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Service Marketing Management. presentation


Frederick W. Taylor Shop management (1903):

Principles of scientific management (1911) Testimony before the special House Committee (1912) Father of the Scientific Administration: His main concern was to increase Productivity through greater production efficiency and higher remuneration for workers with the application of the scientific method.


Its principles emphasized the use of science, the creation of harmony and cooperation in the group, the achievement of maximum production and the development of workers.

Henry L. Gantt (1901):

He proposed the scientific selection of workers and a harmonious cooperation between them and the administration. He developed the graphic that bears his name.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth (1900):

Frank is known primarily for his studies of timing and movement. Lillian, an industrial psychologist, focused her attention on the human aspects of work and on understanding the personalities and needs of workers.

Henry Fayol Administration Industrie (1916):

He is known as the father of modern management theory. He divided the act. Industrials in 6 groups: technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting and managerial.

He recognized the need to teach Administration: He formulated 14 principles of administration, such as authority and responsibility, unity of command, ladder chain, and team spirit.

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Service Marketing Management. presentation