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Strength to not abandon our goals

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In this installment, I address those who, having their dreams clear and goals defined, require something more to crystallize what has been designed in the most qualified workshop that exists on Planet Earth, such as the mind of the human being.

As Leaders that we are, Company Men, Head of the family, etc., we know that we cannot abandon, even when everything seems or is against it. As a colloquial proverb says, "… do not wrinkle that there is no one to iron…"

In the devotional that I enjoyed with my beautiful family on one of these beautiful winter days, we talked about a very important topic: "…

Who encourages a Leader…?

Definitions of leadership exist everywhere, but far from being "leadership" a simple theoretical concept, with the daily transit it has become one of the qualities that should be possessed by everyone who has decided to make a difference for their family, company, community, etc.

At the level of managing the most important company in the world, such as the family, it is one thing to be the support of the home and quite another to be the breadwinner.

It also happens in any company or business that is developing. Teamwork is essential to get ahead in everything planned.

However, there are times when the partner, in any of these companies, far from being an ideal help, is an idiotic burden. For this, the "Strength to not abandon our dreams, goals and ideals" is of vital importance.

How many times have you thought about giving up? I think the idea of ​​deserting has come to all of us; get out of our land and relate to a "new" world, which in the end is not such, because as a great friend named Ecclesiastes wrote: "… nothing new exists under the sun (…) what it is today has always been… ”

Each epoch has its Leader and each Leader has its epoch. Just as each season of the year requires special clothing and dresses, each company and family also requires Special Leaders, focused on bringing the “ark” of their family and / or company to a safe harbor.

At this time, those who have the strength not to abandon print the difference; those who know that after the storm comes calm; those who certainly know that after the mountain there is a valley and that after a dark night comes a brilliant dawn.

It is inescapable to have strength to not abandon what we believe in and for which we have given our years of life elapsed, because in the end only those who are victorious count.

Life passes us unexpected plays; he plays chicaneadas to see if we give up, but only the one who has the strength not to abandon, will be the winner.

Whoever has never known poverty can never fully enjoy wealth; You will never know what it is to be in good health until you have been sick; Those who have never worked hard will not enjoy a good rest; Whoever has not had the strength not to give up will never taste the prize dish.

The United States is a country of opportunities, but also of many disappointments and sufferings. How many have come to these lands because of the "American dream", but because they do not have the strength not to abandon, their dreams are nightmares today.

I met a professional who always had everything in his home country. One day he decided to settle in the USA, sold his properties in his hometown and relocated with his entire family, young children plus his pregnant wife, to build his new life in the USA. The company that had initially hired him, 3 months after his arrival, told him that his contract had ended and that everything related to his immigration process to obtain his legal residence was also without effect. In a matter of hours he was on the street with children and the pregnant woman; no house, no money and no transportation.

He desperately contacted his country of origin asking for help, receiving as a response that nothing could be done because by resolutions of the new government currency could not be turned anywhere in the world.

He began to walk the streets of the City of Miami, looking for a job, filling job offers, while his wife's belly with the new baby continued to rise. Food began to be in short supply, rent, electricity, water and telephone immediately began to accumulate. Order to vacate the rented apartment arrived in just 2 weeks.

Staying in the USA without having a vehicle is like living without air. She was always late for interviews, which resulted in a refusal to work.

After using the best existing footwear brands, now I walked with a pair of holes under those shoes that with crocodile skin, a while back were fashionable.

His first means of transportation was a bicycle that he found in a garbage can. With all his executive elegance, in a suit and tie, he perched on his new form of transportation and on that ramshackle, unbraked and colorless bike, arrived that night at his gloomy residence, proudly showing his wife and children his new transport.

What if you thought about leaving?… Sure if…! What if you thought about returning to your country?… Surely if…! More when analyzing, projected in the long term, he observed that the economy of his country was not promising; that if he returned he would sentence his minor children to live in risky situations, for which he decided to continue through thick and thin, drawing strength from where they did not exist to fight where others abandon. Strength not to abandon.

And so it happened. When the human being decides to overcome any problem or test, it will be so.

What because it is?

Because that person was me…! That I lived it and I have the knowledge of cause to tell you that God tightens but does not hang. When nobody bet a penny on me or my family; when many expected him to return with the boards on his head; When I hit rock bottom, when I thought it was all over, there was a hand that came to my aid and all because I didn't give up; all because I drew strength to continue. And then success came. What is Success? It is taking a step after failure.

In the problem you are going through, be it family, business, economic, etc., have the strength not to give up, because the triumph is just around the corner. It is guaranteed by who has passed through there.

Although the fig tree does not flourish, There is no fruit on the vines, Although the product of the olive tree is missing, And the carvings do not give maintenance, And the sheep are removed from the flock, And there are no cows in the pens, Still, I will never give up, I will rejoice and rejoice in the one who gave me life.

because I am aware that in my heights he makes me walk.

Strength to not abandon our goals