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Management and its challenges in the face of market changes

Table of contents:



Today in Colombia, those who have set an important goal such as improving the management of organizations, influenced by the management styles of the United States country and especially by Japanese management, the best asset and motivation for it, has been the human talent.

However, in the United States, managers in the late 1970s raised concerns about the dehumanization of their organizations. Subsequently, they realized that suffocating the worker with the imposition of depersonalizing systems was not the way for an organization and less for a more comprehensive Manager, that is, that it must keep a balance with the environment, human resources, materials, customer, the market and society in general.

That situation changed and as a testimony is the book: "In Search of Excellence" by Tomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, which teaches us of the fascinating success of American companies that prioritize their focus on the "employee" and the " client », this approach that in Colombia in the 1980s began to be adopted by managers and to leave much of the Taylorist and mechanistic principles. Rafael E. Arévalo Escandón.

Chapter 1

Manager definition

The Manager is a person who has been prepared to manage resources and make them profitable for the benefit of the company, its members and for the good of society. For this reason, the Manager has several synonyms: he is a director, administrator, attorney, advisor, manager, organizer, boss and manager.

A manager is that calculating and often cold person.

A manager is a good observer of the market.

A manager is one who has a good nose for business.

A manager is the one who intelligently applies his beanchmarketing.

A manager is one who trusts his staff.

A manager is the one who makes your company profitable.

A manager is the one who tests all his strategies for determination, that is, he is comprehensive.

Manager is like the conductor who must exercise strict control of the musicians and their instruments so that the musical reading is well interpreted, in its different tones and is harmonious and pleasing to the ear. Likewise, the Managers apply this ability to the Orchestra Director, who teaches how to exercise humanized control, programs and objectives in harmony with his staff, always at the forefront to achieve goals with good quality for the benefit of clients.

For some, being a manager is only a saying, or a definition or a title, not everyone assumes the depth of what it means, since it is a great challenge through the processes of an organization to achieve its objectives. When some of these are achieved, the work is highlighted, but when they are not obtained, many times, silence is maintained so that they go unnoticed.

In accordance with the above, we can classify the manager as follows: Small, medium and more complex. According to this degree of manager, Mr. Reader, if you are a manager, please locate yourself in one of them and take the mirror test so that you are your own judge.

We could enter many other definitions in this chapter, but this is not the purpose, rather I suggest defining yourself as a manager, based on the so-called IN Manager, after reading this book.

In the case of the Japanese Managers, the situation has been quite different, because we know that they have turned companies on the brink of bankruptcy, into highly profitable companies. The key to success lies in the treatment given to the staff. The new Managers understood that systems had to be put in place that would increase employee productivity, systems that the Japanese admit with their humility in learning from the Americans.

Those systems are the ones that Colombians must simply accept and practice so that as integral managers they achieve success in companies, that is, with the humanization of Management, turning problems into opportunities, developing the organization through planning by objectives. and emphasize quality of service or production.

The purpose of the title is to collaborate with managers with some fundamental aspects of top management for the direction of companies and also with the mix of some strategies established by the gurus of managerial dynamics.

It is the experience of investigations, consultations and practices to configure an IN Manager with a managerial perspective that models him as a person with a mental capacity open to inexhaustible learning to interpret and understand the constant business metamorphosis of the world and be a mentor for society, defining himself constantly obeying the evolution of paradigms influenced by technological development, also by the demands and growth of the human being.

Episode 2

The manager turning problems into opportunities

It is convenient to distinguish between mission (or main purpose), which is always externally directed, and objectives, which are multiple indicators of the organization's progress. A company may well have a main objective, without this being a true mission directed towards the improvement of society. A similar goal could be to achieve rapid growth, or to become the largest company in the industry, or to manufacture the highest quality products.

Rapid growth, to become the greatest or to be the best, are all goals that can create mystique, unleash the energies of the group, and make sense of work, but such goals are essentially short-term, and are actually rather means than purposes. After all, where do you go once you reach those goals? Quite often, becoming truly the greatest and impoverishing the imagination to such an extent that it leads to decadence.

A development mission, guiding the company in the direction of the changing needs and opportunities of society, can present a relentless inspiring stimulus and infinite possibilities for the improvement of the company and its staff.

The problems that worry in the present will be the fate of the organization, which clings to such a simple and static concept of the service, before the revolted and complex forces of the environment that interfere and can threaten the very existence of any company.

That no organization is deeply rooted, immune to threats and changes in the environment, is something that is perceived in the anguished words spoken by Pope Paul VI in Rome in 1971 *:

"Pope Paul VI said that life has become a" torment "of continuous changes that cause impatience and desertion from the ranks of the Church, and that prevent a deep understanding of the problems of modern life.

We are facing difficult times, said Dad. All things change, everything seems to move away from religion, faith and moral laws. Everything has become a problem.

The very psychology of life is in the process of development, and it is often difficult to understand its phenomena, its errors, and its resources. In the very bosom of the Church, among her most beloved children, anxiety, impatience and desertion often arise.

Some Colombian managers are frightened by the problems of their companies, they immediately give them away for sale or they reengineer to such an extreme, generating another type of consequence such as unemployment and more economic poverty in investment and with less production.

I wonder: Is there more desire to diversify the company? Is it necessary to see more than the economic crisis, to look at other types of options? Are consultancies or technical studies missing? Are there no other alternatives than to let companies fail? Thus, I could ask myself successively without completing several questions.

Faced with this situation of some companies, we saw that the Japanese love to buy bankrupt companies and turn them into prosperous companies. I would say that there are no keys to this positive result, but that there is noticeably a lot of organization and technicality.

In some important companies in the world there are executives with some anguish, uneasy who retire, to live without much emotional stress and less possibility of heart attack.

Alfonso Norberto PHD states, in his book «Psychology»: «That the word sensation is to experience the impression, or the work of the exciting stimuli of the external world on the sense organs. It is made synonymous with pain and physical pleasure. Thus, what has been called DYNAMOGENICS (we deduce: energy and genius equal to beget, produce) of sensation is investigated. When this phenomenon occurs there is volume change in the organs interested in sensation. And it has been called the study of the time that mediates between the appearance of the stimulus and the sensation itself, SYCHOCRONOMETRY ”, that is, reaction time.

This to say that the manager is often subjected to moments of truth with painful sensations with which he would like to explode, caused by different external negative stimuli, intriguing, competitive…, which are sometimes not quantifiable or detectable and appear as a pump that cannot be controlled, in which its alternatives are the judicious withdrawal or suffering the pain, to say the least. This is an unfortunate state that some managers come to.

In Colombia, companies have been going bankrupt, but there is no management aid team that stops the evil and does not end the economy and occupation of the country.

Where are the managers who are aware of the situation, so that in team work they seriously and deeply formulate the situation of their companies? That is, the work teams called Brain Torming. *

According to the studies, an average Manager works with the Law of 40/30/20, which indicates that 40% of the Manager's time is dedicated to external activities; 30% to look several years ahead and 20% use it to try to build the future. Based on these calculations, you only spend 2.4% of your time on a future corporate perspective.

In the case of private companies, new technological and commercial advances will not only make the firm's operating systems quickly become out of date, along with its products and services, but surviving in today's world requires that the company respond constructively to the new types of social, political, and economic problems plaguing today's societies. Politicians, state officials, labor leaders, clergymen, educators, all recognize today that the effects of business decisions are not limited only to the commercial sphere. A decision taken on mechanization of production affects employment, of course, and any rise in prices leads directly to inflation,which means that such measures are not simply technical and economic decisions but also social and political ones. When a public or private "Organization" persistently creates serious problems for the rest of society, even if it causes them unconsciously, social and political currents will gradually change direction to flow against this Organization in order to weaken it and even destroy it along with it. other analogues. Indeed, the history of the human species could be written taking reference, mainly, in the rise and decline of its organizations. The best way to prevent the formation of a social climate opposed to a company is not to adopt a defensive stance, but to have policies and actions aimed at helping society to solve its problems. In today's world,The firmness and permanent success of a company are mainly due to the ability of its leaders to discover, understand and take advantage of the profound and inevitable transformations that are precipitating on their societies, that is, the ability to turn society's problems in business opportunities.

Chapter 3

The manager and the benefits of development

The tendency for managers to adapt is that of the assumption that why good intention towards others is done by doing good to them.

The societies of the moment and in development demand that all their organizations contribute to the solutions of their problems, or that they do not exacerbate them.

Then the Manager must conceive a mission for the company, which is not only important for it but also for society, and clearly the mission will allow decisions to be made to adjust the organization with respect to the errors presented.

All of us workers need to feel that we are not a minimum element of the organization, that our lives and our work have a very important relationship with other people, that is, with the lives of the members with whom we work and also with the community, which is why we are a singular part of the mission.

Therefore, the link between all the work done in the company and its role in society, between means and ends, is what within the organization is known as "mission" *.

When the company's casuistry is aimed at creating benefits in society and obtaining benefits for the company, it can be said that it is a development mission.

That relationship is the one that the manager must build or create, the one that implies a challenge for senior management, which corresponds to a mission of progress, to highlight the staff of the organization.

That fervor, known for mystique, of sharing purpose, of greater harmony, greater motivation, and smart work across the company, are the rewards for the management that has successfully forged between means and ends. From here it is good to remember that for the manager or administrator, management and administration are a means of achieving results and not an end. That, in addition, "Management" appears as a process that releases and increases the energies that benefit the members of an organization as well as society in general, and for this purpose makes information systems, techniques, methods and material resources available.

Regarding administration, it has been said that it is also the art of managing resources. Their synonyms are: direction, management, regency, management, government, administration, regime, guardianship, council. Its antonyms are: corruption and lack of control.

Once my professor in the Department of Management at the Universidad Antonio Nariño in the Specialization in Business Administration, from which I graduated, made me wake up saying vehemently that I was my own company and that I had to market everything I knew., through the promotion and publicity of my image. This made me feel like a Manager with a virtual office, wanting to better organize the knowledge to contribute it to the client and to society.

All this stimulated me as a manager in the process of development, changing paradigms of that supervisor that I was, who used to operate simple software, when I advised the now-known Social Companies of the State, that is, that software was the activity scheduled for the month, six months or perhaps for the year.

Chapter 4

How can the manager achieve organizational changes by developing human talent?

I have tried to talk to employees and workers about their goals, regarding them as responsible adults and not as ignorant toddlers, but they don't respond, or don't take the trouble to listen. In any case I have had to return to what was done before:

Tell them what to do, watch them closely, and scold them when they don't do their job properly. I know that this way of proceeding is self-destructive in the long run.

The Manager is faced with one of the most common dilemmas today, which is even predictable. The increasing independence of workers has been stimulated by an altered climate of social and political values ​​in society, and is reinforced by a vigorous union of workers.

That paradigm can be replaced by another with the determination to "treat people as human beings and not as workers." A new and dynamic labor relationship between Management and staff is important, which will allow some outdated procedures of the administration to be modernized, such as the old-fashioned production lines and the insufficient marketing marketing system, the irrational spending of resources and low profitability due to corruption in the organization.

Chapter 5

The manager and the administration by objectives

Peter F. Drucker's classic book, Business Management, 1954, brought to light a strong organizing concept for fragmented and routine entities to become strong, coordinated, purpose-conscious and spirit-filled sets of groups. There is no doubt that it was this concept, along with its applications, that largely caused certain American corporations (Dupont, General Motors, General Electric, Sears Roebuck) to make such gigantic leaps that they almost lost sight of their competitors over the decades. that preceded the appearance of the book. This concept, is universally considered as the central principle of modern administration, is known today as Management by Objectives.

Day by day the number of Managers in Latin America is growing, who demonstrate the great capacity to grasp this important idea and to put it into practice. But in Latin America, as in the United States, the idea is applied with some frequency, so that it only realizes a small part of its potential to create successful and future organizations.

  • The issue was where to start, the concept of Management by objectives with the workers: Focus everyone's attention on the important things, objectives and results, and thereby remove people from their own occupations. Give everyone a clear understanding of the Why of the task? Allow a quick response to any deviation from the norms? Reduce friction between people, substituting the objectives that fight each other for common objectives. Obtain from the people the maximum instead of the minimum. superiors as well as subordinates, a measure of the subordinate's performance relative to goals and, consequently, making it relatively easier to determine who is competent and who is not, as well asGive the subordinate an information framework to govern his own function without loss of control by the superior, and in doing all this, Make the development of people an integral and natural part of the fulfillment of their task.

Chapter 6

The manager and the "technocratization" of the administration by objectives

Since the appearance of Peter Drucker's book Business Management, many companies have embraced what they sincerely believe is Management by Objectives. They believe this because Management regularly sets goals towards various aspects of the company's activities, and then measures the progress made towards those goals, but in his book Professor Drucker introduced the concept as Management of goals and Self-control, thus combining the objective, observable and measurable aspect of performance with subjective aspects of self-discipline and personal responsibility. If there is to be human development, what happens within a person is as fully important as their observed performance.Perhaps it was to be expected that in the process of incorporating the concept into technocratic administration systems, the subjective part of the proposition and self-control would be eliminated, leaving only "Management for objectives". Then the Management by objectives could become one more instrument to increase the external control over the behavior of the people, so that it conforms more strictly to the priorities of the organization, without the need for Management to process the needs and the highest human capacities of people.in such a way that it conforms more strictly to the priorities of the organization, without the need for Management to engage in the process the highest human needs and capacities of the people.in such a way that it conforms more strictly to the priorities of the organization, without the need for Management to engage in the process the highest human needs and capacities of the people.

In other words, the technocratic application of Objective Management has the management group doing all the planning, analysis, and goal setting (the personal thinking and commitment aspects of operations), while the non-administrative staff is simply processing a group of objectives, and their achievement is controlled by their superiors.

Thus, Management by Objectives can become a powerful instrument to strengthen technocratic ethics at the expense of human naturalness where there is an integral participation of workers.

In this way, a brilliant concept conceived as a framework for participation, personal commitment, self-discipline, and self-actualization has tended to be appropriate.

Chapter 7

Strengthening managerial power

In practice, how can a company introduce Management by objectives and Self-control?

Ideally, there should be full participation of the entire body of employees and workers in setting goals, but such a thing, in practical terms, is too large a balance for the organization, it would imply a social and cultural transformation.

However, a strategy that moves the organization in that direction can be practical to face the survival and the difficult future to come of a company.

The first step in this strategy for management by objectives is that of understanding the needs of employees with that of management. That there is a rapprochement between the manager and the workers.

When the Manager voluntarily shares his decision-making power within a framework of mutually agreed-upon and mutually beneficial objectives, the result is an exaltation of the power of Management, but of a "power with" and not a "power over" or dominance.

Chapter 8

Business aspects of management in organizational development

Manager activity

  • The future: - Think, anticipate threats, avoid problems, plan, project, imagine, search for options. Purposes (effectiveness): - Do the right thing, define the organizational mission, measure the results. Changes: - Organize, reorganize, acquire New knowledge and skills, create resources, innovate, improve. Risks: -Find the uncertain, assume insecurity.External Environment: - Exploit opportunities in the market and the external environment of the market. Study and reaction to economic, technological, political, social and cultural changes. Open organization: - (Energy Exchange System). Create benefits in society (output). Generate benefits for the organization (input). Globalism: Integrate, synthesize, generalize.

Chapter 9

Administrative aspects of management in organizational maintenance

Manager activities

The present: Act, solve problems, make plans, decide between options.

Means (Efficiency): Do things correctly, apply methods, techniques.

Stability: Conserve resources, practice of existing knowledge and skills. Maintain structure, affirm routines, strengthen systems.

Security: Eliminate uncertainty.

Internal Environment: Operate systems, store and transform materials (Throughput).

Closed organization: Concentration on activities in their own perpetuation.

Atomism. Divide, analyze, specialize.

Chapter 10

Surprising power of the manager's work

First of all, the administrative tasks and the problems associated with them are urgent and imperative. They cannot be left for tomorrow. The Manager must ensure that his collaborators keep the machines running, dispatches leave on time, cost records are kept, inventories are made, bank payments are made, accounts are collected, trades are written, made or answer phone calls. Urgent and imperative are also the problems that inevitably arise. The worker who does not show up has to be replaced that day, the machine that has broken down must be repaired, the shortage of materials must be compensated, the lost office must be found, the employee must be corrected. Ensuring that the company runs efficiently, that things are done well and on time,All of this is always the immediate and unavoidable responsibility of Management.

Not only that, but unless the Manager has learned to delegate functions without losing control and has a system that provides him with continuous information on performance towards objectives and goals, he must ensure for himself that the work systems operate, in which case the administrative details will literally consume the time you have. A Manager in such conditions always thinks:

"I will attend to other matters tomorrow as soon as I dispatch these problems"; but tomorrow never comes. It is always today, and today is always a repetition of yesterday.

Instead, business tasks do not put pressure on the Manager with immediate urgency. Thinking, planning, innovating, improving, creating, anticipating threats and preventing problems, the search for new opportunities, these are all matters that can be done later, and so it happens. The company does not fall apart today. It falters tomorrow.

A second quality of administrative tasks is that such routine is essential to our well-being and at the same time a threat to our development. We all need habits, customs, stability that allow us to maintain our sense of identity, stay on track in life, endure self-discipline, remain firm in character. The problem is that such tasks, once mastered, can become so easy and comfortable that they make us drowsy at a time when inevitable change requires us to be awake.

The mind, like a muscle, atrophies if it is not required, it becomes lazy to respond to stimuli or needs to do something out of the ordinary, losing creativity.

As a manager, I have always held public office and observed in an unusual way that all the effort for continuous improvement made by the worker, even at the expense of his own resources, are sometimes at any time, not valued; which I consider within the system approach an entropy of certain public organizations, because there must be harmony and interrelation between a past administration, the one in turn and with the next one.

Generally, in this regard, you hear people say: "What the previous executive planned is rubbish, let's start doing things rightly."

Some managers of the sector will have to change paradigms, to avoid delays in the development of public companies. I am assailed by the idea that the neoliberal policy practiced by countries today is a way of putting the tatequieto to that dishonest and disrespectful behavior with the substitute manager and the implications that this means in onerous expenses for the State with loss of benefits for the "customer" and for "society".

Chapter 11

The manager must ask himself what is his business?

Only through the creation of benefits and values ​​for the client, can the existence of a company and the owners' profits be justified.

The business of the company must be defined by its mission or purposes as the "why" of the company rather than as the what and the how.

It is necessary for the company to clarify the business with respect to consumers, that is, if it is for direct customers or if it is for ultimate consumers.

For example: in the case of consumers, he defined a certain company as improving the health of people and their lives, by virtue of healthy and nutritious food, with prices within their reach, good quality and packaged for their most comfortable utilization.

For direct customers, the objective of that company was that they wanted to grow their merchants, so that they could participate in their growth and prosperity, thus communicating their manager: Our business is in the success of our customers.

Chapter 12

The manager must delegate to develop

The Manager must focus his attention, also, on the internal operations of the company and not only concentrate on the market, even when it is important to strengthen the organization. The manager must be very clear about the important objective of delegating, freeing himself and dedicating himself to more important tasks.

In an age of change, whenever a manager is performing vegetative or other tasks, which a subordinate can be taught to perform, that manager is earning his subordinate's pay, but not his own.

The usual administrative activities should be delegated and the Manager dedicate his wonderful hours to building the future of the company.

There are certain administrative tasks such as the constant review of the results of operations, those of receiving employees at all levels of the organization, correspondence, meetings that could not be postponed; but most of the Manager's work can sometimes be delegated responsibly.

This allows the personnel to have a step to more relevant tasks and for the Manager, to regain the category and dynamic strength of their organization in their development.

I remember that there are delegations forced by the state of health, or by other circumstances, this is also called a commission, but it deserves questioning because the truth, the manager in charge sometimes does not advance in the commitment acquired in management, leaving the situation of the company or office in the same conditions as the Manager owned it.

Those cases of delegation are of interest to analyze when they occur, because it can be given that there was an incorrect delegation or an incorrect management. Thus, this does not generate added value for the organization, with zero benefits for both internal and external customers and zero benefits for society in general. What I have just expressed is extremely important, reader, with the aggravating circumstance that the delegations almost always convert - by an administrative act - to end the administration period and benefit only the bureaucracy, that is, give it the Popcorn opportunity to the manager.

Chapter 13

The five competitive forces or business strategies that the manager must know and apply

The current market has increased the current of competition, due to the connoting effort that the Manager makes in positioning the company. Situation due to new niches, new products or goods and services placed on the market and demanded by the population or others for their attractiveness and demanded by certain customers. It is in this way that new mixtures of products and services for the consumer have been presented.

Therefore, the Manager must have his eyes open and a good nose that allows him to identify opportunities to make his company more successful. Michael Porter speaks, then, of the five competitive forces that determine profitability and that managers must practice:

  1. The entry of new competitors The threat of substitutes based on other technology The power of buyers 'haggling The power of suppliers' haggling The competition between companies already established in the market.

Chapter 14

Four decisive tools for manager success

Mc. Graw-Hill in his book The Mind of the Strategist, cites four business strategies or tools to consider:

  1. Compete wisely, intensifying functional difference. Take aggressive initiatives. See the reason for them and don't let them escape. Remember that it gives superiority that can be relative. It benefits the client to the maximum. Take advantage of the competitor's weaknesses. Study it and identify its weaknesses.

The comment I can make about the four business tools of Mc Graw-Hill in this regard, is that the manager definitely has to pause in his management to evaluate them and again ask himself: Do I know my business? Where does my company go? In short, many other questions such as: Am I the Manager?

Because the management of an X company does not stop becoming demanding with respect to the mind and thought of the manager, since in it, the company, its technical and administrative needs are latent, as well as marketing for the projection of the future, of change as positioning and efficiency as effectiveness, that is, the best management of its resources and profitability.

The manager in all areas of administration executed by his operators will always remember that there, in each one, the client is present, who is the King who will bring a cost-benefit feeback to his company.

The client, it should not be forgotten, is virtually part of the systems and subsystems that make up the organization, for this same reason when being present there will be a need to keep him happy and place him on his throne.

A client in my office told me: "Of course I am the King, because I am the one with the money." This surprised me, because without pretending he visualized another perspective of the client as that of accepting, who is the one who gives life and health to the company and says how he wants it.

In conclusion, the manager must globalize management, as Peter Spencer says, in the Theory of the Fifth Discipline: "There is no longer only to see the forest but also the trees."

Chapter 15

Manager as leader

Here we are going to dedicate ourselves to make a great journey, about what a manager is as a leader in the present and in the future against organizations, they are skills, behaviors and changes that I hope will be useful to the managers of different companies.

With the permission of the administration guru, the teacher Peter Drucker and his collaborators Hesselbeur, Goldsmith and Beckhard, from the book The leader of the future, I allow myself to include my essays on the leader as a fundamental contribution that could not be missing in this book:

  • Leaders transform people's ideas and lead them to be bad or good. The leader has his followers who identify with his style and organizational climate. The leader needs to understand the culture of the organization, with all its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, consolidating the elements needed to maintain the organization's aptitude to function and grow. The leader is an architect of paradigm shift and must be theoretical and pragmatic. Sometimes the leader needs to make a stoic decision and preserve the integrity of the organization. He must not be reluctant to change and rather receive it to integrate it into social development. Future leaders will have to overcome administrative rigidity, think and improve the way to think generally of executives and employees,They will seek more motivational strategies and quality excellence. Exert a force and firmness of self-control and form a mind of fortune tellers and in this and other concerns they will also be occupied. The true leaders are managers with visions and commitments and an acceptance that goes beyond the usual concerns of management. of the future must be able to handle energy and change the physical state of people. The leader of the future must have permeable thinking. The leader of the future must handle the culture of Powersoft, founded by Mitchell Kertzman and President of it. It is the fastest growing software for employment, a driver of the information age and an industry without borders that flourishes thanks to networks, alliances and associations,With international standards for network management instruments, this has been in place since 1995. Soft technology that is prevailing in the world with some speed to facilitate companies to see with good practical eyes the opportunities that are presented to them for big business. Leaders they do not stay, they have a proactive spirit and quick thinking.The leader is admired for being sincere, aware of future possibilities, inspiring and competent, for his human warmth, compliant and because he knows his mistakes without embarrassment. Leaders must be able to manage Good values ​​and principles: Foster strong feelings of personal effectiveness. Promote high levels of loyalty. They facilitate consensus on objectives and work based on objectives, goals and strategies. They promote convincing standards.Reduce stress levels. They encourage healthy pride in the organization. They facilitate understanding and promote teamwork as a method of giving better and greater effective contributions and in the time they are needed. The leader is not a position. Leadership is not a place. It is a constant learning to take risks and innovations. The leader knows that people are the most important asset of the organization, every time they do it. The leader proposes the mission of the moment and the vision of the future of the organization. in a convincing way and mobilizes people around the mission and vision of the organization, because they are clear about what the others want and want. The leader knows how to listen to the client and learn what he values, because the client is virtually in the company.The leaders of the 21st century face greater and more complex demands than those that existed for most of the century that has already ended. The challenges for the new millennium will make the figure of a leader more aware of life and therefore of better effectiveness. Leaders in times of war or economic crisis must do things with the organization to create a sense of strong leadership and achieve success. They are five:

1. Define the activity of the company

2. Create a decisive strategy

3. Behave honestly

4. Respect others

5. Act

  • The leaders generate hope and conviction in the followers. The leader must be serious while being kind and loving. The leaders must have character. The leaders must act humanely and without discrimination. The leader must be persevering in his achievements. The leader generates confidence, certainty, action, strength, expertise, bravery and optimism. The leader becomes a strategist for the organization. Rudeness is not what distinguishes the leader to make decisions. The leader who does the same job year after year can stay Outdated and misnamed leader or manager. Leaders are good drivers of ideologies and become excellent mentors. For leaders, a sense of humor and the ability to throw their heads back and laugh at themselves is essential. leadership are not a biological exclusive.

On the leader and leadership, (The Drucker Foundation) the research showed: "That they are a set of observable ways of proceeding and that can be learned" and it is not reserved for a few of us.

In short, the leader or the leading manager has an investment not very common among the people around him, since he excels with his behavior and with his extensive knowledge that directs his company both in hot and cold times, that is, he is prepared, who as a futurologist sees the future, strength and weakness of his organization, taking risks and providing solutions.

The leader knows ipso-facto that leadership is joint and not individual. *

Chapter 16

The role of the manager

We must all play a role in life, such as that of coordinator, head of a department, father, son, daughter or that of manager, among others, in any case we must assume a position, for reflection or analysis and make decisions that clarify a situation that concerns us; either because it involves greater or lesser risks; however, it must be assumed and faced. That role is the one that many times as a manager brings us into a state of silence and solitude due to the seriousness of a problem that is presented to us.

We often think as a manager that we are lost and that all that baggage of knowledge and experiences does not come to us at the right time and we ask ourselves: What has it been for? It is true, we cannot deny that sometimes we feel powerless, that we do not feel like Nietzche's superman, because we are also human and have our weaknesses.

In contrast to the above; However, our experience and knowledge make us shake and raise our foreheads, experiencing moments of lucidity, tranquility and consultation, that that, the problem that worries, has to be solved, through various options placed on the table. In this way we begin to provide precise and effective solutions for the company.

Consequently we can not let fear dominate us, and rather seek a space of serenity and that allows reasoning, and apply all our knowledge and experience to relate them to the matter, with this we will see that the senior manager who is involved in us, with his wisdom, he would formulate positive solutions. This is not the key to management, but rather procedures that will be generated from an organizational, logical and mental discipline methodology.

Manager friend, but that will happen as long as you choose from the hard disk (brain) all the important elements acquired. I recommend that you take a paper and a pencil and present a simple comparative table of the advantages and non-advantages to solve your situation in the face of the problem and by discard you select the advantages until you solve it. I remind you that you have to turn problems into opportunities. That he should not take as a solution to the problem, the first aspect that arises, it is good to remind Pareto: "He raises a cascade of ideas or solutions", and thus selects the most effective and that serves to propose or carry out negotiations that allow reach a beneficial agreement either for one, for two or more clients or people involved in the case ».

This managerial silence must be broken, which does not allow us to reflect and seek solutions. But I recommend for this, in addition to the wisdom with which you have to act, act with humility, that is, lower the EGO a little, so that the knowledge we sometimes need flows clearly, having it in our heads and we are blind to generate the mental force that triggers the action and reaction as Newton said, to give movement to a body, in this case to the problem.

Let's avoid the negative aspects and the lightness of the decisions even when the harassment of the business demands it many times, please do not pay attention to it because otherwise it stops thinking or reasoning and therefore clarifying our ideas.

Consequently managers are in some way or another leaders who must set an example of progress and not that of suffering and defeat. Because the role is to be managers or true futurologists. You have to predict tomorrow and fight with all the energy in times of crisis despite having a loss in the company, but maintaining its liquidity.

They must have the eyes of the lynx to look at the future and the strength of the lion to be resistant to the adversity of the weather and overcome to continue fighting and solving the daily problems of the company, especially to maintain harmony and human warmth as the main asset from the same.

Remember, manager friend, that balance and integrity must be maintained, elements that give others a firm security for the entire organization. If this is not the case, the manager of any company is assigned the mistake.

They cannot be mistaken, placing managers or department heads, improperly, because the company loses development or because the manager is not interested in self-development, that is, in his own formal growth.

The manager must have a role in which his casuistry is to be a dynamic manager, who is constantly investing in himself to update his knowledge and not go into obsolescence. This paraphrasing the obsolescence that occurs to the equipment until reaching the degree of depreciation with years of use.

Therefore, the manager must be updating every two or three years, and not only do graduates, but also doctorates, PHDs, master's degrees, specializations and permanent personal study, by investing in a good library and periodically reviewing their query books. You have to get used to the basket of books and for this you should visit the bookstores and look at what is the most up-to-date business literature that should not be missing in your library and therefore have been digested and completed for personal benefit and fundamentally for the future of it. company, customers and society. Many others could improve, also through the advice of the important Chambers of Commerce existing in their respective city.

As not to be exaggerated in this, since modern management requires buying, reviewing, delving into the books in order to know what has been lived as an experience, and today to transmit it to colleagues. Every day you must be in contact with the innovations of business management in different topics such as: Informatics, software, the digital economy, the Internet, modern administration, the behavior of the environment, globalization and about business, the marketing and market competition.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have to be more dynamic and skillful in the modern business world, if this is not the case, consider yourself an out manager, whose compass is bad or does not know how to use it to know where it is going.

Invest in being better every day or in continuous improvement, Gemba, as the Japanese call it, so that you become a leading manager in the context of senior management, and especially in management for the Millennium; for Peter F. Drucker, as a guide to the best administration he has given to the universe and the best management to pragmatize in small, medium and large companies, insists that it must be improved every day in business life and not go down the guard, because with any blink of the eye the management world can change and you have to wake up with the eyes of the owl.

Remember, also encourage your staff to take an attitude towards updating for the benefit of all.

There are many young managers who are entering the business environment, with the desire to learn by doing and to execute management methods and techniques ready to change according to the new management. They are scholars and researchers and hope to stand out to figure in the context of cutting-edge managers. This is good that they are always in search of a good and successful personal style and that they enter the competition with quality.

These young people have an interest in growing and developing companies, a product of the University, which after rethinking their teaching to those who are professionalizing, prepares them comprehensively, motivated for change and development.

There are also venerable managers, that is, with a wealth of experiences that may well be useful in the service of a population that, like the Japanese culture, should be used to advise organizations.

Therefore, senior managers should not be considered an obstacle to business management. Well managed the relationship of these managers with young managers, the mixture will give a result of high profitability of tangible and intangible assets for the company, that is, both are necessary for the company and perhaps many of them are wasting an asset as important as He is also the most experienced manager, as long as that combination does not exist, and that in his classified ads, some companies request only young managers.

Chapter 17

The manager's thinking

Managers have their natural talent for high-level positions, but it is necessary to cultivate thinking as a manager. His way of reasoning has to be different from his valuable staff that supports him, that is, he has to direct and look at his organization beyond what they could see, for its development, logically facilitating their participation and their important contributions.

The manager must think carefully about how to handle power and not abuse it, nor exceed control. Not only dedicating oneself to giving orders and not listening, this generates low production and inadequate relationships in people. When he refuses to dialogue, he creates mistrust in subordinates and they may think that he is a weakness for his boss. Having this thought of doing everything does not benefit you at all because you are going to feel with a complex management that will demand all the time in the world and will not have a place to solve the priority problems of the company.

He can experience satisfaction through other people when he entrusts the work to them, who he already knows and what is the ability of each one. Locate your people wisely and increase your productivity.

Thinking as a manager is a process in which you have to persevere. Managing is like any other activity in life that deserves special attention, creating new things and personal style.

Chapter 18

The manager and human talent

It is said that the first professional managers, at the end of the 19th century, took the only model available that was the military organization, where a few gave the orders and many obeyed it, through a clear pyramid structure that has remained for more than one century. This model had a second acceptance in the postwar period, when the scientific and autocratic management was all the rage, led by engineers drawn from plants and the influence of martial discipline that easily permeated the industrial organization.

The autocratic and quantitative model, called Theory X, lost force with the entry of psychologists in personnel administration.

Then came the Y. theory, or the search for management success through the satisfaction of human resources.

Management or administration fluctuated between theory X and Y between sixty and eighty years with consistency for the time and with some scientific topics for its evolution.

With the critical situation of oil, consumption obtained its growth trend and the market in the west was influenced by the Japanese, making incursions with cheaper and excellent quality products.

From there a discussion was presented in the techniques used by the manager, especially in the ways of running the factories with the idea of ​​copying the Japanese. Then the Z theory took over and the world turned its eyes to production.

The North American managers were successful in directing their factories, because they were dedicated to selling, motivating staff, computing, and financial tactics. Japanese managers, on the contrary, learned a lot from North Americans, adapted and innovated American techniques, marking for the West what we know today as the Japanese manager or Japanese management as a model of success or total quality.

Given this success, many countries in the world tried to develop this quality manager and they do so by investing sums of money in industrial infrastructures and they also try to mount the philosophy of quality as a culture and not as a technique.

Today, we talk about the organizational culture of the company, which gives it great help for its development, progress and achievement of its objectives.

This is not exclusive to Japanese managers, it can be adopted with discipline by all managers in the world if they are proposed and managed with the fundamental asset of the company, which is internal and external people.

Currently, the manager is closer to the final consumer and does it through the computer to know their tastes and preferences first hand. Progress is increasingly staggering, especially in personal computers and smart systems.

Managers and companies will be the people and hence the interest charged by human resource management. The manager may not be that former chief of staff, whose work was in the application of the disciplinary regime under the framework of legislation or a collective contract.

The human talent manager has his most important job in preparing the company environment to accept new realities. Your task will be to convince everyone that we must change.

The manager should be the driver of the adaptation change, of the reeducation. You will be committed to making former collaborators young or old in age useful, because their skills may become obsolete due to technological innovations.

Successful companies must adapt to change.

The human resources manager will not only be an important member of the management team. Its management will not be unique, since it will impose a decentralized style of industrial relations, where the bosses are the ones who manage their collaborators, within some schemes and policies designed for consumption but under their guidance.

One of the main tasks of the human talent manager will be to have a staff bank where he can consult when he needs staff. To achieve this inventory, you will have to contact other companies and have an inventory with a profile description for each position. From this comparison, the policies to be formulated in the area of ​​development of human talent will be chosen, always seeking to optimize the efficiency of the resource.

The human talent manager must involve the bosses in the selection of the personnel without imposing the candidate on them. The participation of the psychologist is of great help in this case.

In Colombia we cannot be oblivious to what is happening in the world. The "workers" are already the minority of the human talent of the companies. Their unions are aware of the changes.

Economic openness will lessen the pressure that unions can exert by making imported goods and services available with which to compete efficiently.

The manager of human talent in Colombia must prepare his people to assimilate the technology, as I already mentioned, that will come to us as a consequence of the opening. The task today is to motivate employees before managing workers. "Let's make our bosses real managers of human talent."

Chapter 19

The Japanese manager and productivity

It is important to know the characteristics of the Japanese manager and management regarding productivity based on the Japan Productivy Center and the Rome conference, this cause that presents us with the opportunity for us to reflect constructively in relation to the Colombian manager and the management we exercise. I consider this contribution of special added value to improve what has to be improved and without underestimating and disrespecting at any time what we manage to do according to our environment, according to our philosophy and according to our Colombian culture, for this reason I believe that it should not have been lacking this topic in the book, as the Japanese managers and the way of exercising their management, which is still a model for the world. More than an extensive account of this experience, allow me, Mr. Reader,record the topic as items of interest to everyone.

The manager's purpose in productivity is to scientifically maximize the use of resources, labor, facilities, reduce production costs, expand markets, increase employment, and aim for higher real wages and increased living standards for interest. common to staff, manager and to all consumers.

Japanese Industry:

He has a certain superiority with the face of the world:

  • High production High quality Low cost Just time Just productivity techniques and systems: Total quality control Circulate total quality control Maintenance of productivity Just time

For this, people need to change their attitude.

Essential Characteristics of a Good Japanese Manager

It is unique and superior in some areas:

  • Always close to the workplace. Makes necessary improvements. Extensive job description and flexible assignment. Boosts teamwork. Has initiative and creativity. Is alert and alert. Shares information. Retains 5S / 3S (base work) will be explained later.Preserves the work ethic.It offers mutual trust.Your vision is long-term.

In the West, the job description is given and the worker or type of person to be hired is sought. In contrast, in Japan, company managers include the normal job description and assign special jobs to people after they are hired.

There is no dividing line between two jobs, this is the difference. Many times employees are transferred to different jobs when there is a need.

"People are hired without a job description. First there is the person and then the work »; that is, this is the theoretical assignment of work, under the Japanese concept. So there are certain gaps in deliberate and unconscious responsibilities, due to human nature. There is also adequate inspection and supervision. That supervision, with the best human and learning concept.

For this reason the manager must give him all the necessary information and also for this he is flexible. In contrast, in the western region, it may not be flexible and information may be lacking.

Manager's flexible mind

The first thing that the Japanese manager programs is training, which gives rise to opportunities, to understand that there is human activity to act according to his own criteria. They are not employed to perform mechanical tasks, follow orders, or comply with procedures, because they are not robots.

The workers go out to play soccer and leave the limits of their work, since work is an order and soccer is fun, but they have all the flexibility of the case to be creative and efficient.

How to make work similar to what happens in soccer? Flexibility is very important and sharing information is much better as an essential part of soccer, which is successful and must be taken up with management, that is, timely information, specific site and assigned work. Ask yourself Mr. Manager: Why does the player enjoy it? For flexibility and teamwork. This is a concept of management applied to sport.

There are excellent workers, but teamwork is the victory for being happy, for sharing the action and for the appropriate combination of the sense of initiation. This is the flexible mind.

In other words, corporate deficiency is improved with good teamwork. Real quality is not only achieved with the scientific method of quality control, but with the fruit of everyone's creativity.

The Japanese do what they have to do and are fast and dedicated, leaving room for people to take initiatives. This flexibility permeates the minds of good workers, at their own initiative and at their own discretion. With these methods, companies such as: Matashusita, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Honda, among others, have been successful and have had the leadership of their senior management and the contribution of many employees.

In the manager and employee relationship, one does not seek guilt when something is missing so as not to discourage it; if you don't look for what went wrong. The manager is not an accuser but an investigator.

A Japanese proverb is: "Every failure will be an opportunity for success."

Loyalty is not the foundation if you do not love and enjoy your work.

Ethics at work:

As a productivity work ethic they have five practicing principles that are represented like this:

3 / S, 5 / S and decrypt:

  • SEFRI = Elimination of unnecessary objects.SITON = Put ​​things in good order.SEISO = CleaningSEIKETSU = Maintenance of cleanliness and neatness.SHITSUKE = Basic discipline for the operation.

Where the first three correspond to 3 / S and the five correspond to 5 / S.

The work ethic is to have a more autonomous behavior based on the employee's own criteria and with true ethics at work or in what is being done. It is requesting help at any stage of the process where it is required without omitting it.

Focus their work on a long time and with great effort, that is, they have a longer term than the North American manager who works with planning for results and in the short term, the Japanese manager, on the other hand, is always looking at the different long term, in general, to the western approach.


The manager in Japan emphasizes the processes, which for them is important in order to get good results. If people are well educated and have a mind oriented towards work, the achievements are greater. This experience reminds me of my work as Manager or Director of Public Health in the Municipality of Medellín, where we began to work our objectives by processes, also applying general systems theory, which allowed us to really see the results, by virtue of costs. and of the time in which the processes had been set, with their respective goals and tasks; It is very useful as long as the manager trains and educates his staff.

The term KAIZEN in Japan refers to the continuous improvement of the process mentality, which must be implemented before reaching the results; KAIZEN in turn is people-oriented and directs people's efforts. This stands in stark contrast to the result-oriented mindset as most Western managers do.

Japan is a process-oriented society, while the United States is results-oriented. This does not mean that the latter is also good. As I mentioned, Japanese management tends to emphasize the activity of people with the evaluation and results obtained from them, because looking at a manager and a management like the above, I think that it is not everything, that every time we have to look and practice new techniques, new strategies that make the manager better and his way of acting in the face of the demands of change to be more effective; however teamwork, quality circle, work ethic, mental flexibility and process work with the help where required to correct, are important tools to improve productivity.

Chapter 20

The manager and the service

The manager must take into account the elements of the service as means to satisfy the client, who are our reason for being and make our companies change to accommodate them and make us more successful. This is how the elements you choose are those that appear in the figure that you will see later.

The manager is the brain of the organization if he directs and puts plans and programs on the table with his team; likewise, what they hope to achieve to increase tangible and intangible profits.

The employees are the operators, who act according to the plans, programs and processes to satisfy their counterpart or external client, who are virtually present in each of the processes and make the operator better every day.

The external client is our reason to generate services, alternatives with an attractive portfolio, that reaches him where he lives and resides, with quality, opportunity or where he can move comfortably to acquire the service he needs for himself and his family. This is why the customer has to win and the supplier, the company and the employees have to win.

The processes correspond to different stages of developing a service, some stages are easier than others, so in order to have a balance of execution, it is necessary to have some protocols or procedures to consult, which generates effectiveness, quality and opportunity for delivery.

The environment or market is constantly influencing the service offered in terms of what the customer wants, be it due to technological advances, fashion, speed, quality, in short, the novelty of the service. This element places us in the competition and in its successful permanence, so it cannot be neglected. So, you should look at the behavior of the population or our niche in the market, the product and its acceptance, how the rules and policies of management favor it and its potentiality extends the coverage of said service to other segments or, if It is necessary to diversify the service that until now was had.

Management and manager challenges facing market changes

On the other hand, Karl Albrecht exposes his service triangle in his book: "Service Management", which includes: The service strategy, the systems, the people and the customer at the center says: "What can managers do in a company? service company, which directly or indirectly maximizes the quality of the customer experience in the many moments of truth? It is believed that it is useful to think of the company and the customer as closely linked in a triangular kind of relationship.

This triangle of service, people and systems, which revolve more or less around the client in creative interaction, represents a process rather than a structure, and forces us to include the client in our conception of the business. "

Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman point out in search of excellence, the ultimate importance of "being close to the customer" with this, they mean that you must know down to the last detail what the customer sincerely wants, what he likes, what what you don't like, what you buy and what you don't buy.

You have to contact him and have a brief dialogue with him and he will surely provide us with useful ideas to keep pending in the company. In service management, it is interesting because it is about intangibles that only the client and we can make more attractive and complete.

Chapter 21

The manager in and the imagination

The new manager will seek the appropriate, disciplined environment and the time necessary to create his own laboratory of the intellect to transform the managerial virtual reality that he wants into highly efficient management of many situations that will overcome not only the routine problem, but also the changes of plans, processes, models and / or methods that have been difficult for us to change, that lead through research to obtain the super-success for the benefit of the company and humanity.

There will be an era when the impossible becomes a reality with respect to the feats that the manager of the future will be able to perform by becoming a super manager. Achieving this, management will be the most pleasant and easy to perform due to the tendency that the company will have to become a successful company; After structuring it as such, the manager will have to feel it and live it as such, rising with wisdom and power, but with humility, stating: "I am" and "we are", because it will give indirect leadership to his leadership where everyone they feel part of the achievement. Where the quality of goods, products and services becomes routine. Businesses are more flexible; benefits will increase, as the quality of life of its employees will be better, unemployment will be considerably reduced,and investments greater than today because fear of risks will be neutralized with the security of the IN Manager.

All those matters, without stopping evaluating them, that occupy our time and make us sick as much as intrigue, politicking, lack of logical and scientific rationing, cerebrovascular diseases, will pass to a secondary level, for the reason that for them there will be no time due to the demands of more important management things to which the IN Manager, his executives and employees are delivered, because they are dedicated to the search for the organization, for the best communication, for the executive, for the most already satisfied production with quality and timely service.

Thus, customer satisfaction is reduced, leaving him increasingly happy because he will be virtually and in the flesh the lord and master of that business world, in which competition will be more questioned, because all managers will demonstrate as IN managers, for Therefore, the power of openness and globalization will make a lot of sense with the tendency and opportunity of companies to participate in an internationally competitive market.

From that perspective plane and from that vision of the brilliant manager and brilliant company, we could support the states or governments, humanity and perhaps the universe because we would have the ingrained conception of the ecological manager and the environmental manager, where the knowledge feeback would be recycling to build and not to destroy, where the sense of living would depend, fundamentally, on the care of nations and the world. Consequently, they would be more sensible managers in the good expression of the word and less belligerent managers and full of weaknesses. The great strength would be that emotional balance in all circumstances of life.

The opportunity is open to all, we could call it "the scientific business management of the future".

There is that opportunity for change in the creative brain, in the BRAIN TORMING connected to the Internet and the highway of knowledge through fiber optics that will fix that information on the retina transforming the way of thinking of today and tomorrow. Super managerial telepathy will become a reality every time and it will be possible to practice methodologically, improving the company with another organizational culture than it has at the moment.

Perhaps stress will not be so much the scourge of today's managers, because more skillful and effective tools will be readily available to maintain the emotional balance or emotional intelligence that is always altered today, that is, more and better regulated gyms, psychoanalysis consultations that are necessary as a custom…

In short, virtual technology and the metaverse or future will bring great inventions to the world that will allow the manager to carry out a more comfortable, successful management and the moment we start walking we already want to run.

Why not conceive these ideas, when in NASA-United States, there is a project: "Project Phoenix in the Search for Extraterrestrials". Remember my friend, that the impossible has the rare habit of becoming reality.

Today, we are engaged in what Margaret Wheatley, in Leadership and the New Science (1992, p. 17), describes as "nothing less than the search for new sources of order in our world."

But we have studied very seriously the consequences of what Peter Drucker recently warned: That "all organizations have to incorporate change management into their structures" (Harvard Business Review, September-October 1992, p. 27).

The manager and the imagination, is a subject of warning and interest, which in the business field becomes a requirement for the management of today and tomorrow with all the reasons of being or not being, imaginary or not imaginary, what functionality is important, apply it mr manager with enthusiasm.

Chapter 22

The manager and globalization

Today's manager is in a serious moment of truth as the competition is not within his country, this behavior has exceeded the limit in the world, placing the competition on an international level, which prospects market are others, that humanity has given a quantum push -from quantum physics or energy that can propagate- towards the future, becoming a citizen of the world, which constitutes one of the connotations of globalization and a milestone in the Universal history.

It is now important that we remember the philosophical and ideological events that marked revolutionary changes in the societies of the globe, such as the Industrial Revolution, which created a new social order.

It is more than a century in 1840 that two great thinkers and leaders such as Carlos Marx and Federico Engels, formulated the scientific theory of social development and inferred their own history without the need for dark or enigmatic forces, that their history is not arbitrary and they pointed out "that every society represents an integral organism, called economic-social formation", and that the transition from one formation to another takes place through a social revolution that changes both the productive forces and the relations of production.

From here, in the industrial revolution, the fundamental profiles of bourgeois and capitalist society were formed. The proletariat arose from manufacturing to factory, whose historical mission was to create a new regime like capitalism itself, communism, and socialism; Fights between these forces arose and in today's world capitalism persists and only one socialist country like Cuba, because the USSR -Union of Soviet Socialist Republics- dissolved with the arrival of the Gorbachev government and its development plan called "La Perestróica", occurred in 1991 and continued by Boris Yeltsin.

But the case of these transcendental changes for humanity were those that affected production techniques, work instruments, transformation of the productive forces and social structure. All this begins with the labor movement in England in the 15th century with the rise of the industrial proletariat and the industrial bourgeoisie. Then France, Germany, the United States and Russia continue with the revolution, the birth of scientific socialism.

With this reflection, which is not a reason to deepen this chapter, dear reader, I wish to express to you that managers are face to face before another influential revolution in today's society, with globalization, you are no longer a local participant but a participant. universal by virtue of telecommunications and economic openness, which are not determined solely by governments but by markets, foreign trade and satellite communications.

Globalization is making the borders between countries flexible, if you like, so that both individuals and companies are more transnational. For this reason, the EURO currency and / or the dollar in the economic market is imposed for the necessary monetary transactions as the only world economic language. Globalization displaces all fields and provides a gift, which is the gift of ubiquity, where you want to go through communication.

So globalization is a potential market in which the economy, ideology, politics, social, cultural, religious, technological, ecological, etc. converge, where a culture is likely to be imposed on a country foreign, different lifestyles, imported management model and even change of values ​​by the power that other nations have to supply the world with their products and services. It is from this perspective or more than one perspective, an inevitable reality, that third world countries must warn to preserve their identity, because such influence may lead to both advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, it is reiterated that one belongs to the world, so if a country is affected, it will affect the others.That is why the integration of the weakest countries in the economic and financial field is also essential so that together they can defend themselves, if they want, from the disadvantages they face in the face of globalization. Some examples of this union as integration of countries are: The European Union, ECLAC, Mercosur, the Andean Pact and the Host Congress of Panama and El Alca.

Another example, but in the sense of how globalization negatively affects other countries, is the economic and financial occurred in some Asian countries, which after having had a buoyant economy, that is, with great accessibility to markets, with excellent quality of life, with high capacity for indebtedness and attractive to invest, its economic model collapsed despite the most modern administrative fads practiced like that of Michael Porter and others. As a result of this situation, many western countries have been affected, including Colombia.

For all the above reasons that leave no doubt that it is becoming a reality and that we are obliged to compete, the manager and business organizations will have to warn the changes in the countries in a timely manner and as a strengthened unit contribute good ideas to the respective government to choose to the best determinations.

In conclusion

The security for an organization is given by the permanent, controlled and adjusted preparation that its manager has, which is guarantor to reduce the fear and risks that in gray times are approaching the company, taking advantage of problems as opportunities to increase creativity to maintain both internal and external clients and persevere to continue serving society.

That there are no key formulas to face risks, but you can have an excellent organization to reduce them, solidarity and a dynamic, technical team that thinks and acts quickly.

The recipe I have given for the leader is not easy to obtain. It takes hard work and sensitivity to be an effective leader. However, I recommend that you cultivate with desire. To constantly study what can add value to your organization, until you become the IN Manager.

We must give way to the knowledge society. Only with the collapse of Marxism as an ideology and of communism as a system did a new society open up. It is no longer just capital, natural resources or labor the economic future, it is and will also be knowledge. The dichotomy will be between intellectuals and managers in the era of knowledge or administrative revolution.

Thank you.


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Management and its challenges in the face of market changes