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Crisis management in organizations


Regardless of their size and structure, the organizations of our country are being crossed by phenomena of abrupt changes that generate insecurity, difficulty in taking care of what one has and in thinking about the future.

Indeed the crisis enters the companies: But what crisis are we talking about?

Basically a crisis implies a situation of rupture with a previous order and a difficulty in responding to the new situation with the usual methods for solving problems.

The seemingly orderly world of business is fractured by abrupt modification, the possibilities of planning and moving in unfamiliar terrain are limited.

The crisis circle is defined in terms of self-fulfilling promise: As I earn less, I decrease my quality and therefore I sell half.

The Passive Attitude towards the crisis basically implies a resignation to the external elements, it does not allow the adaptation to be triggered and the "economic crisis" paralyzes the field of behavior. Hundreds of company speeches revolve in this sense: »The fault lies with…» »Nothing can be done in this context…«. Phrases like these mark our attachment to a previous frame of reference and the difficulties of thinking about the new reality and its possibilities.

The Active Attitude, on the other hand, implies an adaptation action, the change is assumed and the new contexts begin to be explored, using tools that serve to look at the new reality.

Any plan to exit the crisis begins with an active attitude to change and is made up of three fundamental elements:

° Make an active reading of reality recognizing new actors and new scenarios and constitute a NEW PROJECT.

° Plan the way out of the crisis with specific objectives and programs that delimit the short and long term.

° Build highly effective teams to manage change.

The exit plan to the crisis necessarily implies constituting a new project that must provide answers to a new reality. And it is here where it recovers importance to recover the entrepreneurial spirit, that capacity to perceive, to create, to act that is at the beginning of all entrepreneurship. To recover the entrepreneurial spirit is to achieve that high achievement motivation again, understood as the impulse to act enthusiastically in challenging situations.

But if we want to get somewhere we must know what path to take and this is where we must work on the implementation of rigorous planning of our actions in light of achievable and achievable objectives.

Unlike other times of greater security, the planning of the crisis turns to the short term, you must advance step by step with small objectives and with creativity, that is the stamp that should mark all strategies.

Strategic planning techniques allow us to analyze and change the reality of our company, starting with knowledge of the current situation to arrive at the desired situation. It is a disciplined method of relating to a desired future.

In this way, planning our way out of the crisis implies:

° Analyze our reality according to the internal and external impacts of the crisis on our organization

° Set achievable and verifiable overall goals to serve as compasses for the process

° Determine action strategies that allow us to achieve our objectives

° Set specific goals

° Select activities and resources for each specific objective

° Develop work plans

° Specify monitoring and evaluation actions

Each of these steps allows us to direct our resources to the same direction based on knowledge about new scenarios.

And finally, it is important to recognize the synergistic potential of teams in organizations as a powerful tool in a plan to exit the crisis.

The notion of team implies taking advantage of the collective talent produced by each person in their interaction with others. And here lies the importance of the concept of synergy: the sum of individual energies that multiplies progressively, reflecting on the entire group.

Synergy tells us that one plus one is more than two and this is the concept that organizations must understand and appropriate as an indispensable tool in the constitution of an exit plan to the crisis.

The constitution of effective teams is a path towards excellence, a path that is urgent when organizations are in crisis and must enhance their resources and skills in search of different alternatives that respond to new scenarios.

Crisis management in organizations