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Success in life

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According to Anthony Robbins, author of the book Power Without Limits, a person after having been surrounded by limitations can move towards success through certain very specific elements. In this sense, it identifies several characteristics of it such as:

  • Success is comprehensive, covering the various areas of a person's life: spiritual, emotional, social, psychological, intellectual, family, professional, economic, etc. Success is projected onto the environment, generating empowering situations. It is a process that It is gradually and permanently developed, based on the application of principles that intervene in behavior in an empowering way, obtaining specific and verifiable results. Success is closely related to the concept of power.

According to the author, successful people have power as a common element, which resides in the possibility they have to create the results they want, and also expand them towards their environment, to change their lives, mastery of their individuality, definition and satisfaction of their needs and to develop their own values ​​towards others, through effective internal and external communication.

It raises in previous times the division of classes and the possibility that the human being directed his life was given by factors linked to force, tradition, authoritarianism, economy.

Today, it is linked to information, because even when these elements remain important, with the development of technology, and easy access to television, movies, books, computers, the Internet, videos, cassettes, compact discs, video conferences etc., we have entered the information age, where specialized knowledge according to Robbins constitutes one of the most important sources of power.

This is of great importance, since this access to information opens up a range of tools that enable the knowledge and development of the internal and external communication factor that empowers the elements of power, and therefore the achievement of results.

For this reason, he quotes Galbraith: “ Money was the engine of industrial society. But in the information society, the driving force, the power, is knowledge ”. In this sense today the division of classes is given by the power that derives from possessing information and the means to communicate it, and therefore access to knowledge.

Given this analysis, the author concludes that the information is…

Kings merchandise

Because: "Those who have access to certain forms of specialized knowledge can transform themselves and, in many ways, influence the entire world."

He affirms that knowledge is potential power, and that it projects us towards the capacity to act. The way we communicate with ourselves and with our environment leads to actions and behaviors and certain feelings. This is why Robbins states that "The totality of behavior and feelings has its roots in some form of communication.",… this statement leads to the conclusion that:

The degree of success that a person has is conditioned by the way in which he communicates with himself and abroad, developing his feelings and attitudes as generators of concrete empowering actions.

The author affirms that those who have achieved success follow certain and specific logical and coherent paths towards excellence that allow them to..

"Bring out the magical power that we harbor."

This approach is summarized in what he has called the Definitive Formula of Triumph, condensed into four important elements that are:

Ultimate Formula of Triumph

1. Definition of Goals: Define exactly and precisely the results you want to achieve, know what you want from the implementation of specialized knowledge.

2. Take action: It is necessary to carry out concrete actions to achieve the results we have set ourselves.

3. Develop sensory acuity: It is a monitoring of the actions, attitudes, habits, that we are executing in relation to the results that we are obtaining, in order to determine the degree of approach or distance from our objective, either by default or by excess.

4. Flexibility: The previous factor leads to the possibility of making the necessary adjustments to modify the course of our behavior and strategies based on the achievement of our goals.

Coupled with this formula of triumph, the author concentrates in his proposal some factors that constitute its enhancing elements, since they are traits that serve as an impulse to do what is necessary to succeed, and are basic activators that can guarantee success.

1. Passion: It is the internal force or internal impulse that moves towards the execution of actions in an energetic way, to achieve the stated goals.

2. Faith: It has to do with the power of faith and beliefs. He affirms that it is our faith in who we are and the internal certainty of achieving our goals that determines the results we will obtain.

3. Strategy: Refers to the specific steps, actions and resources to be used to achieve the goal.

4. Clarity of values: The judgments of ethical, moral and practical order that support our personal structure are decisive, because they are related to the belief system that supports our vision of good and evil. Therefore there must be congruence between the goals we set ourselves and our values.

5. Energy: It has to do with the vitality that is needed to act in the physical, intellectual and psychological order, in order to make the most of our possibilities and therefore the opportunities that are presented to us.

6. Power of adherence: Possibility of connecting and establishing relationships with other people, which has to do with the attitude to communicate with the environment.

7. Mastery in communications: To achieve success it is necessary to communicate optimally, both internally and externally.

The author states that all these elements are closely related, that they are part of a basic support system to achieve the successful execution of the Final Formula of Triumph.

The difference in which all the difference is summed up

The author cites the example of the man who suffered terrible contingencies, and yet refusing to surrender and surrender to grief, he managed to become a better individual.

This is extremely important to internalize because it has to do with the possibilities of choice that we have, which lies in the way we communicate with ourselves, our internal dialogues, and the way we communicate with our environment.

It was an empowering internal dialogue that made it possible for this man to take positive action and make use of his most valuable resources to emerge from such a contingency.

This example and many other cases lead the author to think and analyze what is the way of acting of successful people, and that they produce outstanding results because they do things, they act in a certain way that creates successful results.

The author concluded that if the actions of a successful person are repeated exactly, successful results can be obtained, that is, it is possible to reproduce the models of personal excellence, this is called Modeling.

In order to reproduce models of human excellence, there are three elements that can be duplicated, that directly influence the quality of the results that we aspire to obtain and that are related to forms of mental and physical action.

1. Belief systems of a person: This is related to what a person thinks about himself, as it is considered which determines what he thinks he can do. If you can model the belief system of a successful person, you advance based on the achievement of successful results.

2. Mental syntax of a person: It has to do with the way in which people organize their thoughts, that is, how that person encodes their mind.

3. Physiology: There must be an absolute relationship between the mind and the body. The state a person is in is in tune with their body expression. (How it breathes, postures, facial expressions, movements etc.).

Success in life