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Management of corporate communication gcc


Currently there are a large number of organizations, mainly medium and small, that associate "Corporate Communication Management" (GCC) with "Difficulties". According to my perception, these difficulties would focus on three key aspects.

The first, "The Expense"

The second is to relate that communication addressed abroad to "Advertising".

The third aspect occurs internally, and refers to one of the main difficulties for senior management in the implementation of an Internal Communication Strategy (ICG), opening spaces for expression and that these leave central control and by both attempt to diminish their power.

The origin of these visions lies in both practical and conceptual situations, the issue is that it seems to me that even those of us who are dedicated to communication management have not been able to expose the contribution of the GCC with sufficient clarity, so that a greater number Public and private corporations can access the opportunities offered by this organizational discipline.

Let us dwell on the three aspects mentioned.

  • The "Expense". Indeed, the instruments used to measure management results generally do not apply to the evaluation of communication actions.

For this reason, when investing in the matter, the perception of the leaders is that “an expense” was made, generally there is no measurement (quantitative and qualitative) of the impact of said expense on profitability.

In this sense, the GCC has indicators, goals and means of verification, as well as other corporate areas. The fact that the GCC is measurable and evaluated based on the expected results is a significant step for those who make strategic decisions to consider its implementation as part of the business strategy.

  • Communication v / s Advertising. Advertising is an area of ​​Marketing that, due to its high visibility and impact, is considered synonymous with all communicational actions. Therefore, when speaking of Communication, even if it carries the surname of corporate or strategic, it still tends to be associated with the generation of advertising elements or appearance in the mass media:

Brochures, TV commercials, radio, among others. Likewise, it is common for Communication to be linked to journalistic and PR activity, that is, relations with the press, production of events to name a few. It turns out that Corporate Communication Management effectively incorporates actions from these disciplines of social communication, however its main value and difference is that it performs a Structural intervention. We can recognize the GCC because it is a planning fundamentally aligned with the Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Organization. The purpose of the GCC is to functionally support Business Management, for which it segments internal audiences (employees, suppliers, customers) - external audiences (regulatory bodies, NGO, partner, community), designs actions,defines content and means of communication appropriate to each stakeholder, in order to strengthen both the organization at its base, in its identity, and "abroad".

Likewise, the GCC necessarily has a positive impact on Reputation, since it makes the link between reality (when there is adequate business management) and the symbolic representation of that reality (perceptions, expectations) of the different target audiences.

  • Strategy and power. What is known as internal communication is often confused with a series of isolated actions within organizations. Thus, the mere fact that there is an "Intranet", "Mural Diaries" or Birthday Celebrations seems to solve the problem of communication. Indeed, this can be transformed into actions, coexistence activities or contingency dissemination (improvement of the work environment, specific information, etc.), however if we opt for this type of communication rather than an internal, planned and systematic Strategy, we miss the opportunity to strengthen corporate identity, to enhance strategic objectives, among other aspects. In short, we lose the opportunity to project the organization considering its main communicational asset: Employees.

The issue is that there are still reluctances to provide tools to workers for greater participation, to open spaces for opinion and to make senior management decisions and actions known in a systematic way, this is due to a historical belief related to the possible loss of authority power. Fear of uprisings, excessive requests from employees and greater access by them to information complicates the installation of Internal Communication Management (GCI). Given this, it is decided to carry out minor actions that respond to specific situations.

The theme is that the power of authority can only increase with the implementation of Internal communication management, which includes opening communication spaces (ascending, descending, horizontal).

The GCI allows to know at different levels and through different tools, the people who make up the organization. Thus, it is possible to welcome good ideas, respond in a timely manner to possible conflicts, successfully face the changes and commit them, beyond the contractual level, with the Corporate Project. The Communication Strategy, and not the isolated actions, will make it possible to align the entire organization in the same direction, tune its "human capital" with a common vision. Employees of truly successful organizations with high reputations are always informed, motivated and proud to belong to it.

This does not happen spontaneously, it has to do with an explicit strategy whose guidelines are given by senior management. The GCI allows monitoring actions, measuring their results, therefore far from diminishing the power of the authority, empowers both leaders and collaborators, and provides key inputs for their greater competitiveness.

The statement "The company is the message" (adapted from the statement "the medium is the message" by Mac Luhann) allows us to understand that EVERYTHING that is known about the company (real or not) is related, sooner or later, to what what those who work there feel, think and speak.

For this, the ICG must start from a diagnosis that identifies the critical points and proposes alternative solutions. Later in the implementation, permanent feedback should be considered in order to know the moods, perceptions and expectations of the "internal client". The company must be able, as with its external customers, to win the loyalty of its employees. The latest marketing trends refer to measuring the concept of "customer loyalty". The measurement called “Net Promoter” starts from asking a unique question to customers: How likely are you to recommend our product or service to your family and friends? Although the measurement is intended for external clients (they must answer on a scale of one to ten and the results are grouped into three broad categories),It is perfectly possible that the GCI starts with increasing employee loyalty, it is about generating reputation from the inside out, which undoubtedly adds value and generates greater Corporate solidity.

  • Final comment

The first axiom of Communication is the one that says: "It is Impossible not to communicate", therefore it is a great mistake not to consider this discipline as a key intangible in the management of any organization. If the GCC (internal and external) is executed efficiently, it will always have a positive impact on the organization's results.

In short, communicating strategically generates trust bonds with stakeholders, makes the company more "attractive" and more competitive, as well as facilitating the opening of new business opportunities. For this to happen, in addition to aligning the GCC with the mission, vision and strategic objectives of the organization, it is key to identify relevant stakeholders and prioritize them, to then motivate, inform, dialogue, raise awareness, generate networks and make them through the most appropriate content and media.


Daring to look at Communication as a strategic function is key for an organization to be more competitive. Raising indicators, goals and measuring the results achieved allows to visualize the results of the Management in Corporate Communication (GCC) and to eliminate the one that is associated with "Expenditure". Without a doubt, Communication must be installed in the top management and in the DNA of the organization, so that isolated actions are never carried out, but are strategically planned, aligned with the corporate mission and objectives.

Communication acts internally, generating greater commitment, motivation and loyalty in employees, helping them to become collaborators and main responsible for increasing the Institutional reputation. Externally, it acts by linking the main stakeholders with the organization, allowing them to listen to their opinions and make them "accomplices" of management.

Management of corporate communication gcc