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Structure management and strategic change management


It is facing numerous irruptions in the business, industrial and institutional world, which have been marked by the foundations laid by the thinkers of administrative sciences since the beginning of the 20th century, which at the time their methods are considered orthodox at this time, However, these scientists like Taylor, Fayol, Mayo and Weber for bringing up some emblematic ones, contributed significantly to what is management and organization management in this millennium. The thesis forged by Betancourt in the work of "Strategic Management: Navigating towards the Fourth Paradigm" will be addressed.

In the framework of the new emerging approaches that currently cover organizations, an argumentative, reflective and critical analysis of the management of structures and strategic management of organizational change will be carried out, as a continuous need for the revision of structures, for the purposes to adapt better to the environment, which allows us to prepare for the changes that future times hold, is a constant for business adaptability processes, thus responding to the challenges that global markets and competition bring.


In order to approach the issues, the two basic terms that involve the strategic management of organizational change are theoretically contextualized, oriented to the design of emerging, modern and innovative management strategies to maintain competitive advantages over the others, thus avoiding losing the north of self-regeneration for the transformation that the market deserves. For Betancourt (2002), strategic management seeks to “break the traditional structure of organizations, to make way for a horizontal structure where all functional areas are integrated in a participatory way around strategic projects, with processes that have a principle and an end… ”(p.105).

Then, she encourages within organizations that a set of factors such as intellectual, structural, technological, procedural, financial, operational and productive are systematically geared to achieve the objectives and goals outlined in the plan designed for growth and market positioning, attending to the concepts of sustainability, sustainability and change. As for the management of structures, it seeks to establish hierarchically the levels of command, taking into account the institutional management philosophy.


Based on what he pointed out at the end of the 20th century, Barker (1995), who proposed three key elements for strategic management in order to be competitive today, namely "excellence, innovation and anticipation". (p.21). This scientific apprentice in the managerial scenario, considers that organizations in the context of the management of structures and strategies for change intend as a sine qua non condition, excellence to be competitive in the markets increasingly volatilized by the overwhelming inventions that It prints computerization, digital networks and communications as agents to transform into an increasingly globalized economic system, demanding quality of products or services.

The innovation is associated with all areas of the organization, in terms of intellectual capital, it must continually reinvent themselves in education, training and professionalization to adapt to these changes, the business investment in management information systems (GIS) they will make it more efficient and effective in the production of goods and services; review the most flexible and adaptive organic structures typical of the complex systems of Maturana and Valera's autopoiesis thesis, where organizations are able to self-regulate, self-organize and self-correct and thus return to the previous state or go to a new evolutionary state, to be in constant transformation.

Regarding anticipation, organizations must anticipate the events brought about by global dynamics in all aspects, technology, intellectual, relational capital, materials, systems, structures, finance, commercialization, sales and marketing, among others, to prevent the abrupt changes brought by the new information and communication technologies from taking them by surprise.


In the scenario of strategic change management, Betancourt (ob.cit), mentions that there are “… adaptive strategies that serve to respond to the changes that are currently taking place in the environment… but anticipatory strategies serve to be promoters of change and make the competition have to change at the pace that we impose… ”(p.20). However, contrary to the author's thesis, anticipatory strategies cannot unilaterally attribute the transformations that potential competitors develop of a product or services in an increasingly globalized system, it would be an attempt to underestimate the strategic management of these other companies.

In short, this doctoral student assumes as management of structures and strategies for change, intellectual management as the apex of organizations of the new millennium based on computerization, digital networks and management information systems to develop and achieve objectives with a view to positioning itself in the markets, with higher levels of competitive advantages in the case of the business sector and those related to the government, improve public services for governance and governability.


Finally, there is an urgent need for the business and institutional sectors to constantly review the organizational structures and strategies that they draw to achieve their objectives, linked to the penetration of products and services with high levels of quality to the satisfaction of users and consumers; Here the intellectual management of people has a transcendental weight, as well as the investment of technology, digital networks and management information systems to achieve substantial changes, where adaptive strategies are, together with the autopoiesis thesis, a guide to achieve success.


  • Betancourt, J. (2002). Strategic Management: navigating towards the Fourth Paradigm. Available online: http://www.eumed.net/ce/2013/gestion-estrategica-navegando-hacia-cuarto-paradigma-revision.html. Venezuela. Eumed.net. Barker, J. (1995). Paradigms: The business of discovering the future. Colombia. Mc Graw Hill, Yacambú University, Vice Rectorate for Research and Postgraduate (2007). Norms for the Preparation and presentation of the Special Works of Degree, Works of Degree and Doctoral Theses of the UNY. Barquisimeto.
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Structure management and strategic change management