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Pedagogical elements and models in the basic education plan in Mexico

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The present work is an analysis of the Plan of Studies 2009, Basic Education, Primary Level and its relation with the pedagogical models, considering that the Integral Reform to Basic Education aims to provide quality, equitable, democratic education that fights the educational gap. and that is reflected in a social progress; plans, programs and curriculum of the levels that make up basic education are articulated, for which four aspects are considered, which are then analyzed and related to pedagogical models:

Reform Preschool Education Reform

Its purpose is to contribute to the transformation and improvement of pedagogical practice and the concepts that support it to develop cognitive and socio-affective skills, considered as the basis for lifelong learning. It is linked to the naturist pedagogical model, which refers to the development of skills and knowledge based on play, movement and experiences. Arguably, it is so far the aspect that is fulfilled in the highest percentage.

Secondary Education Reform

At this level, it is intended that students develop the knowledge and skills that allow them to integrate into the upper secondary level and in some cases into the workplace, developing effective learning, and creating the conditions for collaborative work and sharing the responsibility for learning. In this sense, the pedagogical model that is most suitable, insisting that it is not the only one, is the progressive or cognitive one, which aims for the student to understand the world in order to integrate into it in a dynamic and constructive way.

Innovation in school management

Management is understood as the set of aspects and conditions for autonomy, identification and solution of problems, in the Basic Education Plan 2009 it is stated that its innovation requires commitment and willingness of those involved,structural and organizational strategies that respond to social demands and needs, activities that promote efficient learning, as well as greater interaction and coordination among all agents, which refers to a contextual pedagogical model, which considers the influence of different contexts (historical, geographic, ecological, cultural, social, economic, family, school) in the teaching-learning process. It should be noted that it is not the only pedagogical model that can be linked, it was only considered the most relevant in this analysis.

Use of information and communication technologies in educational projects

The idea of ​​implementing them as a tool to potentiate the teaching-learning process seems enriching, however the reality is different since factors such as poor technological coverage, misuse of ICT resources, lack of monitoring and evaluation of projects, as well as the disinterest of some teachers to dominate and implement them in their practice, cause that they do not advance in the conciliation of the RIEB, reflecting in the low results obtained in the evaluations. In this sense, we could talk about the pedagogical model of the new school where knowledge is sought to be fostered through experimentation and manipulation, based on previous interests and knowledge.

Pedagogical elements and models in the basic education plan in Mexico