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Positive emotions and thoughts to achieve happiness


Positive psychology seeks to understand the bases of our emotions and in turn uses scientific methods to get to explain them scientifically, to understand these processes that take place in our brain.

Happiness is a combination of the emotional well-being that is felt in the day to day and the satisfaction that a person has with their personal, family, couple or work life.

Some of us think that happiness depends on oneself and others that it does not take much to be happy, but in reality happiness depends on our emotions, on our positive feelings whenever we give meaning to life and allow it to flow from positive way with clear goals.

To let flow we must let go of control, let go of attachments, stop waiting for changes outside, change attitudes and habits and above all, live every emotion, sensation or feeling we have without getting stuck or hooked on them. As human beings we live changing emotions, therefore they take us depending on our ego to be insecure or imposing, full of fears that make us externalize any of these two characteristics, to have control of everything that is or what we want it to be. in our lives. (By Franco Candotti on Jan 29, 2013).

Psychology for years has focused on studying and focusing on disorders, psychopathology, behaviors and other factors that can influence the proper functioning of the human being; what makes them feel good and happy. It is there where positive or happiness psychology seeks to promote in a balanced way all the strengths through an objective vision of each human being, that we can realize that some strengths are not good in excess or in defect.

Being positive does not make us invulnerable because we believe that we can achieve everything without any obstacle and so we assume risks or life projects that exceed our possibility of carrying them out. Being negative we will be forced not to enjoy the beauty and goodness of life.

Each person should have someone to feel supported and loved, to be able to freely express feelings and wishes. It is not important to have a number of friends to feel that you are loved, to have a large family to feel that you are loved, respected and loved; It is more the frequency of interaction, shared activities, time, communication and mutual interest that can really help improve moods.

Gratitude to life, to what we do every day is what gives us a feeling of well-being while reinforcing interpersonal relationships, which has a meaning beyond the obligation to do so, is to seek to increase our levels of happiness and satisfaction. The opposite that negativism gives us to think that what we do is an obligation to satisfy others and that no contribution is found to oneself.

Kindness is another great factor that greatly helps happiness in our lives. Performing an act of kindness towards others every day helps us discover how beautiful, how good it can feel that you are a good human being with others.

Optimal experiences involve setting challenges, achievements, focusing on them to achieve the goals you want without having to do your best to achieve them, it is more by carrying out good control over our actions, but taking into account the time we are going to have without major worries. These optimal experiences can be found in any area of ​​life, but we are used to hearing that happiness is a goal that we must achieve, with effort through material possession, travel, luxury, social position, etc. What we do not realize is that happiness is intangible, the human being in search of social and economic improvement, forgets that happiness is really this state of mind longed for by all that provides us with peace and inner well-being.Flow and let flow is what allows us to build an emotionally healthy life.

In conclusion it could be said that positive or happiness psychology is one that helps us to seek emotional well-being, to know our strengths and weaknesses, to condition ourselves at each stage of our lives.

To study happiness, psychology focuses on the study of positive emotions as a means of achieving happiness and considers that they arise associated with pleasure and also with commitment to our values ​​and to give meaning to our lives.

Taking advantage of the opportunities that life presents us, trusting in oneself without fear of failure, learning to trust in the course that life takes will not make us fail.

Have clear objectives, feedback to notice our progress and focused on the moment; "Flow" is accompanied by a delicious sensation of lightness, of inner peace and of being like a drop forming part of the immense ocean.


By: Elidia I. Fuentes

Psychology student 5th year

Positive emotions and thoughts to achieve happiness