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Evolve your personality


As time goes by, human beings develop a series of layers of energy and information around us.

There are the layers of our personality, those of our deep-rooted beliefs, the layers that make up all the beliefs and traditions that we inherit from our tribe (family, country, society)

Other of these layers are formed by the painful memories, the defensive habits that we learned, those occasions in which we were judged, criticized or punished for making mistakes, our judgments that we made about others, our preferences, attitudes, etc.

By the time we reach adulthood we are already surrounded by many, many of these barriers!

Like the rings of a tree, they surround us, hiding our true selves and holding us captive, preventing us from experiencing confidence in ourselves and our environment, we lose faith, we become stiff and lifeless slaves, fearful of everything.

Our true self is locked in the center of all these layers that we have created and without just being able to experience a little more of that inner light everything would be very different.

No human being can reach his true potential if he is not in contact with his spirit.

There is no way to experience inner peace, love, self-esteem, humility, strength or abundance if we live trapped in the world of ego and the illusion of appearances.

This series of barriers is formed in the egotistical consciousness, - this part of our mind that is called ego and as children serves us to learn, to control our processes of movements, reactions, learning, emotions.

But once we become adults, the ego no longer has a job to do and since it is hyperactive, it looks for a way to continue working.

His job now is to criticize, remember, defend, react, anticipate the future by telling us horrible stories that could happen, or go round and round remembering what someone told us and how he mistreated us and what he should and should not have done and is dedicated to prepare for future contests or blames us for not having defended ourselves in this or that way or for not having responded to such and such.

Anyway, this part of the mind is like a parrot that doesn't let us focus on anything, that tells us ridiculous things and scares us with issues that will never happen.

There comes a time when the ego, which is the container of consciousness no longer serves us, on the contrary it makes us unhappy, rigid, it prevents us from enjoying life and blocks our happiness and the enjoyment of the simple things in life.

Don't leave us alone for a moment!

Especially if we are going through a critical situation such as lack of employment, financial hardship, loss of a loved one or love breakup, it is at these times that he does not even let us sleep.

The ego believes in separation, and makes us think that we are separated from God, from the neighbor, from the coworker, from nature, from humanity when the reality is that we all depend on everyone and we support each other.

This separation is one of the biggest pitfalls that we must remove to evolve our personality more quickly.

Evolving your personality is one of the things that can bring more rewards to your life.

Many people write to me asking questions like:

How can I remove deep-seated trauma from my childhood?

How can I get rid of the feeling of inferiority?

How to leave an abusive or addictive relationship?

What to do to deal with troubled people at work or in the family?

What do I do to stop self-sabotaging?

Why can't I say "no" to people when they ask me for favors?

Why do I meet the same kind of partner over and over again?

Why do I meet the same kind of bosses in all jobs?

Why does the same story of failure always repeat itself in my life?

And after several sessions we have found that the fastest way to solve difficult and deep-rooted problems or trauma is to "Evolve Personality"

How does personality evolve?

After working with different exercises in "online" therapies, we have noticed that the fastest way to carry out this evolution is the "Unifying polarities" system.

The "unify polarities \" is a process that removes step by step those layers that imprison the true personality, your authenticity, your inner brilliance.

In the world where we live everything is dual









Our human consciousness processes life in terms of these polarities, which means that we oscillate between one part and the other.

The most important spiritual guides who have set foot on this planet such as: Jesus, Budha, Krishna, Muhammad, etc., always said that reaching the kingdom of heaven was experiencing that neutral part (which we rarely experience).


Isaiah (11.6-7) «The wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and The calf and the lion will eat together, and a small child will shepherd them. The cow will feed with the bear, and the young of both will lie down together, and the lion, like the ox, will eat straw ».

And "together" they will live the peace of God.


Reaching the kingdom of heaven, or enlightenment is experiencing that neutrality in which we stop swinging like the pendulum of a clock between one situation and another and that represents a great advancement in every human being.

Can you imagine what it would be like to have the power to do this on your own person?

…….The power of neutrality in every situation!

…….To experience little by little more of that internal light that inhabits your being!

…….Remove deep-rooted beliefs in your mind, automatic attitudes that until now have not served you at all, addictions, personality problems !!!

In short, stop being a toy of your mind!

We don't have to wait until we die to watch the lion lie next to the lamb, that passage from the Bible has been taken very literally, but personally I think it is a very important message that we are overlooking.

And the message is "that we must reach that neutral point where everything lives in holy peace with everything, whether black and white, light and dark, good or bad, rich or poor.

As a student of the law of attraction I have observed that we attract a large number of random events because we are unconsciously against them.

…….We are against the disease

…….We are against poverty

…….We are against the war

…….We are against corrupt and thieving rulers.

…….We are against abortion

…….We are against murder

…….We are against divorce

And since this universe does not work on the basis of exclusion but on the basis of attraction, everything that we are against… rather we are including (attracting) our lives. (As always unconsciously)

Remember? You can't yell loud enough at something and say "Get away from me" and get this situation away from your life.

Rather the opposite happens, instead of pushing it away, you are attracting it.

The unification of polarities in your consciousness diminishes the attraction of random or unwanted events to your life and I am telling you with such certainty because I have personally experienced it.

The purpose of life is to learn to control our energy. Learn to control your mental energy and from there begin to create the physical reality that you want.

Once you are able to control your energy, you can be useful for your family, for yourself, for your society, for your country and for humanity in general.

By doing these polarity unification exercises you will be able to:

1. Make the unconscious conscious (like going to the therapist for months !!)

2. Remove unconscious blocks from your mind. (you would save months of therapy !!)

3. Experience certain life lessons in writing. (Instead of having to suffer them in real life! (Instead of suffering from lack of money or self-esteem, or lack of health or love, you would experience them when writing and becoming aware of everything unconscious you have in those areas, after your inner being will take care of sending you solutions)

4. Be more in touch with your inner being. (this is accomplished by consciously experiencing the ascended states)

5. Begin to see this illusory reality in a more objective way without getting emotionally involved.

6. Raise your vibrational frequencies

7. Carry out a cleaning of your energy centers

8. Improve your self-esteem and self-image

For more information on how to perform this Unify Polarities process, I invite you to visit this link:

Are you ready to evolve your personality?

Evolve your personality