development of research because through it it was possible to analyze the strategies of the Educational Project as an organizational form of education in values ​​in the university institution of the municipality.

Analysis and synthesis is another very fruitful theoretical method, with it the existing information is analyzed from the bibliographic review that allowed obtaining a search related to the subject; as well as arriving at its synthesis according to the needs and the objective of the research. Analysis and synthesis play an important role in the knowledge process and occur at all stages of it. In their mental operations they appear as logical procedures of the intellect that are carried out with the help of abstract concepts and have been closely linked to other operations of thinking: abstraction and generalization.

In all the work, vitally important analyzes are carried out, because they allow the elaboration of a concrete personal idea of ​​what the phenomenon itself constitutes. The synthesis made it possible to transform what was studied and bring to an evaluative judgment all the documentation that exists on the research topic. It allowed ordering and synthesizing various ideas and information obtained about the Educational Project for education in values ​​and from there to develop new foundations for its application in the local university institution.

Induction deduction: it is revealed in the relationship between the processes that move both from the particular to the general and vice versa, also used in all stages of the investigation.

As qualitative empirical methods, ethnography, participant observation and phenomenological are used.

Ethnography in our country has acquired great importance in recent years. This consists of a description of the events that take place in the life of a group, highlighting the social structure and behavior of the subjects as members of a certain group, as well as the structures of their interpretations and meanings of the culture to which they belong.

This allows anthropologists to enter into social phenomena and processes to know the forms of organization, symbolic and cultural appropriations. Therefore, ethnography begins with participant observation adding interpretive analysis, in order to obtain in this way a complete and detailed vision of the phenomenon studied.

The ethnographic is located in the place of investigative objects, studies through observation social relations in their natural state. Its central concern is culture itself, delimited in a particular social city.

It made it possible to obtain more scientific information about the phenomenon that is being investigated, it made it easier for various groups of people to give their opinions about the oral work of the Cuentero.

Through participant observation, information on the behavior of the research object can be obtained as it occurs in reality, in a direct and immediate way about the phenomenon or object under study. To carry out this method, its rules must be taken into account, first: before starting the field work, the observer must familiarize himself with the objectives and it is up to him to memorize a checklist of the elements that he intends to observe. Observations should be recorded on the spot to the extent that circumstances allow; the observer must not forget that he is part of the activity.

Being able to contact the object of study in its own environment and be able to observe it as it appears in reality is something of vital importance when carrying out any investigation, this is what has allowed the use of the method.

The phenomenological method is another that is applied and consists of the description of the lived meanings, the predominance of social opinions in such a way that the method is the study of the experience lived in everyday life. This method seeks to see things from the point of view of other people, assisting in the description, understanding and interpretation.

For the above explained we can define that it will be very useful in the present investigation because it will allow a detailed description and interpretation of the object of study, facilitating its understanding.

This method facilitated understanding from people's point of view the achievements made in relation to the formation of values ​​in young people by describing, understanding and interpreting them in each individual in the university community.

The techniques used were focused in-depth interviews, it is one of the means to access the knowledge, beliefs, rituals, life of that society or culture, obtaining data in the subjects' own language. Its preparation requires some experience, skill and tact to know how to look for what you want to be known; progressively focus the questioning on increasingly precise questions (sometimes several interviews are needed for this) and help the interviewee to express herself and clarify, but without suggesting her answers.

From its format to the intention that presides over it, all the elements that define this modality of the interview tend to characterize it as the opposite of the structured interview. What the interviewer seeks with it is not to contrast an idea, belief or assumption, but to approach the ideas, beliefs and assumptions held by others.

It is not the knowledge or explanation itself that is important, what is really interesting are the explanations of others. Even the concepts we use to ask reflect the way others name things, they are the meaning they attribute to objects, people around them or the experiences they have lived. In this sense, the interview is developed from questions that seek to reconstruct what the problem under study means for the interviewee. This research is a fundamental technique that needs to be used because it allowed contact with members of a specific group of the university community.

The structured interview was used, which is nothing more than an adaptable conversation guide and subject to continuous changes, with a certain ambiguity that allows the opinions or responses of the interviewee to be recorded in a textual way, this implied a communication process, which relies exclusively on experience transmitted by the interviewee, he orally transmits his personal definition of the situation, takes the form of a story or event narrated by the person who has lived it and from his point of view.

With its application, the results achieved were marked, fundamentally by the level of communication that was achieved between the researcher and the other participants in it. Its use allowed access to information about which only the interviewees had knowledge, because it is the product of their own experience, yielding a large amount of information about the object of study. This qualitative technique was aimed at obtaining information about the knowledge of the Educational Projects of the group of students of Higher Education of the Law career of the municipal educational institution.

The interview focused on experts constitutes a fast and efficient way to obtain the information required for the investigation. In it, specialists are consulted in the subject that interests to investigate and a series of questions are inferred on the subject in question.

It always deals with a focus of interest: an experience, a situation, an action. It is aimed at a specific individual, previously selected for having taken part in the scenario under analysis or having lived that experience. It aims to respond to very specific issues, it is a personal experience.

For its realization it is essential to make a prior analysis by the researcher of the existing situation so that the subjective elements can be projected and distinguished from the objectives, to recognize the silences, the distensions, the idealizations, the tensions that dominate the experience, to discern when the subject is merely expressing, personally elucidating, and using value criteria, insisting that the interviewee delve into more details.

It allows directing the interview and collaborating with the interviewee so that he represents the situation experienced, eliciting the meaning and context, as well as the stimuli and effects that have occurred. In this research, it is a fundamental technique that needs to be used because it allowed contact with the Director of the Municipal University Center and other people familiar with the subject analyzed. It makes it possible in a more specific way to determine the focuses of interest that the researcher determines as its essential axis.

The survey this technique consists of collecting information on a part of the population. The information collected may be used for an analysis in order to determine and know the magnitude of the problems that are assumed or known in a partial or imprecise way. It does not require direct personal contact between the researcher and the subjects, and it is even frequently done by mail. It allows a study of social opinion, aesthetic and moral evaluations, opinions, points of view; an investigation of the way of life, material situation. It also enables the study of relationships between people. The collection of information occurs occasionally, that is, when there is interest in obtaining it. It is aimed at large samples. There are several ways to apply the surveys,the traditional ones are carried out directly or through the telephone or the mail, at the moment it is possible to apply survey by Internet, and electronic mail. Widely dispersed and large populations can be accessed in a short time.

It is a technique for obtaining information of sociological interest, through a previously prepared questionnaire, through which the opinion or appreciation of the subject selected in a sample on a given subject can be known.

In the survey, unlike the interview, the respondent reads the questionnaire beforehand and answers it in writing, without the direct intervention of any person who collaborates in the research. Once the questionnaire has been made, it does not require qualified personnel when it comes to getting it to the respondent

Through its application, it was possible to measure the level reached by young people in relation to the formation of values ​​from the conscious execution of an Educational Project in the members of the group analyzed in the educational institution.

The bibliographic review: It is a technique that is carried out during the development of all the research, it makes it possible to go to dissimilar documents such as master's thesis, textbooks, recorded materials, Internet pages; that is, to important sources of information that are related to the subject in order to expand the information obtained.

To develop the work, a group of Sixth Year of Law Degree was selected, which presents the following characteristics as a result of the Psychopedagogical diagnosis made.

Total Enrollment: 19 students.

Sources of Income:

MINAZ: __________________ 4

MTSS: ___________________ 5

People's Power _____________ 1

MAC_____________________ 5

Pre-college: ___________ 1

CSIJ ____________________ 4

TV room __________ 2

MININT: __________________ 1

Academic achievement:

Approved or progress in:

All subjects: 10

Five subjects: 4

Four subjects: 3

Three subjects: 2

Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages.

High: None

Medium: 25%

Low: 75%

Activities involved in your free time:

Study: 4

Music: 4

Cinema: 2

Share with family and friends: 9

Civil status:

Married: 3

Singles: 5

United: 6

Divorced: 5

Various instruments related to educational work were applied for the comprehensive training of students, among which are, observation, surveys and interviews, they showed inadequacies in behavior, inappropriate habits of formal education, lack of interest in the study, lack of social commitment and sense of belonging to the group, the career, and the institution, lack of motivation, which denotes a deterioration in the values ​​of responsibility and dignity.

The educational project of the group was reviewed and even when it presents a correct structure, with concrete actions, it is appreciated that they do not respond to the needs of the group and that they do not reflect the characteristics of the members of the group, it is not systematically controlled and not constitutes the working instrument for the protagonism of the students in their integral formation: the aforementioned leads us to pose the following problem.

Insufficiencies in the design and control of educational projects that negatively interfere with the modes of action of students.

Objective: Elaboration of a strategy for the design and control of educational projects that influences education in values ​​of responsibility, dignity, humanism, patriotism, solidarity in the forms of projection of students.


The integral formation of the student is the central objective of the educational teaching process that takes place in Higher Education.This supposes the understanding of all the factors that intervene in this process. Values ​​are also part of the content of teaching and therefore this process must be directed by all who participate in this activity. This task, the formation of values ​​requires systematicity for its realization, so that it is systematically incorporated into the fundamental processes that are developed in the careers and at the Headquarters, conceived from a work system, which integrates the part related to the activity curricular and the set of extracurricular actions. The work system of each management team linked to the teaching activity must be structured in such a way as to enable efficient management: organization, planning, execution and control of said actions.Without systematic attention by all management cadres, it is impossible to adequately direct the process, concrete activities are necessary to develop and that at the same time allow to periodically evaluate the progress of the comprehensive training of students through direct contact with them.

Within the system of educational influences, those carried out during the development of curricular activities acquire particular relevance and in this sense educational projects are considered of vital importance:

The educational projects pursue as a fundamental purpose to contribute to the integral formation of students, in response to their individual and group educational needs.

Values ​​serve as a strategic channel to achieve the goals or objectives of the organization. They determine the fulfillment of the Mission - Vision through strategies.


Component or indicator system:

  • High awareness of social duty Dignity Honor Social justice and equality Development of loyalty as a human virtue Honesty Establishment of authentically human relationships: collectivism Freedom Solidarity

Action modes associated with this value:

  • Systematic participation in activities that promote a greater comprehensive general culture. Knowledge and defense of our traditions and history. It means the importance of man in society in daily work. We have a new style of work and direction that transforms the university environment. Active and efficient participation in the programs of the Revolution.


Component or indicator system:

  • Fulfillment of duty Honest, fair and dignified Recognition of everything that deserves high esteem in the way an individual or a community acts High level of commitment to the task they perform Develop adequate control methods Establish management methods advanced Professional ethics: Moral demands inherent to the activity and the function it performs. Maintain a participatory attitude in professional and personal situations.

Action modes associated with this value:

  • Commitment, consecration and level of response to the assigned tasks, in an atmosphere of collectivism and a sense of belonging Compliance on time and with quality of the assigned objectives and tasks Discipline and respect for laws and regulations, which is reflected in respect for social property, care and use of resources, socialist legality, formal and civic education Rigor, demand, evaluation and systematic control We are consistent with the critical and self-critical spirit Social and professional ethical behavior, characterized by discretion We are optimistic, reflected in the search for solutions, creativity, enthusiasm, persistence, perseverance and leadership.


Component or indicator system:

  • Feeling of Cubanness. Knowledge of social duties and rights and willingness to consciously fulfill them. Patriotic consideration of the collective needs and interests with respect to individuals. Care for everything that surrounds us. Social discipline. Optimism about the future of the country. Consistent practice of human solidarity and internationalism in personal family relationships on the basis of help, understanding and collectivism.

Action modes associated with this value:

  • Integration of the University Community to the Battle of Ideas Act in correspondence with the genuine values ​​of our History and extend them to the entire society Defense of national values ​​and the principles of the Socialist Revolution Active participation in the tasks of defending the Revolution Strengthen unity around the Party.


Component or indicator system:

  • Sincerity.Professional ethics: Moral demands of the activity and the function it performs.Attachment to the truth.Transparency and authenticity in our relationships.Disinterestedness.Responsible.Fulfillment of duty.

Action modes associated with this value:

  • Act and combat the manifestations of moral double standards, fraud, indiscipline, vice, crime and corruption.Be an example and act in accordance with the values ​​recognized by the organization.Train upright professionals.Be self-critical and critical.Provide truthful information.

How do we want to be in college?

We act with transparency, with full correspondence between the way of thinking and acting, assuming an appropriate position before the fair in the group. We are honest, sincere with unconditional attachment to the truth and we demand it of others. We are examples in compliance with legality and duties.


Component or indicator system:

  • Mutual help and collaboration Humanism Community of fundamental interests Development of collective thought and actions Equal rights and obligations Spirit of collaboration with others Respect Responsibility Priority of social goals over individual ones Understanding, tolerance and sense of justice Companionship Altruism

Action modes associated with this value:

  • Encourage and support less developed institutions, reflected in the distribution of resources, staff training, participation in projects Actively participate, with our resources and knowledge in integrated projects, Achieve integration and unity of action of the organization for the solution problems Enhance internationalist actions within and outside the country Be identified and consciously participate in the programs of the Revolution and in particular universalization Solidarity with people within the organization.

How do we want to be in college?

We strengthen the spirit of collaboration and teamwork. We highly appreciate the sense of companionship and we share all our resources, in order to enhance all the knowledge we capture and generate. We develop a university culture that favors integrated network work between CES and UCT, collective consultation, dialogue and debate to identify problems and unity of action in the selection of possible alternative solutions. We identify ourselves with the sense of social justice, equity and internationalism, before the noble causes that can achieve a better world, of peace and equality.

The strategy that we propose for the comprehensive training of students is simplified in the following model:

Actions and applied experiences:
  • Reformulate the strategy for education in values ​​of the university community in order to induce actions that contribute to the transformation of the subjectsin these spaces. Work on the theoretical foundations of education in values ​​in fixed spaces that are carried out from the university extension on a monthly basis. Give continuity through the work of the Cátedra Martiana, education in values, taking as a premise the ideology of the Apostle. Define and work on ethical-professional values ​​with their corresponding modes of action in each career, which are specified in educational projects. Deepen in the formation of values ​​related to responsibility and professionalism from undergraduate since the application of the contents received in professional practice and problem solving in the environment where professionals work.Apply a personalized diagnosis to students to determine strengths and weaknesses in the curricular, extensionist and socio-political dimension Arrange the actions of the new period taking into account the dynamics of educational projects based on the current context Update the diagnosis to the students Commit to the students with their assistance to all the activities for their political preparation Establish systematic control systems for the activities of the educational projects in which the various factors influence: student organizations, teacher guide, career coordinators, leadership cadres of the teaching activity and PCC. Use various instruments for the application of the diagnosis: interviews, surveys, visits to the community, etc.Arrange the actions of educational projects for the three dimensions: curricular, extensionist and sociopolitical Conduct the process of elaboration of educational projects facilitating the debate of the students and their protagonism, without losing sight that it responds to the most general strategies Regarding the training of the professional, Give an evaluative category to educational projects with the protagonism of the students Strengthen the work for the development of patriotism from the military and international preparation Strengthen the work with the concept of Revolution especially with everyone the career years.without losing sight of the fact that it responds to the most general strategies in terms of professional training, granting an evaluative category to educational projects with the leading role of students, strengthening the work for the development of patriotism from the military and internationalist preparation.Strengthen the work with the concept of Revolution especially with all the years of the career.without losing sight of the fact that it responds to the most general strategies in terms of professional training, granting an evaluative category to educational projects with the leading role of students, strengthening the work for the development of patriotism from the military and internationalist preparation.Strengthen the work with the concept of Revolution especially with all the years of the career.

In addition, as experience in the work developed, different control mechanisms are applied to the activities of the educational project, due to various factors of the career that we are identifying as an educational work group, even when in the conditions of the University Venues it is difficult to speak of educational work group, to develop our processes and everything related to teaching and educational activity with practicing professionals from other organizations, career coordinators strive to involve guide teachers and an activist for educational work in order to reinforce that individual control of students in their committed activities,Those careers that have succeeded in incorporating retirees are in better conditions to undertake the control system required by this complex process.

The point is to have the greatest number of controls for when the group assemblies are developed, to have the elements for individual analyzes and that each difficulty affects their integral evaluation. It is important to influence the motivation for their attendance, but control is important due to the characteristics of the students who access the University Venues from the CSIJ and other sources, the work experience has demonstrated the imperative of strict control and we have done so. applied. These controls allow to alert and prevent the students, in addition they constitute a valuable source of information to give the comprehensive evaluation to each student on their results in the school year that ended and that takes place at the beginning of the course,To evaluate the integrality of the student, the curricular and extensionist aspects are taken into account. This comprehensive evaluation will facilitate the choice of the best graduates and the comprehensive graduate upon completion of studies.

The experiences have been applied as the process progresses and they are constantly being enriched. In all cases, the correct functioning of the work system has been of vital importance through its collective management bodies and guidance and control mechanisms that have allowed constant monitoring of this complex process.

An element of vital importance to involve students in the activities that take place is the communication that management cadres and career coordinators establish with student groups, prevailing the personal example of each manager.

Special attention deserves the constant concern and attention that the tutor is able to offer to the students, fundamentally from the prioritized sources where the youngest students are found and who require their permanent guidance and advice.

The students and the guide teacher work with the educational project, the group leader takes it up front, and it becomes the group's work instrument. It is important to highlight that each concerted action has defined values ​​that are strengthened with it, emphasizing the value of responsibility and dignity.

An element of special importance is constituted by the actions that commit students with pending subjects from previous semesters in order to overcome the objectives of those subjects and achieve progress, in this sense, the support provided by those who were of high achievement, which presupposes of concrete actions in the curricular dimension that influence the educational results of students and strengthen the values ​​of responsibility, dignity and solidarity, among others.

Social contribution achieved

  1. Superior academic results Reading habit Culture for the protection of the environment High political and ideological preparation in students Transformation in the ways of acting of students, reflected in the sense of belonging and social commitment Perception of themselves, of students as university students. Agglutination of all the factors by virtue of the integral formation of the students Integration of the students through the curricular, extensionist and sociopolitical dimensions to the solution of problems of the territory Creativity and self-direction in the students Preparation and knowledge related to ITS, AIDS, drugs and other prioritized programs.


  • The systematic control of educational projects has a favorable impact on the fulfillment of the planned actions.The strategy for educational work conceived from the work system shows that the formation of values ​​is not another content of the study plan but a conception that must be `present in all processes through the three dimensions The conception of educational projects based on the reality of students has a favorable impact on their comprehensive training The role of students in the conception, execution and control of educational projects Promotes their creativity and self-direction. The strategy influenced the strengthening of values, with an emphasis on responsibility, solidarity, humanism, dignity and patriotism.The agglutination of all the factors by virtue of favoring the process of conception, execution and control of educational projects has a favorable impact on the transformations of the students' modes of action.The effects of educational work are evident from the fifth semester, reflected in the perception they acquire of themselves, as university students, in their modes of action, in the sense of belonging and social commitment.in the sense of belonging and social commitment.in the sense of belonging and social commitment.


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The educational project as an organizational form of education in values