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Talent management and organizational learning


Some time ago we were talking about a changing environment, characterized by globality, dynamism and complexity.

What is that environment?

  • SpeedUncertaintyCompetition levelMixing cultures - diversityTalent search (I don't like to talk about "talent war" since nobody has to kill anyone here)

Companies have had to be creative and able to adapt and anticipate these changes, developing their learning capacity, they have to learn to learn (in the words of P.Senge)

Work is increasingly linked to learning to use technology, languages, cultural modalities, time management (in the case of working with the exterior-interior), etc.

That is why organizational learning is considered as a lasting and articulated process with the acquisition of knowledge and the continuous improvement of business performance.

To understand this process, this is a moment of transition between the industrial age and the information age with the introduction of new technologies such as the Internet, e-learning (distance learning)

This makes HR Management transform

Since Toward
Local Global
Administrative Self-service
Internally supplied programs Outsourcing supplies - outsourcing of activities
Employee-oriented plans Individualized plans for employees and executives

Source: Simon Dolan

Let's think about what are the new rules of the game

  • Increased volume of information Degree of adaptation and flexibility: the rigid breaks, you have to be an active listener to handle the circumstances Greater value for knowledge Continuous learning capacity is needed

You have to RE-INVENT as an organization, as an employee, as a professional.

Today we hear companies talk about retaining talented people to develop this point.

We can define first what is talent

There are different types of talents: individual, group, artistic, musical, negotiator, etc.

The first thing that managers have to do is:

Identify them: people have hidden abilities that is why today we work with art, music, sports….

Highlight their talent and give them the opportunity to shine

Stimulate them - we help them grow we give them feedback

Support them - we give them support, we invest in (teamwork)

Source: businessandswing (taken from a comparison of jazz and organization)

For example:

Access to information by employees has been transformed through the use of the Internet, the intranet (which is an internal Internet), databases, the services provided by HR, a training menu articulated with their evaluation of performance, complete your training through learning centers (PC-equipped rooms, library, video room). Experiential workshop style training using the playful, outdoor, participant participation.

There are companies that send their people to art workshops, acting so that just people discover their talents. Let us assume that these aspects are not dealt with in vocational training.

For the aforementioned we speak of organizational talent that is equal to people plus the organization.

The responsibility of HR is to manage these talents (individual and organizational) and obtain the maximum value that added to technology will give better results.

Technological changes have a high impact on processes and functions that are currently electronic, such as:

1. Recruitment and selection online

2. Administrative processes online

3. Performance management online

4. HR Portal.

5. Online training and development

6. Online surveys

Watson Wyatt-Barcelona source in 2003

All of the above, makes the way of working different, changes the way of working.

Human resources management revolves around people, its foundation is PEOPLE. Regarding this point some time ago, with some colleagues, we reflected on the word “human factor” (since there are some companies, for example, in Chile that the HR Department calls itself that) which is the human factor = People = THE COMPANY !!!

In my presentation I am talking about Management, not HR management, because when we talk about HR Management, we refer to all those activities that affect people's behavior when formulating and implementing company strategies.

And to this name we add "Strategic HR Management" as it is thought that it contributes to the efficiency of the company and increases the contribution to results.

HR management can implement different strategies for example:


strategies Profit

strategy Growth strategy

I am surprised to see even some successful companies that do not have an HR department, others that only do training and most of them without alignment to strategic business objectives.

There are companies that manage the staff by the Commercial Department or General Management where training is still thought to be an expense and not an investment.

I think that to provoke a change, it is necessary to generate a change of model in HR Management, replace the traditional scheme: re-active - administrative-short-term to one that integrates into the strategy and adds value and feels part of it: pro-active-integrated-strategic-adviser and with a long-term vision.

The HR Manager must fulfill the role of:

Internal consultant

Facilitator of change - agent of change

Advisor of the strategy towards the other line managers

and possess a strong orientation to the internal and external client. -knowledge of the business.

We have to ask ourselves, how do we do things? (as is our culture - way of interacting with customers, environment) and identify weaknesses and strengths and reflect on what management style we want based on our culture. What comes from "outside" must be adapted to our reality and not lose the identity of the organization for the simple fact of implementing "fashions" that in the long run does not give any benefit or result.

To this role we would have to add skills such as:

1. Leadership to manage changes (there are managers who are only conductors and not leaders)

2. Credibility from the coherence between their thinking, words and actions.

3. Ethical soundness.

4. Ability to work in a team.

5. Humanistic training complemented with management elements

6. Management of conflicts and critical situations (management of uncertainty and complexity)

7. Management of emotional intelligence.

Another important point is to evaluate management through the generation of indicators that reflect human resource management.

For this, the activities must be evaluated and controlled, since through these measurements it is possible to know the contribution that the HR Management is making to the entire organization (especially productivity)

In addition to standard indicators such as absenteeism, work accident rate, productivity, others that we can implement are:

  • Average time to fill a job Product and service quality before and after training-training Average age and seniority Level of languages ​​and studies Personnel turnover (employee leave / total number of employees) Hours / person by level of internal training Hours / person by level of external training Days / person by level of internal / external training Level of satisfaction of the participant (internal-external training) Average cost of hours of training Budget compliance Among other

The important thing about these indicators is that they help the credibility and acceptance of management as a "strategic business partner"

Many of the HR managers are faced with the dilemma of being asked (in most cases by management) to argue.

How do you present the tangible results you plan to achieve from an attitude survey, a new program for stress or tobacco control, or a new performance evaluation methodology?

In general, human resource management is understood and respected when its costs and benefits translate into money.

There are 3 important reasons to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of management:

It is people who make an organization succeed or fail

People cost money (salary is an important cost for the company - training-development) Continuously (systematically) evaluate management and evaluate critical areas, anticipate future problems and generate an action plan

We have been proposing a change in role, in management to exemplify, let's see what the impact of technology is.

Let's take the selection process.

1. Broader coverage and scope on the Internet

2. More content than a newspaper advertisement

3. Reduced costs: on the Internet it is almost 10 times lower

4. Equality for all. Smaller companies can compete with large companies for the best candidates.

5. Greater presence is published for 30 days (it would be impossible to keep this in a newspaper).

6. It is not necessary to wait for the newspaper on Sundays. Internet works with a “7/24/365” access (days-hours-year)

7. Instant communication between candidate and company

8. The candidate does not put his current position at risk.

9. Best candidates because people who enter online have skills in technology management.

source: www.rrhh.net/art10226.htm

I think that to work in this area as in any other in the organization you must have a goal, perseverance to face uncertainty and complexity and passion, enthusiasm to plan for the future and motivate the people who make up the organization, since they are ultimately the indicator of success or failure.

There are companies that are not the best pay on the market but people want to work in them for the simple fact of being trainers, having the latest technology, the possibilities of internal and external training and offering to discover and develop their professional talents.

Sources consulted: Peter Senge-S.Dolan-Suller R.

Talent management and organizational learning