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Management ... a matter of effort ... and decision


We live in a world in which nothing is given to us, everything we do and / or receive requires an effort, be it the one that is done today to contain climate change, the other that is done to maintain a budget of expenses and expenses, or that which is usual in our work to end or close a business. And more often than not, the completion of that task, closing a business or simply enjoying clean air in the countryside, among others, produces a feeling of triumph and pleasure. But behind that feeling of joy, there was an effort… and a decision. And this is because it is not easy to decide to make an effort, because we must fight against laziness, against the law of minimum effort, or complacency, to get out of the so-called "comfort zone".

Making an "effort" is not something simple, as the following definition says: " effort corresponds to the energetic use of physical force, intelligence, will or any spiritual faculty, to achieve an end."

But… reality tells us that EVERY job will mean an effort, whether intellectual or physical. In marketing activities it is perhaps where the "effort " is more than necessary, and of both types, since it means "think", "reflect", "create", "imagine", "write", "study", " decide "," train "," motivate "," meet goals "," define objectives "," telephone "," walk "," write "," make decisions ", etc.

In the definition above, effort is indicated as the energetic application of physical force, intelligence, and will. Synonyms of energy we find in the words: active, authoritarian, effective, firm, strong, powerful, powerful, vigorous, tenacious, vigorous. As an antonym, WEAK.

But in order to make that "effort" that we need, it requires a decision, to decide whether we want to change the situation or want to continue. Modifying a situation possibly confronts us with the unknown, with the fact that we have to modify several (or all) forms of our actions (or being) and we see it as a problem that many times we are not willing to face and therefore we simply choose, continue in the so-called "comfort zone" and simply let "things happen" (and boy, things happen, but negative!).

"That your decisions are a reflection of your hopes, not your fear." Nelson Mandela.

"Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do" - Steve Jobs.

And leaning on these magnificent phrases, our wishes, the hopes that the problems will be solved, that the situation will change favorably, that we can finally do what we want, in short, they cannot be relegated to oblivion just for fear of taking a decision and make the effort that this change can demand of us. The fear of commitment, the fear of responsibility, the fear of being wrong, are fears that must be fought strongly. As long as the required effort is not made and a decision is made about it, the situation will continue (or the problem will increase).

But can we sidestep that fear and come to a decision?

Yes, of course, but it will require an effort, although less. What is that effort? The effort of a) wanting to solve the problem we are facing or a change in situation, and b) spending time in… thinking, yes, just thinking, reflecting, concentrating on solutions rather than on the problems that this may mean. Thus, in an ordered way we could have a pattern or scheme, like the following:

  • Let us focus on the problem and identify the options we have for its solution. Let us analyze the options and select at least two of them that, in our opinion, are the best. Let us reflect on the consequences of making the desired decision or not and the responsibilities that this entails. It will involve. We return to the selected options, noting the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Let us assume our responsibility and decide among the options, the most convenient according to the reflections made.

Life is too short to spend in negativity. So I have made a conscious effort not to be where I do not want to be. -Hugh Dillon.

A hug, Freddy Hayvard.

Management ... a matter of effort ... and decision