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Toxic management, mobbing and burnout


How many people have experienced this problem without realizing the true meaning of Mobbing, think for example, how many times was he treated in a way to generate fear, discouragement and frustration in his work, that let him win from leaving everything and running home? or to look for a new job soon, and if this situation arose continuously and systematically, it leaves a huge sequel of psychosomatic disorders, tension, stress, anxiety, immune system affection, etc.

A clear example of what Mobbing is, that a close friend who worked for a project at a world body in Peru told me without knowing it, says that there was a young head of the project, of oriental origin, an inexperienced guy just over 35 years old with an egocentric, introverted and hedonistic personality, with desires for greatness and notoriety, from very few close friends, but quite a friend of important characters who could support him due to his excessive ambition.

It was a policy to make monthly contracts to the team, which were highly qualified professionals who had believed in applying their experience, but the absence of leadership of this boss, his little ability to lead, generated fear and anxiety every time the end of the month came showing "Beating" the contracts to his collaborators "he said", "just in case his contract ends this month", people trembled, any project they presented "was stupid", underestimated everyone except one or two, with whom he had worked before, telling them that he did not trust the rest. Thus, this situation caused instability, work stress and a poor work environment, affecting the psychophysical health of some collaborators who did not hesitate to resign, this being a clear example of Mobbing.

According to recent research in Peru and Latin America of 10 workers, 7 have been subject to this harassment at work, it is therefore clear the deficiency in the formation of fundamentally soft skills in managers to deal with human problems

Mobbing is known as workplace harassment or moral and psychological harassment at work, commonly known through the English term mobbing:

'harassing', 'harassing', 'cornering in a group', is as much the action of a harasser or several harassers conducive to producing fear, terror, contempt or discouragement in the affected worker towards his work, as the effect or the disease that produces in the worker. This person or group of people receive unjustified psychological violence through negative and hostile acts inside or outside work by external social groups, their peers ("horizontal harassment", among equals), their subordinates (vertically). ascending) or their superiors (vertically descending, also called bossing, from the English boss). Such psychological violence occurs systematically and recurrently over a long period of time, over weeks, months and even years,and to it sometimes are added "accidental accidents" and even physical assaults, in the most serious cases. A very long-term harassment situation, in addition to illnesses or psychological problems, can lead, in extreme situations, to the victim's suicide.

What is ultimately intended with this harassment, intimidation or disturbance (or usually the conjugation of all of them) is the abandonment of work by the victim -or victims-, which is considered by their aggressors as a nuisance or threat for their personal interests (need for extortion, ambition for power, wealth, social position, maintenance of the status quo, etc.)

The term mobbing (from the English verb to mob, with the aforementioned meaning) comes from etiology, a science that studies the behavior of animals, especially from the field of ornithology, where the defensive behavior of a group of small birds consists of continued harassment of a larger enemy, often a bird of prey. These behaviors in the wild frequently end, either with the flight, or with the death of the animal harassed by several others.

Swedish scientist Heinz Leymann investigated the phenomenon in the 1980s, and it was he who first used the term mobbing to refer to the problem. Other prominent authors in the study of moral harassment and mobbing are the French Marie-France Hirigoyen and the Spanish Iñaki Piñuel and Zabala.

The population incidence of workplace harassment is estimated to be between 10 and 15% of all workers

According to Professor Iñaki Piñuel and Zabala, the following are common strategies in workplace harassment:

  • Shouting, subjugating or insulting the victim when alone or in the presence of other people, assigning goals or projects with deadlines that are known to be unattainable or impossible to meet, and tasks that are manifestly endless at that time, selectively overload the victim with much work and put excessive pressure on them. Continuously threaten or coerce the victim. Remove key areas of responsibility by offering them routine tasks, no interest or even no work to do ("until they get bored and leave"). Modify without saying nothing to the worker the attributions or responsibilities of his job. Treat him in a different or discriminatory way, use exclusive measures against him, with a view to stigmatizing him before other colleagues or bosses (exclude, discriminate against him,treat your case differently, transfer you to lower positions, lower your salary). Ignore you ("make the vacuum") or exclude him, speaking only to a third person present, simulating his non-existence ("ignoring him") or his non-physical presence in the office, or at the meetings you attend (“as if you were invisible.”) Withholding crucial information from your job or manipulating it to mislead you in your job performance, and accusing you after negligence or professional misconduct. victim, spreading malicious or slanderous gossip or rumors by the company or organization that undermine their reputation, image or professionalism. Undervaluing or not valuing at all the effort made by the victim, refusing to periodically evaluate their work. Block development or career,limiting delaying or hindering access to promotions, courses or training seminars, ignoring professional successes or maliciously attributing them to other people or elements outside of him, such as chance, luck, the market situation, etc. continually criticizing his work, their ideas, their proposals, their solutions, etc.; or simply not take them into account under any pretext. maliciously monitor or control your work with a view to attacking or finding fault or ways to accuse you of something. Punish harshly or prevent any decision-making or personal initiative within the framework of their responsibilities and powers. Administratively block the person, not transferring them, misplacing, delaying, altering or manipulating documents or resolutions that affect them, ridiculing their work,his ideas or the results obtained before other workers, caricaturing or parodying him. Invading the privacy of the harassed by intervening his mail, his phone, checking his documents, cabinets, drawers, etc. Stealing, destroying or subtracting key elements for his work. Attacking his personal convictions, ideology or religion Encourage other colleagues / bosses to participate in any of the above actions through persuasion, coercion or abuse of authority.Encourage other colleagues / bosses to participate in any of the above actions through persuasion, coercion or abuse of authority.Encourage other colleagues / bosses to participate in any of the above actions through persuasion, coercion or abuse of authority.Attempt against worker ergonomics at your workplace.

Assign humiliating, uncomfortable, or unpleasant tasks to you.

  • Just not giving a job or some job responsibility

Maternal mobbing

Harassment does not always tend to eliminate the uncomfortable partner or subordinate. Frequently what the harasser intends is to show the victim or others their power, and to do so by destroying the one they are going to victimize. Even mark or show an example of what can happen to someone.

The so-called "maternal mobbing" or, more properly, harassment against pregnant women, is one of these cases in which the destruction of the victim is not sought directly, but despite the fact that this is also achieved, the What is sought more immediately and directly is to show an example of what can happen to "the one who dares" to become pregnant. It is an exemplary type of punishment that should serve as a warning to other women who observe what happens to the victim and who thus no longer dare to become pregnant.

According to data, the harasser requires the victim to be "paralyzed" from the start and that he does nothing. The perverse mechanism of mobbing requires and relies on this paralysis. " In this way, the worker and the organizations that support him are advised:

  • Become aware of the right to dignity at work. Preventive work. Information. Assistance, support and training in the active response by specialists. Avoid at all costs the delay in solving the problem.

This delay in actively coping with the problem, as well as the so-called "polyanic reaction" ('not wanting to see evil', 'not thinking badly', 'not criticizing', 'not harming anyone'), for Iñaki Piñuel, all they do is ease the way for the stalker to new assaults and new victims.

According to Nora Rodríguez, other recommended actions are: be less predictable, act decisively when someone avoids direct contact and only uses hints, do not argue uselessly or resort to threats, do not involve others freely with their comments, and stand firm and speak always in front of witnesses.

Peru: There is no legislation against Mobbing, only against sexual harassment.

Personal strategies to overcome mobbing

  • Identify the problem of mobbing as such: train and inform yourself about the problem. Document and record the attacks that you have been subjected to from the beginning.  Publicize the attacks that are received in privacy and in secret and communicate them to colleagues, bosses, managers, advisers, partners, friends and family. Emotionally deactivate: avoid reacting to attacks. Control and channel anger and resentment, as that anger is the stalker's ally: avoiding outbursts of anger. Facing mobbing: confrontation makes the harasser back down, who is cowardly at heart. Responding to slander and destructive criticism with assertiveness(without passivity or aggressiveness). Protect the data, documents and files of their own work and keep everything locked, distrusting the manipulative capacities of the harassers. Avoid social isolation: go out and face the situation of bullying socially. indictment without acceptance or justification by extrojectionguilt. Do not try to "convince" or "change" the harasser. Do not fall into inhibition: tell others about the bullying. Talking about the issue of harassment, communicating it, writing it down, reporting it, etc. Developing one's employability: increasing professional education and training. Consciously going after the harassed to leave or voluntarily resigning before allowing oneself to be psychically destroyed. Requesting advice from the beginning Psychological specialist.Request legal advice to assert and defend one's rights.Develop "autonomous self-esteem" as a vaccine against bullying. Develop the healing power of humor. Allow yourself to cry for your own harm, as a means of relief. as a form of final release. 19


  • PIÑUEL JI (2015) Psychological Evaluation of bullying at work or Mobbing in Spain using the CisnerosSALE questionnaire, R.-. (2017a). communication. Retrieved on April 7, 2017, fromhttp: //dle.rae.es/? Id = 0ZpEHg5ASALE, R.-. (2017b). reliability. Retrieved on March 21, 2017, from http://dle.rae.es/?id=AEz6Rrg(2007). DOF - Official Gazette of the Federation. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php? Code = 4961209 & date = 02/01/2007 (2013). Parliamentary Gazette. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from Http://gaceta.diputados.gob.mx/Black/Gaceta/Anteriores/62/2013/feb/ 20130
  • 228-VII / Initiative- Montiel, Carlos Polegar Medios SL (2017). Bullying or bullying. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from https://www.guiainfantil.com/educacion/escuela/acosoescolar/index. What is mobbing or harassment at work: symptoms, modalities and consequences. (2017). Retrieved on April 7, 2017, fromhttp: //www.forodeseguridad.com/artic/discipl/4150.htm

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Toxic management, mobbing and burnout