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Train your willpower

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Are you one of those who give up easily before fighting? Do you have plenty of good intentions but you need firmness to continue? It is very easy for you to make decisions, but… how “difficult” is it to carry them out? Start training your Will Force.

Add up. How many times have you failed to comply with that decision to lose weight? Have you heard yourself say countless times "This is definitely the last cigarette I smoke"? When was the last time you said "This year I am going to continue my studies" or "Now it is true that I am going to get to work early"?

Why is it that some people want to achieve or achieve something, but do not succeed? It is very simple, because they quickly give up their decisions. This does not make them less human or less "intelligent", but it does question their will power.

Some experts call it "verve", others "disposition". To that iron decision to do things, to that strange "faculty" that drives us to fulfill what we have decided and achieve our goals is what we call "Force of Will", and it is one of the most relevant aspects of character of the person.

In the application of Administrative Psychology, character is an essential part of the adequate development of the human being and, of course, the proper development of the company.

In order to efficiently "train" the Willpower, three elements must be taken into account:

1. Desiring

2. Waiting

3. Believing

The "DEC" formula, as I call it, is essential to achieve a Force of Will that "will vanish" mountains before you.

Desire the goal

First, you must want a goal. You know what you want, how good. Many people want to eat better, others want a higher income, some more want a master's degree, and some others want to buy a new vehicle.

These people who know what they "want", but who get there, the only sure thing they have is that they will always know what they don't have. But wishing goes much further. It is wishing with energy, wishing with fire, with the heart and the mind.

"I would like to have a better job and a better salary income, but for now I am going to rest a bit before going to work." Have you heard this before? That is not wanting, that is just knowing what you lack.

To desire is to act decisively, with work, with effort. “I want to have a better job and a better salary income; that's why I have to study, read more books, work with better quality ”. That is the true "wish."

Waiting for the goal

The second element of our "training kit" is waiting.

Waiting is not sitting down to "see what happens." Things do not fall from the sky. If you expect that to happen, possibly the only thing that falls from above will be what others no longer need or, hopefully, something unpleasant about a bird flying over you.

Wait for the good to happen. Not only do you want it, but you also wait for that to happen and you will be ready when the time comes.

They say out there that the opportunity only comes once; however, opportunities are just around the corner.

Many people walk to the corner, lose confidence, and go back. Only a few decide to turn the corner and look for the opportunity. How do you act? Are you looking for the opportunity preparing for when the time comes, or are you just waiting sitting comfortably under the shade of the “do nothing” tree?

Believe in the goal

The third and last element is belief. Believe that the time will come, that victory will come. No matter how difficult it seems to be, don't give up. Ahead!

Desire, hope and believe. Try it out and tell me a unique success story.

Training your Willpower is not an impossible matter, but neither is it like eating a jelly dessert. We have to work hard. Have to fight.

Do you remember any story of a successful character? You will always find a common element between them: The Force of Will. They didn't throw in the towel halfway through the fight, even when things got tough. They kept trying until the end.

And they are only human beings, yes, like you or like me. Only that they trained their Willpower to achieve their goals. These successful men and women live, work and strive by following the goals and objectives that have been set.

At the other extreme are the weak-willed. They want everything fast, everything easy, "everything now, but don't cost much." You will easily recognize these people because you will see them constantly changing jobs, careers, loves, styles, and thoughts.

Have you ever seen an elephant in a circus? They tie their leg to the ground with a small rope that they could break whenever they want; however, it does not. Do you know why?

When elephants are born, they are tied to the ground with huge steel chains that cannot be broken.

After some time, the elephants are convinced that they will not be able to break it. So by exchanging that huge steel chain for a weak plastic rope, they don't try to break it. They "know" that they will not be able to break it, because they have tried before without success.

Are you tied to the ground with a small rope that you have not tried to break because you think you will not be able to? You have been convinced by past circumstances, some acquaintances or neighbors or yourself that "nothing can be done against fate?

Stop there. Try to break those chains and take flight like eagles. Do not be afraid. Once on top, you will like it so much that you will never want to be back down.

Do you know how to get rid of those chains? First acknowledge your maladjustments, identify your bad habit patterns that keep you from moving forward, and begin to root out old and harmful behaviors.

Now define your goals. What is it that you desire? What are your goals? When you face an obstacle, don't give up.

Keep working until you reach the goal, until you conquer the top. Have clear, concise, precise and well-defined objectives in time. Be stable and constant.

Make a commitment to yourself, make a commitment to true friends who will support you. And prepare to reap great success. He deserves it: it will be the fruit of his effort and work.

From the University of Las Ventas I wish you a great Force of Will; I hope that many good things will happen to you and that we will soon be on the road to success.

Train your willpower