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Tax glossary


Customs: Office destined to take control of the merchandise that enters and leaves the country and to collect the taxes that these merchandise cause for this traffic. AD VALOREM: English expression that means “At Value”, taxes that are applied on the value or price.

Tariff: It is the customs duty, which is charged on the value of a merchandise, when it is imported or exported.

Arbitrio: A tax decreed by law in favor of one or more municipalities.

Tax audit: It is carried out in order to verify the correct fulfillment of the tax obligations of the taxpayers.

Taxable base: Numerical value on which the tax rate is applied.

Basic basket: Set of essential goods and services to satisfy the basic needs for the well-being of all family members: food, clothing, housing, furniture, health, transportation, recreation and culture, education, and various goods and services.

Contributory capacity: Ability that a natural or legal person has to pay taxes and that is in accordance with the availability of resources available.

Tax burden: Amount that a taxpayer must disburse to determine and settle a tax.

Tax code: It is the set of rules that establish the legal-tax system.

Compensation: Form of extinction of the tax obligation, liquidating against it liquid and legally payable credits of the taxpayer for taxes and their interests, provided they are collected by the same administrative body and is done before the prescription.

Special contributions: it is the tax that has as a determinant of the generating event, direct benefits for the taxpayer, derived from the performance of public works or state services.

Special contribution for improvements: it is the one established to pay for the public work that produces a real estate capital gain and has as a limit for its collection, the total expenditure made and as an individual limit for the taxpayer, the increase in value of the property benefited.

Taxpayers: They are the individual persons, regardless of their legal capacity, according to private law and legal persons, who carry out or with respect to which the event generating the tax obligation is verified.

Tax fraud: Partial or total omission of the payment of contributions or obtain undue benefit to the detriment of the treasury.

Sworn statement: Manifestation under oath communicated to the Tax Administration, of facts that may constitute the basis for the determination of an obligation. It is presented in the form and places established by laws or regulations; usually recently through electronic forms.

Tax avoidance: It consists of the use of means used by the tax debtor to obtain a reduction in the tax burden, without breaking the law.

Tax exemption: Legal release in the fulfillment of performing the tax benefit produced by a taxable event.

Generating fact: Also called taxable fact is the budget established by law, to typify the tax and whose realization originates the birth of the tax obligation.

Tax: It is the tax that has as a generating fact, a general state activity not specifically related to the taxpayer.

Value added tax: Tax that is levied on the added value created in each phase of the marketing of a good or service.

Selective consumption tax: The tax on certain manifestations of services or consumption; as well as the consumption of goods considered luxury.

Foreign trade tax : These are taxes or customs duties that are imposed on a country's imports and exports (In Guatemala exports are not taxed).

Income tax: Tax on income or income received by individuals and companies or companies.

Direct tax: Whose effect and incidence are verified in the taxpayer himself, not existing the possibility of being transferred.

Specific taxes: Are those that are applied taking into account the amount of the good subject to the payment of the tax.

Indirect taxes: These are taxes that fall on the production, transfers and consumption of goods or services and is characterized by being transferable.

Progressive taxes: When the percentage of income that goes to paying taxes increases as the level of income increases.

Proportional taxes: When the income level destined to the tax payment is constant or independently of the income level.

Regressive taxes: It is when the percentage of income destined to the payment of the tax decreases as the income level of the taxpayers increases.

Corporation taxes: It is a direct tax of a personal nature that taxes the income (or profit of each financial year calculated in accordance with the law) of companies and other legal entities not subject to income tax on individuals.

Wealth tax: They fall on the manifestations of the wealth of taxpayers, expressed in tangible and intangible personal and immovable property.

Inheritance and donation tax: This is the tax on all transfers of movable and immovable property due to death or donation, whether by direct effect of the law or by the last will of the deceased or donor, regardless of whether said movable and immovable property is within or outside the country.

Inflation: Generalized and persistent rise Jan. Level of domestic prices of the economy.

Tax infraction: It is any action or omission that implies violation of tax regulations of a substantial or formal nature, constitutes an infraction that will be sanctioned by the Tax Administration.

Central government current income: These are the income from taxes, non-tax income and current transfers from public companies.

Tax revenue: They are all the monetary resources that the State receives through the application of the laws that support the collection of taxes, fees, surcharges, etc. As well as the income derived from the vein of goods and services, donations and loans.

Tax laws: Are those that indicate and determine the subjects, objects, bases, rates or tax rates in compliance with the constitutional provisions of contribution to public spending.

Default: It is the payment of the tax obligation made by the taxpayer after the period established by law.

Tax obligation: It constitutes a legal link, of a personal nature, between the Tax Administration and other public entities that are creditors of the tax and its taxpayers.

Tax pressure: It is the relationship that exists between the amount of taxes borne by individuals, an economic sector or the entire nation and their amount of wealth or income.

Gross Domestic Product –GDP-: Represents the total value of current production of final goods and services within the country's geographical borders during a certain period of time, which may be quarterly or annual.

Gross income: Includes all gross income from any source that originates, adjusted taking into account the fiscal cost of goods or services.

Net taxable income: It is the gross income reduced by deductions, on which the tax will be applied.

Informal sector: It is the set of economic units dedicated to the commercial production of goods or services, which do not comply with legal regulations (fiscal, labor, administrative, commercial, etc.) that work on a small scale with an administrative and work organization. rudimentary and that there is no precise separation between capital and labor.

Informal economy: It is a national product, a product that, for lack of declaration and / or under-declaration, is not measured in official statistics.

Tax system: It is the name applied to the tax or collection system of a country. It consists of the establishment, collection and administration of internal taxes and duties and those derived from foreign trade that are collected in the country, in addition to administering customs and tax inspection services.

Subsidies: This is the State's way of financially supporting a certain sector, in order to make a good less expensive.

Active subject: It is the State or the public entity that owes the tax.

Taxable person is the person liable to comply with the tax benefits can be as taxpayers or responsible.

Rate: Amount or percentage to be applied to the tax base to determine the tax.

Taxation: It is the set of obligations that citizens must perform on their incomes, properties, goods and services that they provide, for the benefit of the State, for their support and the supply of services, such as defense, transportation, communications, education, housing etc.

Tribute: They are the benefits commonly in money that the State demands in exercise of its tax power, in order to obtain resources for the fulfillment of its purposes. Taxes, taxes, special contributions and contributions for improvements are tributes.


Godson, Manuel and Aguer, Mario. Dictionary of Economics and Business. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide, 196. 678 p.

García Vizcaíno, Catalina. Tax law, economic and legal considerations. 2 ed. Spain: Palma, 1999.

Thematic guide to the informal economy. Colombia: Banco De la República, Consumer's price index. Guatemala: INE, 2003. 50 p.

Jímenez González, Antonio. Tax law lessons. Spain: ECAFSA, 1992.

López López, José Isaura. Fiscal administrative accounting dictionary. 3rd ed. Mexico: ECAFSA, 2001. 350 p.

Puches, Jorge M., Viana, Max F. Tax dictionary and related topics. Honduras: Guardabarranco, 1996. 375 p.

Sachs, Jeffrey and Larraín, Felipe. Macroeconomy in the global economy. Mexico: Prentice Hall, 1994. 789 p.

Tax glossary