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Document management according to iso standards. presentation


Document Management empowers all areas of the organization to use document-based information more effectively, while allowing better location and retrieval of documents.


When we talk about document management we are referring to the application of technology and also to the procedures that will allow the management and unification of the information that is generated by the organization.

Benefits of document management:

  • It allows to establish a space that is shared between the company and the client. It considerably increases the informative value of the company. It avoids duplicating the tasks as well as the time it takes to search for the internal information of the organization. It also increases the quality of service and productivity within the company.

Document management

In the simplest and most authentic definition of the term, it is a system used to manage documents, whatever the format in which they are systematized.


According to the concept of Michael Buckland:

An information container, that is, what makes it possible to organize, present and manage information related to a fact, a person or a certain subject.


According to NC-ISO 9000: 2005, 3.7.2:

It is information (data that have meaning) and its means of support, example Record (3.7.6), specification (3.7.3), documented procedure, plan, report, standard.


  • NOTE 1: The media may be paper, magnetic, optical or electronic disk, photograph or pattern sample, or a combination of these. NOTE 2: A set of documents, eg specifications and records, are often called 'documentation'. NOTE 3: Some requirements (3.1.2) (for example, the requirement to be legible) are related to all types of documents, although there may be different requirements for the specifications (for example, the requirement to be controlled by revisions) and records (for example, the requirement to be recoverable).


Basic hand tools:

Log books, folders, filing cabinets, boxes and shelves where paper documents (and later audiovisuals and documents on magnetic or optical media) are kept, files or transcripts that allow cross-referencing and a long list of information retrieval techniques using coding and classification systems


In the 60s of the 20th century

  • Database programs known as MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging) or Computer-readable Cataloging are created, databases, word processors and other office applications, and filing cabinets.


Business Management Systems

  1. Quality management system, in accordance with the provisions of the NC ISO 9001: 2008 standard. Management system for the competence of calibration laboratories, in accordance with the provisions of the NC ISO IEC 17025: 2005 standard. Management system for The competence of inspection bodies, in accordance with the provisions of

    NC ISO IEC 17020: 1999, Occupational health and safety management system, in accordance with provisions of NC 18001: 2005, Integrated management system for competition of Human capital, in accordance with the provisions of standard NC 3001: 2005

    Business Management Systems Environmental management system, in accordance with the provisions of the NC ISO 14001: 2004 standard. Internal control system in accordance with the provisions of resolution 297/2003 of the Ministry of Finance and Prices. Manual for the Management and Technical Organization of the Product (in MINBAS). Business Improvement in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law 252 of the State Council On the continuity and strengthening of the Cuban Business Management and Administration System.

    Decree-Law 281 of the Minister's Council Regulation for the implementation and consolidation of the

    State Business Management and Administration System. Energy management system, in accordance with the provisions of NC ISO 50001: 2011


Relationship between the standards regarding the Systems Documentation

NC ISO 9001: 2008 NC ISO 14001: 2004 NC 18001: 2004

4.2 Documentation Requirements 4.4.4 Documentation

SGA 4.4.4 SST Documentation

4.2.1 General 4.4.5 Control of Documents 4.4.5 Control of Documents

4.2.2 Quality Manual

4.2.3 Control of Documents

4.2.4 Control of Records

Rules for Elaboration

First rule: Realism

Second rule: Avoid excessive detail

Rule Three: Use Charts and Flowcharts

Fourth rule: Use references to other documents

Rule Five: Use Models When Appropriate

Sixth rule: Take advantage of existing documentation

NC ISO 9001: 2008

4.2.1 General


Size of the organization

Type of activities

Complexity of the processes

Interaction of the processes Staff competence

Frequent errors

  1. Underestimating the importance of senior management commitment The endless manual Misassigning responsibility for the project Allowing participation to degenerate into chaos Copying with impunity what other companies have done Frequent mistakes The useless verbiage Succumbing to "quality - fiction" Exaggerating the volume of documentation Approval circuits and distribution Leave the whole task in the hands of an advisor



Identified stages

1. Determination of documentation needs

Objective: To determine the types of documents that must exist in the organization to guarantee that the processes are carried out under controlled conditions.

Tasks: 1. Study the Norms that govern the Management Systems applied in the organization.

2. Study specific regulations of the sector.

3. Determine the types of documents that must exist

Types of documents

So we usually have to have organizations:

  • Legal Folder Procedures Manuals General and specific procedures Prevention Plan Record of Control Actions Records

In addition, there may be other documents such as:

  • Inspection and test plans Product master files Reports Plans Drawings, diagrams Labels Certificates Prospects Regulations Invoices Storage cards Models Instructions

2. Diagnosis of the documentation situation

Objective: To know the situation of the documentation in the organization comparing what exists with the needs determined in the previous stage


  1. Prepare the diagnostic guide Execute the diagnosis Prepare and present the diagnostic report Document system design

Objective: To establish all the general elements necessary for the elaboration of the Documentary System.


  1. Define the hierarchy of the documentation. Define authority and responsibility for the elaboration of the documentation at each level. Define structure and format of the Manual. Determine the processes of the documentation. Establish the flow of the documentation. Make the Plan of elaboration of the doc. Plan the training of the personnel involved

Determine the processes of the documentation

Management of the technical documentation

Use of the documentation

Planning of the preparation

Entries: information about the need for documentation and the real possibility of satisfying this need.

4. Preparation of documentation.

Objective: Prepare, review and approve all documents at each level.


  1. Train the personnel involved. Prepare the general procedures. Prepare Manuals. Prepare other documents according to Plan. Review and approve all the documents.

Implementation of the Documentary System

Objective: Put into practice what is established in the documents prepared.


  1. Define the implementation schedule. Distribute the documentation to all those involved. Determine the training needs and update the training plan. Implement the provisions of the documents. Collect documented evidence of the above.

Maintenance and improvement

Objective: Maintain the adequacy of the system to the needs of the organization through continuous improvement.


  1. Carry out internal audits to identify opportunities for improvement. Implement corrective and preventive actions aimed at eliminating nonconformities in the documentation.

Structure of the General Procedures according to NC ISO 10013

Parts Character Content

Mandatory Objective Will define the objective of the procedure

Mandatory Scope Will specify the scope of application of the procedure

Responsibilities Mandatory Will designate those responsible for executing and supervising compliance with the procedure

Terms and definitions Optional It will clarify if necessary the use of uncommon terms or definitions applicable to the procedure.

Mandatory Procedure It will describe in chronological order the set of operations necessary to execute the procedure.

Documentation requirements Mandatory Will list all the records that must be completed during the execution of the procedure.

References Mandatory Will refer all those documents that have been consulted or mentioned in the procedure.


Optional: It will include the format of the records, plans, tables or some other material that facilitates the understanding of the procedure.

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Document management according to iso standards. presentation