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Negative thoughts and emotions. how to break this vicious circle


There is a satisfaction that is perceived as alien to the reality of some, an almost non-existent fulfillment in the lives of many, an emotion that seems reserved for anyone but you. The feeling of well-being with our own being seems to have little attention in the current times, looks crushed by problems and stress, feels forgotten in the speed of physical and digital highways.

Do you remember the last time you felt good about yourself? The truth is that few people stop to think about it and, even less, those who really feel good about themselves. Most people harbor feelings of guilt, hatred, enmities, when the healthy thing is to welcome positive emotions that lead to recognizing the excellent qualities that are in each of us.

Feeling good implies more than having a healthy self-esteem, it includes harboring positive emotions that fill us with excellence and from there obtaining the planned results in any task we undertake.

The end is - above all - to feel satisfaction with your own being. And what better way to feel good than obtaining excellent results in your personal struggles! However, thanks to negativity the results will be contrary, since it is the positive emotions that really drive the winning results.

Yes, you noticed, we are talking about a vicious circle. The feeling of discomfort with you leads to harmful thoughts, these induce harmful emotions, in the midst of which your actions decline and bring you disadvantageous results, balances that will end up producing greater discomfort than the initial one.

To break this destructive cycle, it is best to promote the company of accomplices who promote shared actions, of comrades who reprogram our thoughts, of co-authors who co-manage emotions. In this way we will break with vices and establish the possibility of building enriching relationships, always based on mutual recognition.

Another way to alter that circle is forgiveness. Forgiveness is not easy, it requires great strength and maturity, but it is an instrument to heal the soul and obtain learning in the attempt.

“Every censored situation carries with it a lesson that you will use tomorrow. You just have to locate it, understand it and treasure it ”.

However, the most important thing is to evacuate the negative emotions that upset you and immediately you will feel that you are a better person and the well-being will begin its way back to your soul.

To feel good about ourselves is to love ourselves as we are, it is to admit the inner beauty that beautifies our character, it is to recognize the good that rests in our existence, it is to harbor positive emotions that strengthen us, make us happy and motivate us to continue fighting for our goals.

Strengthen your support structure, strive to forgive, do what you consider necessary, but be reconciled with your existence. You have the qualities and gifts necessary to feel full with your being at every moment. So don't waste a second, start enjoying the honeys of life now. Start promoting your inner well-being now.

"All you need is love" The Beatles.

Negative thoughts and emotions. how to break this vicious circle