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Process management applied to the administration of a hotel in Argentina


Why a change of management?

The complexity of today's environment saturated with competition, social problems, demanding customers, rigid environmental laws, and immersed in a growing process of globalization, makes working insufficient today (Cisneros 2003).


We live inserted in a dynamic world that is constantly updated, of changes that if we do not adapt, they run us over. Working just to see how much profit I made today is not being productive. The need for change is imminent.

In the hotel industry, changes can arise from opportunities, from new proposals, unforeseen events, ideas on the go, due to lack or excess of an input, among others. In any case, they are surprising, unexpected changes, not planned in advance, improvised, and even applied when an employee or customer was already unmotivated or angry, or we directly lost it. The environment changes and companies may or may not adjust to the new rules, to the new environment, to the new demands and demands. But if what you want is to be productive, competitive, and not stay on the road, you must have self-management, self-development and an ability to adapt to change.

Thus, organizational changes should not be left to chance, nor to the inertia of custom, less to improvisation, these should be properly planned. It is necessary more than ever to think and rethink organizations, a change management process keeping in mind that it is a continuous process that must be treated as such and not as something transitory. All organizations change, but the challenge is for organizational change to occur in the direction that interests the organization's goals. And no change can be successful without prior planning (Cisneros 2003).

Why a process management?

Conventionally, organizations have been structured on the basis of vertical and control functional departments, centralized in unilateral decision making. In this way, value and focus are focused on the organization and operation of each departmental division of the hotel (management, rooms, reception, restaurant, etc.) and customer orientation is difficult.

Process Management perceives the organization as an interrelated system of processes that jointly contribute to increasing customer satisfaction. It provides a vision and tools with which the workflow can be improved and redesigned to make it more efficient and adapt it to customer needs (Soler 2007). It is an organization that is more horizontal than vertical, with added value to customers, employees and society. He is interested in the means to achieve an end, and not in the end itself.

Thus, in this systemic vision of business management, the resources used must be managed so that after undergoing a process results are obtained. And these results should be used to feed back management (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Management feedback. (See PDF)

The Process-Based Management Model allows to eliminate the functional barriers that organizational departments build by integrating system processes (Soler 2007). Process management understands the organization as a set of activities that together help increase customer satisfaction. For an organization to be managed based on its processes, and to function effectively, it is necessary to identify its activities, the relationship between them and classify its processes (fig. 2).

1. Objectives of the work

General objectives:

  • Directing change with a systemic and global vision, contributing to the adaptability and flexibility of organizational change. Contributing to the integration of business management in a process of continuous improvement. Developing an efficient management system.

Specific objectives:

  • Link the different sectors of the hotel towards the company's strategy down to the employee level. Develop a monitoring and evaluation system for processes and activities, minimizing the control and supervision of individuals. That Management becomes aware of human resources and assume its central role: the strategic processes Provide the necessary elements to generate the Hotel Management Manual as a tool that really guides the actions and allows the fulfillment of the organizational goals Give the reasons, generate the need and provide the motivation to generate the Procedures Manual. Achieve the strategic alignment (catchball): that the linking of all people to the strategy is a continuous process, capable of being redefined, evaluated and periodically improved.Promote teamwork and a better work environment, and increase the information, motivation and commitment of staff. Solve a large discrepancy within the model used until now: the strategic deployment connected to the voice of the customer. Be able to respond quickly to the trends and demands of customers, travel agencies and tour operators, both Argentine and foreign. Contribute to increase customer satisfaction and promote loyalty. Improve the image of the company and its competitive position in the local market by generating a product truly differentiated. To aspire to adhere to programs of sustainable companies, certifications or seals of quality, social responsibility, environmental, or the like, whichever you choose, of national and / or international scope.Recognition by the tourist sector and the client.

2. Evaluation

Lunajuim Hotel is located in the town of El Chaltén, Province of Santa Cruz. This is a tourist town par excellence, with tourism being the central and fundamental economic activity in the local economy. Declared National Capital of Trekking, its attractions are hiking and mountain climbing, landscapes, rivers, lakes, glaciers, fauna and flora. Horseback riding, cycling, rafting, fishing, among others, are also practiced. The town is surrounded by the northern sector of Los Glaciares National Park.

This hotel works, until now, with a conventional management based on the departmental division. That is, a structure divided into functional areas (or departments) of a hierarchical nature that work under the containing gaze of Management.

Seven functional areas are distinguished: management, reception, rooms, living room, kitchen, maintenance and laundry. Under the current management modality, employees from all functional areas are considered human resources, but Management members are not assumed as such. This, being the owners themselves, ensures that the provision of services in each of the other sectors is carried out (fig. 3).

Figure 3: LunaJuim Hotel's current departmental vision.

Management is also the area that hires employees. These can be selected for their previous experience in the field, for having some specific training, their command of the English language, or a combination of these. There is no discriminatory criterion for their selection. The more experienced and functional employees teach the newly hired the dynamics of each sector.

The Accommodation Process begins when the client arrives at the Reception. The receptionists are the department in charge of the reception, attention, follow-up during the stay and farewell of the client, and coordinates, controls and manages the different services related to the stay. It is where the check-in and checkout is done, and information is provided to customers who need it. The hotel does not have a porter or housekeeper service, functions that are usually performed by the receptionists themselves. This area has two to four employees depending on the time of year. There is a Head of reception who is the one who interacts daily with travel agencies, tour operators and private clients via web and telephone, therefore, the person in charge of hotel occupancy. It is also responsible for the inputs of the sector,to train new receptionists, public relations, among others.

Lunajuim offers the (gastronomic) restaurant service for breakfast, dinner, lunch and bar. Breakfast and dinner are provided in the dining room area with one to two waitresses or waiters available. Breakfast is self-service buffet, and dinner a la carte with a recommended menu of the day. The viands are at the request of the tourist. The kitchen has a chef or chef, an assistant chef, and a dishwasher or pot rack. It is in this sector where all the foods of the gastronomy service are prepared, including what is a cafeteria. The chef is responsible for the stock of the merchandise or gastronomic supplies. There is no designated or trained employee for the bar. The bar service includes a cafeteria and drinks (wines, cocktails, soft drinks, etc.) and is attended indiscriminately by a receptionist, waiter or, more commonly, the hotel owner.The one who controls their stock is usually the owner or some waiter or waitress.

Room service is part of the accommodation service, but for practical purposes it should be treated separately in this case. This includes cleaning and conditioning the rooms, and is carried out by two to five maids depending on the time of year. One of them, the governess, is responsible for requesting and transmitting the report of the day with the rooms for deep cleaning or review as appropriate, and those that must be ready to be occupied the next day. She is the one who requests the keys to the rooms from the Head of receptionists, and who will then return them once the tasks are completed. Between the Maid Maid and the Head of reception, the role of housekeeper is fulfilled. The governess is also the one who organizes the schedules, shifts and rotations of the entire maid staff,who pays a visit to all the rooms at the end of the day, and who is responsible for the stock of cleaning products and implements and personal hygiene for the rooms. The laundry service, cleaning of the lobby and dining room is also carried out by the maids with rotation of activities between sectors.

The Maintenance area refers to the technical maintenance of equipment and facilities, general repair and gardening. It is done by one to two people depending on the time of year. Repairs that are complex or require a licensed technician are contracted as external services.

This hotel has the serene service, also called nochero. This role is fulfilled by an employee with various functions, making it part of the reception area, living room and kitchen. He is the one who is attentive to the nightly requirements of tourists, opens and closes the main door, receives tourists who arrive on their schedule, wakes up those who request it, among others. It also prepares and prepares all the food for breakfast and leaves the lounge and the buffet table in good condition. Attentive to guests once they are eating breakfast, complete and replenish foods from the buffet table as they are consumed, lift used dishes and reassemble tables if necessary. Reports the merchandise that needs to be purchased. He is usually accompanied by a waiter or waitress at breakfast time.

From the Management, the application of the management by objective (DPO) is made. The Management by Objectives, also called Results-Centered Management, fits within the general planning as the short-term concretion of the Organizational Objectives. It is a management technique that focuses on the what, on the results, leaving the how (the concrete action plans) at the initiative of the personnel involved (Canga 2009).

At Lunajuim Hotel there is no procedure for strategic planning and deployment, that is, it is operational but not strategic. Thus, the activities and their organization in the current management are structured and related as follows:

Figure 4: Current organizational structure, activities and their relationship at LunaJuim Hotel.

In its organizational structure, support and operational processes can be recognized, but the absence of strategic processes and a one-way relationship. It does not have a clear operational base or a set of procedures on how to do things. Management, when making decisions, are circumstantial and applied through direct orders and / or individual or group calls for attention: a management of reaction to events. She is also responsible for purchasing external supplies and services (suppliers and extra maintenance and laundry services). It carries out partial economic balances (daily and monthly), and makes a comparison with previous years. Based on this, they usually make some decisions that affect the support processes and suffer in the provision of services:stop buying a certain input, or purchase a substitute of lower price and therefore of lower quality, rationalize it, or wait for its purchase until the occasion of a trip to another location.

The Head of Reception is the one who is kept informed about new trends and management policy requirements of travel agencies and tour operators (especially European ones). She is the one who receives the satisfaction surveys and reads the comments on web pages and traveler forums. In Reception all complaints and suggestions are collected when tourists leave. All of this information is not recorded, and the satisfaction surveys that are completed are archived and forgotten. Just make a comment to the Management of some outstanding criticism.

Safety and hygiene (S&H) is limited to the presence of some elements and the use of uniforms differentiated by sector. There is a first aid kit, but its existence, the elements it contains, and the use or expiration state of its components are not reported. Fire extinguishers are in good condition, but there is no instruction on their use. There are no signalized emergency exits, nor any indication on how to act in cases of emergency or catastrophe. Neither are employees consulted or instructed on the actions in the event of unforeseen events or accidents of a tourist or the employees themselves.

3. The new management

In a process model, the members of all the functional areas of the hotel must be assumed as support processes. The Management will carry out the strategic processes (the strategic business management) and the other sectors the operational processes (the provision of services) (fig. 5).

Figure 5: LunaJuim Hotel's departmental vision in a process management model.

The need for the deployment of the voice of the customer

Quality assurance is a main maxim of the hotel sector. The consumer is increasingly committed to the information available and the opinions of third parties when planning and making their trips. Hierarchical management approaches where the results of the operational processes are not taken into account, that is, where no feedback is generated, considerably limit the improvement in the performance of work processes. Customer voice is not shared and customer value is not created. Thus, it is not possible to achieve, through process improvement, the levels of performance required to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty (Fernandez and Cáravez 2007).

This model, the process model, enables the deployment of the customer's voice and key information to improve service processes. Tourism received by travel agencies and tour operators contributes around 70% of the occupancy level by season in Lunajuim, which tells us that their contributions, opinions and demands cannot be ignored or taken lightly.

The need for communication

All employees, regardless of their roles or tasks, must be aware that quality compliance in the way they perform their jobs can make the difference between being quality accommodation and not being it. Communication, from the management and first lines of command to the rest of the workers and vice versa, must be an element of management. The due flow of information in both directions, that is, double communication, must be subject to annual planning (Soler 2007). Along with the deployment of the customer's voice, communication and dialogue between all sectors of the hotel is a key strategy to generate the corresponding feedback.

The success of the implementation of a management system depends, among other things, on the participation and commitment of all people and this requires having sufficient information. This information must be provided by all possible techniques and means, as well as checking that the content transmitted has been understood. Communication favors staff awareness and makes it more participatory, since it implies consideration and recognition in favor of occupational health and safety (Soler 2007).

The new model

For this new model, the hotel process map must first be defined. The strategic ones must be determined and their relationship with the operational and support groups, and this relationship must be orchestrated in such a way that systemic feedback is generated. The following process map was determined for LunaJuim Hotel:

Figure 6: Process map for LunaJuim Hotel.

Implementing a new management system represents an important transformation that affects the structure of the organization and its methodology. This global and systemic management model gives rise to strategic processes and the interrelation of processes. The definition of strategies, which directly affect the support and operational processes, will be based on company policies, the deployment of the voice of the client, the communication of personnel from all sectors with each other, and the review of the system and its management in regular periods.

Today in organizations there are three variables that are gaining importance, such that they must be considered strategic, and they are: sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR)and excellence 4. These variables are not independent but are interrelated, since with responsible action organizations tend to excellence and contribute to sustainable development (Vargas Sánchez et al 2005).

Business policies will be corporate social responsibility (CSR), quality, safety and hygiene (S&H) and environmental. The deployment of the customer's voice will be carried out taking into account the requirements and trends expressed by travel agencies and tour operators, and the evaluation of customer satisfaction. Staff communication will be accomplished through staff rounds at regular periods. The periodic review of the system and its management will allow the necessary changes and adjustments to be made.

Thus, we will not only have systemic and process management, but also a sustainable hotel management system.

4. Implementation of the new management system

The following implementation planning of the new management system is determined: (See PDF)

Figure 7: Planning of implementation of the new management system for LunaJuim Hotel.

Once the new management system (1) is accepted, its base must be generated. And the basis of a good management system is its documentation. Following this planning, as the new management is implemented, it goes through the levels of its documentation: determine its business policies and objectives (2), create the Sustainable Management Manual (3), detail the work instructions for each process (5), and create the Procedures Manual (6).

The Hotel Management Manual is the basic document of the company, and will be prepared in writing and will be easily understandable; It should be known by all levels of the organization and will be available to the general public (Soler 2007). It must indicate the vision, mission and key management strategies. Also corporate policy: corporate social responsibility and quality, health and safety and environmental policies, and organizational procedures that affect it. The quality and environmental policy must be adequate to the objectives of the organization, to the expectations and needs of its clients, evidencing the efforts to achieve the objectives defined as an expression of commitment to continuous improvement (IRAM-SECTUR 42800). They must be posed realistically and in accordance with the state,functionality and current purpose of the hotel and the local context where it is located. Their implementation should be organized and managed according to whether they are immediately, short, medium or long-term, and those to be implemented in the future must be registered. Your goals must be clear and practical, and your goals achievable. They must have a documented follow-up.

The complexity of the production and service systems makes the normalization of operations and activities carried out in the hotel-gastronomic industry essential to achieve the necessary safety, reliability and quality.. It is recommended to define, document and implement a program of social responsibility of the organization and towards the community (IRAM-SECTUR 42200).

The organization must ensure compliance with the necessary requirements to guarantee safety and hygiene in the establishment, identify other risks to public health in its facilities, having maintenance, cleaning and disinfection procedures when necessary..

Management must define, implement and document a program of good environmental practices, awareness-raising and training for staff, and awareness-raising and information for guests (IRAM-SECTUR 42200). Environmental policy should include a firm commitment to continuous improvement and prevention of pollution; Of course, the commitment also includes compliance with applicable environmental legislation and regulations (Soler 2007).

The management system, mission, vision and business policies will be communicated to the entire campus (4). There will be a printed copy, preferably on recycled paper, of the Management Manual in Management and another in Reception available to all staff and guests. There will be a copy in English in Reception available to tourists. As the tourist season progresses and new employees are incorporated, they will be informed of the business management system, individually or in groups.

The work instructions consist of detailing as much as possible each work process (5), and with this, prepare the Procedures Manual (6). The purpose of this document is to train any person to be employed and already employed in the tasks that affect the position they occupy regardless of their experience, training or skill. In this way it is possible to unify the criteria of behavior and thus have a common way of proceeding.

All employees will be instructed, by sector, with the corresponding work process according to the position to be filled (7). In each case, every procedure and attitude that each employee must have in relation to the company's quality, safety and hygiene and environmental policies will be indicated. There will be a printed copy, preferably on recycled paper, of the Procedures Manual in Management and another in Reception available to all staff and guests. There will be a copy in English in Reception available to tourists.

The hotel will include in all its promotional materials, both on paper and online, a prominent mention of its policy and management system (8). Posters will be displayed at the Reception, in Spanish and English, announcing the company's policies and the disposition of the manuals. They will also be published and disseminated on the company's website and on its fan page, in Spanish and English, and will be mentioned at the foot of the company's e-mails.


The Management will be the one that carries out the entire process, and is primarily responsible for its compliance and success. Both the implementation of the new management system and its validity once fully operational. You can assign a person (specialist or to train) as the person in charge and responsible for the management, or add it as a new member of the Management Area. It can also support its management and create links of connection with the appointment of a person in charge or head of sector in the case and area that it deems convenient (Head of Reception, Head of Kitchen, Head of Salon, Governor, etc.).

When completing phase 4 of the implementation planning of the new system, that is, communication to the entire campus of the new management system, it will be the first round of personnel. This event is the one that would start the new management, its launch with the Company's Management Manual already available. According to the management schedule (Annex I), it will be at the beginning of the tourist activity, in the month of September. The new management system will be fully in force when the transit of all stages of the implementation planning is completed.

From the first month of activity, and once the new management system is up and running, the creation of a Database will begin. This database will consist, on the one hand, of the requirements, queries and requests of travel agencies, tour operators and private clients related to the management of the hotel, the provision of services and the company's policies. On the other hand, it will contain the opinions, criticisms, suggestions and thanks expressed by tourists in transit or who have been staying at the hotel. These data will be collected from all the means by which the voice of the client is expressed: satisfaction surveys, travel websites, contacts by e-mails, guest book, comments during your stay, traveler forums, by phone, etc.. This database will be prepared in Reception,on a daily and permanent basis. In each round of staff, those who receive comments, complaints and suggestions from guests related to management, service delivery and company policies will be asked to announce them at Reception to be registered. All this information will be used to generate new policies, redefine existing ones, improve service, redefine strategies, incorporate new inputs, stop using others, among others. It will also be used in the different management indicators and will form part of the hotel's annual management report.announce them in Reception to be registered. All this information will be used to generate new policies, redefine existing ones, improve service, redefine strategies, incorporate new inputs, stop using others, among others. It will also be used in the different management indicators and will form part of the hotel's annual management report.announce them in Reception to be registered. All this information will be used to generate new policies, redefine existing ones, improve service, redefine strategies, incorporate new inputs, stop using others, among others. It will also be used in the different management indicators and will form part of the hotel's annual management report.

Management must implement a system for the treatment and response to customer complaints or claims that establishes the means and supports that facilitate the client's presentation; and implement a system for the treatment of suggestions; and define and implement a documented measurement system for customer satisfaction (IRAM-SECTUR 42200).

The indicators used for monitoring and measuring the performance of the management system must be defined. These can be economic, environmental, social or integrated. The chosen indicators must be adjusted to the hotel management system, the characteristics of service provision and the local context. They must also be in accordance with the stage of business management in which the hotel is located. In this case Lunajuim Hotel would go through a stage of insertion and consolidation of a new management system; stage in which the necessary information for the use of the indicators would be being generated.

The information required for the use of indicators must provide useful information to the company, indicate the degree of achievement of the objectives and quantify its progress. For Lunajuim Hotel, based on analysis of your situation, I recommend the use of the following indicators:

Table 1: Recommended indicators for Lunajuim Hotel

Indicator Type Indicator
Economic Employment volume
Net job creation
Hotel occupation
Social Responsible shopping
Contribution to sustainable tourism of the destination
Customer satisfaction index
Working environment
Risks and emergencies
Environmental Material consumption
Waste management
Water consumption

Once the system of indicators is determined, data will be collected, analyzed and obtained. A report of the indicators and their results will be made. They will be translated in a way that describes and illustrates business behavior and compared to the organization's objectives and goals. The adjustment, continuity or discontinuity of each of them, or the incorporation of a new one will be analyzed. Those responsible or heads of areas and in the round of employees will be informed.

The Customer Satisfaction Index (ISC), in a system that allows capturing the customer's opinion about the services received during their stay, helps to provide important information to the areas involved to correct those points that the guest points out (Nava Urostiegui 2013). This index is central if it is to provide a quality service and continuous improvement, guest loyalty and recognition and differentiation in the tourism sector. For this, the Database of the voice of the client must be made effective and keep it permanently updated. The customer satisfaction survey must also be adapted to the new management system and in such a way that the data obtained can be quantifiable through the ISC or any other chosen indicator. If you are not willing to invest (time,money and effort) as a result of the results, the measurement of customer satisfaction is inconsequential; and it is profitable as long as it is accompanied by actions that induce improvement and innovation (Nava Urostiegui 2013).

The personal rounds will be done with an established regularity. It is recommended that they be fortnightly, or monthly in months of little activity (low season) and fortnightly in months of greater activity (medium and high season). They should be done at least once a month. These rounds, in addition to being a communication channel for business management, will be the procedure to assess the work environment of workers and conflict resolution. The organization must maintain open channels for the resolution of conflicts and complaints of the organization's employees, keeping an updated record of its results (Soler 2007).

The proper functioning of the management and provision of services should be periodically reviewed, questioning the achievement of the proposed objectives or advising the carrying out of modifications. Also the revision of the documentation and the system in general to anticipate the problems and to be able to apply continuous improvement plans, the continuity of the strategies, the definition of new ones or the redefinition of the existing ones. The latter is recommended to be done weekly in high season.

5. Innovative elements of work

This project wants to demonstrate that base changes in management can be faced and achieved even when it seems that we have nothing to start with, that it is extremely complex, that it is only possible with large monetary investments, or that the only way out is a blur and new account.

It is possible to start traveling a new path towards sustainable management, which leads us to provide quality service and in a good labor relations climate, no matter how much you have become accustomed to working in a certain way, or how many years you have been doing it. done in the same way. It is possible to take a turn towards a dynamic, modern and constantly updating administration.

The greatest requirements are the decision, attitude and aptitude for change. Time, information and training in the new management, its validity and monitoring, are the main inputs. The investment in material resources goes from low to very low. In human resources it can be null, in the training of an employee or in the hiring of a specialist, temporarily or permanently.

The business management proposed in this project, systemic and processes, is adaptable to any establishment that provides the accommodation service, with or without the restaurant service. Whatever its surface, accommodation capacity, location or extraordinary condition, it can be applied with the corresponding vision, direction and adjustments.

6. Description of functionality and environmental benefits

6.1. Results achieved or expected, with indicators

An improvement in environmental variables is expected. The results could be seen in the short term, but to quantify them, the generation of information and its effective recording are first necessary. Thus, these data can then be used in the environmental indicators proposed for this hotel.

It will also depend on the environmental policies of the company determined at the time of preparing the Management Manual. Likewise, in this first season of the new management, the use of the indicators of materials consumption, waste management and water consumption is recommended (Table 1). The information will be recorded from the first month and the evolution of each will be monitored.

A gradual improvement of these indicators is presumed, even when the changes are not very noticeable in the first season of application of environmental policies. The information obtained will be documented for comparison with subsequent years.

6.2. Applicability in the hotel industry

The functionality of the process management system and its interaction with environmental variables and indicators are perfectly compatible. This management system is adjustable to any establishment that provides the accommodation service.

The environmental indicators to be used in each case must be chosen according to each situation, conditions and proposed goals. Those recommended for Lunajuim Hotel were selected according to their practicality, immediate need for implementation, short and medium-term goals, and the local context of location and functionality within it. Waste management is currently a priority issue for the community of El Chaltén due to the large volume generated in the months with the highest tourist influx.

7. Description of functionality and economic / commercial benefits

7.1. Results achieved or expected, with indicators

The proposed management system is, in itself, not only an improvement in hotel management, but the proposition of comprehensive business management planned with defined strategies. Being functional and strategic, it presupposes an improvement and economic benefits. The initial investment is not relevant, this project has been devised with the premise of avoiding significant economic budgets. By targeting quality service and monitoring customer satisfaction to feed back the improvement of the system, it inevitably results in an economic-commercial improvement. Quality services reduce errors and, therefore, unnecessary costs; increase productivity and develop or improve the positioning of the company image as a provider.

Its financial viability is high due to the low cost of implementing the new management system, immediate control and gradual adjustment of resources (energy, polluting and low-quality raw materials, etc.), an improvement in job performance, an image positive of the company and its disclosure, an increase in customer loyalty and its personal recommendation of the hotel, prevail in the tourism market.

Some economic indicators are proposed (Table 1) that need data recording for their calculation. Its results may be comparable with those of subsequent years.

7.2. Applicability in the hotel industry

The functionality of the process management system and its interaction with economic-commercial variables and indicators are perfectly compatible. This management system is adjustable to any establishment that provides the accommodation service.

The economic indicators to be used in each case must be chosen according to each situation, conditions and proposed goals. Those recommended for Lunajuim Hotel were selected according to their practicality, immediate need for implementation, short and medium-term goals, and the local context of location and functionality.

8. Description of the functionality and socio-cultural benefits

8.1. Expected or achieved results, with indicators

By acquiring CSR policies, its functionality and benefits to the socio-cultural environment are expected to be gradually increased. This can be measured through

the social indicators chosen (table 1) based on the CSR policies determined at the time of preparing the Management Manual.

Working conditions and the working climate are expected to begin to improve once the new management system is in place, and they will grow throughout the tourist season. The use of the work climate indicator from the first staff round is proposed, and its monitoring throughout the season.

8.2. Applicability in the hotel industry

The functionality of the process management system and its interaction with socio-cultural variables and indicators are perfectly compatible. This management system is adjustable to any establishment that provides the accommodation service.

The social indicators to be used in each case must be chosen according to each situation, conditions and proposed goals. Those recommended for Lunajuim Hotel were selected according to their practicality, immediate need for implementation, short and medium-term goals, and the local context of location and functionality.

9. Description of the communication strategy

9.1. objective

Strategic communication is essential for strategic alignment, and the improvement and maintenance of a good working environment. The deployment of the customer's voice is also essential for quality service and CSR.

9.2. Addressee

In the definition of strategic objectives, it is necessary that participation is not limited only to senior management, but also encourages greater participation of workers to achieve greater commitment to meeting them (Canga 2009). The proposed management involves all the human resources of the hotel. It is a systemic management where everyone is a dynamic and functional part, and where feedback must be generated. And for this, communication of all personnel in all areas is essential.

Also the contribution of the tourist / guest will be an important part of business policies, and who will be informed about them.

9.3. Implementation

The catchball is the process that seeks to find answers to the questions, how the department, up to the individual level, can contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of the process? and evidently, are the employees of the department (who participate in the process) in accordance with the contribution expected of them?

(Canga 2009). You should also listen to the problems of coexistence at work, performance of functions, personal complications, requests for favors, and others.

Communication is a strategic process that must be managed. The staff rounds will be where the catchball is generated, reported and listened to. Where ideas, opinions are exchanged and proposals and conclusions are generated.

Also, the deployment of the voice of the client through the generation of the database of the voice of the client and the annual management report is the way in which communication will be generated with tourists, travel agencies and tour operators. What guests contribute and demand is taken into account, recorded and discussed, and the company will make a return communicating the measures taken accordingly and will make disclosure.

Annex I: Schedule

Table 2: Timeline for implementation and start-up of the new management system at Lunajuim Hotel.

Annex II: Definitions

For the purposes of this project, the following terms are used:

Strategic alignment (or organizational catchball): Link the various units and departments to the organization's strategy, reaching in this process, down to the employee level, in order to ensure that all people, at all levels, all days, they make decisions, act and work to achieve the Vision, Objectives and Goals of the Organization (Canga 2009).

Feedback: a method of controlling systems in which the results obtained from a task or activity are reintroduced into the system. Its purpose is to make the necessary modifications to control, improve, enhance and / or optimize the system.

Indicator: Numerical quantification to measure or compare the results actually obtained from processes, products or services (IRAM-SECTUR 42200).

Sustainable Management Manual: which includes the sustainable management policy, the organizational structure, the main responsibilities and functions of the relevant staff from the different areas of hotel management, good practices and communication policies towards guests. This manual must be available and made available to all new staff (Sustainable Management in Hotels: Requirements, specifications and sustainability criteria).

Procedures Manual: it is the document in which the tasks that must be carried out to cover the operations of the company must be described as accurately and clearly as possible. The purpose of the document is to train any person in the organization in the tasks that affect the position they occupy (Manual of Good Practice in Service Management for Accommodation Establishments).

Mission of an organization: The Mission of an organization is simply the reason why it exists: what do we do? How do we do it? Why do we do it? (Canga 2009).

Sustainable management policy: Declaration made by the Management of the organization of its intentions and principles of action in relation to sustainable development (Sustainable Management in Hotels: Requirements, specifications and sustainability criteria).

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): It is management from a sustainability perspective, that is, seeking a balance between economic, social and environmental activity (Vargas Sánchez et al 2005).

System: organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources necessary to implement a specific management, such as quality management, environmental management, or occupational risk prevention management (Soler 2007).

Vision of an organization: The Vision is the set of general ideas that create the frame of reference of what an organization aspires to be in the future (Canga 2009).

Annex III: Bibliography

  • Canga José Fernando Abel. (2009). Procedure for Strategic Planning and Deployment in a tourist circuit. Application at the Gran Caribe Jagua Hotel in Cienfuegos. Ed. Cienfuegos University. Republic of Cuba.Cisneros Patricia. (2003). Process of change of a company. Sustainable Management in Hotels: Requirements, specifications and sustainability criteria. (2012). Eco-labeling Program for Sustainable Hospitality. Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic (AHT). First edition. Manual of Good Practices in Service Management for Accommodation Establishments. (2012). National Directorate of Tourism Development - Vice Ministry of Tourism - Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism. Peru. Manual of Safety and Hygiene in Hospitality and Gastronomy.Gastronomic Hotel Business Federation of the Argentine Republic (FEHGRA) and Federal Investment Council. Buenos Aires. Practical Hotel Quality Manual for hotels and rural accommodation. Connected accommodation program. Companies at red.es - FEDER-UE. Source: http: //www.calidadturistica.es Michelena Fernandez Esther S. and Yamil Cáravez Santana. (2007). Solution of Discrepancies within the Model for the improvement of Processes in a Tourist Circuit. Industrial Magazine. Ed. Printing Cujae. Republic of Cuba.Nava Urostiegui Juan Manuel. (2013). Customer Satisfaction Index (ISC). Argentine Standard IRAM-SECTUR 42200. (2008). Hospitality Quality, safety and environmental management system. Requirements First edition. Argentine Standard IRAM-SECTUR 42800. (2008). Restaurants: Quality and environment management system.Requirements First edition.Plasencia Soler Juan Antonio. (2007, March 22). Principles of process-based management. Recovered from http://www.gestiopolis.com/principios-de-la-gestion-basadaen-procesos/Vargas Sánchez Alfonso, Rosa M. Vaca Acosta and Elena García de Soto Camacho. Hotel Business Sustainability: Indicators for its measurement (Environmental Responsibility).

Practical Hotel Quality Manual for hotels and rural accommodation.

Estimate provided by the Head of reception.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) = Corporate social responsibility (CSR). 4 Excellence = Quality.

Manual of Safety and Hygiene in Hospitality and Gastronomy.

Sustainable Management in Hotels: Requirements, specifications and sustainability criteria.

Manual of Good Practices in Service Management for Accommodation Establishments.

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Process management applied to the administration of a hotel in Argentina