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The journey towards faith


Faith is a state in which all things are possible, when you are in a state of total faith you will see miracles in your life.

I remember that when I was around 13 years old and my parents had just gotten divorced, I became a very religious teenager, I read a lot of the Bible and tried to be in contact with God, I took some Bible studies and at that time I learned a lot about faith.

In the most important stories of the Bible, faith is mentioned as an enormous and powerful force that was in charge of working miracles, it was said that if we had faith as a grain of mustard we would be able to tell a mountain to be torn from the land and thrown into the sea and that it would.

So great was the power of faith that with a little bit (like mustard granite) we could move mountains.

And it was also said that all works are by faith, that Jesus was able to raise the dead because he had undoubted faith and that he was able to heal those who came to touch their clothes with the simple fact that they came with " faith".

And then he would say "Your faith has healed you"

I think it was from there that my education regarding faith began because I got sick and the doctors didn't know what I had, what's more, we didn't have money for doctors.

So my father just saw me lying down and sick, not knowing what else to do because the medicines that were within our reach did not work for me.

One day at night when I was already feeling very bad, I took the Bible and hugged it and told God that I wanted to have faith in my healing and to help me have it… "My God help me to have faith and heal me" because I did not I want to stay sick and my parents don't have money to take me to other doctors.

After crying and asking God for help, I put my Bible aside and went to bed. And since I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about God, about the infinite power that he had, about the capacity that he had to heal me if he wanted and I told him again that if he had the power, that he would heal me.

I continued for several hours with a mental conversation with God, thinking things like:

  • I know that God created me and I also know that he can heal me. I know that I can heal overnight because I have read and heard testimonies of people who have been touched by healers and have left their illnesses aside. That is true of faith and I am sure that I can have faith in healing myself, I can heal myself. I think that if I ask Jesus to come tonight and heal me, I will be healed "I am sure" Jesus has been able to raise the dead and can Heal a sick girl, "surely she can do it" I think it's just a matter of Jesus wanting and I don't think she will refuse if I ask her. Jesus please come and heal me, I'm a good girl. Jesus come and heal me, I know you can and you want. I think you can touch me and heal me right now, not tomorrow, not in a year or a month, I think it can be now. Thank you for healing me….

And at that moment I felt like something inside my body thundered, it was as if a balloon had deflated and the pain I had in my stomach disappeared immediately.

Then I got up in the bathroom and started to feel as if all the waste that had been stuck in my body was going down the toilet.

I didn't say anything to anyone because I was scared, my parents believed it was medicine.

I remember that same night when I was cured as a child, I went to bed very sick and sad and as I began to have a mental conversation with God I began to gain faith.

I believe that the "indubitable" faith that is capable of working miracles is gradually obtained is a matter of self-conviction. It is a matter of working little by little with our ability to "believe" with producing that feeling of "security"

Being safe or having faith is a feeling and all humans have the ability to generate the feeling of "undoubted faith"

When you have that undoubted faith, you will know what I am talking about.

If you have ever felt it in your life, you know what I mean.

Maybe you had the certainty that they were going to give you that job that you wanted so much and you generated that feeling of faith and they did.

You were sure that you were going to find the man of your life and that he was going to propose to you and you generated that feeling and if you succeeded!

You had faith that all the problem you had was going to be solved and you generated that feeling and yes… it was solved favorably.

You lost something and generated the feeling of faith that you were going to find it again and if you found it.

That is what I mean by faith, faith is a feeling and we are all capable of generating it.

After my healing several years passed and I grew up, I remember that I was 17 years old and that day I went to the party at the company where my dad worked.

Upon entering they gave us a ticket to fill out with our information and thus participate in the raffle of the gifts. But my dad who was very pessimistic said to me "Throw that crap" I never get anything out of the raffles, so let's not get our hopes up.

But I was not yet so pessimistic I was 17 years old!

So I didn't mind and I put my daddy's name on the ticket and threw half the tombola of presents.

Later, when I was in the living room, I saw all the gifts. There were washing machines, refrigerators, bedrooms, rooms, televisions, stereos… I mean… stereos…

That was what caught my attention the most. "Stereos".

I had been dreaming about a stereo for a long time and I had never put together enough to buy one, my dad had never been able to buy me one. I dreamed of having a stereo and at that moment I said "I want to win a stereo in this raffle"

And without remembering at all how the process of my healing was when I was 13 years old, what's more, I think by that time I had completely forgotten about it.

Unknowingly I started the same process, I started to negotiate with God, and tell him that I wanted a stereo, that I had already seen it, that he was in front of me, that he please help me win it in the raffle, that I knew was possible, Please, please, please, please, don't let me leave that party empty-handed.

I started generating a feeling of wanting something "with all my strength" and asking for it "with all the forces of the universe" and then through that mental conversation, I began to convince myself that it was possible and that God was going to help me have it, without knowing… that day I returned to generate that feeling of Absolute FE and at one point I felt that feeling of having faith and enormous assurance that I was going to win the stereo.

And the next step was that I took it for a given and gave thanks and I dedicated myself to enjoying the party completely forgetting, this part is very important, I completely forgot what I had asked for.

I swear!! I forgot and I was very happy to enjoy the party.

Then it was time for the raffle and my father told me that it was time to go, since I had forgotten my stereo I said yes and said goodbye to the friends I had met at the party.

We left the company and we were almost in the corner when my dad's name was called over the loudspeaker. And they said «Antonio Reyes at one… Antonio Reyes at two…. You know how they do it when you enter a raffle and if you are not there to claim your gift. If you are not there they will raffle it among other participants.

So my daddy ran back to claim his gift and…. You can imagine what the gift was… Of course it was my stereo.

That stereo exactly, in front of which I had sat, one that had a red bow, the one that pointed. It was not a refrigerator as my daddy would have wanted, nor a cruise, it was precisely that stereo which I wanted with all the strength of my soul, the one that I asked God with all the strength of the Universe saying, please, please Please don't let me go empty-handed today from this party.

I almost had tears in my eyes when writing this because it was something wonderful, it is like asking for a miracle and receiving it.

This concept of faith is mentioned many times in the Bible, but unfortunately it is a tool that is very forgotten, very wasted.

Every time we go to church they tell us about faith, or tell us that we must have faith that things will turn out well and that is all the approach that an ordinary person has with this powerful force that is the feeling of faith.

If only we knew more about it, if only we could take advantage of it, incredible things would happen. We would get more miracles and our lives would be so much better.

As you may have already realized, faith not only works to cure diseases, it also works for more mundane things like getting a stereo in a raffle.

Then over time and as I got older and growing various negative belief systems it was a little harder for me to use faith to convince myself and to believe when I needed to solve a problem or achieve a goal in my life.

In fact I have realized that adults are much more incredulous than children and that it is now much more difficult for me to reach that state of faith that I could easily reach when I was 13 and 17 years old.

But am I telling you one thing?

If I have succeeded, and now that I am 32 years old, I have accomplished many things with that faith that I tell you, but it is all a matter of lighting that spark… starting it little by little and starting to remove the potholes from the road, the potholes they tell me you want this.

Ah! Well, you cannot, because it is very difficult, or because there are all these obstacles, or because you may not deserve it, or because it may not be good for you. Besides, you have never achieved it before, it is somewhat difficult. Who do you think you are to ask for something similar.

And once you get all those potholes out of the way…. You have already reached the state of faith where miracles happen.

It is that simple, it is a process of removing potholes from the road, it is a matter of processing, sometimes the past, sometimes what your family or people around you made you believe, at other times what you saw on TV or maybe also the things that happened to you, small failures that lowered your self-esteem and confidence in yourself and in God.

That is all that stands in your way, your fears and doubts nothing more!

The journey towards faith