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Management by processes and technical change in the company


Some time ago, on this same site, we wrote about New Organizational Forms and the management of human resources between the values ​​of being and having, hinting at the need for radical and revolutionary changes within organizations.

We said "… that NFOs must be identified in our society, in ways that go beyond the technical content of the work process, that go beyond the implementation of such or more than changes, transformations, improvements, controls, or management systems, and that these technical elements, in addition to being thought, designed and applied in close interrelation and interdependence with the social and psychological elements of people and groups, their needs and interests, must also be subordinated to the social sense of the proposals. ” (Alhama, 2006).

There is no other way to carry out the technical changes, and to overcome the contradictions between the concrete individual interests and the common interests, in which relations of "mutual dependence of the individuals between whom the work appears divided" are established. But the technical elements not only continue to be separated from the social ones, but the changes of the technical elements themselves often do not have an internal cohesion.


That is what we want to refer to, and the most visible example today is what has been happening in practice with Processes and the Process-Based Approach, as a form of integration superior to traditional organizational and organizational approaches and models.

Above all, and what we consider most important, what we always alert, and almost always, or is not understood, or is understood and circumvented, or is only partially applied, is to underline that with the application of processes as a way of integration beyond the traditional workplace, the whole Organization is interested; not only to a function, an area or an activity, but to all the functions, the form of the groups and the interrelationships that are established, in a word, the direction and management of the Organization.

"It is a matter, then, of reaching forms that introduce radical changes both in the Structure of Production or services, as in the Structure of Control and Coordination, as in the Organizational Structure, with changes in traditional roles of responsibility and authority of" leaders "and "Directed"; which is like saying, in the social structure of the organization, with the widest cooperative participation, decision-making of people and personal development ”(Alhama, 2006).

Perhaps where deficiencies, insufficiencies and hybrids are most visible today is in the case of the so-called Knowledge Organizations, which often identify themselves only with technological advances in information technology and telecommunications, and that when applying the approach on processes, unfortunately, they are based more times than can be thought, on traditional forms of organization and management of processes and people, but on a mass of hard technology; even, with results, sometimes superior economic and productive, which also serves as an argument for not changing everything that has to be changed, and without visualizing that the results could be much higher. And without visualizing, that these productive and economic results bring counterproductive social and psychological results,highly stressful for people, which in the long run are inoperative and dysfunctional for the Organization.

Returning to the above, it is not understood that if the ISO 9000 Standard describes the foundations of quality management systems and specifies the terminology for quality management systems; if the process is defined as “a set of mutually related or interacting activities, which transform input elements into results…”; If the process-based approach relates resources, technology and people more efficiently, with greater rationality, all this does not contribute to greater efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.

And why is this?

Simply because the systematic identification and management of the processes used in the organization and in particular the interactions between such processes, known as a "process-based approach", remains in that, in the preparation and presentation of documentation and procedures, and when it passes from this, it does not get to bring about nor do they get to promote the necessary changes from the structure of the organization, understood this like network of relations and groups, with the real changes in the direction and its functions.

In order for a current organization to function dynamically, in an integrated, effective and efficient way, and for the organization, or any of its parts as a whole, to respond, which implies that each structural part contains the essence of the global organization, It recommends identifying and managing the many activities, which are fragmented, in an interrelated way. Of course, this implies greater and broader generic and technical preparation and skills.

Although it is not the object of this article, we must remember that: “The labor markets of the Latin American region are subject to profound restructuring processes and there are trends towards greater heterogeneity and polarization. Studies at the aggregate level have identified some dynamics, which give guidelines to these trends; but many aspects of such "processes" are still not well understood in their character and scope. "

"At the center of these processes are modifications in the characteristics of labor demand, caused by technological and organizational changes", which cause both increases in the training ("upskilling") of the workforce - although "only" in “A limited proportion of occupations” - such as their reduction (“deskilling”); with the effect that "inequality in the world of work tends to deepen" (Raithelhuber, A. and Weller, J., 2005).

With this, what we remember are the conditions in which the Latin American economy is facing the generation of jobs in quantity and quality, with historically high unemployment rates, as well as increasing computerization and sustained precariousness of working conditions.

And so they have to respond to technical and organizational changes, which are increasingly demanding in terms of:

  • Greater interdependence between activities and functions, which requires personnel with a higher level of skills and attitudes. Human resources policies and actions that privilege the contributions of workers, of all workers, which in turn implies multipurpose tasks, of flexible and interchangeable content, which must necessarily be based on training by competencies, and remuneration by competencies. Human resources policies that consolidate labor relations, sustained by expanding the social base of management of the organization. Improving productivity, Increasing efficiency first becomes a technical activity that needs to be worked on from a social point of view, and with the workers who know the processes best.

This is complicated day by day, as the activities have higher operational demands, to which the traditional functional approach, which is carried out in a fragmentary and disjointed way, does not respond. It also implies a radical change in the management and direction of activities, not only at the level of specific processes, but at the level of the entire global organization, which in turn must redirect and integrate by processes.

If the process is a set of mutually related activities that interact, the most important concept is INTEGRATION, but not the traditional integration at the level of each job, but rather interrelation and interaction between the various jobs and activities. It has not yet reached the level of integration of work systems, but obviously implies a more detailed integration than the traditional one at the individual job level.

If the application of processes within the organization gives you the advantage of continuous control over the links between functional activities, which are organized by processes, so that interlinkages and interactions between them take on maximum importance, obviously controls cannot be continue wearing in the same traditional way.

And this has new implications for the management of the processes and of the entire organization, the management "from" the "Senior Management" is really falling short, and the controls, which concern everyone so much, must start with self-control, to which requires a superior understanding and preparation of the workers, which allows continuous improvement to really lead to innovation.

Change management, which is becoming increasingly important every day, is increasingly based on Learning, Participation, Ability to Commit and practical experience, leading to collective synergies. And each and every one of these concepts are and are based on concepts of the social dimension.


Among the principles that govern the application of process management are the following:

  • Stakeholder satisfaction, which requires information regarding the parties' perception and the evaluation of the available information. The issue of the needs of the parties, in the broad sense of the term, of having and of being, for the initial impulse and for the consolidation, is fundamental.Application of the approach at all levels, including leadership, from (to) the base. Firm commitment of the Board of Directors. Vertical and horizontal communication, effective and unimpeded. Consistency in the achievement of the objectives and a shared vision of the organization by all the workers. All workers participate in the determination of the objectives and consolidation of the goals, allowing the alignment of the strategy with the operational part. It is a principle that is said,but it is rarely carried out beyond the formal.

The process-based approach implies that the entity must obtain positive results in its efficiency and effectiveness. To ensure the results, it is vital to generate and establish processes with control and feedback mechanisms that allow possible deviations to be corrected beforehand.

For a set of linked activities to lead to a certain result, it is necessary to define and control the process of which they are part. The importance of directing and controlling a process is that it is not possible to act directly on the results, since the process leads to them.

The implementation of process management has been revealed as one of the most effective management improvement tools for all types of entities.

To do this, management must provide the entity with a flexible structure, with the highest degree of coordination, that allows it to fulfill the mission and the established vision.

The results of a process must have added value with respect to the inputs and can directly constitute input elements of the following process, as the following graph shows:

The following figure illustrates the ISO 9001 model of a process-based quality management system and reflects the integration of the four basic pillars of the ISO 9001 standard, which in turn can be considered as pillars of the process approach, namely:

  • Management Responsibility Resource management Product realization or service provision Measurement, analysis and improvement.

It allows to demonstrate, by means of cycles, the vertical and horizontal integration of the processes, but if this is understood and faces only as a technical task, of procedures to follow, without changes in the HR policy and operation, it will not be reaches consolidation, and often not even the initial stage.

The processes in the entity

To adopt a process-based approach, the entity must identify each and every one of the activities it performs in detail.

The graphic, ordered and sequential representation of all activities or groups of activities is called a Process Map. It serves to have a clear vision of the activities that add value to the product / service obtained as a result of the process. The entire entity must intervene in its preparation, through a multidisciplinary team with the presence of specialists and knowledgeable workers of the different processes.

An important feature of the processes, which is manifested in the map, is that the activities cannot be ordered only by hierarchy, nor limited to the departments or functional areas.

There are processes that cross the organization chart of the entity with the expected results, without strictly following traditional functional relationships.

The entity's activities are generally horizontal and affect various areas or functions as illustrated in the following graph. This "horizontal" conception (activities or processes) is opposed to the traditional "vertical" organization conception (departments or functions). This does not mean that processes replace or cancel functions, but rather that there is close coordination . But this coordination is only possible to achieve it, insofar as the vertical relationship of direction, allows a development of the horizontal relationship.

If process management consists of providing the entity with a dynamic horizontal structure, following cross-functional processes and with a clear vision of fine customer orientation, this understanding and collaboration of vertical-horizontal relationships is essential, which implies, of course, a relationship of power and authority different from the traditional ones.

The processes must be perfectly defined and documented, indicating the responsibilities of each member, and must have a person in charge and a team of people assigned.

In this context, and only by accepting these principles, is that the person in charge of the Process becomes fundamental. It is the person who, in addition to occupying a certain responsibility in the entity, and who may or may not be the functional manager of the area or one of the areas integrated in the process, is responsible for analyzing the process, improving it, evaluating it and especially obtaining its objectives.

The person responsible assumes overall responsibility for the management of the process and its continuous improvement. Therefore, you must have sufficient authority to implement the changes in the process that he or the process improvement team deems appropriate.

The processes of an organization have been grouped into three types for more than two decades, which in fact establishes not only priorities, but a conception of the organization, which is being overcome, if you really want to achieve full integration, the " everything ”of the organization, the systemic vision, a step higher than the processes, but that implies them.

Then the question should be asked if the grouping that follows is still valid, especially if you want to give a new and superior dimension to HR. or the so-called Human Capital.

Key processes.

They are the processes that have direct contact with the client (the operational processes necessary for the realization of the product / service, from which the client will perceive and value the quality: marketing, service planning, service provision, delivery, billing,…).

Strategic processes.

They are the processes responsible for analyzing needs and conditions.

Support processes.

They are the processes responsible for providing the entity with all the necessary resources in terms of people, machinery and raw materials, in order to generate the desired added value (accounting, purchasing, payroll, information systems,…). In this sense, it is necessary to emphasize how in recent years HR has been considered as part of the strategic processes.

The steps to follow to adopt a process-based approach are:

  1. Constitute a Work Team, with adequate training and analyze the entity's fundamental objectives and activities. This step goes beyond gathering a group of workers and declaring it a team.Identifying the processes, classifying them and preparing the Process Map.Determining the key factors for the entity.Developing the flow diagram of each process.Establishing the indicator panel of each process Start the control and improvement cycle based on the indicators associated with the key factors.

When, despite correctly carrying out the activities defined for the process, problems appear (complaints from the recipients, waste of resources, etc.), or it is found that the process does not adapt to what the customer needs (need to restructure the process), it is necessary to apply the improvement cycle.

An improvement action is any action intended to change the way a process is developing. These improvements should be reflected in an improvement in the process indicators. A process can be improved through creative input, imagination and a critical sense. This category includes, for example:

-simplify and eliminate bureaucracy (simplify language, eliminate duplication,…), - standardize the way of carrying out activities, - improve efficiency in the use of resources, - reduce cycle time, - value analysis, and alliances (with suppliers,…).

Continuous improvement is a structured process in which all the workers of the organization participate in order to progressively increase quality, competitiveness and productivity, increasing value for the client and increasing efficiency in the use of resources, in the bosom of a changing environment. This approach requires sufficient and necessary autonomy.

Some of the benefits derived from an adequate process improvement are:

  • Resources are reduced (material, financial, people,), increasing efficiency. Time is reduced, productivity is increased. Errors are reduced, helping to prevent them. The level of coordination between activities is increased. Teamwork is offered. A systematic vision of the activities of the entity.

Process improvement is superior to fragmented improvement of activities according to functions, because:

  • The overview of the entity's activities and the systematic analysis of the activities prevent any from being left unimproved. It allows evaluating the "added value" of each and every one of the entity's activities and, therefore, is easier try to eliminate the activities without "added value" and find a way to increase it in all the actions that already have it. It improves the "total quality" in all the activities of the entity. Since the quality is defined by the client, internal-external, and the concentration in it is maximum, this improvement helps the intended quality, coinciding many of the objectives of both. It improves relationships and communication. It does not occur spontaneously, but the fact of working with processes already implies a certain change in mentality, tending to be more participatory, more collaborative,Since you must think of the whole, the team, rather than each element, which provides a new social dimension for those who work. All this change causes an improvement in communication and relationships between workers.


Teamwork and a culture based on worker learning, responsibility, trust and commitment must be fostered. Teams must be created that are capable of managing and improving the processes in which they intervene.

When the Management really assumes the leadership of the process management, and becomes the driving force of the continuous improvement process in your entity, it must do so with the participation of all the staff.

It is necessary that each worker knows exactly what is expected of him and how his contribution to the entity's objectives will be evaluated.

Workers are in fact part of the process management, therefore they are part of the elaboration of strategies.

Management must be able to motivate and recognize its workers. Recognizing means maintaining permanent communication, based on sufficient and necessary information, and letting them know that the entity appreciates and values ​​their work and effort.

Teamwork is essential to develop processes and continuous improvement. For this, it can be based on the following proposal scheme of the Productivity Measurement and Advancement System (Simapro) by Mertens, L. (2006), which has been developing for years in the region:

All the elements are present to support change from the individual and the collective, and establish an integration at the process level, but with a clear understanding of what it means; First, a greater sense of responsibility.

To finish, it is necessary to point out and ask ourselves:

When is it going to be understood what are the interactions of the work environment and the perceived reality, together with the work content and the organizational conditions, with the needs and expectations and aspirations about reality, with motivations and values, with personal conditions and of life and job satisfaction, what can lead to the implementation of new, superior and more complex ways of working and organizing, and directing and controlling, such as processes and systems?

When will it be understood that techniques and technologies, as well as higher levels of integration, or sustained increases in productivity and efficiency, in order for them to be lastingly successful, must be preceded and accompanied, at all times, by socio-human treatment? in organizational terms, or of overcoming the alienation of socioeconomic relations, in political and economic terms?

It is not evident from the verifications carried out, especially for unskilled people, but even for qualified people, but without necessary and sufficient preparation, that the evolution or leap towards other levels of integration other than the traditional job, such as are the processes and management systems, the global organization, changes not only the objectives, but the responsibilities and the contents, because the context changes.

It is no longer about small parts, but rather larger parts or the whole that represents the Global Organization. The level is no longer individual, but group. And the manifestations and the consequences and the interrelations are, above all, of a relational and structural type. Consequently, the social and the personal take on extreme importance, before the technical; and the processes are not mere technological and technical changes.


  • Alhama, BR Alonso, AF and Martínez, NT (2005): The social dimension of the company. Essence of the new organizational forms. Social Sciences Publishing House, Havana, Alhama, BR Alonso, AF and Martínez, NT (2004): New Organizational Forms, IEIT, Havana, Katzenbach, RJ and Smith, KD (1993): The discipline of teams. Harvard Business Review.Olamendi, G.: Confianza, www.estoesmarketing.comRomero, A. (2006): Why you need to know the process analysis technique. www.tablero.decorando.comMertens, L. (2006): "Simapro: a tool for knowledge management and business competitiveness", Paper at the National Productivity Conference, Infotep-ILO-Cinterfor, Sto. Sunday.
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Management by processes and technical change in the company