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Maintenance management and iso 55000 on physical asset management

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This research presents how the application of a maintenance management model such as ISO 55000, an international standard that encompasses total asset management, can be relevant. This standard covers a whole concept of control, monitoring and improvement, in her case she explains that it must be done, but not how to do it, the application of a management model based on the standard allows compliance with specific requirements and characteristics that guide the company on issues such as safety, quality and production.

The proposed method is a synthesis of the ISO 55000 standard since it expresses the elements of management, audit of the management system, identification of key points regarding the standard, development of the work plan, implementation of the plan and perfectly auditable for accreditation.

The model for maintenance management must be adjusted to the organization (that does not systematically affect its current structure), it must comply with the strategic objectives of the company that are aligned with those of maintenance, optimization of headquarters management based on sustainability and operability equipment, risk management, costs, focus on total life cycle and performance, is determined using the characteristics reliability and critical analysis. To be able to base decisions on statistics and key indicators. The management described for the project represents is a way for a medium-sized company to undertake asset management with the basic knowledge and application of key tools that will take it on the path of continuous improvement and excellence at world class levels.


The main objective of this research is the generation of a maintenance management model that is specific to medium-production industries, that can be audited on a standard basis and that its implementation allows each evaluation to be analytical to prevent and improve the current system. (continuous improvement and good practices).

Industrial maintenance is known in organizations by the department that is in charge of watching over the state of the physical assets of the company, subject assets such as equipment, infrastructure (everything that occupies maintainability). Different structures in the maintenance department are those used by the various companies to sustain the operation of their equipment, that is why this management relies on previous generations of maintainers who have inherited it and thanks to their knowledge and experiences we can meet today in day, the development of maintenance, reviewing the history a little, around 4 generations is what divided the evolution of maintenance, each trying to explain the development and activities to be better the maintenance activity,the skf industry presents at its 3rd central american maintenance congress, asset management: route to optimization, held on November 19 and 20, 2014, presenting management indicators where it reveals with an example that Colombia 50% of medium-sized companies interviewed 40.2 % are in corrective maintenance (1 generation), this data is quite curious and leaves a lot to think about since when analyzing world-class levels companies should be on their way to 4 generation but the result of audits reveals that they are still 1 generation, hence the issue of asset management becomes important, because world standards already exist (British standards and iso 55000), These standards are to model a more integrated maintenance system, with cycles that allow to evaluate, measure, redesign,interpret current practices. But what is the difficulty that progress in these medium-sized companies does not allow, could be the economic factor, personnel vision, attitude, human development issues, but all these weaknesses are already contemplated in a model maintenance system. to determine the correct guide to carry out maintenance work. It is imperative to know that it is not about the size of the company, what should be analyzed is the importance and the impact on the business that this management can carry out. When listening, a new system will be implemented for a medium-sized company, it is difficult to interpret what is wanted, when they are compared or carried out an audit denotes that the expectations are very high and that the company is not up to it and that is where the error of follow the same actions,or implement measures that can or help the severity of the failures that may be occurring, without thinking that the attitude is conformist.

The industry is facing a growing competitive situation, which is why economic analysis is increasingly important in asset management, thus the market dynamics tends to continuous improvement. The technological options ERP system. The objectives of profitability and life cycle costs have a significant influence on the strategy of the assets and on strategic decisions in the organization, it is time to be able to analyze capex and opex and define the strategy to take.


The methodology is a management system that will be described in a process of phases which will consist of making a quick description of each one that applies to a medium-sized company, allowing it to define its maintenance administration in a comprehensive way, pointing it out to achievable objectives.

The first review is to guide a proposal, which defines the entire conceptual mapping, showing what the strategy to work consists of, as a determination process, an evaluation of the current operation must be carried out first, this would interpret the data that the staff will express according to your maintenance and production point of view. This acquired information is analyzed but systematically in order to define what applies to the company, taking into account where and to what level the comparison can be made. After obtaining the first result, which is a small approach to the reality that is happening in maintenance, to make the revision of the current system, you can support model audits. Examples of these are Marshall instituid, maintenance online, which offer this free service,and they provide an analysis report, generally ranked in maintenance prospects. It is only important to note that you must take into account that it applies in the company.

Second step is to define a tool to establish objectives, strategies for the organization, the objectives must be aligned with the corporate objectives of the business, they must be delimited: estimated and realistic values ​​for management indicators: availability of equipment, reliability, security, risk, performance or current yield of the productive facilities, comparing them with their respective nominal capacities.

Once the business priorities have been transformed into maintenance priorities, the strategy will be elaborated, according to the objectives. In this way a generic maintenance plan is obtained in the company that will be developed and will focus on those assets considered critical, now in a medium-sized industry the way to determine data is based on history, information that can be found in the files or is classified by the maintenance computer support system (SAP PM, Excel, maximum, exactus, tricom), the Balanced Scorecard tool (the balance score card –BSC- (Kaplan and Norton, 1992)), is a methodology that manages to integrate strategy and business performance evaluation. Defines the financial objectives required to achieve the vision,and these in turn will be the result of the mechanisms and strategies that govern our results with production. Internal processes are planned to satisfy financial and production requirements. The basis for maintaining this strength lies in learning, which is the last link in learning and training. The table allows establishing a cause-effect link that allows taking the necessary initiatives at each level. Knowing how the objectives of the different perspectives are linked, the results of the indicators that are gradually obtained allow us to see if adjustments need to be made, to ensure that the goals are met. This tool is widely used financially, but its application in maintenance has established a strategic management system.

This is a useful tool to help define goals and strategies, but it is not the only one left exposed. The important thing about the phase is to be able to define in a concise way the aforementioned.

Established all this concept we proceed with the equipment taxonomy, now it is the point to determine the priority of the equipment in terms of cost or according to the importance of the asset in the plant, techniques to determine this there are several generally qualitative and quantitative, this depends on the data that is available, if we have a history it can be used quantitatively, if we do not have a history it is better to use a qualitative one, importance in this step is to understand that the criticality analysis will dictate the hierarchy or priorities of the teams, according to the criteria criticality and risk, generating a structure that facilitates making the right decisions, to direct efforts and resources to the team with the greatest impact on the business.

Quantitative are those that classify an asset as critical, semi-critical, non-critical, their response is a probabilistic risk assessment. The assets with the highest value will be the first to be analyzed.

The qualitative method is used when there are no historical data, this technique allows the operation to be effectively adapted, it is based on opinions, where the technical and financial criteria are used to rank the teams, so in some cases more methods are required specific to validate the information. For example, consequence and complexity are used as criteria. In the case of qualitative-quantitative models, objective data is involved in this to generate a criticality guide quantified according to: frequency of failure, production impacts (due to failure), repair costs, repair time, impacts on personal safety and environmental impact.

Analysis of weak points in high impact teams, would be the next step, since we defined that we will first look after high impact teams, the chosen team must identify the root causes that cause the type of failures it is presenting, in the In the best case, eliminate the failure mode or, if it is not possible to eliminate it, it should be analyzed if the cost of elimination exceeds the cost per equipment failure, in order to think about how to control said failure mode.

There are several methods to perform weak point analysis on critical assets, one of the most used is Root Cause Analysis (ACR). It is a methodology that allows to systematically identify the root causes of failures, to subsequently apply solutions that definitively eliminate this type of incident. The causes for which failures appear can be classified into physical, human. The physical cause is the reason the asset fails, the technical explanation of why the asset failed. Human cause includes operational errors that give rise to physical causes of failure. Also the organizational and management deficiencies that lead to human errors and make the failures in systems and procedures chronic, as they are not corrected over time. Usually,An ACR logic tree begins with the definition of the initial event (eg chronic screw problem of a PVC extruder), then the failure modes are determined (screw damaged, bearing damaged, seals damaged), then it goes to the level of hypothesis (solidified grease in the bearing) and finally the level of causes (excess grease, etc.) is reached. With all the previous analysis we determine where to act, proceeding to carry out the feeding or design of the maintenance plans.it is subsequently passed to the hypothesis level (solidified grease in the bearing) and finally the level of causes (excess grease, etc.) is reached. With all the previous analysis we determine where to act, proceeding to carry out the feeding or design of the maintenance plans.it is subsequently passed to the hypothesis level (solidified grease in the bearing) and finally the level of causes (excess grease, etc.) is reached. With all the previous analysis we determine where to act, proceeding to carry out the feeding or design of the maintenance plans.

For the correct implementation of a maintenance plan, you can use the RCM strategy for optimization of maintenance plans, allowing you to conveniently determine the maintenance needs of any physical asset in your operating environment. With the previous analysis, the rcm methodology is used and an effective maintenance plan is proposed, resulting in an optimal maintenance plan. As it has been clarified above, it is not the only technique, plus the importance of fulfilling the objective of the plans (systematic, fault control and failure modes), with this part the next phase would pass.

Probabilistic analysis next point that in a statistical way will determine how much the impact of the operation is if management is applied, at this moment is where we can feel that there is a level of maturity of the standard such as Iso 55000, by means of an example statistical system minitap. The data and indicators of the BSC are taken and predefines if they are compliant or what is the effect that it will have in a reliable way.

Supply indicators are evaluated to analyze the appropriate inventory system based on the result.You can use a model such as ABC, an inventory optimization model, or a system that defines the optimal way for warehouse acquisition.

The last phase is the acquisition of continuous improvement: total production maintenance. Condition-based maintenance, the purpose of this phase is to maintain a review cycle, with a management vision of the company's assets, so that your system is not static.


Medium-sized industries need to establish maintenance strategies that allow their assets to generate value for the company, to analyze how their operation and care are conceptualized. Optimizing material, human and financial resources.

Maintenance management needs to be aligned with the company's business plans, since the achievement of maintenance objectives depends on this. This research develops a maintenance management model under the vision of continuous improvement, considering an in-depth review of a representative set of maintenance management models and the relevance that standards can have such as the ISO 55000, demonstrates that importance is not fashionable of a standard or new management strategy, shows that the methodology to be followed is derived in several phases to implement a management system that is a guide in medium-sized companies and allows them to undertake optimization, the iso 55000 standard stands out as its Cycle is comprehensive and focuses on continuous improvement.

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Maintenance management and iso 55000 on physical asset management