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Technological change management for better organizational management


The changing environment, the new rules of the game and the constant acceleration that technology prints are critical factors that lead organizations to develop strategies and mechanisms that facilitate their evolution. How do they do that?

The evolution and changes that occur daily in the world, directly influence the trajectories and what to do.

Therefore, organizations have been forced to transform and implement new ways of managing their physical and human resources.

Changes in the environment, the implementation of new technologies and phenomena such as globalization have also impacted within organizations, forcing them to reorganize and manage internally, immediately, the changes that allow them to adjust to the new rules that each day brings.

Within this scheme of changing flows, there is an accelerator that is technology.

New softwares and hardwares that facilitate the management of the organization and optimize the processes and procedures, making it more profitable, are nowadays implemented as a natural object of its evolution.

In response to this change, organizations make adjustments in terms of human capital, refocusing, training and integrating new resources that meet the competencies required to manage, administer and master such technology, also in accordance with the new needs of the organization in a market global and demanding.

Many companies choose to train their best resources or their key resources, in order to facilitate the acquisition of these skills, which generates their commitment to change; however, these adjustment and adoption processes bring with them losses or leaks of human capital, some of them inevitable and others given because the collaborators fail to adjust and overcome resistance to change.

These changes bring with them an emotional imbalance, since it involves breaking schemes, patterns, processes and work procedures to incorporate a new way of doing things, which in turn produces uncertainty, fear of the unknown and not reaching the established requirements.

All these feelings, natural and inherent to the human being, lead people to assimilate the processes of change in a negative way, generating both personal and organizational attrition that implies reprocesses, losses and rejection of new forms of work.

In this environment, organizations must take action so that initiatives that imply a change, such as a technological implementation, do not end in an over effort or in the worst case in a loss of physical, financial or financial resources. human capital.

In order to minimize these negative scenarios, it is recommended that before implementing a new technology or adopting a change of another nature, organizations prepare thoroughly, analyzing each and every one of the factors that will be involved in the process and generating plans and strategies that allow them to facilitate the adoption of change by employees, by showing them the benefits and aligning this new approach with the organization's vision of it.

During implementation, it is necessary to carry out an adequate awareness-raising process with collaborators, suppliers and clients, which allows reducing resistance to change, clearly explaining the advantages of the new model and what implications it has for each level of the organization, thereby decreasing people's anxiety.

Likewise, it is a priority to involve the leaders of the organization, in order for them to become the main replicators and facilitators of change. Proper management at this level can ensure the success or failure of the initiatives generated so that employees adopt it and minimize their resistance.

Maintaining constant, clear, transparent and timely communication with the different audiences of the organization, during the implementation process, generates an environment in which rumor and uncertainty hardly grow. Openly communicating the vision of change, new ways of working and the new skills required is key to ensuring fertile ground for the adoption of change and new technology.

Of course, the change process does not happen overnight and does not end with the launch of the new software or hardware, on the contrary, it is a continuous evolutionary process that shows its results gradually and requires adjustments as to to communication, training and post-implementation training.

Technological change management for better organizational management