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Knowledge management through an employee website

Table of contents:


Conceptualization of the QA Project

The proposal of the Knowledge Management and Innovation project consists of creating a space in which employees continuously share their experiences as well as the knowledge they possess and interact with each other to foster creativity among themselves and improve the development of the company.


Company Background and Conceptualization of the QA Project

  • The company WebInside that is dedicated to providing Internet services, faces the need to innovate to maintain its position in the market. At the moment the situation of the company is summarized as follows:
    • Customers are not providing any feedback Weak marketing plan Generally unmotivated company staff

QA Project Objectives implementing a B2E portal

  • General objective
    • Provide WebInside with a portal and other tools to promote Knowledge Management among employees, in order to achieve more and better training, which allows the company to maintain and improve its competitive advantage.
    Specific objectives of the Employee portal
    • Provide employees with an access point so that they are aware of all the information and news related to the company, at the same time they can send their concerns or suggestions. Allow employees to automatically manage processes with Human Resources (request for vacations, stationery, etc.). Reduce administrative costs through the automation of processes (both of TH and the management of the position). Promote knowledge management by providing access points to knowledge assets to all employees. Provide tools that facilitate direct communication (messaging, mail, etc.). Contribute to increase employee training through tools · for distance learning (e learning). Offer a single point for access to company applications (ERP, CRM, etc).
High direction ü Provide the necessary tools for the implementation of the knowledge management project (support, resources).

ü Monitor employee performance through the portal.

Chief of staff ü Project Coordinator

ü Study of the environment

ü Build job entry and exit profiles

ü Identification of HR processes for automation within the portal

Marketing manager. ü Product design, content and knowledge needs

ü Knowledge maps

Knowledge manager ü promote the project, ensuring that according to the GC models it is developed

ü Monitor from the top management the implementation of the Knowledge Management Plan.

Technical support ü Selection of technical tools, evaluation and commissioning

ü It ensures that the portal works correctly and provides support for better operation when required as well as preventive technical support.

Communication ü Preparation of communication plans and responsible for ensuring that all employees are duly informed of the project

ü Preparation, publication of content


One of the forms of communication using innovation techniques both at the process and technology level is the use of computing platforms with the assistance of communication resources such as the Internet and Intranet.

The objective of this project is to propose a GC Knowledge Management project for a hypothetical company, which for this purpose would be called WebInside. The proposed tool is a portal for employees (B2E) with the purpose of improving communication and training of personnel, contributing to achieving their strategic objectives.


The company WebInside that is dedicated to providing Internet services, faces the need to innovate to maintain its position in the market.

At the moment the situation of the company is summarized as follows:

  • Customers are not providing any feedback Weak marketing plan Generally unmotivated company staff

1. Approach

Companies take advantage of the Internet and technology and implement portals that allow them to achieve the benefits of innovation, facilitating processes with clients, employees and suppliers, as well as reducing administrative costs, among others. In the particular case of the WebInside company, the proposal is to develop a Knowledge Management project using an employee portal (B2E) as a technological tool.

This type of portals are an excellent channel to increase communication with employees in an organization, especially if it has many branches in different geographical points, in addition to allowing the management of Human Resources procedures, in many cases it also allows the employee manage functions of his position.

The development of QA strategies involves the design of corporate communication platforms that facilitate the way the company and its human resources interact, such as a Company-employee or B2E portal.

It is decisive in the first instance to implement strategies in order to solidify the relationship between the members of the company; Subsequently, strategies aimed at achieving external coverage will be implemented, such as customers and suppliers.

The proposal of the Knowledge Management project is to create a space in which employees continually share their experiences as well as the knowledge they possess and interact with each other to foster creativity among themselves and improve the development of the company.

2. Navigation

In the development of these means of communication, elements of interaction capable of establishing an effective relationship between the employee and the corporation must be considered. To do this, the design of platforms must contain sufficient information that allows the ease of navigation of the people who use it. In this context, it is necessary to build a navigation map that allows the user to understand and find it easy to access each of the options contained in the portal.

The following scheme reflects the navigation map with its main options for the B2E portal that is proposed as a Knowledge Management strategy.

3. Content

The previous scheme will integrate the main options that must be considered in the development of the B2E portal, each of which will also have its own complete navigation map) content such as that shown in the following table:

Option Sections Character screen
COMMUNICATION Mission and Vision of the company Public one
Presidency's Message Public
Structure (organization chart) Public
Urgent news banner Public
News in general Public
Ongoing projects Public
Birthday Public
Products and services Public
Employee Directory Public
Yellow Pages Public
Social service Public
Company Events Public
Image gallery Public
Process Library, Best practices Public
TOOLS Mail Employee Login two
To-do schedule Employee Login
Instant Messenger Employee Login
Career Plan Employee Login
Scheduled trainings Employee Login
Virtual classroom Employee Login
Public message posting Employee Login
Virtual communities Employee Login
Personal documents Employee Login
SELF-MANAGEMENT Transactions Employee Login
Material orders Employee Login
Authorizations Employee Login
HUMAN RESOURCES Vacation request Employee Login 3
Consultation of employee file and request for modifications Employee Login
Request for proof of income, ISSS, etc. Employee Login
Request for medical insurance procedures Employee Login
Process consultation Employee Login
Performance evaluation Employee Login
Management of permits, absences
Chat with Human Resources Employee Login

Portal screen design

Screen 1: Communication

Communication: Screen 1 shows the user interface that the portal will have with the different links to each of the options, which are in the public domain since they contain related information that can be accessed by all the clients and users of the business.

Screen 2: Tools

This screen shows various forms of communication between employees and the company, which will serve as the basis for Knowledge Management because they will allow to group the communication utilities and needs of the company and the staff.

Screen 3: Human Resources

The following screen shows the incorporation of the applications that are managed in human resources which are considered of special interest in the area to streamline and innovate in the processes and procedures related to the development of personnel in the organization.

4. Applications

The following graphic shows the integration between the different applications and components at the architecture level for the proposed portal (multilayer architecture):

Layers Description:

  • Presentation layer, is what the user sees (some people call it "user layer"), presents the system to the user (the pages of the portal for example), communicates the information and captures the user's information giving a minimum of process (pre-filter to verify that there are no format errors). This layer communicates only with the knowledge management layer. Knowledge management layer, is where the programs that run reside, receive user requests and send responses after the process, all business rules are contained in this layer, which communicates with the presentation layer, to receive the requests and present the results, and with the data layer, to request the database manager to store or retrieve data from it.is where the data resides. It is made up of one or more database managers who carry out all the data storage, receive requests for information storage or retrieval from the business layer.


  • - The creation of an employee-oriented portal contributes to knowledge management and becomes an innovation strategy for organizations. - The use of ICT in the construction or management of knowledge is a viable and effective alternative to dynamize the communication between the company and the employee.


- As a complement, a presentation is integrated, where what is stated in this document is briefly stated and additionally both the implementation plan and the communication plan related to the project are exposed.

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Knowledge management through an employee website