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Process management in footwear production


The technical preparation management model that is proposed is a representation of what could be an alternative way that caters to both the organization and its environment.

Its objective is to show the functionality and interrelation of the planning, design, introduction and evaluation sub-processes that are developed to express, the management of the organizational process, this interrelation implies the management of the organization's knowledge that includes explicit and tacit knowledge. Intellectual capital emphasizes that complexity is determined by its own characteristics, by the exogenous response and by the internal restrictions of the organization, endogenous response.


Management model of the technical preparation process for footwear production


As a first step we have the Planning of technical preparation, the objective of this process is to know the execution or assimilation of the proposal to be made. The actions included in this process are the following:

Table No1 Planning process of technical preparation

Processes related to technical preparation. Actions of technical preparation
Marketing-CIDEC Market research. And / or customer request
Sale-CIDEC. Establishment of order requirements
Production company -cidec Determination of feasibility (first FACE)

Assimilation of technology, development of the technique to be used, training of personnel .

Regarding the Design of the technical preparation process, the objective of this process is to establish the logical and technical basis on which the actions of the technical preparation management in the manufacture of footwear will be developed. It includes the following actions:

Table No. 2 Design process of the technical preparation process

Processes related to technical preparation. Actions of technical preparation
Research center Production company.-Logistics area of ​​the org. Design evaluation.

Study of the designs, models and production to be carried out.

Research Center Materials evaluation and characterization.

Analysis of the materials of the selected model

Introduction of technical preparation: this process aims to implement the project, as well as establish its basic guidelines and include the following steps:

Table 3 Introduction process of technical preparation

Processes related to technical preparation. Actions of technical preparation
Production company -

Research Center

Request to the purchasing area for materials and components Searches for selected raw materials
Production company -

Research Center

Reception of the materials for the supplier's technical tests through EXICA will analyze the quality of the components received.

Delivery to the entity requesting the contract.

Production company -

Research Center

Delivery of samples of the components to the laboratory for analysis and monitoring of the behavior of the selected raw materials and materials.
Commission Approval and authorized to contract.
Logistics and Center


Contract request, through companies
Emp. exp.-import Research center - production company Home Hiring process
Production company -

Research Center

Preparation of technical tests, these must be carried out in the Factory, where it will be produced.

Analysis of the behavior of materials, fit and comfort by submitting it to the approval of the design commission. Preparation of the original sample, try it. Carry out the prototype analysis

Minutes will be drawn up at the Factory of the results of the tests.

Research center - Production company Check the feasibility of making the product to contract
Production company Scale request, dies according to the production curve assuming it corresponds.

Need for lasts.

Production company -

Research Center

Execution of assembly tests, adjusting the process machines to the type of materials and components received. Execution of tests in the workshop with all the equipment needed, in order to check: Thread, Needle and necessary parts for making the cuts, as well as to check the technical condition of the machines.
HR- Company- Research Center Schedule the training of direct and indirect production workers in the training of product complexities.
Preparation of the technical sheet, with the model and the data provided by the laboratory of the technical specifications, consumption standards and box of the materials.
Emp exp.-import - Research center Production company End of the contracting process.
Research center - Production company Sampling of the raw materials that arrive in the containers in the laboratory.
Company- Center


Execution of the series 0 test of adjustment of the equipment, labor and final contact of the product in addition to the timely planning of the quality.
Research center - Production company Holding the Product Launch Analysis Meeting authorizes the start of production with all the factors present.

The evaluation of the behavior of the technical preparation. Its objective is to evaluate the results of the introduction of technical production preparation and validate the management strategy and provide feedback to the diagnostic process to generate a new cycle of technical production preparation management.

Table No 4 Evaluation process of the technical preparation behavior

Processes related to technical preparation. Actions of technical preparation
Research center - Production company Production monitoring.
Research center - Production company Quality control and quality audit.
Research Center -

Production company -


Post-sale shoe behavior check
Research Center -

Production company -


Issuance of the final report


At the center of the proposed model, obtaining and ordering organizational knowledge to integrate information, technological and human resources in meeting the objectives and goals of production preparation management is of great significance.

The information is highly relevant in the proposed model, so we have the value of the documents given in achieving compliance with customer requirements and improving quality , providing adequate training , ensuring repeatability and traceability , providing objective evidence to assess the continued effectiveness and suitability in footwear manufacturing management.

Main useful documents for the technical production preparation process.

The technical information is the key to success for the development of technical preparation of production so it is important training personnel involved. Commonly, the product specifications are present in the following stages:

  • In the pre-productive stage.

The specification sheet shows the main materials in the manufacture of footwear and also sets out how this technical information is integrated, in the design and prototype stage (Design, description of the initial Sample, definition of the process outline).

  • In the development and commercialization stage (Production sample., Scaling, use tests. Quality tests, preparation of material, human and economic resources to face the production and the results of the analysis of the materials of the Mechanical Physical Laboratory. In the mass production stage (inspections, audits and controls of production behavior, introduction act.) In the customer service and feedback stage. Exit inspection, customer delivery and sales delivery.

Below is an example of the types of documents used in technical preparation within the Shoe Manufacturing Management process:

  1. Contract request.. Technical sheet. Technical evaluation of the materials. Technical identification model. Quality annex. Declaration of conformity. Technical Notes. Technical annex.


  1. Contract request. Document where the requests of the specific ones to be contracted are specified, the quantities, total and partial are specified; the date of arrival of the product is demanded. Technical sheet. The document detailing the different materials, technical and specific characteristics of the fundamental materials. The access is to purchase Dptos, Technical production companies, Dpt. Logistics of the organization as well as in factories. Technical evaluation of the materials.This document issued by the technical area that establishes the technical component requirements for the manufacture of footwear in the different specifics, the purpose is that it be taken into account at the time of contracting, access is at the company and buyer level. Technical identification model. It is the document that reflects the specific design or photo, in addition to the physical representation of the raw materials and the predetermined consumption of the parts to be contracted. The access is to those of purchase, Technician of producing Companies, affected Factories. Quality annex. Document that expresses the quality requirements established by the client in mutual agreement with the producer. Declaration of conformityReflect the conformity of the contracted requirements in the document. Technical notes. It is the ordered list of sequences of operations necessary for the manufacture of the model with the description of the necessary equipment. Technical annex. Planned consumption for product development is reflected. Access is to the logistics areas of the organization and technical companies, factories and buyers.


The project summarizes a set of criteria associated with the management of shoe manufacturing. And it makes clear the sequence of activities whose purpose is to create added value for the customer and the industry in general. So in the work, a well-defined infrastructure is proposed in the Footwear Manufacturing Process, which taking into account the technology and the support of a training program, all the functional and productive areas of the organization are interrelated in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency in customer satisfaction.

The fundamental path of the manufacturing process is defined from the moment the idea is conceived to delivery and work is carried out based on the post-sale.

In the proposed model, the theoretical and practical foundations of the group of authors are present, to respond integrally to the current needs of managing the process of technical preparation for the production of Cuban footwear. This model is an obligatory reference, because it is the first one that is proposed in the footwear industry and achieves the integration between the management of the technical preparation of the production and the Knowledge Management necessary to improve the performance of the industry and the satisfaction of the client


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Process management in footwear production