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Empower yourself at once, without excuses and start enjoying what you are and everything you can become and do


You have probably read, on more than one occasion, the following phrase: "Be you the change, what you want to see in the world". It has long been circulating on all networks, various articles or notes in blogs, newspapers, books and related. Now, what do we interpret when we read or listen to this phrase?

The first thing that comes to mind is that everything starts at home, that is, if we want something to happen to us, it is we ourselves who have to somehow generate that change or at least kick our feet initial so that some piece of this wonderful puzzle that is life itself, begins to move. Registering this implies, no less, than starting to take charge of our level of responsibility in the things that happen to us or rather, in what we do with what happens to us and how we decide to go through it.

Empowerment means seizing the power that everyone has, even if you have not yet realized that you have that power.

Power of decision, power of action, power of enjoyment, power to take charge of your path and be the protagonist and not the spectator of your own life.

If you venture to get to know yourself, to recognize the resources you have and often do not register and decide to appropriate them, the potential with which you will surely find is enormous, and the possibilities of generating everything you aspire to are infinite.

Now, yes, to get to the point specifically as to the objective of this article and not just be theoretical or conceptual, I will point out what are the aspects that I think you should take into account when entering your interior and make a tour, as a city tour, on your own person, to get the juice out of your BEING.

Tips to achieve the empowerment you want:

  • Accept yourself: recognize your weaknesses and strengths, take care of the incompleteness, be amigate with the holes with which we came into this world and that go through all human beings equally. No one is exempt from faults, all human beings are incomplete beings and nothing and no one manages to complete us (although there are people who have made you believe otherwise), that is the stage of life. But the good news is that we can discover how to move this world beyond faults and weaknesses, and even, despite failures and incompleteness and achieve well-being and fulfillment without everything having to be perfect. Bancate frustration: learn to live with failures and recognize them as a learning opportunity. I take this opportunity to invite you to take a tour of my blog to read a note that I wrote precisely about the failure distinction, a few months ago, so you have a very fresh subject on which we are now speaking: www.marianoellucano.com Know your motivations: I discovered what you like, what you are passionate about, what you love, what moves and inspires you, what makes you feel alive and leads you to take action already feel fulfilled. Do a job, a job or an activity that gives you meaning and allows you to transcend:Although it does not necessarily have to be something specifically work, it is necessary and important that you can develop an activity that gives you fulfillment and allows you to feel that you are developing your potential to the fullest, that makes you shine. Establish satisfying relationships: Surround yourself with people who allow you to grow, who have ambitions, who have good energy and are generous and empathetic.

Well, in summary, because the list could be more extensive and surely each of you has something to contribute to it, what I want to share with you today, is my fervent desire that you be encouraged, that you venture to start that path that has to do with you, with knowing you, with making friends with what you do not like and appropriating all the potential you have inside, asleep, stagnant, paralyzed. Take ownership of what makes you unique, which is yours and belongs.

Empower yourself at once, without excuses and start enjoying what you are and everything you can become and do!

Now is your turn! Tell me your experience, leave your opinions. I love the discussions and I find it a great way to continue nurturing and growing this community.

A hug!

Empower yourself at once, without excuses and start enjoying what you are and everything you can become and do