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Marketing management and sales techniques

Table of contents:

"Nothing happens, as long as someone doesn't sell something."

Achieving Sales is the Target of any company that seeks to grow and maintain itself over time and in business. His duty is to enhance his seduction and conquest techniques day by day for the elusive and demanding consumer.

MARKETING exists to achieve sales, since its only mission is to SELL PRODUCTS THAT WILL NOT RETURN TO CUSTOMERS THAT WILL.

Knowledge is the key to cope with the crisis that is ruthlessly affecting business, it is essential to know how to deal with this storm. Every person who owns a business is responsible for guiding their boat through the tumultuous and dangerous waters of the market, knowing how to protect themselves from storms and competition.

The main objective of any business, regardless of its size, is to have, get and increase your sales.

How is this accomplished? Through Marketing = your goal is to Sell

• MARKETING principle: We will not earn money until we have sold the merchandise, until we have made people want our product and that's what Marketing is for.

• Graphing:

Product and / or Service + Marketing = Sales and Utilities ($)

The sale: the sap, the blood, the respite that gives life to the business, achieving the sale of a product and / or service is the most important thing for companies, in fact it is essential, every detail must be planned to achieve a and again more and more sales, without sales there is no company that survives, it is so fundamental that it is necessary to manage the new ways of closing a sale, this implies the seduction and conquest of the consumer, which is the fundamental piece on the board of the market, it has the money, the desire to spend it, the difficult thing at the moment is to specify that our products are the chosen ones.

Do you want more sales?

Executives have an obligation to know and be informed of the latest ways to make sales, it is an alchemy, which has clear and precise ingredients, is made up of knowledge, cunning, skill, strategy, they must handle new ways to close sales, and the main thing, train your salesmen to obtain the profits.

The objective that we have to take into account is that today's consumer is demanding, he is an informed person, and technology today plays a very important role, which is why we must know each of the new ways of achieve a sale.

Types of sale

• The instant sale: it is one in which the consumer does not need convincing reasons to buy the product, in this sale different factors prevail.

1. The price: if this is the purchasing factor, it is because the consumer is only taking advantage of a good offer, it does not mean that he needs the product or that it falls within his pyramid of needs.

2. A whim: this is very common within the female segment, they buy the product because they really need it or think they need it.

3. Product considered essential: everything depends on the psyche of the consumer, he is the boss and decides to close the purchase.

• The sale with the power of conviction of the seller: this sale is produced by the cunning of the seller, the speed of seduction towards the customer, the level and speed of response to objections.

• The critical sale: it is the one in which the customer likes the product, but is not convinced to buy it, the seller fails to close the sale, this can be reversed calmly and with a cold mind, reversing the situation depends on the vendor, always There are undecided customers, who need constant motivation in making decisions in the purchase process.

• The recommended sale: this is produced through the recommendation of one individual to another, it is one of the best that exists since the client is determined to buy the product and the sale is closed in a few minutes.

I have named the main forms of sales, there are more, but it is necessary to prioritize, all sales depend on various factors, which must be managed by the sellers, and these at the same time must be trained by the executives to achieve the expected sales, Everything will depend on the knowledge that is handled from the moment that a potential client approaches a product.

But there is also the sale on the Internet, this is faster, here the consumer serves himself, so that a sale occurs on the web it all depends on the site complying with all the requirements of a web seller, any company can have a seller web to cover the virtual market, increase its customers, and go in the conquest of potential customers, achieving the instantaneous conversion of visitors to customers, this site must have clarity in navigation as a primary feature, so that the customer can acquire your products and / or services.

Everything about sales is fascinating, you can close any sale with the talent and knowledge necessary to increase sales and obtain the expected profits.

"Knowledge is the key to success in any order of things"

Knowledge is power, and power is MONEY $

Without Marketing knowledge there are no sales, without sales there is no money, without money there is no profit, without profit there is no company, it is that simple, everything is intertwined, the law of cause and effect.

Selling today in times of crisis is one of the most arduous tasks that businesses have, regardless of their size or business, which is why senior executives must fill themselves with knowledge in order to face this very cruel crisis. In order to close a sale, the participation and effective work of the seller is essential, that is why the executives in charge of sales must know how to prepare their combat soldiers (salesmen), to face the crisis, otherwise, this it will destroy them in a ruthless way, it is time to act, to know the how, why, what, and how many? to survive the economic storm.

Knowledge is essential, we must be aware that Knowledge and Information management are a strategic necessity for business.

Marketing management and sales techniques