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Tackle your lack of motivation in 3 minutes with these tips

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It has happened to all of us at some point to feel a lack of motivation to continue with an idea or project, it is human. But being common does not make it convenient: it makes us feel bad, it lowers our self-esteem and leads us to miss great opportunities for success. Learning how to regain self-motivation is essential to overcome our fear and stop procrastinating carrying out the proposed tasks, thus promoting our personal and professional development.

Personal motivation

Does 'procrastinate' sound to you? I have already spoken to you about the word procrastinate in other articles, it is a term that comes from Latin and that North Americans have made fashionable. It is used for those occasions when we put off the things we have set out to do, apparently without reason, although in reality there is always a reason that leads to laziness or neglect: lack of motivation.

Actually, it is about different forms of unconscious fear of not knowing where to start, not knowing how to do it, not doing it well… When the motivation is not strong enough we are not able to overcome that fear, which on the other hand is normal, all human beings are afraid. It is about overcoming it, we cannot prevent it from existing.

Professional motivation

In our working life we ​​also tend to procrastinate for the same reasons I just mentioned. The difference is in how procrastination affects us. While in personal life it leads us to scold and feel bad about ourselves, and this leads to low self-esteem, in work life it can lead us to lose our job.

When you face your new tasks, keep your mind cool and calm, ask yourself what you need, both the means and the mindset, to start your new tasks. When the tasks are not new, become aware of the need to carry it out, stop to think about why you have to do it, when it has to be finished, how important it is to be done.

Self motivation

Starting something new is not easy, it means leaving our famous 'comfort zone'. Because the mind is controlling and fearful, it will always hinder changes. It is in our hands to calm our minds and get down to business, not letting ourselves be controlled by our fear in order to reach our goals.

You can become self-motivated enough to do what you set out to do in just 3 minutes. To do this, take a single minute at each step:

  1. Connect to "your great why": What led you to want to do it? What moves you? Get rid of your fear: What is stopping you from doing it? What stops you? Get down to work: What is the first step you need to take to do it?

Motivation is the great motor that leads us to fulfill our tasks, overcoming the fear, laziness or disorganization that lead us to procrastinate. Self-motivation is the way to fulfill what we have proposed, avoiding feeling bad about ourselves and making our self-esteem rise.

"Motivation drives us to start and habit allows us to continue" Jim Ryun.

Tackle your lack of motivation in 3 minutes with these tips