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Strategic management. bancolombia business case study


BACKGROUND: On January 29, 1875, in Medellín, more specifically in the house of Don Ramón del Corral, Banco de Colombia was born, beginning the history of the banking entity that today is called the financial group.

It is currently one of the most important financial groups in Latin America, despite the fact that like all history, it has difficult moments in its trajectory, it can be said that the culminated achievements have been the greatest interpreters of the great success they enjoy today.


To be today what is known as a financial group, it occurred after several mergers and acquisitions. The aim of being a driver of economic and social progress in the countries in which it is present, innovation and modernization in the experiences lived by customers, have been the constant objective since its inception. After a history full of innovations not only in services and products offered, but also in the way of connecting with customers thanks to their needs and wishes, without neglecting the quality of life of their workers, thus opting to be a Bank More Human, as they describe it well in their slogan.

Bancolombia is currently the largest bank in Colombia with reference to its assets and equity. It supplies its clients with a complete line of products and services, including corporate and government banking, treasury, mortgage banking, personal banking and SMEs. It has a 20% market collaboration in the Colombian banking sector, without counting on its strong presence in the corporate, mortgage, government, retail and medium-sized market segments. In addition, Bancolombia has non-bank subsidiaries, providing additional services such as securities brokerage, investment banking, leasing, factoring, consumer financing, trust services, asset management, pension fund administration, and insurance. The group has banking subsidiaries in Panama, Peru, the Cayman Islands and Puerto Rico,and an agency in Miami, Florida (USA). Its main headquarters is located in Medellín and is supervised by the Colombian holding Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana

Fig 1. Own elaboration source from information taken from BANCOLOMBIA SA - 140 years transforming society (2017) Recovered from https://www.grupobancolombia.com/wps/portal/acerca– de / informacion – corporativa / who– we are


According to the analysis carried out on the positional situation of the Bancolombia Group, we can highlight that it has a positive impact on its customers, suppliers and partners, because this company is very well ranked nationally and internationally. This company has grown by 80% in the last 2 years, inducing the existence of offices in places nationwide, reaching every corner of the country and even abroad having international agreements with large financial companies in the most important countries of each continent. generating confidence in its stakeholders, offering them packages so complete that they do not want to do business with the competition and it is precisely that technology is one of the primary resources, which makes them leaders in the financial sector,their multiple transactions at the same time and in the same place, which makes them win the will of their clients; This added to the service attitude for which they train their staff in such a way that they are the first promoters of the benefits offered by this financial entity.

On the other hand, Bancolombia has had to improve in some not so positive aspects as some years ago, its customers were dissatisfied with some of its services since, due to lack of information regarding the expiration of their packages, this often leads to generating economic losses to its clients; It should be clarified that this is part of an economic policy implemented by the bank without its clients being informed, which generated very high portfolios, a decrease in the entity's profits because it provides above the general norm.


Considering that as organizations grow and develop, that tasks become specialized, that the external and internal environment becomes less stable and that products and / or services change, it is necessary to carry out studies with the aim of identifying and characterize the environment to understand the specific needs of each organization; That is why the purpose of this research work is to carry out an analysis of the financial sector specifically in the banking subsector, with the aim of generating strategic plans aimed at achieving a model of planning, direction and strategic control conducive to addressing different scenarios. business, socio-economic and oriented to the efficiency, effectiveness and business success of the studied organization.Taking into account the objectives of the entity:

  1. "We want to generate PREFERENCE, to be the best option.""We want to generate SATISFACTION, have happy clients who recommend us…""We want to contribute to making DREAMS COME TRUE, accompanying our clients every day to make life easier for them."

Our main objective is to corroborate if the company has achieved a fully satisfied customer, or else what measures must be taken to achieve the proposed objectives and full customer satisfaction; With this, we will make the entity more attractive to customers, thus improving revenue, providing more profits to partners and reducing the margins of error that are made in implementing the aforementioned.


As a consequence of the fact that the entity we chose has a track record of several years of experience in the market, and that its main objective is that its clients feel satisfied in order to achieve preference and continuity; We ask the following questions: Are customer expectations for service and satisfaction being met? Otherwise, what is missing to achieve the proposed objectives?


Bancolombia is the largest financial institution in Colombia, according to BnAmericas when it comes to assets and equity. It supplies and facilitates a complete line of financial products and services, from personal banking, SMEs, corporate, mortgage, treasury to government banking. It has non-bank subsidiaries mentioned in the background of this work.

In addition to being a financial institution, it has positioned itself thanks to the subsidiaries it currently has, as a leading FINANCIAL GROUP, which generates pleasant customs for its clients, satisfaction for its employees and interest in its suppliers, shareholders and group owners. It also stands out because they contribute to the social development of the country, which is why it is positioned as the most sustainable bank in America and the 5th in the world, transforming and modernizing its tools to facilitate access to the least favored sectors, overcoming this forms the propositions of the competition.

Awarded for the first time in the Financial Services and Online Banking category at the eCommerce Awards Colombia 2017, an event that is organized to give special recognition to pioneering entities in the digital economy in Colombia and Latin America; The services offered by BANCOLOMBIA have provided growth in virtual transactions, where we have seen an increase of 26% from January to July 2017.


Design of information collection methodologies

Surveys and interviews: Gather information to a specific population through previously structured dialogues and interrogations about the perspective of the company's weaknesses and threats, as well as the opportunities and strengths that have led it to be what it is today, from the point of view of the experiences lived in the branches to which they frequent; all this in order to obtain conclusions with the data collected by analysis to take into account the aspects to be improved, not to exhaust itself in the points in favor and to make projections of the results.

To gather the required information, it is necessary to determine the sources of information to obtain it. The present work will have as primary sources the experiences of the population, as secondary sources, we will enter to check and extract information in databases, financial statements and business documents obtained through web pages, virtual information and physical media, where this This investigation, since the results obtained must be consistent with the economic results of the entity.

Population and sample

The population to which this research is directed are potential users or clients, with an age range from 18 to 28 years; which have direct contact with the entity and through their experiences, not only the weaknesses but also the strengths can be identified, in addition to being steeped in the situation the country is going through and in what may affect the sector.

Analysis techniques

Inquiry and verification: By means of two very simple techniques such as observing, which consists of experiencing the experiences of the selected population, inspecting, validating with the information collected, and experiencing the habits coming from a practical contact of the situation at hand. the one that the sample is exposed for the results of the methodologies of information collection.

However, as we mentioned, it is necessary to carry out a thorough review of the reports presented by the entity, to know if the weaknesses exposed by the clients have economic repercussions for the entity; likewise if the strengths have led it to be a highly recognized group.


1. FIRST OBJECTIVE Collection of information

According to the method outlined above, we can show that Bancolombia's growth over the years is tangible; An example of this is that in the beginning the BIC of 1995 reported 1.8 trillion pesos in assets, and already in 2013 it reported 103.1 trillion from Bancolombia; 2011 was notable for the economic recovery of the countries and for economic growth based on responsible management; One item to highlight is that regarding the contribution of taxes and contributions, the Bancolombia Group contributed in 2010 to the treasury of the countries in which it had a presence, a total of 870,771 million pesos, a little more than half of what Equivalent to total profits, distributed mainly as follows: In Colombia 763,257 million and in El Salvador 105,298 million. On the other hand,the successful issuance of bonds of the Bancolombia Group during 2011 of 5.1 trillion pesos, certified the existence of one of the main capitals for this group; this year they also worked on the financial inclusion of remote populations, with the conviction that access to these services allowed them to advance and grow in their initiatives.

Similarly, it should be noted that it opened 38 new branches, reaching towns such as San José del Guaviare, San Vicente del Caguán and Leticia, opening 369 Non-Bank Correspondents, ending the year with 970, a modality, in the provision of financial services, in which they are pioneers in the country and which today constitutes the most transactional CNB network, according to information provided by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, and even as the only financial presence in about 90 towns. Not without mentioning that the growth of its current assets in the years 2010-2011 were almost 50% above the previous years,showing a very well-consolidated liquidity well above its liabilities, which for these respective years have grown by just 30%, and is that the above aspect is reflected in the increase in its income and the capture of interest per portfolio.

In the following years we see that the growth in the accounts that rebounded in the previous years remains uniform, and as we already mentioned, making technology its best service flag; In 2014, it closed with highly humanized indicators, such as investments, which in this year amounted to approximately 15 billion pesos, with an emphasis on volunteering, entrepreneurship and early childhood, and this year the market capitalization of the group rose, raising 27 billion. of pesos and the net profit is maintained for this same period. In 2015 and 2016 they served approximately 7 million users, their shares were valued changing from 24,000 to 31.000 Colombian pesos increasing its participation in international markets and creating systematized means closer to the client, such as Apps to streamline procedures and services provided by the bank, which is how in this period it reached 2.86 trillion in net profit with a first capital 9% above the required, thus showing satisfactory management.

In the last year, according to information reported by the Financial Superintendence, the balance of loans increased by 1.35% annually in real terms, when a year ago it did so at 12.7%. This deceleration is consistent with the slower pace of productive activity and with the contractionary cycle of monetary policy, which is negatively related to credit in pesos and anticipates its cycle a year earlier. This result shows that a more favorable international financing environment tends to reduce the cost of credit and encourages entrepreneurs to start new productive projects. The other external variable is the terms of trade, which correlate positively with the portfolio and anticipate its behavior 11 months earlier…

Finally, and taking into account the questions posed at the beginning of this investigation, we found that Bancolombia is fulfilling its objective of seeking constant customer satisfaction with a wide variety of products and a diversity of services available to everyone, and this will be a positive indicator since Its recognition will not only be at the national level but also at the international level, creating a complete consumption plan and consolidating itself in the financial and stock market.

2. SECOND OBJECTIVE Analysis of the information

After having consolidated our information, we find that for the company we chose, Bancolombia, we can categorize your information according to the following criteria:

  • As for people we can distinguish two strong groups:
  • Personnel involved within the bank: among whom we place the shareholders and partners, on the one hand, and the workers, on the other hand. The shareholders and partners who, from the entity's senior management, are concerned with the progress of the The company is constantly reviewing the strategies that ensure that its investments are not going to lose value and, on the contrary, they will try to acquire value over time through making the right decisions. Within this same group we can find the workers of the company, to which management positions, coordinators, operators and other officials belong, who are in charge of carrying out their functions in a timely manner generating growth for the company. o External personnel to the bank, where we find the clients,They are those who place their trust in a bank with a recognized track record and experience, always trying to obtain the best options in the market.

Likewise, we can divide clients into two classes of users:

On the one hand, we find those who seek savings and investment, who are those who seek the highest return on their capital within the market, going to both the bank's physical and virtual offices, seeking the best advice and customer service, which allow you to be sure that your capital is in good hands.

On the other hand, we find those clients who are looking for a source of financing, that is, they are looking for a source that allows them to improve, increase or initiate a personal project, and for this they draw on the experience of a bank from which they expect to find low rates and services specialized that meet the expectations they have from the beginning.

We also find a specialized focus of the bank in generational segments such as children, youth, family and Colombians abroad.

  • In products we find the divisions that the bank has made, within which we find:
  • Investment banking.Fiduaciaria Bancolombia. o Leasing Bancolombia. or Renting Colombia. o Colombia Values. o Factoring Bancolombia.

All of them dedicated to satisfying the needs of the users of the bank, related to the management of accounts, debit and credit cards, credits, leasing, insurance and assistance, investments, money orders, payment services, purchase and sale of dollars, sale of Used, car rental, which are dedicated to offering an attractive, modern and effective product for customers.

  • In services we find those channels that facilitate access to the products of the bank, among them we find:
  • The physical offices. o Cashiers. o The chat on the website. o Telephone lines, mobile applications.

These services are constantly growing and updating, which seek to maintain assertive communication between the entity and its users, seeking to streamline processes, lines and other conditions of the entity's daily operation.

These categories allow us to easily focus the question that we asked ourselves from the beginning, determining those successes and those failures in which the bank is found, for this we separate those internal and external factors that are involved with the entity in the following way:

High profits for investors and partners Failure to invest profits in a timely manner
Human team prepared and effective in their work Not having working conditions that facilitate the permanence of the staff
Buildings located in the main financial environments of large urban centers Do not generate your own financial and economic dynamics, depend on others
Job promotions to employees within the same company Not having the experience of external personnel that can contribute to business management
Belonging to an economic group present in various sectors (Antioquia group) Regionalism in terms of brands, lack of openness to investors from other sectors.
Brand positioning in the Colombian market You still don't have a real advantage over your biggest competitors
Incursion in countries of the region Do not make investments in markets outside the region
Extra hours for users Job saturation for peak hour employees
Expand infrastructure to improve the environment for employees, partners and users Make investments in assets leaving aside products and services
Have a track record and

national recognition

Strong competitors that have

strengthened in recent years

Products and services available to everyone Competitors who are focused on specific population groups


Investments in other markets Competition from international banks, with greater economic and financial capacity.
More users

(clients) to reach

Not having enough staff to meet the demand that arises
Demand for provision of

specialized services

Not having sufficient knowledge of the laws that are applied in each country
Greater social investment in the different markets in which it has a presence Dedicate your efforts to campaigns that are not the best for vulnerable people
Higher contributions through taxes present in each country in which they have offices Poor planning that does not include a correct relation of the benefit against the cost
Open offices in distant markets that other banks cannot reach Competition and lack of knowledge on the part of the population regarding bank access
Offer services and products directly without outsourcing your Excess loads at points, thus distancing customers, both former
functions like new
Possibility of making agreements with other companies that

complement their service

Dependence on outside entities and not on their own capacity
Have more ATMs Not being able to personally offer additional services to the

appropriations 7 withdrawals

Use of applications that streamline processes and avoid queues Cyber ​​attacks, lack of computer security
Interest rates within competitive margins Presence of better competitors with more attractive rates
Encourage customer savings and investment Slowdown in production and economic activity
Find a balance for users between investment and savings, through more attractive campaigns Instability between investment and savings

According to the previous table, we identify that for each of the categories the following data are presented:

Regarding the first category that we find, that is, the one related directly to the staff, we note that for investors and partners the result that the entity is having is positive, that is, its investments are consolidated, generating high profits, thanks to the inclusion that the bank is having in new markets and to the loyalty they are having, where we find that the products and services that we show in our second and third categories, respectively, are closely related.

Likewise, in this category we note that the entity is presenting a not so favorable condition in terms of workers since we note that although the staff is in an ideal work environment, with appropriate facilities, sometimes these can become saturated with customers., which is not always going to be able to offer the best service to customers, that is, Bancolombia must seek strategies such as improving the number of offices and workers that can reduce the load that is occurring and that may affect negatively the recognition that the entity has achieved in these years.

Regarding customers, we can see that, although the number of people who want to be part of the bank has increased, on the one hand, the products they find in the bank are segmented, which has managed to satisfy the requirement they have, without However, we note that competition with other banks may affect the bank's consolidated market. It should be noted that the bank has a differential factor compared to others, in the fact of generating products aimed at population groups such as children, youth, families, seniors, companies, which strengthens its corporate image within of the users.

Additionally, regarding the products offered, we see that the division made by Bancolombia is quite useful for people, thanks to the fact that in the same entity they can find different options to which they want to access, highlighting the differentiating approach that exists in each of them, but at the same time the possibility of complementing it with one or several additional products, that is, this is one of the greatest competitive advantages that the bank has achieved, with which it has managed to stand out within the financial environment, so as a strategy the bank must design a mechanism by which it can consolidate its clients.

In the same way, we note that the great failure that Bancolombia is currently having is related to the quality of its service, this clearly goes away in the congestion that is occurring in its offices and ATMs, where we see how the service is losing quality, making the process delayed for people who are part of it. While the technological means that they are offering, such as mobile applications and access through the internet, are growing, it may become a solution to the deficit that is occurring in terms of the quality of service that the entity is providing.

Finally, we note how all the categories are directly related, since for the bank to maintain its growth it needs all the factors mentioned, that is, there must be an interconnection between them since the other depends on one, so we note that the quality The service offered by the staff directly depends on whether a user wants to stay or become part of the bank for the first time, which must be in charge, at the same time, of offering a competitive product. However, if any of these categories fails, the result may be unfavorable for the company, therefore, the bank must permanently adjust its strategies, reflected in services and products that meet the requirements of the general public to which it is directed.

In addition to the study we carry out based on information obtained through web pages and virtual information media, we want to focus on CONSUMER SATISFACTION, since thanks to them, they have had a great career. Making a comparison against what was previously reported and the information that we are going to capture.

We choose as a means of verification, interviews and surveys of clients who, on a daily basis, obtain experiences with any of the tools offered by the entity, both technological and physical.

Here is the survey model that we use, to make our study you will see, based on real experiences of potential customers in the entity:

The medium that we used to carry out our survey was an electronic medium, through a web page; since it is not only an agile tool, but also the majority of clients prefer it. Here the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmcKWovA7eMzLEGbu2OaPPS3Rw kr_6qFEDHZazsNxCJy74vw / viewform? Usp = sf_link

The sample we took were 36 potential users in age ranges from 18 to 28 years, who are directly related to the entity, within their daily routine.

We can conclude that currently, customers do not go much to branches, thanks to the technological tools that the entity offers us. Tools that streamline and reduce the red tape of complex and tedious methods. Society is forced to make use of these means, since it optimizes our quality of life and has no other alternatives, because that is what it is exposed to in the new era.

We conclude that more than half of clients are satisfied with the services offered by the entity. The evolution of these media has made it easier for millions of people who currently use these instruments in terms of time, it is very agile, it is easily accessible for those who do not have much time or money to carry out transactions, in terms of to the development of the same, it minimizes the errors that can be committed, among others… It has given a great growth and benefit for the society. Compared to 25% of people who do not agree with the tools, we find that they have had problems with them, such as:

Because sometimes they are obsolete.
More information is lacking about the benefits of using technological tools
There are quite a few occasions when they fall short on explanations thus leading to call customer service
I don't know how to use it
They are very difficult to understand

With what we deduce, that it is not easy to use for all clients, taking into account the population to which our study is directed, who are young people in age ranges, from 18 to 28 years old.

This question is posed based on the technological tools offered by BANCOLOMBIA, it was created to contextualize the client about the repercussions of the tax reform, which not only affect the tax issue, but also according to the magazine MONEY, in a statement that I published in November 2016, notifies what was raised. Although not all people are aware of these developments, in the survey we can show that although more than half of the sample has not been affected by this reason, we see a small percentage corresponding to 20.6% if they have noticed the difference.

Based on the previous question, customers indicate that it is not a threat to the

Bank, the highest percentage continues to prevail for the same reason. The VAT increase has not very noticeable repercussions on technology, since access to “mobile plans is less accessible, because they will have an increase of 7%, since in addition to the three points, 4% will be added to the data due to the consumption tax ”According to Colombia.com. In addition to services such as the Internet, virtual platforms and hardware, among other technological products.

Despite the fact that people take advantage of and make use of technological tools, we find that the majority of clients attend branches, to make payments with 42.9%, the next option with the highest percentage, is to withdraw money with 40% and solve concerns with 37.1%; It is also true that despite the fact that these tools provide facilities, there are things that, as easy as they may seem, must be done in offices, such as withdrawing considerable sums of money, because unfortunately, there are people who use these tools for fraud, although the entity works on this, so that the security of the pages of its users is not violated, unscrupulous people manage to do it. That is why, it is not so "easy" to withdraw money from the Internet.

Based on the experiences in bank branches, we found that there is not much satisfaction in customers when visiting them. We have three variables:

  • Agility (Regarding your concern): Highest rating is 3, where they are neither very satisfied nor very upset, according to their experiences, they state that since the attention in cash and information with shifts was implemented, the service is much more delayed, the next highest rating is 1, where they are really dissatisfied with the above, because waiting times, in many cases exceed 30 minutes, of which many have very little time, and they should withdraw without resolving your concern. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there is an 8% who state that they have the issue of waiting sitting and not standing as in other entities. Friendly (Attention of the Official):Highest rating is 3, they are neither dissatisfied but neither satisfied with the service provided in these branches, it is also true that despite the volume of people that a branch uses on a daily basis, the amount of work that is accumulated by the The same reason and the short rest time for officials influence this number, there is little motivation towards employees, and a lot of work, to which we add the attitude with which some clients arrive, annoyed by some lived event (72% of the surveyed sample expressed) Only 13% are completely satisfied with the service. Clarity and quality of information:Likewise as in the previous numerals, the rating that prevails is 3, where it is a neutral point among the rest. They say that officials use too many technicalities when it comes to solving concerns or explaining a product, and they give reason for any concern, when for them who know the situation, it is easy, for customers, it is not.

According to 76.5% of the surveyed people, who state that if the sector is affected by market volatility, the loss of value not only affects specific economic sectors, it has negative consequences on final consumers; the high price of the dollar not only demands on inflation, it also raises the projections of the cost of living. The decrease in income cannot be compensated, despite the fact that research has begun on ways to debate the sharp devaluation to which the market is exposed, due to its volatility, all in order to continue seeking the same quality between products and services, and without neglecting competitiveness.

80% of the surveyed sample agrees that the portfolio offered by the entity is very complete, and meets the needs of each of the users. However, there are 20% who are not satisfied with the products offered. These clients seek assistance services, in addition to savings and credit products that help them to grow their wealth, economic stability, family packages, that provide them with benefits, help them to quickly resolve their multiple needs and common situations.

The lines of credit must present greater alternatives for the students.
The services it offers are very basic

The students, who do not have a credit life, manifest themselves more than anything, and often depend on a third party, who should offer more affordable products, not be so monotonous and common compared to the products offered by the competition. Regarding the proposals of the users of the products that would need to be implemented:

Low or no driving fees
Savings accounts with no handling fee
Withdrawals programmed from the cell phone
Entertainment in the ranks.
Information regarding the purchase of a mortgage loan portfolio
Improve customer service in physical branches, since sometimes the number of people is so great that they cannot serve efficiently.
Well, I think that it is necessary to provide a possibility of acquisition to people with a low income
Payroll advance
This competition will always be reflected in all types of markets, where there will be product launches that another entity does not manage, in my case, I think that they should expand vehicle financing plans, as other entities offer payment facilities, as can be grace period.
More accessible applications
I think it is an entity that offers a very complete portfolio, but it should have more accessible products or tools

Where ease of use in virtual tools predominates, costs in the products it offers, and proposals offered by the competition, which for some are very useful.

Of the sample analyzed, 80% of the respondents indicate that the global slowdown in the economy and the devaluation of the stock market are affected by the indicators of Bancolombia, in which they affirm the following: when evidencing the global slowdown of the economy and of the depreciation in international liquidity and over the entire local economy derives different variables such as the increase in the interest rate, as the materialization of internal and external risk is directly proportional.

Most clients agree that in order to be a more humane and innovative bank, everyone's collaboration is required, since everything starts from the smallest actions that are provided for continuous improvement. According to an article published by Personal Finance, “Our commitment is to contribute to the transformation towards a human financial sector. That is the difference between granting credits and supporting people's vision of the future. The difference between making transactions possible and making life easier.

The difference between ensuring the safety of money and giving people peace of mind. That is what we are doing today at Grupo Bancolombia. We want to be more, to serve better and to achieve it: We are putting the soul into it, "concluded Carlos Raúl Yepes, president of the company.

As for the benefits that being a more innovative and sustainable bank can bring you, this is what users think:

From the management of monetary resources, both for individuals and legal entities, in the same way as being part of one of the companies that are part of the management of the stock market
Socioeconomic balance
The more sustainability a company has, the more benefits employees will have, and the more profitability
Enables new avenues of economic development
Job opportunity recognition opportunity
Social contribution
It is a bank recognized for its support for social works as a contribution to corporate social responsibility
In which, through the profits generated, a greater investment can be made in programs of all kinds in the country.
Bancolombia is committed to the development of the country, this bank allocates a part of its resources to the development of innovative ideas and supports various foundations
What generates employment
In every sense, once working for sustainability, more inclusion and equality are achieved.
In which a country that has sustainable banking makes it more developed what benefits society
It provides benefits to the less favored, so we could be emerging from being a third world country
Aid to low-income sectors and contribute to environmental rights
It benefits us because it meets current needs without having to compromise the capacity of future generations, guaranteeing the balance between economic growth, care for the environment and social well-being.

Only 48% of respondents are aware of the actions carried out by Bancolombia, therefore, it is important that every action carried out on sustainability be promoted and disclosed.

One of the most recognized actions is support for entrepreneurs through the Titans Caracol program. In which the objective is to help all the most vulnerable populations and that require the greatest collaboration to achieve different community goals.

Faced with the above, these were the answers about what they knew about the social projects in which the entity is linked:

Provide and support humanitarian projects in the most vulnerable regions of Colombia
Social improvement projects
Because of the savings culture it can generate
Support to the program of titans along with the channel caracol, recognition of people who do works or are community leaders who help society.
Support poor people's study programs. Improve the conditions of vulnerable people.
Support innovative projects
People who put your soul into it



  • The lack of interest on the part of a certain group of users in the management of ICT hinders the diffusion of technological tools by financial entities, hindering a better experience for a sector of users between a range of ages according to the analysis carried out in the survey.The lack of agility and restructuring in the financial processes that face the client make the user have a bad experience when visiting these entities such as cashier service, consultant service, telephone or virtual assistance.The insecurity through which our society is currently going through makes it the basis of one of the barriers to access to the financial institution since the bad information and the communications media that feed this fear allow a large number of people to abstain of using financial services with the belief that their accounts will be looted through third parties or by the same entities. We can conclude that the banking sector plays a very important role in society, since, thanks to the tools provided by the entity, the economic growth of the country can be encouraged. It also has great importance in the economy, playing an elementary role. In general, it can be said that users have good perceptions of the entity, regarding its approach,thus providing support to the sustainability of the country. As a result of the high competitiveness of the sector, it allows or gives way to synergy between the sector and the rest of the economy.


  • Segment the population that is not interested in technology with the aim of implementing training methodologies in the management of product applications acquired from customers with the bank in order to guarantee the user the least possible trauma to accessing information and possible transactions.Although customer service is one of the fundamental pillars for Bancolombia we see that it is necessary to implement a method of rating the experience of each user when visiting each of the branches in which The following variables are measured.
  1. Waiting time at the branch. Friendliness of the official. The objective of the visit to the entity was met.

With this information, it will be possible to identify in which of these three aspects the entity is incurring poor attention, it must be clear that in order for this information to be of weight to make a decision, this information must first be identified first, customer name, identification number, above in order to identify the incidence of each user immediately in order to take corrective measures.

  • Implement information campaigns with each of the users, reminding them of the importance of changing passwords on a regular basis, configuring the applications so that they request a password change frequently, seeking simplification of the application so that anyone can manage it, and In this way, access to all the services and benefits provided by the bank. Create various motivations for the staff, since when an employee is happy in their work area, they are more willing to collaborate in an easy and agile way, providing good customer service.


Taken from: https://www.grupobancolombia.com/wps/portal/personas/consumidor Financiero

Taken from: https://www.grupobancolombia.com/

Taken from: https://www.grupobancolombia.com/

Taken from: https://www.grupobancolombia.com/wps/portal/personas/productos servicios / channels – service / mobile / bancolombia – app

Taken from: https://www.grupobancolombia.com/


  • David, FR (1994) The Strategic Management. Colombia: Legis.Blank Bubis L. (1998), The Administration of Organizations: A Strategic Approach. Cali: Universidad del Valle Publishing Center. Strategic planning and competitiveness levels of MSMEs in the trade sector in Bogotá. ICESI University. Recovered from: https://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/estudios_gerenciales/article/vie w / 1931 / html_10 BANCOLOMBIA SA (2017) Who are we? - History, 140 years transforming society. Recovered from: https://www.grupobancolombia.com/wps/portal/acerca–de/informacion CORPORADA / WHO – WE ARE (2015) Bancolombia: 140 years that history takes into account. Recovered from: http://www.portafolio.co/negocios/empresas/bancolombia140 – years – history – count – 27898 COM (2016) Tax reform How does it affect the technology sector? Recovered from: http://www.colombia.com/tecnologia/internet/sdi/148541/reforma–tributaria as-affects-the-sector-of-the-technology MONEY (2016) Tax reform would punish banks and users of credit cards . Retrieved from: http://www.dinero.com/economia/articulo/como–afecta–la–reforma–tributaria en – el – sector-banking – y – credicio / 239147 FINANZAS PERSONALES (2016) Grupo Bancolombia bets on a more humane banking. Recovered from: http://www.finanzaspersonales.co/ultimas–noticias/articulo/grupo bancolombia – bet – banca – mas – humana / 43686

Purposes - Grupo Bancolombia. Taken from

Purposes - Grupo Bancolombia. Taken from

Purposes - Grupo Bancolombia. Taken from

Taken from: Tax reform would punish banks and credit card users

Taken from Tax Reform How does it affect the technology sector? http://www.colombia.com/tecnologia/internet/sdi/148541/reforma–tributaria–como–afecta–al–sector–de–latecnologia

Taken from: Grupo Bancolombia bets on a more humane bank

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Strategic management. bancolombia business case study