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Meaningful management


Management is a process that consists of achieving organizational goals with and through collaborators. Likewise, “to manage is to listen, think and give an answer (Mejía, 2009)”; that is, to practice active listening, which allows to detect needs and interests in internal and external clients to seek full client satisfaction. Satisfied employee, satisfied customer.

Within this framework, the Significant Management promotes the achievement of goals with the workers, taking into account their knowledge, experiences, interests and needs, achieving that the work is meaningful and its performance becomes significant for them. For the human being, what is significant is everything that is related to what he is as mind, thought, cognition and culture. Consequently, these are elements that must be considered to consider in the management, recruitment and development of personnel.

Above all, the corporate strategy must attend to the interests of the owners of the company, but the expectations, interests and needs of the employees must not be neglected. Each individual has their own needs and motivations for personal and professional fulfillment, their dreams and their visions. From there, cognitive and motivational power is released to add value to the task performed in the organization. From that power, they think, feel and act.

But what is that power? Well, it is there where the Meaningful Management is activated, in order to take advantage of the potentialities, abilities and skills of each employee to make it productive. It is the cognitive power of the human being, reflected in her attitudes that come from her experiences, knowledge, culture, background and everything that is in her mind. The manager must know that power, he must know what moves the employee, to guarantee, at the same time, the full satisfaction of his interests and needs; in other words, the realization of his dreams to move him in favor of an organizational philosophy that he has internalized in our company; only this time it does so from significance; which is related to what he likes, knows, owns and is; that is, what is significant to him. That moves people.And that movement increases labor productivity proactively, autonomously and self-regulating.

It is appropriate here to establish the importance of the Human Resources Recruitment and Selection Process in the recruitment and selection phases. An analysis of congruential level of visions and cultures between organization and subject must be made. The organizational culture and that of the potential employees of the company must be consistent. It is important to detect, before hiring, what each person brings to the organization as intellectual capital, as a personal vision, as an expectation of progress.

Likewise, the process of Organizational Socialization, Training and Development of Human Resources is substantial, as the beginning of the necessary alignment of individual cognitive power, towards a collective cognitive power so that people move, strategically, in a single direction. Of course, with the particularity that each one moves from what she is as an intelligent member who learns to act proactively from the liberation of her cognitive power. It is not that they give him power to act and add value, but that he does it proactively from his experiences, knowledge, motivations and cognitive power. Furthermore, their attitudes and actions are consistent with the expectations of the organization; because in this he has told them what is expected of them. Here the role to be played by management is important,Well, you have to visualize that process, since the new employee arrives at the company, detecting their cognitive power, which is the basis of work significance. In some cases, in the Human Resources training and development phases, Cognitive Modifiability will have to be applied to Align minds and powers.

Hence, it is the responsibility of management to know what is significant for each internal client. That is the basis for encouraging them to do their best. This human strength is constituted as a valuable tool to guide efforts in the field of Human Resources Administration or Human Talent Management that adds value in the level of productivity.

Within this context, management must attend to the diversity of culture of its members, which in sum constitute the aggregate culture of the organization; that is, its Organizational Culture. If the balance that must exist between the interests of the company and those of its employees is achieved, managers will not be encouraged to play partially, the vision and interests of the company, but will seek at all times, to achieve equity and fair point between the interests of the parties, organization-subject, approaching from this base the Human Resources strategy. It is Cognitive Democracy.

When the management gives priority to the interests and expectations of the organization, it does so to the detriment of the balance and the subject-organization harmony, which is broken by attempting against the expectations of the worker, creating situations of conflict that are manifest or some overlap. Within that context, nobody deceives anyone. Everybody knows. And after the deception comes demoralization, demotivation, poor performance and conflict.

It is for this reason that said management must take into account what the subject is as a thinking being, such as cognition and culture. That he feels that his interests, needs, knowledge and experiences are considered of value for the realization of the organization's gross goals, aligned with those of a collective willing to give what he possesses as cognitive power for personal fulfillment and the expected organizational positioning.

The aforementioned, is nothing more than the diversity of thoughts, feelings and actions managed in a significant way, which will be reflected in high levels of creativity and productivity, by putting interdisciplinary, on the tables of work or reflection, the various ideas and paradigms that interweave the cognitive power of employees in their entirety, reaching the level of transdisciplinarity when applying their knowledge and techniques, to give more than what is currently required. This type of Meaningful Management makes customers, owners, managers and executives of companies happy; as well as employees, because she guarantees compliance with the Win-Win principle. When everyone wins, we have satisfied customers, the company thrives, and employees realize their dreams.

It is successful through the progressive achievement of "our" goals. When it is said, “ours”, it refers to the goals of the investor and those of the worker. They are empowered people, with the power to think and do. Think that your goals and those of the organization go together in the production process.

Self-regulate your mental, procedural and attitudinal development processes in the organization, to make it better every day. This makes them powerful, thoughtful, thoughtful, critical, lively and productive people. It is not giving them power. Well they already have it in their cognitive. This can be modified in circumstances that are required, to align all staff in an organizational strategy. Significant Management appears when managers identify and take advantage of the knowledge, experiences, interests and needs of employees to carry out their tasks without the need to constantly monitor them. They use their power to do better and better work. It is natural for the human being to do better, motivated, when he does it, from him. Management will act on the basis of that cognitive power, activating it and thus giving the freedom to act under strategic direction, which by organizational socialization, is already part of the work teams.

In the Classics Stage, at the beginning of the last century, it was shown that incentives and extrinsic motivation gave few results. That people are more productive when they are taken into account in an authentic way. It was shown that man does not work only for money. That material incentives move people less. That his ego and his needs for self-realization, along with other motivations, is what makes him take a truly meaningful proactive attitude. His vision and goals, turned into motivation, are the energy that pushes him into action. All of that is in the mind of the employee. The role of management will be to detect at what level of needs, interests, knowledge and experiences is each subject and then detect it in each group. What are the individual and group expectations for,from there, manage him in a meaningful way, aligning with organizational expectations.

Focusing only on the expectations, interests and needs of the organization is not strategic and smart. It is not managerially significant. It is necessary to share more the gains and the successes, this is also part of the working cognitive. This gives significance to the work, stimulating the individual to add value continuously, through significant work that, as a result, enhances the quality of the service. Hence, considering the factors of Meaningful Management is to humanize, also the management process, creating an environment of shared purposes that makes team learning meaningful to make the organization intelligent.

Finally, when the Significant Management model is implemented in the organization, the costs, as a result of its deployment, are not increased; on the contrary, as productivity levels rise, costs go down. That productivity is increased when workers do what looks like them; what they like; what they are like thought and culture; with their life projects. It is the product of converting ordinary results into extraordinary ones; optimizing the time to think and do proactively, generating successful people.

An employee said to his manager: "Get to know me and we can earn a lot……".

Meaningful management