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Strategic management of corporate image

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How to optimize the corporate image through organizational communication and other strategic tools, in order to positively influence the achievement of business and financial objectives.


The Organization reaches out to its external audiences through commercial and non-commercial strategies. The former, operated under the principles of Marketing, have been the only solution to generate profits and profitability; However, the latter could function as a tacit and discreet instrument of persuasion, as they are in charge of issuing messages that project a clean and uniform identity, establish emotional links between organizational objectives and their target audiences, generate admiration and support and obtain an image. according to their identity, in order to finally - also become an effective solution - attract success.

Based on the above, it should be resolved whether it is possible to manage an optimal Image from corporate messages and that these, in turn, generate long-term profits for commercial interests? Its relevance lies in the importance that the unification of criteria of its External Communication and the use of techniques to adapt to the environment and exert influence in its favor must have for companies.

The contribution of this question for companies is also evident in the total recognition of their Target Audiences (since they are not only customers), in the creation of a culture of planning the non-commercial message that results in a clear definition. of their intentions when approaching said publics and in the identification of the techniques that can be implemented simultaneously with their marketing plan.

The incorporation of these processes into work routines is still in process and their incidents are even doubted, however, the enormous contribution of management through tactics that bring reputation to companies has come to persuade the consumer and retain it, hence the importance of identifying approach methods.

These actions or methods have been recognized as Public Relations and today, their functions cannot be limited to diplomacy, they must go further: generate favorable reactions for the Company, position themselves through messages that establish personal ties between the Organization and its all its audiences.

Four private companies belonging to the service sector, with a range of 100 to 900 direct collaborators, two of them located in the main cities of the country and with a long history, and two located only in Pereira but with national incidence and in the process of consolidation, they made it clear that although they recognize the Corporate Image as an effective loyalty and positioning strategy, they do not identify all of their Target Audiences and unconsciously emit corporate messages that lack specific orientation and intention; This leads to the fact that these entrepreneurs (and surely many others) confuse the commercial approach with the corporate one.

Based on these testimonies and the academic discussion, it is intended to contribute to the development of a managerial mindset to optimize its managerial practice and, therefore, the impact of the Company and the obtaining of successful results thanks to the application of innovative mechanisms that enrich and favor its performance in the face of competition, strengthening the link with its customers and suppliers, the government, unions, professionals, the media, etc.

It is a priority for businessmen to identify the functions of Public Relations (persuasion, prestige, positioning and support), supported by the corporate or institutional message, establish emotional bridges and preferences by the public, and finally, translate into the conquest of the business objectives.

The methodology used for the development of this document was the bibliographic review and the interview with managers of the companies initially indicated:

  1. Bibliography - Theoretical route:

    Concept of Corporate Communication (Joan Costa - Cees BM van Riel) understood as the total Communication of the Company; Institutional Communication (María Luisa Muriel and Gilda Rota) as the manifestation of the corporate brand through institutional messages; Public Relations with their respective strategies (corporate advertising, corporate journalism, corporate brand, patronage and social responsibility); Corporate Image (Antonio Lacasa, Paúl Capriotti and Arturo J. Londoño) understood as the conception of the Organization among the public, capable of being managed and optimized. Interview:

    This was the method of approaching organizations through the planning of questions in order to maintain a conceptual framework that guaranteed obtaining specific information. This method facilitated feedback and material review on the Organization, which supported the conclusions and allowed a comparison between theory and reality.

1. The Organization: issuer par excellence

The Organization as a corpus serves internal and external target audiences, and for each of them it adopts a form of communication: Internal Communication is developed from vertical, horizontal and diagonal flows, and is what allows the coordination of productive and work routines, operates as a facilitator and coordinator.

External Communication establishes Business Relations and Public Relations.

Traditionally, Business Relationships are with clients in response to the economic dependency of the Organization and in order to obtain profits; This has been considered as the way to success. For their part, Public Relations (with the government, journalists, investors, suppliers, unions, professionals and the Media) seek to reaffirm the organizational reputation, manage an Optimal Image that largely depends on these leaders. opinion or stakeholders.

Thus, the integration of the Commercial Area with the Communications and Public Relations Area is legitimized and becomes essential since both must understand profits and reputation as significant and interdependent purposes. Both forms of Communication manage their own strategies, which must be adapted and directed according to explicit (commercial) or tacit (non-commercial) interests.

The organization must not only direct its strategies towards the ultimate goal of its production of goods or services (sales), but also to emit a clear corporate message and the definition of social approach policies.

The Corporate Image, understood as "the portrait that is articulated in the minds of the receivers from signals sent by the object", has become a priority for Organizations, which have identified that if their target audiences qualify them favorably, your efforts will translate into increased sales. The next step is to review how to get it.

Target Audiences of the Organization: Corporate audiences.

"External or extra-institutional audiences are those individuals or social systems that are part of the external environment of the institution system and that affect it and / or are affected by it, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the achievement of the objectives"

There are still Organizations that only consider clients as their Target Audiences and classify them broadly according to stratum, preferences, ages and even their level of education. However, and although clients are also persuaded through non-commercial strategies, the Organization has other audiences:

“They are the publics that directly affect or influence a certain public in their opinion, decision or conduct. They influence by issuing opinions about products, services or companies, and this opinion is important for members of the receiving public ”

Opinion leaders or Stakeholders “are individuals or groups with a multiplicity of interests, expectations and demands that a company must provide and project to the community. Stakeholders have attributes and the most important are: legitimacy, power and urgency.

  • Legitimacy. It is the perceived validity of a stakeholder's demand. Power. The ability or capacity to produce an effect on the company. It is the degree of demands that demand immediate attention.

For this, companies must establish awareness and communication with stakeholders, for the sustainable development of monitoring channels, to identify the needs and demands that the company must permanently satisfy "

Among the many audiences are specialists (professionals, unions) who prefer a certain Organization, those who have extensive experience and a track record will serve those who have certain values ​​and project guarantees in line with their expectations.

Likewise, investors will accept offers according to the information they have from the Organization.

The interviewed businessmen allowed us to conclude that their most served audiences are customers and that they are venturing into the trend of approaching the Media in order to get free mentions of their products or services rather than the company, this is, there is no holistic or corporate understanding of your External Communication or the viewers around you, this is almost the only known option for achieving an Optimal Image. They have identified the importance of having a good Corporate Image, but not all the mechanisms to reach it.

Corporate communication

Before mentioning the contributions of a coherent and uniform emission of messages, it is important to clarify the concepts of Identity and Image as essential elements of Corporate Communication.

Corporate Identity is the sum of all forms of representation used by the Organization, it is the personality of the company explained by Cees BM van Riel as the Union of Communication, Behavior and Symbolism.

The Corporate Image is the reflection of all the signals emitted by the company and transformed into a concept by the target audiences.

In order for there to be a match between Identity and Corporate Image, the Organization must define how it wants to present itself to its audiences, therefore, it needs a precise profile, through which it can be recognized. Due to the above, the Identity - Image relationship is close and indissoluble, because of the coordination and adaptation of Organizational actions and signals (at the visual level - logo, corporate visual style -, communicational and behavioral - Organizational culture, customer service -), depend on external reactions.

From the approach to companies, there is undoubtedly a concern - first of all for the Corporate Image rather than for the elements of Identity that function as vehicles, since their strategies are oriented towards positioning through commercial ideas (such as the portfolio of services, banners, billboards) but there is no special attention to the behavior of officials, the fulfillment of promises, corporate style, etc.

Theoretically and historically, it is undeniable that the Organization sends conscious and unconscious messages to its audiences. Likewise, it is irrefutable that to support the Organizational objectives, there must be a coordination of all the actions carried out by the company.

In conclusion, an efficient "Corporate Communication" is obtained with the strengthening of the Corporate Identity (company personality) and this is what guarantees an unbeatable Image in the Target Audiences. The integration of all forms of Communication used by the Organization is, therefore, one of the tools responsible for giving coherence and emphasis to Corporate Identity.

In this order of ideas, the Corporate coordinates three forms of Communication according to Cees BM van Riel:

  1. Management Communication: responsible for transmitting authority, consolidating a cooperative environment, clarifying and emphasizing the objectives and desired results. It is an irreplaceable function, which corresponds to the Director of the Company both internally and externally. Marketing Communication: responsible for supporting the sale of goods or services through persuasive means that enhance the attributes of the product and stimulate (directly or indirectly) the consumer: advertising and promotion Organizational Communication: responsible for directing relations with all target audiences (including the internal customer) on which the Company depends in non-commercial terms: government, journalists, investors. Its objective is to protect the reputation of the Organization and modify attitudes through advertising and corporate branding,public relations, corporate journalism, patronage and social marketing.

The responsibilities of Corporate Communication are:

  1. Develop initiatives to minimize non-functional discrepancies between the desired identity and the desired image, taking into account the "strategy - image - identity" interaction. The Organizations have stated that they are sure that there is a complete agreement between what they want to reflect and what they actually reflect, and they also ensure that this result is achieved thanks to strategic alliances as a support mechanism and prestige. “Developing the profile of“ company behind the mark ”. Although companies tend to gather all their products and services under the same name, only two of the four interviewed women agreed that they carry out campaigns that highlight their Social Responsibility and present the company as a group of human beings.These are the companies that have been on the market for the longest and that despite having a solid Image, are interested in maintaining it. “Indicate who should do what task in the field of communication to formulate and execute effective procedures that facilitate the taking of decision on matters related to communication ”. Few companies have established communication policies; in fact, they do not have Communicators as leaders of decisions that have to do with external and even internal relations.they do not have Communicators as leaders of decisions that have to do with external and even internal relations.they do not have Communicators as leaders of decisions that have to do with external and even internal relations.

Although the three forms of communication contribute significantly to the fulfillment of the Organizational objectives, the intention differentiates them, since the Organizational or Institutional through Public Relations creates messages that persuade indirectly through corporate ideas, while Marketing relies on advertising and promotion that they directly persuade.

Regarding the three forms of Communication mentioned, this classification is still unknown by the companies that were used, even when they apply them. This leads to deduce that Communication has been a spontaneous exercise and that Marketing has been the only way to success, without noting that efforts can be shared through other techniques. Among these companies, the one that has been on the market for the longest time has gradually incorporated these techniques, since its services are so well positioned that it has chosen to do without advertising almost entirely.

Another of them is positioning itself through strategic alliances with such good results that it has practically used Public Relations to meet its goals; However, it should be noted that their sales tactics are also related to what they offer: spaces in the media.

The other companies offer educational and entertainment services and have relied on Advertising rather than Public Relations, these are hardly included in their External Communication plans.

2. Organizational or Institutional Communication: Corporate Image without priority commercial purposes

“Far from a waste, a segregation or a by-product, the image is a supravalue, which is imposed beyond the variability of the products and services that it also protects. The image is an added global value that covers and transcends all the company's achievements, productions and communications, to which it injects identity, personality and own and exclusive meanings » Joan Costa - Communication in the XXI century

The Organization and its corporate messages: Institutional Communication

The Organization must influence all its target audiences, both its clients and those who can function as a support to position an Image that allows them to achieve their goals. This relationship does not have priority commercial purposes and is called by María Luisa Muriel and Gilda Rota "Institutional Communication" and by Cees BM van Riel "Organizational Communication".

The purpose of this Communication "is to contribute to the coordination of the institution with the microsystem or society so that it in turn achieves its objectives" and to adjust the idea of ​​the Organization based on experiences, feedback and influence.. It is also the quintessential way to convey corporate messages.

Once this concept is understood, it should be clarified that three of the four companies mentioned must exceed their usual limits and implement strategies to win the sympathy of those actors in whom they influence and by whom they are affected, which is why they should avoid mixing strategies commercial (Marketing) with non-commercial (Public Relations) and recognize that there is a company, an added value behind the product brand, so that both success and failure are shared by related sectors without harming the company's reputation.

The corporate message

The corporate message is that emission made by the Organization with a high institutional content, it talks about its history, its values, ideals and projects, that is, its Identity, highlighting added values ​​and generating good opinion and respect, which allows us to verify that the Institutional Communication and Marketing are more effective if they are integrated, since "customer loyalty is, more obviously, a matter of satisfaction, good public opinion and other added functional and emotional values, such as recognized respectability and prestige, which they constitute the halo and the charism of the image ”, that is, the Corporate Communication supports the work of Marketing to make the Organization closer to the public.

In some Organizations this type of intention is transmitted through the House Organ: a “periodical non-profit publication, edited by a Company directly or through a specialized company, to keep employees or external public informed about activities that it carries out. and it is in your interest ”

Institutional Communication Forms

"The success of a Company is linked to good Public Relations actions, coupled with reputation, credibility, harmony and mutual understanding based on truth and complete information to the publics with which it is related"

The transformation of the Organization - Public relationship must start from the recognition of non-commercial purposes as important and priority objectives. Thus, the Organization can and should base the management of its Corporate Image and Public Opinion on Public Relations strategies.

The process of familiarization with these strategies by the aforementioned Companies is still incomplete, as there are cases in which the Management confuses commercial tactics with non-commercial ones or does not use them. However, through experience, there are companies that identify other mechanisms (not mentioned by the Theory) such as: staff training and customer service in order to build loyalty and coherence between what the Organization claims to be and what it is.

In the four companies, it is clear that loyalty begins with the internal client and a Culture of Service that will later be reflected in the treatment of consumers, but although they offer services and their clients are demanding, they lack more execution in this regard.

One of the great axioms at the business level is that Public Relations is a technique to make the environment of the Organization favorable, but few have considered them as a way to incorporate all forms of External Communication such as Corporate Advertising, Corporate Journalism, the positioning of Corporate Brand and Patronage, without being less important ethical conduct, transparency and support for civic causes.

Even Institutional Conduct can function as a corporate medium, as it is “an effort of an Organization to assume its social responsibility towards society as a whole. Organizations, increasingly, begin to assume that they are entities <> and that they have a social role to play, and not just a commercial one ”

In conclusion, the Institutional Communication "refers to all the messages that the Organization transmits, through which it presents itself as an entity, as a social subject, exposes arguments about it and speaks as a member of society".

Public Relations is a tool of Institutional Communication with which a mutual need, interdependence, loyalty and of course, long-term profits are created, such as:

  • Approach to customers (consumers), who will become familiar with the Organization, identifying themselves with their campaigns, attitudes and initiatives. Respect for the target audiences: when an Organization, thanks to its management, achieves the respect of society, it achieves, at the same time Consolidate as a leader The support of opinion leaders: an element in favor when the Organization does not reach its objectives or does not perform successfully, since the stakeholders are so attached to the company that they will try to justify their mistakes and even collaborate to that are overlooked.Increase in the consumption of their products or services: having the opinions of social leaders in their favor, strengthens confidence in the Organization,This results in customers becoming more identified with corporate ideas and consuming their products. The preference over the competition brings profits. Tendency to consume a certain product or to identify the campaigns of a certain Organization. Likewise, it generates greater intentions to seek employment in said company, to acquire shares in it, respect its advertisements and respond to its calls.

To achieve this preference and a friendly approach to the public, position, and highlight or change the Corporate Brand, the Organization adopts the following forms of Institutional Communication (among others):

Corporate Journalism: The Organization is news.

Corporate Journalism is "the set of informative activities that Organizations carry out, from the gestation of a news event to publication in their own, alternative or mass media," is one that enhances institutional messages and is managed from activities carried out by the Organization that can be converted into data of interest for information agendas, in this way a free mention of the Company (its Corporate Brand) is achieved

The communicator applies journalistic strategies to make the information attractive, contacting the media through press conferences and / or bulletins, training, tours, institutional material such as videos or booklets.

Although journalists have identified that this is a strategy for the benefit of the Organization, it must be persistent and show its commitment and social responsibility, and it must also seek to maintain good relations with the Media in order to benefit from both good and bad situations.

The actions accompanied by the Media are:

  • Launching of products. Social action campaigns. Social balance of the Organization. Academic or corporate events.

This relationship as with the rest of the public or Stakeholders is given in terms of convenience, thus, an Organization can benefit a Media by preferring it by acquiring its subscription services or by purchasing advertising space, and the Media can benefit the Organization by including their actions within their informative agenda.

Corporate Advertising: the Organization 'sells'

“Institutional or corporate advertising is that communication about a company that is done through advertising media and with techniques of that type. It serves to establish, develop, highlight or change the image of a company, so it is a very useful complement to the rest of the communication actions that are carried out to publicize an entity and gain understanding about it ”

It is one of the most valid arguments to affirm that the Organization's strategies should not be exclusively commercial (products / services) but also aimed at disseminating information about the company's competitive advantages, highlighting its Identity, positioning the Corporate Brand (not the of the product or service), reinforcing the reputation through the Mass Media.

Corporate Advertising messages are usually intended to let the External Public know that the Organization is aware of situations that affect society or is willing to share with it (Christmas, special products, special dates, national victories, etc.).

Social Responsibility: beyond economic exchange

"Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also called corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a term that refers to the set of obligations and commitments, legal and ethical, both national and international, that derive from the impacts that the activity of Organizations produce in the social, labor, environmental and human rights fields ”.

Through Social Responsibility, the company expresses its interest in improving the quality of life of society and it is the moment in which an ethical position is assumed. Social Responsibility is linked to Social Marketing because through it campaigns are spread, including:

  • Fundraising for underprivileged communities. Leadership to convene other companies for philanthropic purposes. Support for civic initiatives. Changes in their production processes to reduce environmental impact. Sponsorship of schools and children's restaurants. Support for small entrepreneurs or disabled. Supported to sporting, academic and cultural events. Linkage with social intervention projects.

“It is decisive in the analysis of the company's social responsibility, knowing how the business sector is interpreting it, what it is doing about it, how it manages management and the team that accompanies it, its commitment not only for its workers, but for the community, within the ethics and values ​​required to provide the service that has been proposed, not affecting the environment at any time, the environment in which they operate. ”

This strategy, which is also known as Social Marketing, in addition to bringing collective benefits, endows the company with differentiating factors and sensitizes the public to the management of the Organization, including its employees, with whom internal campaigns must be carried out to promote a whole Culture of Cooperation: good treatment and good practices.

"It is unlikely that a company assumes a social responsibility policy if it becomes an expense that goes against its interests and financial statements, since we cannot ignore that in business language everything is measured in investment costs and in the recovery of the same.

When there is an awareness that Social Responsibility is an investment that produces returns on profits, entrepreneurs and managers will assume a positive leadership on the subject, and this is more than likely, it is a reality to make social responsibility a profit action for the same company ”

The secret is not only in admitting that support for social initiatives will bring long-term profits, but in that it is necessary to add these attitudes to corporate policies, so that the coherence between Identity and Image is fulfilled, that there is satisfaction. internal that generates external satisfaction and that is not a sophism but a position that is assumed by conviction.

Patronage: a prestigious donation.

“It is an instrument of Institutional Communication that favors and enriches communication, not only external, but also internal in Organizations in a clear social sense. Patronage values ​​the image of the company outside of commercial objectives and seeks recognition at the level of social work ”

Patronage operates around the Corporate Brand, while Sponsorship normally does so with the Product Brand, therefore, this is a strategy that brings prestige to the Organization, by accompanying cultural initiatives such as:

  • Construction of Museums. Construction of cultural and sports centers. Support for athletes and artists. Support for Citizen Culture campaigns.

The above as a contribution or donation to citizen spaces.

Entrepreneurs interviewed based on their backgrounds and experiences stated that of the aforementioned strategies, the ones they use most for corporate, that is, non-commercial, purposes are:

Corporate Events, management of advertising and promotional material, social marketing, management of internal and external communication, corporate journalism, lunches and training; all companies understand that any of these will work in their consolidation.

One of the four companies indicated has almost a hundred years of existence in the country and has a department through which it enhances its relations with the public, as follows:

  • It supports social campaigns. It adapts its services for the good of the community. It dedicates part of its profits to donations. It carries out activities for the development of the community. It promotes the strengthening of Social Responsibility in its sector. It links its employees in the projects of citizen education and culture.

Over the years and as it stabilized in the market, the company focused on serving the community and strengthening this project. Today it is a Colombian brand recognized nationally and internationally, respected and taken as a business milestone; It is a valid reference for companies in its sector and has surpassed the competition with an unmatched advantage.

3. The corporate message: a long-term business strategy

Non-commercial strategies and their relation to commercial objectives.

The integration of Marketing with Public Relations occurs when the supports of commercial strategies (advertising, marketing, free press, among others) are adapted as non-commercial tools in order to generate preference for the products or services of the company. Organization, since consumers will remember the actions of Public Relations (corporate advertising, social marketing, corporate journalism, social responsibility, among others):

"This is how the perceptions, experiences and emotions linked to a company -and by extension to a brand, a product or a service-, structure the patterns of social behavior related to consumption"

The social communicator, in addition to attending to corporate intentions, must be linked to commercial intentions and unify policies that will foster positive predispositions. Similarly, the Communicator must examine commercial messages so that they are aligned with company policies and protect them so that they remain in Institutional Conduct through customer service and the strengthening of the Service Culture among employees, especially those who have permanent contact with the environment of the company.

Corporate Brand Image: The company behind the brand.

As explained by the ace of the brand, Sid Hecker in 1981, when he stated that “a verbal concept could be appropriate for a product, but from a more complex level implies that through the ads there is an emotional charge included, a selling point that is the reason of purchase. Advertising should not only be entrusted with creating reasons to justify the purchase, but also in the marketing work to influence consumer opinions ”

Currently, the trend is precisely to go from the product brand to the corporate brand to facilitate total identification, that is, the identification of the Organization, its policies and intentions, not just the product; When a product bears the seal of a prestigious Organization, it usually has almost immediate acceptance in the Market, hence its importance: it produces favorable appreciations.

In order to increase sales, marketing trends have leaned towards creating a Corporate Brand that brings together and expresses the “vision, business policy and image”, that is, the company's aspirations, its values ​​and behaviors and their stakeholders:

“The public stopped buying products to buy brands, it is now stopping buying brands to buy brand images. Identity brands of products and services, as well as corporate identity, must mean something to people. Something that is not in the products or the services themselves, but in their symbolic values ​​"

In short, the Corporate Image is the differentiating factor that adds values, permanence over time and in the memory of the target audiences, above the advertising campaigns, with a radical difference: it is managed indirectly.

All the companies consulted have identified the affective factor as the secret to attract customers, for this reason their campaigns have a friendly tone that makes their respective niches think that they share their wishes and needs, that the message is personal.

Each of these companies adapts its messages and transmits qualities such as status, style and quality of life, obtaining as a result an identification by its public; They carry out activities as a gift for stakeholders with client programs or preferential allies.

Management of the Corporate Brand Image

The management of the corporate brand image "is designed to generate consequences that will obviously be beneficial in principle for the Organization from its image and identity." Some benefits of this management are:

  • Internal positioning: it consists of emphasizing the Corporate Identity facilitating the course of the company processes and the achievement of the purposes. External positioning: it is based on the fulfillment of the promises made through advertising and promotion; Likewise, it is the response of consumers who demonstrate their levels of acceptance. Credibility: it is one of the most satisfactory results of image management as it guarantees the respect of the public and the corporate authority to influence the environment. Brand loyalty: protects the company from competition and generates tolerance on the part of the public against the mistakes made by the Organization. Consumption by brand qualities:Consumers will prefer the brand for the positioned values ​​and what the Organization represents for the public.

The image can only be managed through indirect methods, otherwise it would sink in that what people have in their mind can be manipulated.

4. The Communicator: a corporate strategist.

Role of the Communicator in the issuance of corporate messages.

The way the Organizational or Institutional Communication is handled can vary, in some occasions it is part of the work of the Public Relations department, in others, each area establishes links with its stakeholders; however, the role of the Communicator becomes relevant as it is in charge of guiding all these processes, even if they are located in different departments, and directing them towards corporate objectives in a uniform way.

In the companies visited, the Marketing department coordinates corporate messages, however, this can mislead the intention, since commercial objectives are usually mixed with non-commercial ones or they pay more attention to the former than to the latter.

However, some authors (and businessmen) have evolved this concept and raise the need for a department in charge of “communicating messages to external and internal audiences to produce effects on their knowledge, attitudes, opinions and behavior in such a way as to conform an image. favorable for the institution ”

The role of the communicator within the Organization as manager of Corporate Image is stated as follows:

  • Generate effects on the knowledge of the Organization through its Public Relations actions. Influence attitudes, opinions and conduct. Know and issue corporate values ​​and objectives; In addition, design them so that the public identifies with them. Optimize the impact of the messages emitted. Approach opinion leaders or Stakeholders and maintain a good relationship with them. Promote the use of internal and external Public Relations. Obtain a identification of the public with the Organization.

The communicator can even achieve the differentiation of Commercial Relations so that the public interprets the Company as a group that is interested in them for purposes beyond economic ones, for this reason the profile for an Institutional Communicator is demanding in the insofar as it needs to perform objectively and efficiently in reaching out to the Organization's opinion-makers and publics.

For this, the Communicator requires:

  • Implement Public Relations strategies as a complement to Marketing strategies. Identify the Organization's audiences. Have the ability to establish non-commercial relationships with audiences that affect the objectives or reputation of the Organization. Analyze the organizational environment and identify suitable strategies. to adapt to it. Receive the support of the Directorate to implement Strategic communication plans (allocation of resources and support in the modification of policies that may influence the development of strategies).

In conclusion, the Communication must be legitimized within the processes of the Organization in order to implement the issuance of Corporate Messages that allow the understanding of the interests of the company and favor its Image, so that it supports the achievement of business goals. and not commercial.

For this, the Image Management or Creation process must be audited and the Identity must be emphasized so that each action of the Organization represents the propitious meaning among the target audiences and especially among those who exercise the role of opinion leaders, establishing a relationship that although it is of convenience and dependence, it is given in cordial and professional terms.

Thus, the integration of the economic interests of the Company with the Public Relations strategies, largely guarantees success and viability, therefore it is a priority that the intentions of the Organization be channeled through the Communicator and effectively reach each audience, because for each one there is a strategy, a strategic approach.

In this way, the public ends up preferring not only the product brand, but the corporate brand, that is, there is an emotional acceptance of the total Organization, therefore, and they must consider that the Image is equivalent to the unity of all its forms External Communication.

Therefore, it can be deduced that the Organization must generate better impressions on its viewers, caring for society and transcending its economic purpose towards intentions that result in its corporate policies and showing interest in its immediate environment, becoming real social agents.


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Organizations ignore perhaps the most important strategies and base their success almost exclusively on business strategies.

Thank God for giving me a family to teach me the invaluable merit of the discipline. Lina María Tellez Marmolejo

Strategic management of corporate image